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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 108503 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #250

There are 53,766 US troops in Germany. Merkel needs to give them exit visas.

Last time the US closed some bases in .de there was a freakout - the local economies would lose half their customers ( these bases tend to be in rural areas, call it unofficial foreign aid ). Same happened when the german military said it would close some of their own. There would probably be much rejoicing if the US military got out of the Frankfurt airport though, it's getting kinda crowded. But then again, that's probably the one they would keep the longest.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #252

Howie, just because we're critical of Russia's actions doesn't mean we have to support every one of America's.

You're either with the Empire or against the Empire, dammit! :irked:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #253

Sang, why do you spend time and effort answering to two wind-up slogan chanters?
Just curious.

I'll second that.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #254
Last time the US closed some bases in .de there was a freakout - the local economies would lose half their customers ( these bases tend to be in rural areas, call it unofficial foreign aid ).

I have a solution. We close the bases, thereby saving a ton of money and then send Euros to the local areas. Everybody wins!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #255

Last time the US closed some bases in .de there was a freakout - the local economies would lose half their customers ( these bases tend to be in rural areas, call it unofficial foreign aid ).

Are you sure that 'foreign aid' is the right term?
AFAIK those military bases are financed with our money.

I have a solution. We close the bases, thereby saving a ton of money and then send Euros to the local areas. Everybody wins!

Unfortunately your solution can't work. See above.
However there would be an even better solution. You take your nukes and your soldiers home. You can keeep the money you save (in case you save some).
We would even contribute to the transportation costs.
The money we are spending now for your military bases will be invested in those areas.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #256
AFAIK those military bases are financed with our money.

How much of it?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is footing more of the bill for overseas bases in Germany, Japan and South Korea even as the military reduces the number of American troops in Europe and strategically repositions forces in Asia, a congressional report says.
The exhaustive, yearlong investigation by the Senate Armed Services Committee focused on costs and burden-sharing as the United States spends more than $10 billion a year to back up the U.S. military presence overseas, with 70 percent of the amount expended in the three nations. The figure does not include military personnel costs.

I need you provide a breakdown of the cost sharing for the bases to show you're not just this from some tinfoil hat anti-American site. Saying Germany pays for American bases implies Germany pays the majority of the costs, but it's slightly clever phrasing that still leaves open the possibility that the US 99 percent of it. Since you're easily confused, I'm not saying that's the case but that wording makes that a possibility.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #257
You're either with the Empire or against the Empire, dammit!  :irked:

That's true. I need to strongly advocate increased military spending and more foreign interventions and keeping nations under American occupation, despite a lifetime of arguing against such things, huh? :left: Being critical of Putin clearly means being uncritical of America. America is an easy target to bash: why on Earth did President Bush start a war in Afghanistan? The invasion of Iraq after 9/11 was senseless and created the conditions that allow groups such as ISIS to flourish. Saddam was bastard, but his Iraq could have handled it; the far weaker present day Iraq lacks the military capability to do so. Before Crimea and the Russian presence in Ukraine, further Nato expansion was questionable at best. However, Krake and Howie's America bashing betrays the weakness of their Pro-Russian stance.

It's almost unintelligent to deny Russia's meddling in Ukraine at this point, with meddling being an extreme euphemism. Further, and I know Krake will bring this up a strawman, but a 97% result in any election is auto-bullshit and only happens in countries or regions where elections are not free. Mayor Goodman is up for re-election and I'm inclined to vote for her, but if she got results like that I'd be among the voices screaming "election fraud!" Get it Krake and Howie? Calling fraud on that referendum isn't about being against Russia. At the end of the day, it's common sense and seeing the countries that go get results like that (think North Korea, etc.)

Howie rants about American "corporates." The corporates want good American/Russian relations in order to open up the Russian market. Economically, it would benefit both countries. The last thing the "corporates" want and need is sanctions against Russia. This primitive idea that another country must grow at the expense of another is simply not the case. Rising tides lifting all boats and all that.

