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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276785 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #600
Why do non-Americans have so little volition in your worldview? :P

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #601
If I mean "the West" I mean non-Americans as well - not only but mainly Western Europe.
While the USA due its military force and economic leverage is the leading part (with the according responsabilities) its Western allies (Germany and France included) aren't exempted neither of complicity nor of  responsabilities.
After all Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya have been joint 'humanitarian interventions' and so is now Syria.
Each one tries to safeguard the part of cake that might be left behind...

Why so much hypocrisy? Probably because otherwise it would smell and it wouldn't be a pleasant smell...

BTW, exclusively for you. It's a docu from ARTE I've posted in the past but I repost now for the case you missed it... :P

[video][/video]  in French
[video][/video]  in German (better video quality)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #602
And both annoyingly dub over e.g. the English voice (even if the German subtitles the French). I do kind of despise German/French TV that way. :P

I've downloaded it, meaning I might end up watching it someday. Reading things is simple. Watching things is very difficult. I don't like it much. :)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #603
American Exceptionalism:
(Hacked from somebody's site)
"Signs of supposed progress in expressions of American violence often disguise profound continuities. For example: The era of highly visible public lynchings, which is estimated to have claimed some 5,000 lives, has passed. Yet since then we have moved on to an institutionalized death penalty regime, wherein states that previously had the highest numbers of lynchings now have the greatest numbers of black people on death row. Both per capita and in raw numbers, America’s prisons warehouse more human beings than any other country on the planet, and its police demonstrate a clear pattern of racial bias in killing their fellow citizens at a rate stratospherically higher than that of any of its supposed peer nations. U.S. soldiers are deployed in some 135 countries, and the number of troops actually engaged in combat is almost certainly much higher than authorities are willing to admit." :o

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #604
I hope you don't mind Jim. Here is the full article.

... the number of troops actually engaged in combat is almost certainly much higher than authorities are willing to admit.
Possible but not strictly necessary.
In combat zones like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria the number of mercenaries contracted through private firms outnumber the regular troops.
It's a catch of the Obama administration. Since those mercenaries are not part of the regular troops, casualties don't appear in any official statistics. As a result public opinion which is very sensitive for casualties abroad won't produce unnecessary headaches to the supreme commander.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #605
It implies something more along the lines of no photos of the perpetrators, possibly no names or at least no full names (like suspects), no details about the lives of the terrorists and no interviews with their family members. More like train or plane disasters, less like, well, terrorist attacks. Who are the victims, was the aid effective, what were the (security) mistakes that led to this terrible outcome. In brief, no terror porn.[1] That point of view is defended in Le Monde, among others. Now I have some doubts as to the actual efficacy such leftist self-sensorship.
I don't consider it to be censorship and even less leftist. It's simple common sense tactics, you don't glorify your enemy.
Secondly, media at our days context are business and just business, it's not moral to win more money with terror porn.

The public opinion pressure must be in winning wars not in selling more newspapers.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #606
I wonder if this photo of Osama sold more newspapers.


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #609
On a wider note my country did a brilliant job being second in the medal table.  :yes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #611
Spot on and the decision was a disgraceful farce.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #612
The US is no longer cut off from Cuba

First U.S. commercial flight in 5 decades lands in Cuba
  • SANTA CLARA, Cuba — The flight from Fort Lauderdale to this city in central Cuba on Wednesday morning took only 51 minutes, but it represented a major step in ending decades of isolation between communist Cuba and the United States.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #615
I can't recall of a referendum taking place there. ;)
After referendum it would belong to the United States, because only US soldiers inhabit the spot. But there's no legal basis for such referendum. The place belongs to Cuba, while US rents it "indefinitely". All other US bases over the world have similar rent contracts.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #616
All other US bases over the world have similar rent contracts.
You mean all US military bases over the world are rented against the will of the respective countries, like Gitmo is?  :yikes:
BTW, $4,085 per year must be a hell of a bargain for such a beautiful place.
If you rent a 322.917 square foot lodging in Munich, it's definitive more expensive.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #617
You mean all US military bases over the world are rented against the will of the respective countries, like Gitmo is?
Nobody asks the people. The rent contracts are between governments. US obtained Gitmo quite long ago, 1903.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #618
The rent contracts are between governments. US obtained Gitmo quite long ago, 1903.
And since the Cuban government has protested several times, even at the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling it illegally usurped territory.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #619
The rent contracts are between governments. US obtained Gitmo quite long ago, 1903.
And since the Cuban government has protested several times, even at the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling it illegally usurped territory.
Yes, so it is, but this is how they see it, not how the contract sees it. They want to end the contract, but the contract provides no terms to end itself, so nothing to do about it. Occupation would be a way (like India did in Goa), but...

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #620
They want to end the contract, but the contract provides no terms to end itself, so nothing to do about it.
An imposed contract sealing a duty valid till the end of mankind on earth.
Just wonder how anybody with an IQ higher than that of an insect would call such a contract.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #621
Just wonder how anybody with an IQ higher than that of an insect would call such a contract.
I looked it up, they call it actually a treaty

Currently, ending this thing is entirely in the hands of Obama. Before he got elected the first time, he promised to close Guantanamo (one of the two concrete promises he gave). He got a pre-emptive Nobel prize for this promise. This is his last chance to deliver.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #622
Utterly scandalous to have a damn base in a foreign country that does not want it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #623
Occupation would be a way (like India did in Goa)
No, it isn't. The invasion and occupation of Goa, Damão and Diu by the Indian Union was immediately presented  by Portugal to the ONU and an unanimous resolution for the illegality was made as well as a deliberation for the immediate return of those possessions to our domination.

According all international laws such resolutions are still valid but the robbers, murderers, cowards, occupiers and son of a bitch have not yet been judged by the Haya International Court nor have devolved the possessions.

Anyway, you heard something about Goa. Estonians are getting very erudite these days.

A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #624
On a wider note my country did a brilliant job being second in the medal table.  :yes:
Well done indeed old fella. :cheers:

Good of your lot to do so well before the Scots break your union apart within the next half-decade.