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Topic: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia (Read 108509 times)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #200
On the purpose of NATO: "To keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #201
I don't think I've ever heard that before, but that sure is the gist of what we* wanted.

* As in the Benelux, France, and the UK in particular, but also e.g. — quite obviously, I would say — Denmark and Norway. And lest I'm accused of being a Batavian or a Frank or a member of some other Germanic tribe, Portugal and Greece (and even Turkey, which I don't believe was really threatened during the war) had much the same idea.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #202
And the more bases today is more money for the armaments corporate faction. Conjuring lies to justify them is well versed.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #203
"To keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."

If that's the purpose of Nato, they got two out of three. Americans in, Russians out but Germans down??
Today, Germany rules over an Empire that's double the size of Americans, the only thing they don't have it's an Army. Is it really needed? don't think so.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #204
I think I side with Jimbro on this. Krake and RJHowie seem to love feeding bears. Next time there's a problem--- maybe we should just let them feed the bears.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #207
Well it is one h of a better hug than that damn eagle that is all over the world with marching boots, guns and robot planes.

Meanwhile the Western media is still on the hype and you would think they were all connected to that bunch of nut cases on Fox. No demands for impartial investigations in toe (sad actually) killing of the opposition "leader" of 1% of the population. A point missed by the mjsmsprt40's of the world. One can just imagine the furore over the pond if another country ever dared to demand independent reviews of assassinations in the USA! Now the USA sends military vehicles and soldiers to the Baltic States. Another load of old cobblers on those 3 nations being ready for being invaded. And that reminds me that you totally ignored it when I pointed out that the Latvian Foreign Minister publicly said that he didn't feel threatened.

NATO should have been scrapped years ago and the US instead of the trillions wasted on military junkets spend it on the vast numbers inside their own land needing help. The onslaught on the bear IS because as I have made clear, Russia will not be dominated by the US led West clown minds. If a country does not go the way America wants and excuse will be created to squeeze the country or invade it (leaving a mess behind) it will be invaded or blocked. The background reason is that the coprate string pullers are losing out on an area to get money from.

Well Russia will not be invaded it is too strong for that baloney. You can squeeze it all you like but it will not give in and your corporates who also control the media will make sure suitable propaganda is the order of the day.  It is a proud and patriotic country that does not practice it's patriotism the way America does in using people. It is also conservative as are many countries. Conservatism in countries can often be different and most aren't as bad as the US version. The selfish of America is also apparent in that industry and farm producers right across Europe are squealing due to losing vast amounts of money. The US doesn't care a damn about this because they can get by little effected but have the nerve to tell others to stick to the propaganda!

That the bear is dealing with that squawking and imbecile eagle is A1. As i type this I have put on my cd of the St Petersburgh Naval band playing the former imperial Regiment Marches. comes "God Save the Tsar" and I dedicate this to my Chicagoan especially!  :hat: :sing:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #208
As i type this I have put on my cd of the St Petersburgh Naval band playing the former imperial Regiment Marches

Good. Why don't you move to Russia? Too afraid that your fantasies of Imperial Russia reborn will prove not to be true? Too afraid to talk to Russians and learn that Putin's polls numbers are cooked and having to remember me telling that polling outfit was threatened with closure by the Russian government after showing a drop in the "Czar's" popularity? I never knew Glaswegians looked like this:

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #209

Next time there's a problem--- maybe we should just let them feed the bears.

Okay. I'll get them both a first aid kit, though :left:

You should give that first 'aid kit' to the millions of people living in the regions where your country has set up the fire lately.
It will keep you busy for the rest of your life...

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #211
You should give that first 'aid kit' to the millions of people living in the regions where your country has set up the fire lately.
It will keep you busy for the rest of your life...

What the hell are you blathering incoherently about now? You and Howie just kill me when you go on like the US is the only country that has issues. Howie likes to pretend Britain's history is squeaky clean, but America's is nothing but soaked in blood. It's terrible what America did to the native Americans. It's just as bad, if not worse what the British did to the Irish (through their actions managed to halve the island's population not once but twice through Cromwell's invasion and the Potato Famine. What kind of bastards allow food to be exported from Ireland as the Irish starve, may they rot in Hell forever.) The fact is major nations have had blood on their hands in the past and this includes Russia (not even counting the USSR area, which then we had millions of Ukrainians dead at the hands of man-made famine, Stalin's purges, forcible eviction of Crimean Tartars from their homeland and the list goes on...)

