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Topic: The "New" Cold War… (Read 15341 times)

The "New" Cold War…

I'm pretty sure the Russian Federation will be the first major country to "release" its UFO files to the public… Soon, they'll have no credibility left, without relying on the lunatic fringe.
But Canada and Great Britain have made steps in this direction. Hm.

How much can we actually blame on extra- terrestrials? (Ya'll can leave the politics out and just talk about ETs… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #1
The ETs are in league with the Chinese. ;)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #2
Ya'll can leave the politics out and just talk about ETs...
Politicians works for the ETs.
ETs are reptilian/insects like creatures so the reason politicians banned smoking, As everybody knows, smoke kills insects.
ETs reproduces by eggs, like ants not mammals. Therefore the first step, homosexual adoptions and artificial insemination.

Trump is clearly a reptilian like creature. Same goes for the Queen of England. If you pay enough attention, you'll see for brief moments their forked tongue and reptilian look in their eyes.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #3
Queen of Britain you ignorant Iberian.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #4
So, the queen of Britain is no longer the queen of England…? You might want to let the Beefeaters guarding Windor Castle and other sites know — they can stand down!
Scotland has. Why shouldn't England, eh?

I, as an American, ask you to give us our nukes back! :) (Somewhat more seriously: Turkey should be "divested" post-haste of all American war-making technologies… Specially, nuclear missiles and anti-nuclear missiles… And, yes, I mean that Turkey should be expelled from NATO. But you already know I'd like to see NATO go away, so what's the problem? :) )
[Please insert Euro-babble as much as you want… Then say why NATO remains necessary, and why the U.S. needs to pay for most of it.]
I know Howie is probably not representative of Europeans. Still, he's a paragon compared to the Ugly American it seems to me most Europeans see as the typical American…
What I glean from my discussions with most Europeans is: Until the U.S. becomes fully committed to welfare state-ism or outright socialism, we're considered barbarians!
Sobeit! Slit your wrists in your luxurious bath, Europe! (We'll mourn you… But not follow your example. You once had scruples; we still do — for a while yet, I hope.)
I know this seems off-topic, but it really isn't: Europe's been living in a fantasy world for three decades… :) It's no great stretch, to invoke ETs as the "modern" Jews.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #5
[Please insert Euro-babble as much as you want... Then say why NATO remains necessary, and why the U.S. needs to pay for most of it.]
Hah! Poor little US, putting some of its military expenses in the NATO column during accounting. Why the US needs to pay for most of it? It pays about the same as France and the United Kingdom put together last time I checked. And I thought it's mainly because of NATO that we were buying all of those stupidexpensive American JSF planes. That's €6 billion going to America from the Netherlands alone. There's definitely some magic going on with the numbers, but I'm pretty sure the magic isn't quite the way you're insinuating.

(Oh dear, a couple of glasses of wine and I sound like @krake. :P)

More seriously, it's a somewhat convoluted, mostly concealed scheme of economic cooperation as well as a military alliance. In that sense, some form of TTIP would obsolete it. The money's going to our respective military industrial complexes more than it goes to some kind of dark hole NATO bureaucracy. Now there's a protection racket. ;)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #6
Interesting take, Frenzie
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #7
Why the US needs to pay for most of it? It pays about the same as France and the United Kingdom put together last time I checked.
The problem is not what the USA pays, the problem is what you fear from them. That's what determine what happens.
The USA have all the arguments they want to stop "defending" Europe, does Europe can defend itself from Putin if Americans fly away?

Europe (except Portugal) accepted the Plan Marshal, now you are at Americans hands.
Just lambs. The silence of lambs it's your destination, the slaughterhouse.

The rest of Europe is nothing but ex soviet parias. They'll go for those who pay better.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #8
The USA have all the arguments they want to stop "defending" Europe, ...
A bogus argument. Unfortunately, there are enough birdbrained people out there to buy it.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union they were defending Europe from Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.
Then they were defending Europe from Iran's nuclear threat (probably some missiles fired from the camel's ass).
Now they are protecting Europe from Putin.
Who will be next they will protect Europe from? Tuvalu?

Europe (except Portugal) accepted the Plan Marshal, now you are at Americans hands.
Don't be silly, it wasn't only Portugal.

The rest of Europe is nothing but ex soviet parias.
Hail to the exception, spelled P-o-r-t-u-g-a-l!  :jester:

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #9
The USA have all the arguments they want to stop "defending" Europe, does Europe can defend itself from Putin if Americans fly away?
America piggy backs on our empire, not the other way around. We're hospitable hosts, not weak dependents.

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #10
Then… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #11
The USA have all the arguments they want to stop "defending" Europe, ...
A bogus argument. Unfortunately, there are enough birdbrained people out there to buy it.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union they were defending Europe from Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.
Then they were defending Europe from Iran's nuclear threat (probably some missiles fired from the camel's ass).
Now they are protecting Europe from Putin.
Who will be next they will protect Europe from? Tuvalu?

