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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276673 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #950
What's Going on in the Americas?
The 16th Global RU-BOARDa 2017 in Kazan.
The time for the Global Assembly 2017: August 4-6
The question will be discussed:
Can be elected President of America Hillary Clinton.
Electing the President of America :D

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #951
It is so head scratching why the USA cannot keep it's nose out of so much in the world even taking in the corporatism of it. Imperialism is a historical thing apart from that corner.  That would get so much more respect if it looked after it's own people a bit better. Now that would be a principle worth playing on.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #952
It is so head scratching why the USA cannot keep it's nose out of so much in the world even taking in the corporatism of it. Imperialism is a historical thing apart from that corner.  That would get so much more respect if it looked after it's own people a bit better. Now that would be a principle worth playing on.
Good to see you've renounced imperialism, Mr. Howie. Next you'll be acknowledging the atrocities of the BE, if we don't watch out.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #954
let me firstly say Colonel that I am making considerable allowances for the fact that you have an ex-colonial education and that there is a government awareness of that long standing issue.

Secondly empires are a thing of the past  and the Commonwealth is a very  enlightened progress that you lot could not produce at all. That came from Empire days. But you lot cannot accept that and yours is very fly, improper and does not are a damn fig about the countries it subjugates.  You maintain an empire based on very heavy corporate control and your two parties show that too. Time after time you have tried to take places over either militarily or by the money men and where there is  a challenge find a way to intimidate, block or tear apart. As I have also pointed out toy spend over half the world's military bill for the sake of the corporates who run your mess of a country - doesn't matter whether Democrat or Republican the tens of millions of poor and bottom of the pile remain there. Every party here supports the Welfare state and other helps.

Your money men do not supply colonial experts but the countries you dominate are financially and subtly militarily subdued. So instead of trying to do a daft body-swerve and slope into the distant past trying facing up the empirical stuff your country gets up to in today's world. Any place that dares to challenge your imperialism based on money is in for a swipe, blocked or put down. Instead of helping the tens of millions of poor in the land of nonsense you are the No 1 imperial crowd in today's world and little to how in that except the pockets of your corporate controllers.

President Eisenhower was so damn right all those years ago warning you lot but your so damn nationalistic and call it patriotism (groan). A friend of mine when brought up here married a fellow Glaswegian then went to live in California decades ago. She is frustrated and head shakes at what is called a political system. Her son and his wife are emigrating here.  Meanwhile the rest of you will continue to be brained by a rubbish media and an even worse system. Try facing up to your own empire lot.  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #956
Two torturists facing court.
The NYT article reads like a bad tasting farce to say the least.
In 2003 the USA is invading and bombing a sovereign state in breach with international law.
As a result, hundreds of thousands are loosing their life, damages of hundreds of billions, an entire region pushed into chaos and now we are told that two psychologists may face trials because some people have been tortured after 9/11 2001?

As for prisons abroad, their first goal was to facilitate torture in places where US law doesn't apply.
Those prisons weren't neither commissioned by psychologists nor were those prisons operated by psychologists.
Those two psychologists could serve at best as scapegoats distracting from really responsible people sitting in high ranking positions like the President of the USA, the chief of the CIA and some high ranking generals.

Wonder what the NYT will tell us next?
That an American nurse (sexual abuse of detainees) and an American cook (shit like tasting food for detainees) have been sentenced because of their contribution to torture in those shady prisons abroad?

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #957
“Trump doesn’t seem to understand what an alliance is, and doesn’t seem to consider his ally when he says those things,” said Lee Byong-chul, a senior fellow at the Institute for Peace and Cooperation in Seoul, the South Korean capital. “No American president has mentioned a military option so easily, so offhandedly as he has. He unnerves people in South Korea, few of whom want war in Korea.”
Fire and Fury, says Trump.
A simple slap will be enough to him to shut up.
Another slap to the North Korean idiot will serve as well.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #958
Hm. "Ole Miss students are still reeling from the devastating and traumatic experience."
A weekend fraternity retreat at the University of Mississippi ended early on Saturday because a student threw his banana peel away in a tree — and some students who saw it got “frightened” that the peel was a racist attack. According to an article in the Daily Mississippian, three black students told National Pan-Hellenic Council leaders that they had seen a banana peel on a tree and that they were very upset about it. The leaders then shared their concerns with the rest of the camp, and one of the attendees, Ryan Swanson, admitted that he had placed the peel on the tree — explaining that he had actually not done so because he hates people of color and wants to intimidate them, but because he just couldn’t find a garbage can to put it in. But it didn’t end there: In fact, it prompted an entire day of “camp-wide conversation” about the racist “symbolism, intended or not” of the banana, a conversation that made some students feel so upset that they didn’t feel “safe” enough to stay, which ultimately led to the rest of the retreat being canceled altogether. Swanson apologized in a statement to the school paper…

Read more at:
What's going on in America is similar to what's been going on in Europe: Utter insanity.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #959
Really head shaking certainly.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #962
Hm. "Ole Miss students are still reeling from the devastating and traumatic experience."
A weekend fraternity retreat at the University of Mississippi ended early on Saturday because a student threw his banana peel away in a tree — and some students who saw it got “frightened” that the peel was a racist attack. According to an article in the Daily Mississippian, three black students told National Pan-Hellenic Council leaders that they had seen a banana peel on a tree and that they were very upset about it. The leaders then shared their concerns with the rest of the camp, and one of the attendees, Ryan Swanson, admitted that he had placed the peel on the tree — explaining that he had actually not done so because he hates people of color and wants to intimidate them, but because he just couldn’t find a garbage can to put it in. But it didn’t end there: In fact, it prompted an entire day of “camp-wide conversation” about the racist “symbolism, intended or not” of the banana, a conversation that made some students feel so upset that they didn’t feel “safe” enough to stay, which ultimately led to the rest of the retreat being canceled altogether. Swanson apologized in a statement to the school paper…

