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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276677 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #125
See, a problem with your reading is you pick up details great, but miss things such the author's "tone of voice." For instance, you didn't understand that my "tone of voice" wasn't entirely serious.

As usual, your felicity to words (yours or others…) is tenuous at best.
Your tone of voice is usually second-hand snark, and bungled, mangled and myopic — even then…

Ask Macallan if he now accepts the validity of g, as promulgated by, e.g., Jensen… He'll of course say no! But he'll chortle -along with you- when "conservationists" are tagged as low IQ, and that's why they're not as "liberal as us." (But maybe he's finally done some homework! He might recant. IAPA!, and you know it.)

Be that as it may, I've been following GNXP almost since it started… Because I'm interested in population genetics, as a field of scientific enquiry. You're just "quote mining" there; and you got caught doing it — for your usual reason!

Sorry to hear that you can't turn in your Obama-phone for some Obama-glasses… :) But when you vote for him again at least you'll have a (DA) excuse!

(Please feel free to report my use of "DA" as offensive or defamatory… I've given you two letters, one a consonant and the other a vowel: Surely, you can make something of that! :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #126
Your tone of voice is usually second-hand snark, and bungled, mangled and myopic — even then…

Project much?
Ask Macallan if he now accepts the validity of g, as promulgated by, e.g., Jensen… He'll of course say no! But he'll chortle -along with you- when "conservationists" are tagged as low IQ, and that's why they're not as "liberal as us." (But maybe he's finally done some homework! He might recant. IAPA!, and you know it.)

Why are you so offendable?  It's hilarious
You're just "quote mining" there; and you got caught doing it — for your usual reason!

I didn't get caught at anything. First of all, I wasn't actually arguing conservatives are less intelligent. IQ doesn't necessarily indict a person's intelligence, and often shows little more than the test-takers ability to take the test. Now if you notice how conservative is described within the studies, the word bigot is probably a more appropriate term. Since you get confused and upset so easily, I'm not saying conservatives are bigots.Why would is be surprising that racists, etc might be less intelligent than the general population? Than there's the authoritarianism. I don't find it surprising that  person that feels one should blindly follow orders is less intelligent /and/ score lower on an IQ test than the general population.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #127
First of all, I wasn't actually arguing conservatives are less intelligent.
So — you're arguing that liberals/progressives are less intelligent than the average population? :) No: I think I was correct. You just did your usual thing, snark.
IQ doesn't necessarily indict a person's intelligence, and often shows little more than the test-takers ability to take the test.
But -when it's convenient to score partisan points- it will be used; and, of course, misused…
BTW: What evidence do you have, that IQ tests measure little more than the test-taker's ability to take the test? (You and I both know that there is no such evidence… :) There is only liberal orthodoxy, recapitulated. For you, that's science?) Next you'll tell me that HeadStart is a success, obviating the "race" gap in academic performance…
Now if you notice how conservative is described within the studies, the word bigot is probably a more appropriate term.
This, from a guy who countenanced "dog whistle" exegesis of "conservative" words? :) Have you taken the pledge: To speak truthfully? I'm doubtful. (But it's the ability I doubt; not the intention…)
Projection? Hm. I am not surprised you'd revert to Freudian psychology… Maybe you'd prefer the "modern" version, Scientology? :) You could pay to have your thoughts cleared!
But, yes, I've "projected" the past half-dozen years worth of your posts onto your most recent "efforts" — few of which I comment upon. (That's projective, as in geometry…) Of course, only your posts here and at MyOpera's D&D. God knows, what you've said elsewhere…

Am I easily offended? No; I don't think so. But I am sufficiently irked by smarmy comments -so readily accepted by the PC crowd- sometimes to call out the perpetrator, when such occurs in fora I frequent.

But those "studies" you think are science -that maybe misuse the term "conservative" when all they really meant was bigot: Are they good science? I'm asking your opinion… (Feel free to check other sources; I know your level of expertise. But I'll hold you responsible for your opinion, regardless. That is, I'll expect you to argue for it.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #128
Why would is be surprising that racists, etc might be less intelligent than the general population?

This requires a separate post, Sang.

What world have you been living in? Were Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot dunces? Bah! What you mean is nothing more than "people who don't agree with me" when you talk about intelligence or racism… Albeit, with a veneer of academic liberalism — which now needs to be termed "progressivism," because liberals had out-worn the term. (And some still remembered its original meaning…and protested its usurpation.) Collectivism (tribalism), authoritarianism (as in opposition to free speech and free enterprise…not your usual canard: opposition to same-sex marriage and restrictions on controlled substances), and utopianism (the belief that experts can "solve" every problem) are the hallmarks of progressivism.
Conservatism does oppose these three presumptions, for good reason.