Europe (except Portugal) accepted the Plan Marshal, now you are at Americans hands.
Don't be silly, it wasn't only Portugal.

The rest of Europe is nothing but ex soviet parias.
Hail to the exception, spelled P-o-r-t-u-g-a-l!  :jester:
Have no fear, good Sir, the Drumpf may soon be here to whisk us out of NATO/world affairs/occupation-meddling, and leave the UK and @rjhowie to lead The Force! 

Viva la isolationism!

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #12
the Drumpf may soon be here to whisk us out of NATO
And buy everything and drive to bankruptcy like his did his hotels.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #13
Drumpf may soon be here to whisk us out of NATO/world affairs/occupation-meddling
He would die much before that happens. In politics and world strategy casting errors can be corrected.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #14
Well colonel if Trump won (what a farce a country having him as one of 2 possible leaders! Farcical) and you were out of NATO maybe the money could be saved to help the millions of your own countrymen who have had their hopes and patriotism misused. Hhhm, maybe on second thoughts the country would collapse. The only aside fortune touch of that would be less military invasions and bases everywhere! Yeah, go on, elect him and could only happen in America that one of the 2 for the White House would be so laughable and crassly ignorant. That liar, Clinton is only he lesser of two evils and shows how deep the political problem is in the ex-colonies. You poor sap!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #15
Hillary is liar? Hrmmm... Well she has two pages of false statements on Politifact. But Trump doubles her , even though her record goes back longer.  Maybe being that full of shit is what turns Trump's skin orange? I'm not sure of what's the greater mystery: Trump's unhuman skin tone or that Trump's supporters somehow think their messiah tells the truth.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #16
Drumpf may soon be here to whisk us out of NATO/world affairs/occupation-meddling
He would die much before that happens. In politics and world strategy casting errors can be corrected.
Exactly. He would die or get shot dead much before that happens.
Anyway, it won't happen for two main reasons:
a.)  Trump has no chance to become president
b.) Which president (politician) kept all the promises after being elected?

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #18
Drumpf may soon be here to whisk us out of NATO/world affairs/occupation-meddling
He would die much before that happens. In politics and world strategy casting errors can be corrected.
Exactly. He would die or get shot dead much before that happens.
Anyway, it won't happen for two main reasons:
a.)  Trump has no chance to become president
b.) Which president (politician) kept all the promises after being elected?
Methinks you are underestimating the power of the stupidity of some of our voters. Look at the ancient motherland; they just left your EU. WTF was that all about?

Meanwhile, in that most damnable state to our southwest, Louisiana, former KKK grand wizard and former HoR member, David Duke is running in the Louisiana's Democratic primary to become the nest La. Senator. WTF is that all about?

Odd things are afloat my German friend. At this point to say anything will "never" happen is foolish.

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #19
Well if you had a proper democracy youngie then you would not have a man like Trump in the running to well, run the country! The other is another waste of damn time as Clinton is well into the corporate corner a liar and con woman. Many only voting for her as the only alternative for the White house. As for people being so stupid as support Trump you do have a big problem with that boy as there are legions of the dopey over there which shows how basically bad things are.

You can of course being young be optimistic for the future one day but maybe it is just as well the nutjob industry is so big as you will at least have comfort when older and still frustrated.  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #20
Well if you had a proper democracy youngie then you would not have a man like Trump in the running to well, run the country!
In a democracy, anyone can run as long they meet the qualifications outlined in the constitution. It would be undemocratic to disqualify somebody because political views (and is what happens in totalitarian countries. So I have to support Trump's right to run even as I fear what the lunatic might do if he manages to win. It's a little late for the election, but maybe next time Oakdale and myself should run against each other. At least it would be entertaining as we troll each other :yes: 
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #21
It's a little late for the election, but maybe next time Oakdale and myself should run against each other.
When I was a kid, I thought '92 would be my year… :) (Mumbles something about "misspent youth".)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #22
Well if you had a proper democracy youngie then you would not have a man like Trump in the running to well, run the country! The other is another waste of damn time as Clinton is well into the corporate corner a liar and con woman. Many only voting for her as the only alternative for the White house. As for people being so stupid as support Trump you do have a big problem with that boy as there are legions of the dopey over there which shows how basically bad things are.

You can of course being young be optimistic for the future one day but maybe it is just as well the nutjob industry is so big as you will at least have comfort when older and still frustrated.  :up:
So what you are saying is we should go back to the style of gov't seen in the Roman Republic?  

Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #23
At least it would be entertaining
I agree, very American and certainly not worst than what we are assisting.

I just have a question regarding style, would you dress better than Hillary? Would Oakdale present himself as an English gentleman or a Californian old hyppie? these are decisive questions to the electorate.
A matter of attitude.


Re: The "New" Cold War…

Reply #24
Cantabridgian hippie, Bel:) A native Californian who returned to the state eventually, I was raised elsewhere - thankfully! Uh, I mean dude!!!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)