Read more at:
What's going on in America is similar to what's been going on in Europe: Utter insanity.
Glad I graduated in 2013 before the snowflakes took over, FFS.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #963
The American collapse we're assisting is a complex thing.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #964
The American collapse we're assisting is a complex thing.
When we go down, Bel, you'll be helpless… But you've already decided on imolation: Communism is coming back to Europe.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #965
Communism is coming back to Europe.
For sure, Europe will adopt the political system of North Korea since it has proved to be very successful.
The only reason we didn't do so as yet, were the almighty US. :lol:


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #966
The American collapse we're assisting is a complex thing.
When we go down, Bel, you'll be helpless… But you've already decided on imolation: Communism is coming back to Europe.
You really have very strange conclusions about reality Oakdale. Where do you see that imaginary communism spreading all over Europe?

Because you decided that social care must be named "communism"? universal health care must be named "communism"? human rights must be named "communism"?
It is true that the State interferes too much in many areas in Europe and it does it mainly under two ways, Brussels bureaucracy nightmare and the lack of sovereignty representation for regions but to call it a communism come back only makes people laugh.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #967
Quote from: some random viral internet message
*Who Reads What and Why*

*In America today*
*A**s of 8/23/2017*

1. *The Wall Street Journal* is read by the people who *run the country*.
2. *The Washington Post* is read by people who *think* they run the country.
3. *The New York Times* is read by people who *think they should run the
country, (and who are very good at crossword puzzles).*
4*. USA Today* is read by people who *think they ought* to run the country
but* don't really understand The New York Times.*
5. *The Los Angeles Times *is read by people who wouldn't mind running the
country, if they could find the time and if they didn't have to leave
Southern California to do it.
6. *The Boston Globe* is read by people whose parents *used* to run the
7*. The New York Daily News* is read by people who aren't too sure *who's*
running the country and don't really care as long as they can get a seat on
the train.
8. *The New York Post* is read by people who don't *care* who is running
the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably
while intoxicated.
9. *The Chicago Tribune* is read by people now in prison, but who used to
run the state, and would like to do so again: as would their constituents
that are currently free on bail.
10. *The Miami Herald* is read by people who are running *another* country,
but need the baseball scores.
11. *The San Francisco Chronicle* is read by people who aren't sure if
there *is* a country or that anyone is running it; but if so, they *oppose*
all that they stand for.      There are occasional exceptions if the
leaders are *gay, handicapped, minority, feminist, atheists*, and those who
also happen to be *illegal aliens* from *any* other country or galaxy,
provided of course, that they are *not Republicans* or *conservatives.*
12. *The National Enquirer* is read by people trapped in line at the
grocery store and who demand a source of *real, balanced, honest* and on
occasion, at least semi-reliable news.
13. *The Seattle Times* is read by people who have *recently caught a fish *and
need something to wrap it in, with a particular preference for *red herring*

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #968
14. "Breitbart" is read by people that think all the of above is fake news
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #969
Belfrager that nonsense from OakdaleFTL is kind of typical from him. Communism and Europe, eh? Wish he was sober when he types........ :faint:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #970
Because you decided that social care must be named "communism"? universal health care must be named "communism"? human rights must be named "communism"?
Funny how for Oakdale everything that can be called social (=pertaining to society) is directly related to ideological communism (and fascism too, of course).

This was not so in Soviet Union. In SU they made "capital investments" just fine, to build factories, schools and hospitals, infrastructure, without worrying that they might be doing something capitalist.

Edit: But according to Oakdale, anyone concerned about social issues is a socialist=communist=fascist. Because Hitler was a known leftist liberal and commie.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #971
In earlier and younger days I wondered why a 'democracy' like Italy flocked to Mussolini but there again democracy was a farce in Italy and still is. Until Mussolini and his lot came in government came an went and what happened after WW2 the place went back to government collapsing year in and year out with dozens of parties in it's system. If what passes for a system in the ex-colonies collapses then I will try and squeeze in Mr Tennessee and the Colonel........ :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #972
I love the reactions to the "commie" trope! :) It always gets the "I was just following orders" group complaining about the lack of sophistication we 'Mericans continually show…

The EU is a soft communism, whether you'all know it or not. But don't take my word for it: Read Geert Wilder's speech.
(Or read this…)

Does anyone deny that communism was a European ideology? That its theoreticians were Europeans? (Sure, the obvious "swerve" -as Howie would call it- is that it was the Jews! But while Mao takes the Honor for killing the most and Pol Pot takes Honorable Mention for being the most vicious, Stalin stands out as the primary example of European influenced "modern" government.

Europe seems determined to get some form of totalitarian control institutionalized… The sheer persistence of the impulse is — frightening.

And the U.S. is not so very far behind that we can't catch up…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #973
Read Geert Wilder's speech.
Geert Wilders despises Americans even more than Jews. Fun you quote him.

That idiot is totally shit. You have fantastic arguments about Europe indeed.

I'm tired of this pseudo discussion where Europeans knows much more about America than Americans knows about Europe.
I mean some Americans, those who knows about it don't post.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #974
Well I would say Oakdale that the Bolshevik nasties killed more people than the Nazis did but we all tend to not notice that matter as we had more access to the Nazis internal affairs after the war than getting records and stuff from the USSR days. Had the excellent reforming Tsarist Prime Minister Stolypin not have continued (sacked then assassinated) the re was a goodly chance that the revolution would not have occurred.  What a difference that would have made to Europe.
"Quit you like men:be strong"