Your contention (repeated often enough…) that non-liberals are -what's Obama's term? Oh, yeah- "behind the times" is merely that: A contention. (Of course, I know Obama probably never said "behind the times"… He's got highly paid speechwriters to euphemise for him!) The meaning is amorphous enough to escape analysis, by the easily led…

Once upon a time in America some of our smartest progressive leaders called for racial segregation and eugenics programs… Now, of course, Justice Ginsberg guards the political bailiwick with all her might!
Some things never change.

But what never fails to amaze me is the propensity of certain "types" to call those who disagree with them on substantive (and procedural…!) matters "stupid" — or (and it amounts to the same thing) "anti-modern".
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #129
One thing is going on in the Americas for sure. Oakdale and Sanguinemoon are squaring off against each other on a forum yipping "You're wrong!" at each other.

They may be right.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #130
(Of course, I know Obama probably never said "behind the times"… He's got highly paid speechwriters to euphemise for him!)

I hope next time Mr Obama hires Oakdale for writing his speeches (and pays him even better). It would let the rest of the world speechless... :)

As for the rest, I agree very specially with a point, that no one pays attention in Europe, the believe that "experts" can solve all possible problems.
However, it's neither "utopianism" nor a characteristic exclusive of the Left, it affects an entire civilization. Half believes in "experts" the other half believe "Market" can do it.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #131
Oakdale, why is that you try to reduce everything I said to "you disagree with me, therefore you're stupid." In fact, all I noted was a correlation between low IQ and prejudice (and noted it might have been unfair for the studies to call it conservatism. )   A correlation, meaning there's tendency for this to be the case but not all the time. It's a study of averages within large groups. Therefore you can have a non-prejudiced dolt and a genius level racist, but those are outliers. This seems like common sense. Low brain power more or less equals less ability to see and appreciate the humanity in someone different from yourself.

Incidentally, and this is sure to tie your shorts in a twist, low levels of cognitive ability correlate with low levels of moral development in Kohlberg's stages of moral development. So how will you twist my words this time? That people that make a different moral choice than me are less intelligent? In fact was determines the morality of the choice isn't necessarily the decision itself, but the reasoning behind it. So, racist people tend to be not only less intelligent than average, but are at a lower stage of moral development as well. Want evidence? The Aryan Brotherhood prison gang: racist, and made poor moral choices that landed them in prison. What about the IQ part? Well, there's a correlation between low intelligence and criminality (again, this an average, not all the time since that confuses you :p ) So they're in prison in part because of low cognitive ability, which also manifests itself in a low level of moral development and racism.

Now it would certainly take a low level of cognitive ability to interpret that to mean that I consider those that disagree with me to be unintelligent, amoral/immoral criminals and racists, wouldn't it?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #132

One thing is going on in the Americas for sure. Oakdale and Sanguinemoon are squaring off against each other on a forum yipping "You're wrong!" at each other.

They may be right.


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #133
I wonder if you should tell the fiendish criminal mastermind in the James Bond movies that he has a low IQ. Hmmmm.... that might not be one of your best moves, especially when he's arming the unnecessarily slow and extremely complicated killing machine he's strapped you to.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #134
There are very serious matters going on in America, particularly Obama's latte salute.

Republicans are all over the Prez for disrespecting the troops. What they've forgotten is this one!

Yes, the media here are daft.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #135
Also in a Fox News shows that complained that saluting like that was disrespectful to the troops, they talked about a female jet pilot as "boobs on the ground."  But first image Jaybrah showed was NBC, which shows that Republican complaints about media supposedly giving the president a free pass on everything are utter bullshit. They go along with the invented scandal while forgetting that the president doesn't actually have to salute at all (and that no president did until the time of Reagan.  One thing that seems to be missing in this "scandal" is how to the Marines in question feel? Are they actually insulted?

A slight correction: Eisenhower did occasionally return military personal's salutes on special occasions such as dedicating the Marine Corps War Memorial or when giving high medals.

John Stewart said it best about the Republicans and this "scandal." He said, "Fuck you and your false patriotism.” I do have disagree with him a little, though. Intercourse with a Republican runs the risk of contracting whatever disease seems to be eating the GOP's collective brain.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #136

. Intercourse with a Republican runs the risk of contracting whatever disease seems to be eating the GOP's collective brain.

So THAT'S where their brains are.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #138
Obama's latte salute...Respect one, or the other..............

:monkey: :banana:
:monkey: :banana:

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #139
Saluting with a dog in your arms? tut, tut.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #140
The end of the equal marriage fight is all but completed. The Supreme Court declined to hear the appeals from the states still arguing against equal marriage. This is because there is no constitutional case against equal marriage. The traditional arguments are 1) Think of the children 2) Religion 3)and gibberish about saying society will break down if loving same-sex couples can marry 4) and the utter idiocy about about marrying dogs and toasters. All sides expected the SCOTUS to rule on equal marriage, but frankly non of the arguments against it hold constitutional water. Legal experts do wish for more comment from the Justices. The justices note lack of dissent from the Appeals court in this matter.

