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Topic: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland? (Read 148570 times)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #350
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement.
(from Wikipedia)

Let's see: In a thread titled What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland? you harangue America for her faults… In a thread about our posting habits at DnD, you harangue America for her faults… In a thread about the decline of religion in Europe, you harangue America for her faults…
In fact, Howie, I can't remember a thread where you didn't harangue America for her faults… As you see them, of course! :)
How do you not fit the definition of "troll"?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #351
The word is being misused and not just by you by the way. I stand by what I have repeatedly said about a list of very much in the face negatives about the country because it boasts as does it's politicians with the brained sheering them on that everything about the place is brilliant.The word 'principle' is ignored. In the Opera Forum I gave a list of the most glaring contradictions to that constitution and the glaring two-faced historical and modern hypocrisy. Not one gave an answer to any one of them but instead danced round the list or searched a round for something else elsewhere rather than try and demolish my stance. In doing the items in this forum you would have thought they might get off the bum and try and dismiss the matter but nope. Instead you get the troll rubbish and the even more diabolic fact they cannot answer.

A while back I said I had been interviewed for 15 minutes by BBCRadio had a chapter in a bok written on me from someone from a university held public office, met important people, spoke at public meetings and so on. The one thing I do challenge myself on is why I bothered to continue bothering with this forum. Having spent time with some of the hoi-polloi here in mental straight jackets has been gracious of me and I will sit back and relax when the butler brings in a nice glass of diet Irn Bru.  :drunk:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #352
Vasaloppet is going on right now.



Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #353
Ants in pilgrimage to the Goddess Fitness.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #354
Haha. Many people have said Sweden can be a boring place so maybe a local effort to do well, something?!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #355

Are you somewhere in the video?

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #357
It says that the video is not available at my location. Yet another website to whom a part of EU is third world.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #358
It isn't here either, most likely because of licensing agreements with local stations. Annoyingly, that probably just means Dutch-language Comedy Central (where I can actually watch it on the web here in amazing 360p, while the American site has much higher quality streams). But because they implemented their geoblocking somewhat half-heartedly, youtube-dl has no issues downloading the program.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #359

It says that the video is not available at my location. Yet another website to whom a part of EU is third world.

Don't get annoyed Ersi. :)
Nor is it available for Germany:
Please also note that you are accessing a site which is designed for and targeted to U.S. audiences and is governed by and operated in accordance with U.S. laws.

Besides, the assholes are making use of the browsers' local storage - for whatever reason.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #360
The German site doesn't geoblock me either, see ( doesn't work yet as of writing this)

Technologically it's obviously the same as the Dutch site.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #361
If something it's uploaded to the internet it should be available to everyone using the internet.
When content is restricted based in geographical divisions then that's not the internet but mynet, yournet, theirnet.

We could block DnD to our American friends and state some imbecility as Please also note that you are accessing a site which is designed for and targeted to EU. audiences and is governed by and operated in accordance with EU. laws.

Then we could reach paradise with Please also note that you are accessing a site which is designed for and targeted to Frenzie audience and is governed by and operated in accordance with Frenzie laws.
That way no one could access it. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #362
Almost half of Icelandic nation now want the Pirate Party

In a time of massive political unrest in Iceland, the open-democracy party has extended its lead as the nation’s most popular choice for the next general elections, with a record of 43% support.

The current government parties – beleaguered by the current worldwide Panama Papers scandal – lose out in this latest poll.

21.6% percent would vote for the Independence Party, 11.2% for the Left-Green Movement, 10.2% for the Social Democratic Alliance, 7.9% for the Progressive Party, and 3.8% for Bright Future.

According to its manifesto, the Pirate Party stands for direct democracy, freedom of information and civil and political rights.

15.5% of people said they would not vote, 14% were undecided and 13.9% would not give an answer.

A new Gallup survey published yesterday showed that 81% of Icelanders want Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson to walk the plank.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #363
I'm impressed. But of course an opposition party often does better than a governing party.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #364
Just wait until it becomes the governing party. :left:

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #365
Panama Papers: Could Pirate Party 'poetician' Birgitta Jonsdottir be Iceland's next PM?
A poet and pirate offers alternative for Iceland

I don't know her, and haven't met her, but I remember her as the sensible one in the Wikileaks outfit, and as parliamentarian, working for Iceland as a safe haven (and thus the perfect locale for data centres), and IMMI.

The International Modern Media Institute was founded in 2011 with the aim of bringing together the best functioning laws in relation to freedom of information, expression and speech, reflecting the reality of borderless world and the challenges that it imposes locally and globally in the 21st century.

The institute is founded first and foremost on the back of its namesake parliamentary resolution (Icelandic Modern Media Initiative) which was unanimously adopted in the Icelandic Parliament 16th of June 2010, with the aim of making Iceland a journalistic safe haven, protecting both freedom of expression as well as freedom of information. The parliamentary resolution has received great support for it is obvious we need a new standard to implement not only in Iceland but also around the world.

Oh, and Icelandic citizenship for Snowden. That certainly will go down well with President Clinton.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #366
Why no nipping at that two-faced corporate President of disastrous Ukraine?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #367
For what's going on in Sweden, you can call and find out.


A journalist did, for a dream date: Sweden Just Got Its Own Phone Number. A Funny Thing Happened When We Called It
So, how did the three phone calls go yesterday?
So, there was one from Turkey from a woman who didn't speak too much English. So, that was a fairly brief conversation. It was cut off. I don't know whether she hung up, or what happened. Then there was a guy from Britain. An engineer from Britain. And we had a long chat for about 10 minutes. He just asked about what life is like in Sweden, etc. And the third caller just hung up. So, I think there are a lot of people, like you, they just call to see if this actually works. So, for full disclosure, I should let you know that I'm a reporter for the Associated Press, the news agency. And I'm writing a story about this. I just signed up for the service to see how it works, and how many calls I would receive. Just to really understand how they set it up.
[Laughs] Right, OK. So, this is supposed to be a tourism campaign, and we have one journalist calling another journalist.
[Laughs] Yeah, I'm not sure that's what they intended! Which magazine do you work for?
I'm with Adweek.
OK. Cool.

:heart: And Twitter handles were exchanged.  :heart:

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #368
American warship near Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg) wondering why Russian fighter jets got all nervous.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #369
Didn't take that thing when it happened too seriously and there was probably a bit of satirical play at the "exercise." It is a change as it is normally a US military ploy such as in the China area for example........

It was okay for the US to fly the U2 over Russia decades ago as if a divine right.?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #371
I suppose you saw blacks for the first time in your life. Even worst, illegal blacks.
Yep, worse than expected.  :lol:
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #372
The words after the colon are the words of the blacks. They said that.

Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #373
The words after the colon are the words of the blacks. They said that.
Course they say, they want Germany, not Estonia, not Portugal.
A matter of attitude.


Re: What's going on in Scandinavia, North Atlantic, Baltic States and Scotland?

Reply #374
You folks are going to destroy yourselves, even after all the help the U.S. has given you… (Assuming that ersi, Howie and Belfrager are representative…! Of course, they're not. Nor am I representative of the American electorate.)

What do you do against ISIS and Russia…? Putin and al Bagadii?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)