Tt92 questions why I bother and mjmsprt40 agrees. I fear they're right. What will be the response? Another anti-American rant? Scanning my words for a strawman instead of being capable of discussing the situation?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #258
Kind of loses the plot when an American accuses some other country of meddling.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #259

Vilnius (AFP) - NATO jets were scrambled Tuesday to escort Russian fighters and nuclear-capable bombers flying near the Baltic states and Sweden with their transponders switched off, sparking protests over the danger they posed to civil aviation

Lithuania's defence ministry spokeswoman Asta Galdikaite said NATO air policing aircraft identified two Tu-22 type bombers and two SU-27 jets. The Swedish military also confirmed the aircraft showed up on their ground radar.

"The flights conducted with switched-off on-board transponders are among other things a risk to civil aviation as such flights are not visible on civil air traffic control radars," she told AFP.

I doubt Putin's so stupid that he'll bomb the Baltics, but why do things like this keep happening?

It gets even better:

Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite said last week that Russia sent nuclear-capable Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad, which could "reach even Berlin" .


Fortunately for Howie and Krake, there's a way to point the finger at America and NATO

US forces deployed a battery of Patriot surface-to-air missiles near the Polish capital Warsaw this weekend as part of ongoing drills.

NATO is also countering Moscow's moves by deploying more aircraft, ships and personnel for exercises on its eastern flank.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #260

AFAIK those military bases are financed with our money.

How much of it?
I need you provide a breakdown of the cost sharing for the bases to show you're not just this from some tinfoil hat anti-American site.

Our government keeps quiet as it always did about the costs of financing US military bases. Guess why???

However, there have been some documents published abroad in the past. The original sources have been deleted but there are still some copies floating around.

Each year, Germany contributes nearly $1 billion to the upkeep of U.S. bases in Germany (Council on Foreign Relations, 2003) PDF

And even today, Germany continues to contribute nearly $1 billion each year to the maintenance of U.S. bases. (PDF, 2008)

The numbers above might represent only the tip of the iceberg!

According to the German Peace Council, German contributions to US military bases were $1.89 billions. (PDF in German language, 2007)

While the numbers of US troops has been shortened at some point, our costs didn't. They have even increased.

Whereas the ugly Russians have quit their military bases in Eastern Germany and took their troops home, our dear American friends are still sitting here with their nukes.
Only resemblance, the first were as beloved among the Germans as the latter are...

Saying Germany pays for American bases implies Germany pays the majority of the costs, but it's slightly clever phrasing that still leaves open the possibility that the US 99 percent of it.

You still don't get it. Do you?

1%, 10%, 30% or 50% - we simply don't want to pay for and get involved in your stupid wars anymore. Therefore it should be 0%.
If you want world domination, please do it on your own!

Foreign troops and military bases operated by a foreign state on US gound, pretending that they are protecting the US from an Iranian, or North Korean, or Russian, or whatever kind of takeover.
Wonder if you can!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #261
1%, 10%, 30% or 50% - we simply don't want to pay for and get involved in your stupid wars anymore. Therefore it should be 0%.
If you want world domination, please do it on your own!

Foreign troops and military bases operated by a foreign state on US gound, pretending that they are protecting the US from an Iranian, or North Korean, or Russian, or whatever kind of takeover.
Wonder if you can!


With the U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter still in limbo over reliability problems, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration on Monday said it would begin regular production of its newest fighter jet, the T-50, next year.
Damned Putin!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #262
1%, 10%, 30% or 50% - we simply don't want to pay for and get involved in your stupid wars anymore

Take a deep breath and count to three to calm yourself. Why are you having a hissy fit? It's just that I smelled bullshit in the phrasing and I was right and the phrasing is probably what you picked up from a propaganda site.  Unless the phrasing includes a modifier, such "total" or "complete" or "the majority" etc, it usually means somebody is trying to mislead you. That's especially the case if the dubious source doesn't give figures.
If you want world domination, please do it on your own!

I don't represent all of America any more than you represent all of Germany. But I can tell you this, part of the equation that led to Obama's election and re-election was the promise of removing troops from the Middle East and other places. We're still waiting in frustration. Most Americans are not neocon idiots that fantasize about an American empire spanning the globe any more than you want one.

