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Topic: Today's Good News (Read 170397 times)

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #100
Talking about taxes ...... I will be getting no Federal Income Tax Refund this year, & that's very, very good news!

I'm celebrating my second year of having $0.00 income derived from sources within the United States, so therefore this year I owe no Federal

Being that I no longer claim either of my USA residences as a primary 'permanent' residence --- I spent 9+ months in various locations overseas (in total) last year --- so the only taxes I paid in the States were local property taxes, sales taxes, & incidental fees.

In actuality I have no true primary country of 'permanent' residence (for tax purposes).

I presently maintain Citizenship in at least one (1) country other than the USA. 

For taxation purposes, all my liquid assets are deposited privately at various locations offshore.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #103
If I were Dracula, I'd have stayed in my comfy Romanian castle instead of moving to polluted late-19th-century London.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #104
Romanian winters can be chilly, especially in mountainous Transylvania, so a Transylvanian castle wouldn't be very "comfy". Then again I guess a vampire wouldn't care so much.

Romania, and Bulgaria as well, has had that coming, lots of competent people, and while politics is not the greatest,  I am confident of their long-term prospects, and EU has been good. The immigration talk about Romania comes from two source, that "Romanian" commonly is code for "Roma", a topic of its own, and that while Romania is moderately-sized, a bit larger than the Netherlands, they have a lot of farmers, and farmers spell trouble.


The world is getting even more web-wide. I noticed a couple weeks ago that one of the programs I use was made by a Bangladeshi programmer from Dhaka. That's good news too.


Re: Today's Good News

Reply #106
Well, [video][/video]
may have been to YouTube roughly what
was to MTV. The above video was posted August 2006 and October 2006 Google bought YouTube.

As you can see from this top 30 list, YouTube has lifted world culture to a whole new level.






The good news in this post is clearly that Frenzie allowed the video tag.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #107
they have a lot of farmers, and farmers spell trouble.

Indeed, farmers aren't as easy to manipulate as the urban herds. Besides, there's always arms in farms.

An interesting thing happening in Europe, at least in the southern places, it's a growing trend to people return to the fields and to live in a much more free and sustainable way.  People are tired of consumerism, police state vigilance and nazi rules.
However most people that lived for their entire lives in the cities and have an urban culture knows absolutely nothing from the countryside work and daily life.

We need more funds from the EU for teaching them so I can enter my project...  :)
Do you listen Mrs Merkel?
A matter of attitude.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #108
Met a couple of pop well knowns over the years and fine fellows jimbro.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #109
My tastes have changed over the years. I just opened a set of CDs that I bought some time ago and played a couple of tracks. Just awful. However, you're talking about personalities. I've never met one but have shaken the hand of a multi-millionaire decades ago, a pizza magnate, who owns Little Caesars Pizza. There's one in Edinburgh. And that's not a poke at your favorite city in the world.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #110

Romanian winters can be chilly, especially in mountainous Transylvania, so a Transylvanian castle wouldn't be very "comfy".

Well, the castle in Transylvania where Vlad the Impaler (Voivode of Wallachia/Dracula) was kept imprisoned and wherefrom he managed to escape wasn't very "comfy", not even during summer. ;)
Namely, by that time Transylvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary.

The immigration talk about Romania comes from two source, that "Romanian" commonly is code for "Roma", a topic of its own, ...

Indeed, depicting Roma as Romanian is misleading and IMHO done on purpose.

and that while Romania is moderately-sized, a bit larger than the Netherlands, they have a lot of farmers, and farmers spell trouble.

Speaking of Romanian farmers:
Who will buy Romanian farmland?
Romanian land market effectively liberalized on Jan. 1, 2014
Under the new law, Romanian citizens, citizens of other EU member states, citizens of states that are parties to the European Economic Area Agreement (EEAA), stateless persons residing in Romania, in an EU Member State or a state party to the EEAA, as well as legal persons having the nationality of an EU Member State or of a state that is party to the EEAA will be allowed to acquire land outside city boundaries.

Land grabbing at discount prices has just started.
According to the RO PAC Alliance, the bill on the sale and purchase of agricultural land by foreigners proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture amounts to a sort of "land expropriation", having rather the purpose of blowing into the sails of European speculators.
"Through incorporated companies, foreigners already hold in Romania between 1 and 1.2 million hectares of land, but so far we haven't seen foreigners effectively work these surfaces. It's still the Romanian farmers who do the tilling and the foreigners collect the subsidy provided by the EU. The output of this land does not enter the agricultural circuit either, but is directed to energy crops. ( ... ) The real disaster that grips the Romanian land market will be visible after the law is enforced," says RO PAC president and chairman of the Romanian Cattle Breeders Federation Claudiu Franc.

At present, the price of a hectare of farmland can start from 2,000 euros and can go up to 18,000 euros, but if the irrigation system is restored, these figures will shoot up towards the EU average of EUR 30,000 plus.

Romanian farmland is of very good quality, one of the best worldwide.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #111
Romanian winters can be chilly, especially in mountainous Transylvania, so a Transylvanian castle wouldn't be very "comfy".

I can think of one or two better places to move than foggy, polluted London. :D

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #113
I can think of one or two better places to move than foggy, polluted London. :D

Don't get me wrong, Transylvanian nature can be extremely beautiful. I once attended a wedding party in a Transylvanian cave that had been populated since prehistorical times. Excellent party, though getting there was too strenuous for my liking, wayward Taoists would love it, so I stayed in the cave complex until it was time to leave.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #117
Typical American about anti- Putin propaganda banged into ex-colonists "heids." Dear, oh dear!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #118
Can you explain your love affair with Putin? What about him is so attractive?

Frankly, though, I don't give a damn. Whatever happens in Russia, Crimea and Ukraine are problems that I'm not concerned with. Same with German problems, Portuguese problems and David Cameron problems...Let's throw in Glasgow and Edinburgh problems, too.

All of the above are distractions.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #120
How dare you jimbro call my corner a distraction! Just because you live in a nice backwater you are getting uppity.  :'(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #121
Hillary Clinton survived a shoe attack during her speach in Las Vegas


Re: Today's Good News

Reply #122
 :o Some damned heel threw it! :cheers:

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #123
That's usually a Muslim trait.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #124
That's usually a Muslim trait.

Right you are there RJ.....geeez, you know your Musies rag-heads....guess its because yer surrounded by 'em over there!

Actually, since it was done to GB, it's caught on with all the disillusioned local lefties & Occupy pond scum cruds.

They don't know WTF it means, just that it's some sort of negative 'cause it was used at George Bush & they loved it.