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Topic: Same Sex Marriage (Read 58327 times)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #150
Eating off the other male's offspring also exists in nature, therefore it's okay, right?
No pleasing some. First you claim directly and indirectly homosexuality is unnatural and this is your retort to the response it isn't.

Treating nature as a religion or behavioural guide is unnatural and misguided. Those who do pick extremely selective lessons from it. Nature doesn't treat nature as a religion, why should we?

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #152
You can also argue that since marriage is a man made concept the benefits included are for human purposes. So the only thing to ask is, do gays need it for those purposes?
And how would you answer the question?

First you claim directly and indirectly homosexuality is unnatural and this is your retort to the response it isn't.
I may have said that homosexuality is unnatural - a year or two ago in another context. Here I am saying more - it's biologically unproductive, anti-social (in terms of society at large, not in terms of one's preferred subculture) and immoral.

These issues go under natural law, which is a philosophical concept, as in philosophy of nature. You probably confused this with law of nature as understood in materialism/physicalism/"naturalism".

Treating nature as a religion or behavioural guide is unnatural and misguided.
Treating morality as exclusive to religion makes you incapable of responding to any moral problem. You may want to reconsider.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #153
it's biologically unproductive
There are at least two ways in which that is hypothetically untrue. The first and most obvious is that gay workers or fighters can give the community at large a survival advantage, the second is that a gay lack of reproduction might act as a natural defense against overpopulation. Besides which, how is forcing gay people to reproduce biologically productive? It'll just perpetuate gay genes.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #154
he first and most obvious is that gay workers or fighters can give the community at large a survival advantage, ....
You mean like worker ants or worker bees? Say it to a gay :)

Besides which, how is forcing gay people to reproduce biologically productive?
No human is forced to reproduce. Except maybe when you get raped or something. It's just that if it's not in your plans to found a family, then you have no reason to get married either. Gays don't have such plans by imposing non-reproductiveness on themselves.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #155
You mean like worker ants or worker bees? Say it to a gay  :)
Somewhat like that, yes. But an anthill is genetically one organism, not thousands.
It's just that if it's not in your plans to found a family, then you have no reason to get married either.
Isn't that the crux? If you can't found a gay family but you do want a family, you might try to act like a regular person to make it happen. Biting the bullet, so to speak.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #156
Isn't that the crux? If you can't found a gay family but you do want a family, you might try to act like a regular person to make it happen. Biting the bullet, so to speak.
The crux is that if you are a rational human being, you either want a family or not. You cannot want a gay family or any other self-contradictory nonsense. If rationality matters, that is. Not to mention morality, which is by far a fuzzier concept than rationality to the LGBT(Q etc.) club.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #157
It's easy for me to turn this around and say it's the concept of marriage that's flawed. Not who wants to do it.

It should be a graduated process distinguishing domestic partnerships from family units with consideration to time it the relationship. Too often couples are irresponsible, don't even know each other or have any reason to be together beyond feelings they don't understand. (I was going to get into why feelings equal bad decision making in a political thread tho.)   

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #158
You can also argue that since marriage is a man made concept the benefits included are for human purposes. So the only thing to ask is, do gays need it for those purposes?
The human purpose is social control. To encourage marriage, the US and other nations gave certain protections to married couples. Wikipedia gives a quick list of marriage protections/rights and responsibilities. Same sex couples were unable to marry, but the Right had to push the issue and make it doubly illegal. Then it turned out the rights and protections on that list made denying same-sex marriage illegal on constitutional grounds via the Equal Protection Clause of the American Constitution(somewhat paradoxically making constitutional amendments themselves unconstitutional)

It's not all that difficult. In the United States, all citizens are entitled to equal protection under the law regardless of race/ethnicity, religion and all other factors. Every time someone tries to prevent another group from having that equal protection religious and philosophical arguments were invoked and every time those arguments are gibberish with no legal merit. It's amazing that the same arguments against same-sex marriage were used against interracial marriage.  
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #159
It's not all that difficult. In the United States, all citizens are entitled to equal protection under the law regardless of race/ethnicity, religion and all other factors. Every time someone tries to prevent another group from having that equal protection religious and philosophical arguments were invoked and every time those arguments are gibberish with no legal merit.
"...and all other factors" such as criminal behaviour? Your arguments have no religious, philosophical, legal, moral or factual merit, so let's try something you should be capable of. How about your first impressions on the Orlando incident? You know, impressions, feelings...

