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Topic: Medal puzzlement (Read 10785 times)

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #25
It's actually quite funny how worked up you've gotten over this.

I'd like to continue rattling the cage but you've already looped your statement twice. I literally just looked this up and got more information than you've provided out of one article. Of course there was no mention of the man's attire. More important things like the withholding benefits were mentioned.

Small minds get stuck on small things I guess.

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #26
I will make it blunt. Most of the time you post out of either ignorance or stupidity, but in this case you are mired in both.
You have no idea what you are talking about and should realise it, admit it, and shut the hell up.


Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #27

I will make it blunt. Most of the time you post out of either ignorance or stupidity, but in this case you are mired in both.
You have no idea what you are talking about and should realise it, admit it, and shut the hell up.


Jimbro--- could I trouble you to quote something I actually wrote?? I'm reasonably certain I didn't write the piece above.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #28
He got close, mjmHere's the post he wanted. (Perhaps he was using a tablet?)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #29
Well mjsmsprt40 you put yourself in the same corner as that ignorant Aussie. You have no sense at all. I voice a direct opinion on a subject whether liked or not and do answer people but he doesn't. Instead of an answer he will just spit out venom and bile and you are in the same conceit corner as him. Just shows that you folk read a couple of books (hope with pictures to ease the strain) and think anyone direct or different is hell on earth. You simply ally to his mouthings so next time you say it is time to shut up make sure you are looking in the mirror. Time after time you have mouthed off on past matters and don't know what the heck you are saying and when corrected you ignore it.  Like your pal you go take a jump in the river because you are getting to be a carbon copy. Repeatedly when hit with something you just do a body-swerve or slag off because incapability to answer like him is the norm. Wee fish in a big pond comes to mind and Laurel and hardy have made a comeback.

Seeing you are so enthralled with a damn forum of all things unimportant I will see if you can get sent a Purple Heart.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #30
Howie, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! But you haven't the capacity…

I have never known mjm to prevaricate or refuse to consider evidence or argument.
Just shows that you folk read a couple of books (hope with pictures to ease the strain) […]
In all the time I've known you, you've only mentioned two books — one of which, you proudly proclaimed, had a great many pictures!

You're a donkey, sir!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #31

Well mjsmsprt40 ,

Reading comprehension and going back to see who said what never was a strong suit for you, was it? Did you really think I said that stuff in Jimbro's misquote?

Now I make this public, since RJH has already made my private messages to him somewhat less private. Personal attacks are frowned on in just about every forum I know of, most forums have some form of dealing with infractions up to and including banning. Argue the merits or lack thereof concerning giving medals all day long--- that's what this thread is about. It is NOT about attacking somebody because he might or might not have convicts somewhere in his ancestry. It's debatable whether or not that is even true--- people have gone to Australia to live long since Britain stopped sending their undesirables there. Last I heard Australia is a great place to live with much to recommend it, so going to live there doesn't necessarily imply bad lineage. Even if somebody IS the offspring of long-ago convicts--- so what? If that person hasn't broken laws today he's not guilty of his father's sins is he? Or are you better than God that you can hold a man guilty through the generations?
Incidentally--- I DID read TT's responses here in this thread---- he has a point. Trying to bring this subject up and make a big deal out of it purely to rub America's nose in it yet again is ignorant. There--- happy now?

Now--- back to the business of the medals. Personal opinion: I don't see anything wrong with this awarding.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #32
Oh dear am I dealing with a child mentality regarding you mjsmsprt40?? Yet again you quite deliberately misuse my genuine and fair thread about a medal. Why morph that into a ranting attack on America excuse? I applauded the place of the medal and that it is a reasonable view that no-combatants should NOT get such an important honour having really done, well, nothing. Even your own military was of the same view for a long time then the corporate politicians on the Hill changed the conditions. How did you manage to warp that into an onslaught on America? You really need to get a grip and because you don't like my views on your policies you into a small mind position. It is almost unbelievable what you have come out with yourself. I am sure there will be people in your country who have qualms about the way th Purple Heart was used so are you going to bring back the Un=American Activities Committee from the 1950's to condemn them? Yiu really need to get a grip.

This in turn makes it easy for you to come to the corner of tt92 as if the poor man was defenceless. I gave a support for the medal and queried the change and he goes into his usal attitude of not answering a fair question and you get into a hug with him. Try acting maturely instead of with blinkers. At no time did I spit blood or as you imply go mad so take a look at the mental mirror when you stop hugging the man who portrays ignorance and slagging stuff himself instead of answering. And oh by the way, I still support the Purple Heart medal.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #33
Beyond the silliness about honor and attire that you've brought up, the issue seems to be if and how many benefits they should get.

If you read this and wanted to be an asshole you could say, " [...]and combat-related special compensation for retired soldiers disabled in the attack." is too far. But other earlier articles mentioned benefits being withheld and years of trying to get anything. So may be these people got run thru the mud more than was called for.

Nevertheless, wounded vets seem to be getting benefits that can help them move on after experiencing something I wouldn't want to. How they are hurt may not be so easy as physical wounds so I'm willing to let the powers that be decide on this one. Totally cool with it. I seriously doubt a combat derived Purple Heart recipient would tell these people they don't deserve it. If formality is your only concern you've missed the point by a mile.


Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #34
So not getting shot deserves such an important medal?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #35
Who said that?

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #36
So not getting shot deserves such an important medal?

