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Topic: Random Chat (Read 488376 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1550
Yep! It gave me somewhere to put my beer.  :cheers:
It gave me somewhere to put an ashtray while I smoke a cigarette and play at the same time :D

It took pixel perfect jumping to avoid those barrels, something that I could barely master for some reason.
Somehow I figured out the 'timing' so jumping over the barrels was the basic and easy part. That is, if you haven't reached the level that has killer birds with fire breath. So you have to jump over the barrels, dodge other monsters and avoid those killer birds at the same time :lol: But I could never avoid those incoming missiles in Galaxian :whistle:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1552
I played some Mario on an old NES at a friend's.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1553
That is, if you haven't reached the level that has killer birds with fire breath.
Never ever got that far in the game, I was doing well if I got past level 2. That didn't stop me from trying though
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1554
I've heard too many accidents related to pressure cooker.

I think they are much safer than they used to be these days, I certainly hope they are anyway.
My mother used to use one when we were kids, I always made sure I was nowhere near the kitchen when she used it, as it didn't ever look like a safe place to be  My youngest sister was absolutely terrified of it, which meant much teasing by me.   :devil:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1555
I think they are much safer than they used to be these days, I certainly hope they are anyway.
At my local supermarket there's a variety of cooking pots and Slow Cooker, but I haven't seen any pressure cooker. I guess those aren't popular here, or the market consider Slow Cooker to be safer or more popular nowadays.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1556
I haven't seen any pressure cooker.
That does surprise me. Maybe they are classed as dangerous things and they keep them under lock and key.   ;)
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1558
Quote from: Luxor
The one we have is fine.

Do you like the Slow Cooker? I've thought of getting one, but I don't have several hours to spare waiting for it to cook unless it's my day off :sherlock:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1559
Do you like the Slow Cooker?
Yes, but we only really use it in the winter time as it is ideal for making casseroles and soup.

I've thought of getting one, but I don't have several hours to spare waiting for it to cook
You could prepare things the night before (always my preferred method), then chuck everything in the slow cooker just before you head off for work in the morning. You would have a nice hot casserole or soup ready for you when you get home.  :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1560
Do you like the Slow Cooker?
Yes, but we only really use it in the winter time as it is ideal for making casseroles and soup.

I've thought of getting one, but I don't have several hours to spare waiting for it to cook
You could prepare things the night before (always my preferred method), then chuck everything in the slow cooker just before you head off for work in the morning. You would have a nice hot casserole or soup ready for you when you get home.  :yes:
That's a great idea :D Unfortunately I worry about leaving cooking stuff unattended because I live by myself. :whistle:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1561
Unfortunately I worry about leaving cooking stuff unattended because I live by myself.  :whistle:
They are quite safe to leave unattended all day, I would even go as far to say that that's what they are intended for.
If it's on all day you would be cooking things for a long time on a very low heat, so it's not going to go on fire or anything. You would obviously follow any safety advice such as not below a cupboard or leaving cloths near it and have it properly filled. You probably leave your fridge  unattended all day, so i doubt that a slow cooker would be any more dangerous.  :)
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1562
You probably leave your fridge  unattended all day, so i doubt that a slow cooker would be any more dangerous.
True, good to know :up: I might consider getting one in the winter :) I suppose you shouldn't cook raw meat or raw poultry in it since it cooks on low temperature :sherlock:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1563
I suppose you shouldn't cook raw meat or raw poultry in it since it cooks on low temperature  :sherlock:
I always brown the meat or poultry before I put it in the slow cooker, as that locks in the flavour and it just looks better. If your cooking things on a low heat then that can take 8 hours or more, If I do a casserole on low temperature it would be cooking for 10 or 12 hours, so raw meat or poultry isn't really a problem. But as I say, it looks better if you have browned it off first.

A lot of slow cookers now have an automatic setting (ours doesn't) which cooks things on high temperature to start with then reduces the heat once it's cooked (4 or 5 hours) to keep it warm until you are ready to eat it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1564
I suppose you shouldn't cook raw meat or raw poultry in it since it cooks on low temperature  :sherlock:
Actually the safe temperature for meat is something like 60°C, so provided that temperature is reached within a couple of hours (and it is) you'll be fine. The only problem with slow cookers I'm aware of is beans, as the lectins require higher temperature to break down (see e.g. here). Apparently being cooked at 70-80°C can make beans even more poisonous than when eaten raw.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1565
A lot of slow cookers now have an automatic setting (ours doesn't) which cooks things on high temperature to start with then reduces the heat once it's cooked (4 or 5 hours) to keep it warm until you are ready to eat it.
That's what I'm looking for :yes: So that I can make  homemade beef stew instead of heating up an instant beef stew that comes in cans/tins.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1566
Actually the safe temperature for meat is something like 60°C, so provided that temperature is reached within a couple of hours (and it is) you'll be fine.
Oh yeah, when I buy raw chicken at the supermarket it comes with a label that says the chicken should be cooked at 180°F (80°C) and the temperature after the chicken is cooked should be about 160°F (60°C). :)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1567
So that I can make  homemade beef stew instead of heating up an instant beef stew that comes in cans/tins.
You could do what I do and make a full pot of stew and freeze the rest. Then you will only need to heat it up when you fancy having it (you need to defrost it first though), much better than any tin of stew you will ever buy.  :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1568
You could do what I do and make a full pot of stew and freeze the rest. Then you will only need to heat it up when you fancy having it (you need to defrost it first though), much better than any tin of stew you will ever buy. :yes:
That's right! :D But for some reason my leftovers in the fridge always taste weird the next day, so I prefer to cook fresh meal :)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1569
But for some reason my leftovers in the fridge always taste weird the next day,
Blame the chef.  :P
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1570
Weird? What kind of containers do you put them in? Although I can't really think of anything that should taste weird… maybe copper or aluminum. :P


Re: Random Chat

Reply #1572
Ahem, nope. I blame that cheap refrigerator  :P
I know, right. In the previous apartment we had some kind of el cheapo Turkish POS fridge. Although new, it was retro in all the wrong ways. Uneven temperature, ice formation at the back, etc. without any cool looks. In this apartment we had to get our own fridge, so we got one of the nicer Samsung refrigerators and even stuff like milk in the door lasts over two freaking weeks. It's amazing what a good refrigerator can do for you.

Also in the old fridge, cutting up some feta or something would go bad (i.e., start growing mold) within a few days. No such thing in this one. We'll have to see about durability yet (it's going on a year and a half), but as far as cooling and electricity use goes this thing is amazing.

I put them back in the aluminum tin container that came with it  :whistle:
If you're not kidding I'm pretty sure you should stick it in glass or plastic instead, 'cause aluminum might start reacting or giving off flavor or whatever. :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1573
Yeah! I would dump the aluminium and get yourself some plastic containers.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #1574
Uneven temperature, ice formation at the back, etc.
That's right! My refrigerator always create a massive ice formation at the back, and the only way to get rid of that ice is by turning off the refrigerator. :whistle:

Yup, I bought a couple of plastic microwaveable containers today so I'm good to go. :)