Today we have anti-American dimshits that condemn the US for bombing ISIS, saying "the US bombed X country" but knowing the US actually bombed a camp full of psychopathic murderers, but defending Russian aggression in Ukraine to the bitter end and claim it doesn't exist despite Ukraine capturing Russian paratroops, Russia only weaponry and other equipment showing up as noted above, Russian soldiers admitting it, etc. With the issues at hand, Putin is clearly the villain. Where are the American tanks battling the Russian ones with white circles on them as they fire at Ukrainian troops? There's not a way that America is the aggressor here. Putin is.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #213

You should give that first 'aid kit' to the millions of people living in the regions where your country has set up the fire lately.
It will keep you busy for the rest of your life...

What the hell are you blathering incoherently about now?

For someone with the intellect of yours it might sound like incoherent blathering. :)
Have you already forgotten Iraq, Libya and Syria? That's what I meant by lately.
So you are fighting now ISIS, the monsters you have created? You get now the chance to bomb some countries twice, for different reasons. How epic!
Are Hitler and Stalin the only justification for what you are doing now and have done during the last decades?
Or is maybe Putin your justification for it?

Anti-American dimshits? Have you ever looked into a mirror? Wonder what you saw.


Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #214
Not lately, but you might have mentioned Vietnam  and Korea. :D

Not to forgot our meddling in the Pacific and Europe in the 40's.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #215
Must say Sanguinemoon that krake is fairly near a good appraisal of you. You have a closed mindset and just swallow all the anti-Russian claptrap as if you work for Fox.  The Russian government spent millions at the last Presidential Election having security and cameras in polling stations but that does not fit into your shut mind and limited grey cells.  You really have a damnable nerve on the principles of elections when you look at the States and the money dished out by the corporates but there again it IS THEM who ran the place . Maybe it is time you spent time and money inside your own country rather than ignore the tens of millions of poor Yanks. Hardly a very principled stance yakking about some other country. You just swallow what you are brained with and your political system is hardly something to boast about.

As for mocking Russian history and a subject you know little about is another laugh when you look at the internal history of America. That history contradicts the so-called principles and founding so get thee to the back of the clas until you actually learn something.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #216

Not lately, but you might have mentioned Vietnam  and Korea. :D

Korea and Vietnam are just 2 examples out of many. Indonesia, Cuba, Iran, ...
I don't think Sanguimoon is keen to lecture the entire list, that's why I only mentioned some of the latest.

Not to forgot our meddling in the Pacific and Europe in the 40's.

I see. Hitler and Stalin are to blame for anything the US did or does till the present day.
It might be convenient trying to hide under their dirty skirts in the 21th century.
However, don't you think that this is a quite pitiful stereotype? Wonder how many people around the world do still buy it.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #217
All this America bashing doesn't hide the fact the Russia and Russia alone is responsible for its action in Ukraine. There's no longer an intelligent way to deny it. America shouldn't have invaded invaded Iraq. That created a weak state that's not capable to holding back ISIS on its own. Some of us told the Republicans something like this would happen way back using tactical as well as humanitarian pleas against it back in the day. But that doesn't change what Russia is doing now. Nor does it explain why Putin's enemies have this tendency to end up dead. Did you see Bush's political rivals gunned down in the streets, or Obama's. And I doubt that will happen to the next administration's.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #218
I get it. Putin's Russia is so fabulous that we have to bash America on every post instead of disusing the topic ;)

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #219

Not to forgot our meddling in the Pacific and Europe in the 40's.

A brief mention, such as this one, will be lost on some of our members who seem to have been taught a blinkered brand of history.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #220
No, they understand history perfectly as their crap little socialist websites and blogs tell it to them. Imperial America formed an empire out of Europe and established bases against the wishes of the local governments to enforce the dictatorship. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union was peacefully minding its own business, and clearly didn't establish puppet dictatorships throughout eastern Europe and its people enjoyed freedoms unheard of in the West.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #221
You really show how easy it is to bash America as there are so many of your mind lsot. The USA =good. Anything else = needs US influence. However the way you have ran yhour country is a disgrace. White, comfortable then fine. I have NEVER supported the USSR and fine you damn well know it. What you did after WW2 (how wonderful YOU won it although took your time coming in like WW1). Ans as your norm war always means corprate advancement next. Let me remind you - again of the situation after WW1 in Russia. During the Civil War when the USA, Britain, France and japan had troops there to back up the Whites what did you lot do? Behind the scenes you were secretly dealing with those damn Bolshevik socialists on money and business investment. It was the same after WW2 when at Yalta there was dialogue between Churchill your leader and Stalin. Once more your President when behind Churchill's back to deal with Stalin because he was so full of hmself and could sort Stalin out. Yeah, history tells us different.