What this means is that within a few years equal marriage will be the law in all 50 states, plus other US territories. States that didn't already appeal equal marriage might not, knowing what the ruling will be but they're bound to face lawsuits and the ruling will be against them. This sets a huge, if unofficial, precedent. It's over. The anti-equal marriage forces have lost. They brought this on themselves. Same-sex marriage was illegal all 50 states, but they had to push the issue and pass constitutional amendments. Now it's time for them to taste their bitter medicine.

I wonder what this does to the political landscape, though. Most LGBT people found themselves in a position of having to vote Democratic because of this issue. This might change that situation with the caveat that if a GOP candidate impotently raises the issue to "energize the base" , he'll still lose that voting bloc. There's a slightly interesting development. I wanted to offer a link to GOPProud (a group of LGBT conservatives) because I remember them saying something about how many LGBT folks would benefit from lower taxes having above national average incomes, but the domain appears to be for sale. Here it is anyway. Okay, according to Wikipedia they dissolved on June 2 [/url]/ Oh the irony, right when thinking LGBT voters might consider giving them another look. Oh well. The Wikipedia articles notes the founders left the GOP due to the bigotry within the party. The Log Cabin Republicans seem to be alive, though and claiming "Spirit of Lincoln 2014."

What will this do to the GOP itself, though? With this issue dead, maybe their better candidates can focus on issues more people care about:taxes, the deficit, etc.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #141
With this issue dead, maybe their better candidates can focus on issues more people care about:taxes, the deficit, etc.

The issue isn't dead. But common sense may be…
I can't wait to hear your "reform-Progressive" platform, regarding "taxes, the deficit, etc."… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #142
The politicians are quite content to be sidetracked by the queer marriage issue. And anyway just putting the light on your Republicans you can ask the same thing about the bleeding Democrats as they are overseeing the same damn issues as them.

There seems to be an inbuilt arrogance often on these forums. Yanks just come on and talk straight away about their own internal issues as if this is an American forum. Others tend to lean on the attitude of "what my country is doing" instead. I  find the same attitude on my hobby, train simulation when the ex-colonists act the same way.

Anyway, poofs exists just like Communists or anything else but I won't be brained into thinking such is wonderful. I don;t want to harm shirt lifters any more than I would harm a Red instead I body-swerve.  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #144
This churlishness over salutes highlights the degeneration of American society.

No president before Reagan saluted. That includes real patriots and presidents who were in the military like T Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Kennedy.

Now we have this faux patriotism and love of country which has to be shown by salutes and politicians standing before phalanxes of the American flag. Also, make sure an American flag lapel is worn.

Politicians don't have the balls to stop this bs. They're so very scared of being labeled un-american or unpatriotic.

Who would have thought that the necessary political test for patriotism and love of country is the wearing of a flag lapel, of giving the correct salute and of having a phalanx of flags behind you when giving a speech.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #145
RJH, did you happen to notice the title of this thread? OK, if we talk about what's going on in America in a thread titled "What's going on in the Americas?" why would you have a problem with that?

So, how about starting a thread about what's happening in Scotland? We have at least two people here--- you, RJ, and Luxor-- who should be experts at anything and everything that happens North of Hadrian's Wall. I fancy you could fill a thread with something, and since the thread would be about Scotland you could tell us Yanks to take our "America is great!" stuff and keep it out of your Scotland thread. Some of us might still ignore that, but-- the thread would be about Scotland, so you would have grounds to keep it about Scotland.

OK, just a thought.......
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #146
Thoughts are fine but on a more general slant on this Forum (and it was the same on the previous Opera) your fellow countrymen come on here and act as if this was purely an American forum. Even on hobby forums the same thing occurs. And as i pointed out others being more sensible will say "here such and such happens" or whatever but your comrades do I am afraid act with a wee does of arrogance and superior style. I know you normally don't as you have enough to contend with driving that lorry, trying to keep the lid on the Windy City......  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #147
Oh, as a postcript have you taken a look at the same thread title? It doesn't say America fulls top but the Americas. Tut, tut boy you slipped.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #148
your fellow countrymen come on here and act as if this was purely an American forum
No. It's just that you and some few others won't or can't read; your hobby isn't toy trains, it's America bashing — and you do that, I guess, because your own lot are such rotters that you can't bear to talk about them.
As mjm said, talk about those things that interest you! (If you would, note the level of response…) Everyone has opinions on matters American. Hardly anyone cares about Scotland, Holland, France; or even Russia…
The Old World is getting really old, man! The so-called Emerging World (south-east Asia) is cocooning itself; and the Cradle of Civilization has -with one prominent exception- yet to produce an enduring civilization, in modern times…
The United Kingdom recently almost dissolved; and more devolution is coming. Who cares? :)

There are quite a few smart, cosmopolitan posters here. (You're not one of them.) Have you noticed, how few people -since Plato- seriously mention Atlantis as either a model or cautionary example?
There's a reason for that.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)