Unfortunately, right now we have Russia in Ukraine and flying provocatively close to the Baltics, Britain, Portugal and probably more nations that would crumble in a week on their own under the onslaught of the the Russian military. What exactly is Russia doing? Testing their defenses? So Putin makes conditions impossible to just pick up and leave. Putin has proven himself a serial liar: "we don't have troops in Crimea" , "We don't have troops in Ukraine." Welcome to the 21st century, Vlad. Here we can disprove your lies and propaganda in one day, if that.

But I digress. You speak of "my" desire for world domination. Who is again that annexed another country's territory? Who's arming one side of the Ukrainian conflict and sending troops and who isn't? Bush did start non-sensible wars for regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq and the sway of the previously mentioned neocons. The current president didn't try to overthrow any country, but did bomb terrorists. The current policy is not to dominate the world. Regardless if a Democrat or Republican, the American people won't have that any more than you would. (in fact, a lot of Republicans seem obsessed with idiocy such if a baker should make a cake for a gay couple or not and other non-Earth shattering issues :p)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #263
1%, 10%, 30% or 50% - we simply don't want to pay for and get involved in your stupid wars anymore. Therefore it should be 0%.
If you want world domination, please do it on your own!


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #264

It's just that I smelled bullshit in the phrasing and I was right and the phrasing is probably what you picked up from a propaganda site.

Next time you smell bullshit you should open the window.
The propaganda site you are referring to is the homepage of the German embassy in the USA. That's where the first two PDFs were from.
Did you even bother to look at them? Never mind, with your intelligence it would be futile anyway.

But I can tell you this, part of the equation that led to Obama's election and re-election was the promise of removing troops from the Middle East and other places.

By other places you mean from all over the world?
Do you know by any chance what equation led to the re-election of GW Bush?
Stay tuned for the next election and its equation. :)

Americans are not neocon idiots that fantasize about an American empire spanning the globe any more than you want one.

Regardless what Americans fantasize about, the American empire spanning the globe is already reality.
US military bases around the globe are just welfare institutions. Aren't they?

Unfortunately, right now we have Russia in Ukraine and flying provocatively close to the Baltics, Britain, Portugal and probably more nations that would crumble in a week on their own under the onslaught of the the Russian military.

Not even senator McCain could have said it better, except this here is not the US senate and you aren't McCain to spread that kind of BS.

So Putin makes conditions impossible to just pick up and leave.

Indeed, you have to throw more gasoline into the fire first. Europe doesn't burn yet at your like. "Fuck the EU."
BTW, is Putin all over the world? You could choose among different continents for starting to leave. Besides, you've started to build up your military bases around the globe long time ago when nobody knew about the existence of a Vladimir Putin.

Who is again that annexed another country's territory?

Do you mean Guantanamo Bay? It must be something that belonged to the USA for centuries. Nice naval base you have there.

In case you mean Crimea, did you expect Russia to watch how Crimea turns into an US military naval base after the US staged putsch? If so you must feel deeply disappointed like your government is.
As for the Crimeans, it was their wish to become 'annexed'.

The current policy is not to dominate the world. Regardless if a Democrat or Republican,...

Wonder if you're trying to fool me or you're trying to fool yourself. However it doesn't make any difference.
Regardless if with a Democrat or Republican president: The Unwritten American Rules of the Road

Feel free to dismiss the above article as anti-American propaganda as you do with anything that isn't at your like. :D

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #265
It's the funniest doggone thing. I seem to recall that bears are notoriously hard to evict once they set up camp in your living room. Last time a bear moved in uninvited, it took several decades to get the bear to leave--- and he's still eyeing the old campsite with an idea of moving back in when nobody notices.

I wonder. If the United States were to unilaterally decide that we've had enough, pull ALL of our boys home from Europe and anywhere else we've got foreign bases for that matter, and concentrate on beefing up a serious home defense--- how long would it take for a certain bear to move in. How long after that would it take for certain posters--- we won't mention any names, will we--to ask that somebody PLEASE come in and save them from this bear--- provided the bear lets them ask of course? I wonder if we should do anything about it next time--- or should we just stay home and let them figure this out for themselves.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #266
Now that would be the most wisest thing you have ever ventured mjsmsprt40 although you are still in truth convinced the world needs your boots and Wall Streeters running the planet! May i remind when you talk about the bases you have - they number in hundreds. Very often when you "sort out" a country there is a mess left behind so it should cajole you into reality and get home. By all means have a strong defence but keep your military noses out of elsewhere. You helped to create terrorism and you have also helped create terrorists. Instead it would not be selfish to think of the tens of millions of poor over the pond the increasing homesless and the lack of any great concern about them. Instead the country thinks it can prove an imperial agenda that will outlast all previous such systems.