You are really of the same daft mindset as McCain and you totally ignore any factual list of hypocrisy or subterfuge by putting it in the other cumy corner of "US bashing." That in itself is so easy on what you get up to.

As for Putin and today's Russia it is vastly different from the USSR but you lot thought after the collapse of the Reds there was another big country to get into too for the imperial corporate side. Russia has no intention of wanting bases all over the globe like you ignorant dumbells under the excuse of "protecting our interests" when what is meant is corporate interests. You totally ignore the bigotry inside your own land the widespread poverty the increasin stupid debt the infringements of thhat consitution. You would get far morte respect if you attempted to answer the charges ratrher than try and haughtily dismiss as you are from the "greatest country" for rights, freedomns and so on. A load of codswallop.

Russia has no intention of "invading" the baltic States just another haughty US excuse to dominate. And the stuff about Ukraine's situation being caused by Russia! Maybe you don't have a house but live in the Fox TB building? And yet another reminder that for ages Ukraine was being fed oil cheaper than anyone else in europe, etc . That it was the head bangers in Kiev that overthrew a perfectly elected government. That that government was not 1100% is not the issue, democracy is. It was the Kiev faction and the West of Ukraine that made the problems. At NO TIME did they consult their fellow Ukrainians in the east so the Ukraine which was already in decline through their own faults, corruption and inefficency are caused by Russia?? One could make better allowances for your opinion if you were not being so crassly stupid, ignorant and not ables to properly answer political arguments.

Putin has said repeatedly he does not want the East and in addition we get this utter further stupidity of large numbers of tanks and thousands of troops crossing the Border. Why did the commander of the Ukrainian Army appear on tv and deny this and say his troops had seen none of this. You are so blinded by the greed barons in the US who also control the media to the point of absurdity. Sanctions are another form of warfare without the weapons but this is one of the confrontations you lot of redneck clowns will not succeed in. Every military thing you get involved with is followed by a mess and thankfully this will not happen to Russia. The fact that your champion itiot who is a laugh to intelligent people, namely McCain went to support the mindsets in Kiev and West Ukraine is another fiasco. Did he as a wondeerful pillar of the wouild-be democratic champions come out agsinst the Right Sector in the kiev givernment? Nope. Did he say anything about the neo-Nazis serving in the nationa Guard and who did not want a cease fire? nope.  Did he say anyhting about the large numbers of old people not getting pensions, bank transactions blocked, electric and water blocked amongst innocent civilians? Nope.

The day you lot go bankrupt (and remember when you attack those terrible socialists how much in hock you are to Red China!) and the corporates no longer able to control what passes for "democracy" in the USA and the military corporate industry will be a joy to the world. Russia will not need to have done anyhthing but smile.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #222
Putin has said repeatedly he does not want the East and in addition we get this utter further stupidity of large numbers of tanks and thousands of troops crossing the Border.

Not directly annexed into the Russia, no. But to split the country and create a buffer state in case Ukraine becomes part of NATO. The sad things is Russia's actions have made Ukraine joining more, not less, likely.
Did he as a wondeerful pillar of the wouild-be democratic champions come out agsinst the Right Sector in the kiev givernment?

The Right Sector has a total membership of about 10,000 and is hardly a force within the Ukrainian government. Now if you read up on the it, you'll find that Right Sector is a creature of Russia in that it was formed as a result and response to that country's actions.

Re: Putin the Magnificent: Series 2 - Putin's Russia

Reply #223
Russia will not need to have done anyhthing but smile.

That's pretty much what Khrushchev meant when he said "We will bury you!" (But he was a monkey that wasn't all thumbs… :) ) And yet Soviet communism has left the world stage. Only the hangers-on like you, Howie, still try to support it.
Though you won't say it — you're not Orange; you're Red!
(And yellow; so, I guess you're orange after all… :) )
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