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #160
My arguments have nothing but factual merit. All the data suggests sexual orientation is determined before birth and the very brain structures of hetero and homosexuals are different. Ie, the structures involved in the hearing in gay men are more like that those of women than heterosexual men. here's a simple article even homophobes can understand (with prejudice having been linked to lower intelligence in other articles...) I'm sorry that you can science don't get along on this. Neither do you and concepts such as equal protection get along. It's 100% factual according to the Supreme Court of the United States that denying same sex couples the right to marriage violates the Equal Protection clause of the US constitution. Nothing I said is remotely counter-factual.

Philosophies are like assholes - everybody has one. Hence anti-gay philosophical arguments are irrelevant. Of course when one "philosophizes"   about homosexuality being against nature, it runs against what research has shown - that homosexuality is natural in humans. You can philosophize all day about this or any other subject and be shown to be one hundred percent wrong by somebody just looking out the window.

Moral merit. Whose morality do we impose on everyone else? Who are you to say that it's immoral for two consenting adults of the same sex to settle into a marriage? They're not hurting anybody. There's more than enough breeding pairs that society won't collapse (if anything it might collapse under the weight of all this breeding. Ultimately the planet can only support so many people...) In fact it seems immoral to force gay people to either live alone or marry someone of the opposite sex, an arrangement that will make both the man and woman unhappy.  Fortunately, in the US we have a means of preventing anyone's excuse for morality from becoming the force of all by subjecting it to constitutional checks in the lower courts and the Supreme Court. Before you or Belfrager say it, of course things like theft and murder are immoral and are justly illegal because they negatively impact another people. Gay people getting married doesn't hurt anyone else, so why would it be immoral? Because the Buy-bull says so? That's not morality.

And yet you seem to think you and Belfrager's arguments have "religious, philosophical, legal, moral or factual merit?" somehow? All you want to do is impose your version religion, morality and philosophy on everyone else. It ain't gonna happen.

How about your first impressions on the Orlando incident? You know, impressions, feelings...
Shock and outrage, of course. Then there's the question about why he did it. His father reported he was that angry at seeing two men kissing. Then it turned out he was a regular at the bar and might have been gay himself (recall in the gun control thread I noted most mass killings are not random and there's a reason people like this choose their specific areas to target.  Perhaps he was driven mad by a poisonous combination of religious teaching and his self-hatred for having homosexual leanings. Of course, there's even the issue of how was he able to get the gun having been on the FBI's terror watch list for sometime. (NRA nutters, so much for "Obummer" taking away your guns, huh? BTW, thanks fucktards for helping make this happen by making it so easy for him to get the gun. What's wrong with you people? )
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal


Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #161
Philosophies are like assholes - everybody has one. Hence anti-gay philosophical arguments are irrelevant.
Would you say the same about whatever you call "data"? Like, "Data is like assholes - everybody has one. Hence anti-gay data is irrelevant." How would this work?

Moral merit. Whose morality do we impose on everyone else? Who are you to say that it's immoral for two consenting adults of the same sex to settle into a marriage?
If you were consistent, you would say the same about your "data". "Whose data do we impose on everyone else?" But you can't, because you have no data.

All the data suggests sexual orientation is determined before birth and the very brain structures of hetero and homosexuals are different.
If the data suggested this, it would be very bad for your cause, because if the data suggested this, the data would also suggest that pedophiles become pedophiles in the womb and so do mass murderers and all the other pervs and wackos. So, feel free to maintain that data suggests this.

In real life, kids are born with no idea about sex. They develop their attitude to sex as they grow up, taking what society teaches about it and mixing it with how they like what's being taught. So the crux is not what they are in the womb, but what is taught to them as they grow up.

Swedish gay lobby RFSL has figured correctly that they must start their brainwashing as early as possible. See, they don't rely on "all data suggests"; they actually go out to smear kindergarten children with "family models" because real-life data suggests that this you must do to get more people on your side.

In real life, there's a difference between is and should, and data suggests that knowing this distinction defines a human being. Whereas lack of discrimination on this point makes people do weird things, such as say that gay marriage is somehow marriage or that poo is pretty or that usury is a public service and murder is justice.

