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Topic: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga (Read 350035 times)

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #26
1. What does "revolving door" mean/refer to in the context?
2. What is the "enforcer"?

The article (or a dictionary) might provide hints.

The cabinet secretary, Jeremy Heywood, is the living embodiment of the revolving door, having moved effortlessly from the Treasury to Blair's office to the investment bank Morgan Stanley and back to work for Cameron.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #27
Doesn't matter which of the 2 money giant political machines win Wall Street will still control things there will be hundreds of military bases across the world no matter the increasing debt the poor will still be in tens of millions and the loyalty of the people misused by those who are the money barons. It has been a gradual process getting to this but at one time things were different. If ever a country and it's lyalty has been done in this is a great example. Sad.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #28
Doesn't matter which of the 2 money giant political machines win Wall Street will still control things..........

Nope, it'll be up to people like my buddy Erik Prince, & the PMC's ........  my kinda guys.  


The above is based on a 'game', but don't kid yourselves ... in reality it's a deadly serious attitude adjustment dealing out all the cards that will tip the balance of power.......



Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #29
It seems that RJHowie has run out of commas again. Here we are:
Code: [Select]

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #30
JoshL you really do have a mawkish and rather kindergarten idea of America to be brutally frank.  You get so carried away with your daft love affair whilst ignoring the factual things that challenge your silliness. If you really looked at the political system it did at one time work to an extent but more and more over there are realising there is something flawed andnot right going on. So do try and be adult. There are things to commend the place on but as it tries to dominate the world you should take the dark glasses off.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #31
Josh and rj teaching us all about America.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #34
No-one can effectively teach about the ex-colonies as there is such a proportion of nutjobs and a massive head shrinker market to keep them happy. Josh the last thing I would recommend for anyone is to admire or want to copy what passes for a political system over there. Many decent people of course but they have had their patriotism stolen by the 2 big party machines that keep others out the frame and hardly an icon of democracy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #37
I suppose we do have one thing to be thankful for. The Rahmfather so far is content to rule Chicago and shows no presidential leanings, as far as we know. Not that I think he could win, by the end of the second Obama term I fancy we as a nation may be fed up with democrats from Chicago.

Think about it for a minute--- then do everything in your power to make sure it never happens: The Rahmulan Empire, stretching from sea to shining sea. That should keep you up at night, as good as any horror movie.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #38
Can I vote? :)
Who are the candidates?
A matter of attitude.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #39
Look mjsmsprt40 don't send another to the White House or you will get a bad name.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #40
Think about it for a minute--- then do everything in your power to make sure it never happens: The Rahmulan Empire, stretching from sea to shining sea. That should keep you up at night, as good as any horror movie.

Think about it for more than a minute and you'll come to the conclusion that whoever occupies the office will introduce bad news somewhere in the four years of his tenancy. A part of the bad news syndrome comes from the need of the media moguls to have something to comment on. There's a tendency to ascribe every outrageous thing that happens during president's tenure to that president. It matters not that the president may have not had a thing to do with the event. The fact that he's in office when the economy tanked, storms ravaged the nation and influenza killed thousands is enough.

You need proof?
NEW CASTLE, N.H. (AP) — Reaffirming his national political ambitions, Sen. Marco Rubio accused Democrats on Friday of threatening the American dream as he campaigned across New Hampshire, appearing in the first-in-the-nation presidential primary state for the first time in 18 months.

Damned Democrats!

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #41
Although the Tea Party lot are not so much in the news these days is it not a thought that they have still however been an influence on the Republican Party lot and shifted them even more to the right?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #42

Although the Tea Party lot are not so much in the news these days is it not a thought that they have still however been an influence on the Republican Party lot and shifted them even more to the right?

The last stand of the Tea People will be in my home state next Tuesday.

You have Thad Cochran (R) who has been in the Senate since 1978, following James Eastland's retirement (he had been in office for over 40 years). He is a Senior Repub, with a great deal of influence and pull in the Senate. With MS being a welfare state to survive, he has brought in a great deal of money for the state.

On the other hands, you have The Great Waffler of Our Time, Chris McDaniel (T). While he shares a great many views that I do on certain issues, apparently it is lost on him that should this state cease to depend on federal dole money from other states (we receive $2.45 for every $1 we put in) that we would fold within 5-7 days, which would cause a panic and utter anarchy here. He does however have a few good points, to be fair to him.

Thad has stated this will be his last go-round, if re-elected. He is 78 years old. A McDaniel supporter who hosted a blog in full support of CM was recently arrested for taking pictures of Mr. Cochran's wife, who has to stay at a nursing home owing to a terrible case of dementia. I forget the charge, but it was something along the lines of "abuse of an invalid elder" or something.

Should McDaniel fail, the Tea People will have lost all relevance on the national stage. They retain some degree of pull in specific local politics, and that should stay, but nationally, the appear to be set to bow out should CM lose the primary.

On the other side of the aisle and in the actual election, Travis Childers (D) who represented my district from 2008-2011 before the state Repubs in charge gerrymandered the districts once again, will be running against whomever wins the afore-mentioned Conservative race as the Democratic challenger. He has been plagued by allegations that he is too liberal, which in this state is the equivalent to Satan worship. 

One wonders if the Civil War the two Conservatives have had for months now will affect the (D) versus (R) or (T) race? Certainly will be interesting regardless.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #43
how is exactly the Shape of republic of 'Merica ?

is   if the President is republican , the congress is democrat only -- vice versa .

or whoever the president , the Congress is republican +  Democrat ?

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #44

how is exactly the Shape of republic of 'Merica ?

is   if the President is republican , the congress is democrat only -- vice versa .

or whoever the president , the Congress is republican +  Democrat ?

1. Teetering on financial disaster, much like Europe and China, but on a more massive scale. The student loan bubble is due to burst at any time ($1.4 trillion and counting), the housing market is shite, because no one my age has the cash to buy a house, because many are paying off said student loans, and the economy is at a flatline.

2. The President and Congress are elected, so it's whatever we as a whole want. Last go 'round we wanted a Dem as a President, and a Democratic Senate, with a Repub House. Divided gov't at it's finest. I expect it to continue for some time, though the players and their parties will most likely change at some point. One could see Billary Clinton being elected President (D) with a (R) Congress.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #45
A rather unfortunate political system has gradually taken hold which is doing little for the country the millions suffering, etc. If less was spent marching the globe more Americans could get more satisfaction instead of their loaylty being used or misused. The two parties have sewn up the system to the point of ludicracy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #46
 de democratisch idee of republic 'merica seems Well-played .

btw , if the President ,  representatives , and senators is elected .

then Who funds their campaign ?

they use their own money , the  partij , or the Government give $$$ to the partij for campaign ?

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #47
they use their own money , the  partij , or the Government give $$$ to the partij for campaign ?

The parties use their own money; that is, contributions by private individuals and corporations.

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #48
so ..

generally speaking , politics is for the rich .

and for   the People  is a must to pay their salaries ?

Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections

Reply #49
You actually have a point there Sparta and the vast amounts stuffed in by corporates is phenomenal. Over the deacdes the rich at the top were a wider contribute to tax than now. There will always be differences between countries but here 20% of tax income is from the richer and will be interesting to know what it is in the ex-colonies.
"Quit you like men:be strong"