You would get more of an in-depth respect and pat on the back if you looked after your own loyal citizenry and many of your monied folk almost look on them as almost being anto-American (!). Modern shades of McCarthy.In going in a more inside depth more Americans would feel better and the dream would be more of a good reality for more in the country. All that would take away the bashing that is moaned about and is so easy due to the hypocrisy of those that lead. I would be all for the internal direction and applaud such a direction.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #267
The propaganda site you are referring to is the homepage of the German embassy in the USA.

From your post.
Each year, Germany contributes nearly $1 billion to the upkeep of U.S. bases in Germany (Council on Foreign Relations, 2003) PDF

And even today, Germany continues to contribute nearly $1 billion each year to the maintenance of U.S. bases
Oh, so it's you using the numbers for crude propaganda purposes. No, I didn't bother to check the links because I'm so used to linking to propaganda sites. Kudos in finally using a real sites for once. Regardless, it doesn't back your claim that Germany pays for the bases, since the US still pays the vast majority. Funny how you can question my intelligent when you overlooked my main point.
I wonder. If the United States were to unilaterally decide that we've had enough, pull ALL of our boys home from Europe and anywhere else we've got foreign bases for that matter, and concentrate on beefing up a serious home defense--- how long would it take for a certain bear to move in

It will take some years, but it's almost inevitable. There's already a pattern behavior going. Annex Crimea on the grounds that it has Russian ethnic majority, albeit a rapidly decreasing one. Send troops and tanks to the eastern Ukraine, despite the fact the ethnic Russians started the war. Let's not forget about Georgia. By the way, Krake, by occupying those regions in Georgia, Russia is violating the cease fire. Germany is probably safe, but I wonder how many areas of the Baltics and Poland have Russian majorities.
As for the Crimeans, it was their wish to become 'annexed'.

Why the quotes? What happened is the literal definition of the word. We actually don't know if they wanted to be annexed to Russia or not because the voting was so obviously fraudulent. I know you're tired of me saying this, but 97 percent of any election going one way is North Korea style election fraud.
In case you mean Crimea, did you expect Russia to watch how Crimea turns into an US military naval base after the US staged putsch?

Interesting. That's tantamount to an admission that Russia did take it for strategic purposes. But who were we allegedly going to throw a putsch against? Russia? Now that's just silly.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #268
Putin's Russia may well make it possible for our British posters to hop in a car and visit our American posters with a stopover in western Ukraine and Crimea. Can't wait until I can hop in my car and drive across Putin's Bridge to Siberia alongside Russian tanks headed to Alaska.

Russia has unveiled ambitious plans to build a superhighway that, in theory, could make it possible to drive from London on one end to New York on the other.

According to a report by The Siberian Times, the head of Russian Railways is asking the government to seriously consider his project dubbed the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development, the first modern transportation corridor that would link up the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #269

I wonder. If the United States were to unilaterally decide that we've had enough, pull ALL of our boys home from Europe and anywhere else we've got foreign bases for that matter, and concentrate on beefing up a serious home defense--- how long would it take for a certain bear to move in. How long after that would it take for certain posters--- we won't mention any names, will we--to ask that somebody PLEASE come in and save them from this bear--- provided the bear lets them ask of course? I wonder if we should do anything about it next time--- or should we just stay home and let them figure this out for themselves.

These prospective bear caves would still be NATO members, so from the bear's perspective not a whole lot would change.