Actual humans may feel an urge to do this or that, but they can restrain themselves. Those who cannot restrain themselves, those who whine that they were born with those urges and that they have the right to display it, those are, in a normal society, determined clinically subhuman and put away in order to keep the society more or less normal.

It's 100% factual according to the Supreme Court of the United States that denying same sex couples the right to marriage violates the Equal Protection clause of the US constitution. Nothing I said is remotely counter-factual.
So you agree with Oakdale that U.S. Constitution makes U.S. citizens 100% free (totally different from the rest of the world where everybody is in government-imposed slavery and darkness) and with SF that having whatever gun is a God-given right (totally different from the rest of the world where everybody is defenceless against police and neighbours). I hear you :)

How about your first impressions on the Orlando incident? You know, impressions, feelings...
Shock and outrage, of course. Then there's the question about why he did it. His father reported he was that angry at seeing two men kissing. Then it turned out he was a regular at the bar and might have been gay himself (recall in the gun control thread I noted most mass killings are not random and there's a reason people like this choose their specific areas to target.  Perhaps he was driven mad by a poisonous combination of religious teaching and his self-hatred for having homosexual leanings. Of course, there's even the issue of how was he able to get the gun having been on the FBI's terror watch list for sometime. (NRA nutters, so much for "Obummer" taking away your guns, huh? BTW, thanks fucktards for helping make this happen by making it so easy for him to get the gun. What's wrong with you people? )
Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Even though it's just a mess, data without any analysis. For example, wouldn't a married man visiting gay bars be more like bisexual, not a gay? But you never were any good at definitions. Because solid definitions would compel you to do logical analysis and that would be a step away from emotions...

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #162
For example, wouldn't a married man visiting gay bars be more like bisexual, not a gay?
"homosexual leanings" includes that possibility, genius. Human sexuality is on a continuum first identified by Alfred Kinsey.

He was somewhere on this continuum rating a number other than zero couldn't deal with it. That's why he choose what was possibly his favorite nightclub to perform his terrorist act in the name of ISIS.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #163
Would you say the same about whatever you call "data"? Like, "Data is like assholes - everybody has one. Hence anti-gay data is irrelevant."
Except there is no anti-gay 'data' that can can withstand repeated testing, having not been arrived at empirically. Hence there's bullshit philosophies about "nature" that nature itself seems to disagree with.

Those who cannot restrain themselves, those who whine that they were born with those urges and that they have the right to display it, those are, in a normal society, determined clinically subhuman and put away in order to keep the society more or less normal.
Gay people are clinically subhuman, as if there's any such clinical definition? I'll let you hang yourself with your own rope on this on.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #164
For example, wouldn't a married man visiting gay bars be more like bisexual, not a gay?
"homosexual leanings" includes that possibility, genius.
My point is not whether he had this or that leaning. My point is how you determine the morality of the leanings. He evidently had, on some continuum, a hostage-taking trigger-happy mass-murdering leaning. So, what do you say about it? These leanings exist in nature, therefore it's all good and the Constitution lets you have it, right?

Human sexuality is on a continuum first identified by Alfred Kinsey.
Looks like a philosophical presupposition, something you would maybe call a hypothesis - it's not data. From my point of view, philosophical presuppositions are inevitable. From your point of view your opponents are guilty of them while you are incapable of noticing your own presuppositions.

Would you say the same about whatever you call "data"? Like, "Data is like assholes - everybody has one. Hence anti-gay data is irrelevant."
Except there is no anti-gay 'data' that can can withstand repeated testing, having not been arrived at empirically. Hence there's bullshit philosophies about "nature" that nature itself seems to disagree with.
And surely you have the data to back it up. Like, a bullet-proof study that shows that pedophilia cannot be found in foetus's brain, while gayness is all there.