RJ, did you watch the video and/or read the story you linked to in your opening post? It seems not…
Typical. (Reminds me of Ruth Buzzy's bit on SNL's Weekend Update where she -as a Fairness Doctrine rebutter- disagreed that "there was too much sax and violins on TV"… The "anchor" whispered in her ear, and she ended with a simple "Never mind.")

Those who were shot and killed received the medal; those who were shot and survived their wounds did.
What is your problem?

The euphemism "work-place violence" was a canard… The Obama administration shamefully used it to minimize the perception of blow-back from their coddling of Islamists — for who knows what reasons. (I've never quite understood the current administration; but I'll grant that the previous one might have made a similar determination…)
What makes you happy with that description -"work-place violence"- of the event, I wonder?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #37
Well your military is also the problem now Oakdale. People who were not in a battlefield but get shot get an important top medal? It is utterly ludicrous and it takes away from soliders who actually suffered on a battlefield. It is not sensible but then the s;most daft attitude to the military does not help.  What is next I wonder - over 350 soliders a year commit sucicide so maybe if their solider pals seen that happening they should get one? You already give out a lower medal to those sitting at a computre controlling drones so for goodness sake get rea.

The Purple Heart is meant to be an important award but the way you deal with medals is becoming ludicrous. When you look at old age pensioners in Russia who served in the old red Army weighed down with a jacket so covered you can hardly see the colour of the apparel there you are"

I still say that the Purple Heart was above the incident that happened. If you were so immature on medals why not something lesser than that one? The habit has been a dishing out of awards so lightly that it becomes a poor norm. Anyone standing back from this event with a degree of decency would see that to compare thoe concerned with soldiers in a tough battlefield for hours or days is something very different. Part of the problem i fear is this mawkish deference to uniforms. There is no problem in principle of appreciating armed forces defending a country and awarding those who deserve special acknowledgement but this detraction is almost on the ridiculous. The Purple Heart IS meant to be special and in a campaign not what happened involving one of your own in the same uniform damn it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #38
I wonder what other veterans have to say about this. So far, I haven't heard any other veterans complaining that these people got awards they didn't deserve. Maybe I haven't seen the right papers--- who knows?

Today we live in a world where you don't have set-piece battles like in WW2. You have terrorist acts that happen wherever, whenever. That means the incident at Ft Hood qualifies today as a "battlefield" because that's the way terrorists fight. We're taking forever it seems to realize this, but we are coming around to the idea that a terrorist battlefield is---- wherever and whenever.

I did read the article RJH links to in the opening post. Those soldiers should have gotten those medals a long time ago.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #40
You already give out a lower medal to those sitting at a computre controlling drones so for goodness sake get rea.

Let me translate that into English, for the un-initiated: Howie says,
You already give out a lower medal to those sitting at a computer controlling drones! So, for goodness-sake, get real.

There's a gross (and idiotic) misconception about drone pilots: That they are mere video gamers with access to real munitions… In fact, most (if not all, by now…) are fully qualified and experienced pilots — of real aircraft, such as bombers, fighter/bombers and fighters.
Anyone who's smart enough can figure out why.
For RJ: They gosh-darn need to actually know how to fly! :)

If these "drone jockeys" get medals, they've earned them.

If you ever get a medal, you've buggered likely done something you shouldn't-a ought-a! :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #42
No you are totally wrong Oakdale about people sitting at a damn computer flying drones.  Utterly ludicrous and kind of detracts from military process to have a medal for that. Ridiculous is potting it mildly and that there are mindsets that think it was  great to give a Purple Heart to people that didn't get killed is head shaking. Wouldn't happen in many other sensible military establishments. So you can guff away playing with words but it detracts from the purpose of that particular medal. That would be like us giving out the Victoria Cross for the same and that would definitely not happen here. but there gain we don't play at soldiers.  The Purple Heart should be for battlefields not this nonsense. And you also of course ignore that clown who turned up looking as if he was on holiday.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #43

I do have to say tt92 you are the most arrogant, conceited, stuck up, pig ignorant, big-headed balloon here. I raised a reasonable subject in this thread but your boorish attitude says much. Indeed the idea was to keep the proper standard up for a battlefield honour. In bashing you only add to the above description I have for you.  You rarely answer even any reasonable stance but instead go ape and spit out venom and sneering nothingness. The very ignorance and stupidity you accuse is so self evident in yourself and never mentally grown up. Whatever your ancestors got sent to a penal colony in Australia for I do not know but if they still had them you would be in one covered in a straight jacket and a gag on your mouth. You know neither how to express an opinion view or debate. If you don't like a subject or an answer you cannot even deliver anything outside of a childish, immature mindset. Don't know how your family created this or your education but both are lacking. Have a break get out the city and into the Outback and chat to the sheep.  :yes:

Wut the BeJisis!!??

Who put shit in your mailbox today Robert??

You old tart, just because the young lil boys don't think of you as attractive nowadays, & have stopped cuming around, don't get your panties in such a twist!

Like I said elsewhere, you're probably just one bowel movement (or cerebral hemorrhage  --  Concerning you it's the same location) you're probably just one bowel movement away from sainthood! 

As far as medals are concerned, in this case they're   OUR medals, & we need not explain how or why we give them out to a lowly pond scum      wanker like yourself.

Re: Medal puzzlement

Reply #45
Who-ho don't take honours. I would never give that distinction to an Irish Socialist terrorist supporter. They should all go to America and join the millions of Smileys and know there are plenty of head shrinkers to help them. I wil give you this. You do have a land of contrasts in that there are normal, sensible Americans who are overshadowed by the nutjobs.
"Quit you like men:be strong"