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #270
so from the bear's perspective not a whole lot would change

On thing would. The eagle couldn't fly in as quickly to respond to what the bear's doing. But I wonder what it would mean for small fraction of the costs of the American bases that Germany and other countries pay that Krake complains about. The German military would keep at least the major ones of strategic importance,  but now would be paying the entire costs.  Folks like him don't seem to understand that the European get to spend so little of their GDP on the military because America has to spend so much. Get it Krake? America leave, Germany pays more not less. Even if they didn't take over the old American military bases, they'd still have to beef of the the military  especially in the face of Russia's recent actions.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #271
The eagle couldn't fly in as quickly to respond to what the bear's doing.

I've corrected your above statement:
"The eagle couldn't fly in as quick to start wars in breach with international law like it did e.g. in Iraq."

America leave, Germany pays more not less. Even if they didn't take over the old American military bases, they'd still have to beef of the the military  especially in the face of Russia's recent actions.

Nobody is afraid of Russia here. Are you really so stupid or perverse to claim that US bases are here to protect Germany from Russia?
They were build up from the occupying powers after WWII the same way the Soviets build up theirs in Eastern Germany.
Only difference, the Soviet ones are now history whereas yours are still here and some of them get enhanced.
You are probably aware that US bases are military facilities Germany has absolute no control over. Even the troops are under foreign/US jurisdiction.
What are US nukes stationed here good for? Are they also to protect Germany from Putin? Instead of taking them home the US is going to replace them with new ones. Do you really think that one single sane German feels more secure with those nukes? Are you really so stupid to think that they are for protecting Germans and we are keen to turn our homes into a moonscape???

If Poland and some Baltic states are seeking for US protection, we would be glad to help moving the US troops together with their espionage establishments and nukes from here to there.
We don't need them here. Are you indeed such of a half-brained that you can't understand it?

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #272

so from the bear's perspective not a whole lot would change

On thing would. The eagle couldn't fly in as quickly to respond to what the bear's doing.

Hardly matters, the bear would be in for way more ass kicking than he can afford, and he knows it.

But I wonder what it would mean for small fraction of the costs of the American bases that Germany and other countries pay that Krake complains about. The German military would keep at least the major ones of strategic importance,  but now would be paying the entire costs.  Folks like him don't seem to understand that the European get to spend so little of their GDP on the military because America has to spend so much.

Has to? Who or what makes the US spend ridiculous amounts of money on its military?
And those US bases don't have much to do with defending Europe against the evil russians anymore anyway. Half are run by the NSA, the rest is logistics for operations elsewhere.

Get it Krake? America leave, Germany pays more not less.

Do you seriously think those american bases are what keeps russia from invading .de? Have you lost your mind? :left:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #273
Do you seriously think those american bases are what keeps russia from invading .de? Have you lost your mind?  :left:

Of course not. I thought I even said so a couple posts up :left:

Krake, you're tiresome as Rjhowie. You put words in my mouth and lambaste the US to avoid talking about the actual topic of this thread. Now you're talking gibberish about Germany being reduced to a moonscape because of some nuclear weapons upgrades :rolleyes:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #274
Russia would get a kicking? Hah, nice touch of unmeant humour with that one. Russia has NO interest in invading Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, etc. It is a load of codswallop. Even if they wanted to why is uot okay for America to stomp about dishing out it? Kind of odd principle there. The matter of the Latvian Foreign Minister is ignored. Once again I have to say it is all about West or especially the USA wanting to be the one that controls everything in the world. All the mind blowing propaganda being shouted out would be so damn funny if it wasn't so stupid. It is all about DC wanting supremacy and if you don't accept it you can be assured that the propaganda machine will brain the dead brains into this daft, pointless and ignorant surge on Russia.

America has done much in the world to create so much destabilisation and the rise of terrrism - heavens, it has even helped arm terror fiends. It should get the deuce out of everywhere and reduce the problem. There is no way that Russia can be dealt with militarily so let's not get carried away on that one. Russia is quite correct to increase it's military the way that out of date nonsense thing NATO goes on. China has done the same due to US stupidity sending warships over near china on intimidation. The only way to get anywhere is by conferring as Russia is a proud country and will tolerate any John Wayne nonsense from the ex-colonies. Being a giant country it can do whatever military exercises it likes inside it's own border so the bear nigglers should bug off.
"Quit you like men:be strong"