Gay people are clinically subhuman, as if there's any such clinical definition? I'll let you hang yourself with your own rope on this on.
Apparently you didn't notice when homosexuality was removed from the list of psychiatric illnesses when things like depression and ADHD got added. Yes, there used to be such a clinical definition. The point is, in what sense is the current definition better? In what way are gays better served by taking them off the list and in what way are the depressed better served by having them on the list? As a minimum, you should acknowledge that the list is not final, so perhaps you understand that my point is not what is on or off the list, but what are your criteria for putting things on the list and taking things away from there. I guess you have none.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #165
This thread, although not new, needs a baptism.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #166
Looks like a philosophical presupposition, something you would maybe call a hypothesis - it's not data
It was arrived at by interviewing subjects about their sexual history, so it is flawed in that regard. But it's possible to observe people's feelings, so you have to ask them. That said, a sexuality spectrum like this is damn near common sense among people that actually get out of the house and talk to people. This is why millennials are increasingly rejecting traditional labels.
Yes, there used to be such a clinical definition.
You were trying to define homosexuality as clinically subhuman. This was never the case. However, from the dawn of psychology it was questionable if homosexuality should be described as a mental illness.

Even within medicine and psychiatry, however, homosexuality was not universally viewed as a pathology. Richard von Krafft-Ebing described it as a degenerative sickness in his Psychopathia Sexualis, but Sigmund Freud and Havelock Ellis both adopted more accepting stances. Early in the twentieth century, Ellis (1901) argued that homosexuality was inborn and therefore not immoral, that it was not a disease, and that many homosexuals made outstanding contributions to society (Robinson, 1976).

However, some later psychoanalysts said some gibberish about it resulting from poor family relationships and whatnot. Evidently it didn't occur  to those biased "researchers" that they switched the cause and effect, that homophobia among some family members is what caused poor family relationship in the first place.

Biases in psychoanalysis       

Although psychoanalytic theories of homosexuality once had considerable influence in psychiatry and in the larger culture, they were not subjected to rigorous empirical testing. Instead, they were based on analysts' clinical observations of patients already known by them to be homosexual.

This procedure compromises the validity of the psychoanalytic conclusions in at least two important ways. First, the analyst's theoretical orientations, expectations, and personal attitudes are likely to bias her or his observations. To avoid such bias, scientists take great pains in their studies to ensure that the researchers who actually collect the data do not have expectations about how a particular research participant will respond. An example is the "double blind" procedure used in many experiments. Such procedures have not been used in clinical psychoanalytic studies of homosexuality.

A second problem with psychoanalytic studies is that they have only examined homosexuals who were already under psychiatric care – in other words, homosexuals who were seeking treatment or therapy. Patients, however, cannot be assumed to be representative of the general population. Just as it would be inappropriate to draw conclusions about all heterosexuals based only on data from heterosexual psychiatric patients, we cannot generalize from observations of homosexual patients to the entire population of gay men and lesbians.

The removal from the list of mental disorders follows the same pattern of homophobes causing the very thing they were trying avoid, even in 1973.

Removal from the DSM   
   In 1973, the weight of empirical data, coupled with changing social norms and the development of a politically active gay community in the United States, led the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Some psychiatrists who fiercely opposed their action subsequently circulated a petition calling for a vote on the issue by the Association's membership. That vote was held in 1974, and the Board's decision was ratified.
Just as people trying to prevent same-sex marriage caused it's legalization by forcing the issue, old-fashioned psychoanalysts forced the issue and caused the vote resulting in the removal of homosexuality from the DSM.  If you read the article, you'll note it was considered a mental illness largely as result of religious pressure in the first place, not as a result of any kind of empirical testing.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #167
Here's little on brain structure.

Brain scans have provided the most compelling evidence yet that being gay or straight is a biologically fixed trait.

The scans reveal that in gay people, key structures of the brain governing emotion, mood, anxiety and aggressiveness resemble those in straight people of the opposite sex.
First they used MRI scans to find out the overall volume and shapes of brains in a group of 90 volunteers consisting of 25 heterosexuals and 20 homosexuals of each gender.

The results showed that straight men had asymmetric brains, with the right hemisphere slightly larger – and the gay women also had this asymmetry. Gay men, meanwhile, had symmetrical brains like those of straight women.

The team next used PET scans to measure blood flow to the amygdala, part of the brain that governs fear and aggression. The images revealed how the amygdala connected to other parts of the brain, giving clues to how this might influence behaviour.
The article goes on to note that's it's not clear why this is the case, whether it's genetic or the result of hormone exposure in the womb. In either case, LGBT people are not hurting anybody and the legalization of their marriage is certainly not going to suddenly cause the downfall of society (for Belfrager, there are more than enough breeding pairs to keep society going...)

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #168
Biases in psychoanalysis […]
Is there anyone here that ever thought psychoanalysis was some kind of science? :)
The DSM is primarily used to feed insurance companies…

BTW: I still say bake your own cake! :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #169
Biases in psychoanalysis […]
Is there anyone here that ever thought psychoanalysis was some kind of science? :)
The DSM is primarily used to feed insurance companies…

BTW: I still say bake your own cake! :)
Biases in psychoanalysis […]
Is there anyone here that ever thought psychoanalysis was some kind of science? :)
The DSM is primarily used to feed insurance companies…

BTW: I still say bake your own cake! :)
it was the basis of getting some kind of understanding of mental illness, as opposed to thinking it"s demons or whatever. But you're right in that particular branch of of psychology isn't really science at least by any modern standards (perhaps that's why the holdouts in removing homosexuality from the dsm tended to be psychoanalysts...) The point was that from the get go of psychology the leading psychologists knew homosexuality alone wasn't a mental illness.
Of course, neuroscience has since shown differences in homosexual and hetrosexual brains that can't be explained by anything other than pre-natal factors. Since LGBT aren"t hurting anyone (unlike the other groups mentioned in this thread) it seems unreasonable to deny them the same rights as other citizens. Allowing them to marry and passing laws against them is even conservative along small government lines (as oppossed to religious conservative..)

Sorry if there are even more typoes in this post from my phone, which doesn't even seem to be autocorrecting for me.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #171
Human sexuality is on a continuum
That table doesn't represents any continuum, it's merely a sub division of anomalies made with tendentious objectives.

I wonder from where comes the money that keeps on running all the current pro homosexual propaganda and the attack against Family that we are assisting at the western world.

Only very naive people thinks that this has anything to do with rights or that it appeared from spontaneous way. There's an agenda, there's a strategy, there's media control, there's public opinion makers, there's politicians and there's endless resources to keep everything in practice.
A gigantic experiment on social engineering is being made. By whom and what for, are the only questions that matters.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #172
I wonder from where comes the money that keeps on running all the current pro homosexual propaganda and the attack against Family that we are assisting at the western world.
The same primitive us versus them mentality as American Republicans. Nobody is attacking the family. If anything the LGBT is affirming the family and marriage by seeking to form them.

Only very naive people thinks that this has anything to do with rights or that it appeared from spontaneous way.
[/quote]  In America it's assumed you have rights by default, as long as you're not harming others. All the constitution does in this regard is prevent the government from taking them away. The Federal constitution has what's referred to as the "Supremacy Clause" to ensure the states and lower levels of government don't violate the rights codified and affirmed in the constitution.

From the Declaration of Independence, this concept was made clear. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. " Yes, it's self-event that the government doesn't actually grant rights, but it can protect them via a constitution. The flip side and would-be dictators can try to take them away. What happened in the case of same-sex marriage, of course, is that various states were found to be in violation of the "equal protection clause" of the Federal constitution. To understand why, you'd need to read up on the legalities of marriage in the United States and I remind you it's not a strictly religious institution and gibberish about any couple's ability to reproduce never factored into it.

there's politicians and there's endless resources to keep everything in practice.
The politicians and resources behind the state constitutional amendments to prevent same-sex couples from getting married greatly exceeded those of the opposite side. You must know, this right? Millions of dollars flowed from Mormon Utah to California to get their amendment passed, Again, though, it was self-evident that everyone gets equal protection under the law and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #173
Only very naive people thinks that this has anything to do with rights or that it appeared from spontaneous way. There's an agenda, there's a strategy, there's media control, there's public opinion makers, there's politicians and there's endless resources to keep everything in practice.

That's one scenario, the great collusion. The other is that, after actually getting to know those terrifying gayoids amongst them, people realise that there are scarier things on the planet, and move on to be terrified by those instead.  Of course the first scenario is so much more convincing.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #174
If anything the LGBT is affirming the family and marriage by seeking to form them.
Witch is exactly the same thing to say that thieves are just redefining the concept of property.

As for all the rest, I have to remember you midnight that you are just a small wheel of the mechanism I've denounced. Small but noisy, that I'll agree. At Animal Farm, you would be part of the ducks.
A matter of attitude.