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Topic: Bad Reporting, etc. (Read 22605 times)

Bad Reporting, etc.

It's everywhere. In the US Fox News is a good example, but bad hometown newspapers are common.

A recent example comes from Fox which recently reported on 741 Muslim-dominated “no-go zones” around France. An "expert" recently reported this on Fox:
In Britain, it's not just no go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don't go in. And parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire. So there's a situation that Western Europe is not dealing with.

Bad reporting where you live? Share it.

And it's not just big stuff, particularly with small newspapers. The "news" can be quite trivial like this piece from a newspaper in Minnesota:
It didn't take long for Myron and Betty Ann Young to be reunited.

The couple died 48 hours apart last week. The couple spent their entire marriage in Mower County.


Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #1
Thankfully I don't have Fox news which acording to what i have sussed out about it is something to be thankful for.

It did get things very wrong firstly on the second city of Birmingham. The city however does have a minority of indigenous English people and Muslims have a very large part of the population and majority of school children also non-indigenous and with language problems thrown in.  The City education Dept was investigated by the national authorities due to some Islam dodgy stuff in some schools. London too is no longer traditional English either but the majority cover a wide range of incomers while the many traditional English people who can afford it had beat it off out the city. It is obvious that due to these actual practicalities, Fox either just "assumed" or misused things to suit themselves. It seems a rather odd lot the Fox crowd and not a very balanced scenario at all.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #2
A recent example comes from Fox which recently reported on 741 Muslim-dominated “no-go zones” around France. An "expert" recently reported this on Fox:

Those turned out to be Senstive Urban Zones , which amount to being poor areas of town.  It doesn't mean that it's areas given over to Sharia law and white people and police can't go there or other gibberish. You'll notice some of those zones are designated ZRU, which is a renewal zone (ie gentrification, new offices, etc.) That's pretty well the opposite of "no-go."

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #3
It doesn't mean that it's areas given over to Sharia law and white people and police can't go there or other gibberish. You'll notice some of those zones are designated ZRU, which is a renewal zone (ie gentrification, new offices, etc.) That's pretty well the opposite of "no-go."

You know that and I know that, but the Fox News speaking head didn't. Many of the news presenters aren't known for high intelligence but for other attributes. Give this a gander to see what I mean.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #4
I'm sure you know that Paris is threatening to sue Fox "News" over its false claim. I'm not convinced it will really happen, but if it does it will about time somebody holds Fox accountable for its poor reporting and outright lies. There are those that will defend Fox by saying "Oh MSNBC and CNN are so accurate..." In fact, studies have repeatedly shown Fox to be the least accurate out the three major News networks by a large margin.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #6

I'm sure you know that Paris is threatening to sue Fox "News" over its false claim. I'm not convinced it will really happen, but if it does it will about time somebody holds Fox accountable for its poor reporting and outright lies. There are those that will defend Fox by saying "Oh MSNBC and CNN are so accurate..." In fact, studies have repeatedly shown Fox to be the least accurate out the three major News networks by a large margin.

Good luck with that. Fox is driven by ideology when politics is involved. And, no, I don't watch Fox news but know about their slant.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #8
For a slightly more nuanced version the "No-Go Zones" flap (written by the scholar who coined the usage, Daniel Pipes…) read this.
A taste:
In a 2006 weblog entry, I called Muslim enclaves in Europe no-go zones as a non-euphemistic equivalent for the French phrase Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones. No-go zones subsequently became standard in English to describe Muslim-majority areas in West Europe.After spending time in the banlieues (suburbs) of Paris in January 2013, as well as in their counterparts in Antwerp, Athens, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, the Hague, Malmö, and Stockholm, however, I had second thoughts. I found that those areas “are not full-fledged no-go zones” — meaning places where the government had lost control of territory. No warlords dominate; sharia is not the law of the land. I expressed regret back then for having used the term no-go zones.
So, what are these places? A unique and as yet unnamed mix.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #9
The Paris mor is a good example of that daft hyped up French emotional stuff. I dare say there are dodgy places but it will not come to legal action which is such a silly thing.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #10
Fox News is a business. As such, they give their customers what they want. For some pathological reason their customers want to hear sensationalist nonsense like this. Those "no-go" areas sound a bit like impoverished minority majority neighborhoods even in the US, even with the occasional eruptions of violence. Witness Fergusson. But Fox customers are often biased against France, still harboring a grudging about Operation Desert Storm and WANT to hear how the French government supposedly lost control of those neighborhoods.

Having said all that, of the news networks the data I found is that CNN is the most accurate and gets their facts correct around 66% of the time. That's still a failing grade. Apologies, I'm having difficulty locating the information again and dinner is about to burn :p

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #11

The Paris mor is a good example of that daft hyped up French emotional stuff. I dare say there are dodgy places but it will not come to legal action which is such a silly thing.


Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #12

The Paris mor is a good example of that daft hyped up French emotional stuff. I dare say there are dodgy places but it will not come to legal action which is such a silly thing.


Howie-eze is a dialect only spoken by a handful of people in and around Glasgow. Nobody outside of their select group are able to decipher their peculiar brand of "English".
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #13
It's called Glasgowese.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #16
Howie-eze is a dialect only spoken by a handful of people in and around Glasgow. Nobody outside of their select group are able to decipher their peculiar brand of "English".

They need to hurry up and invent the universal translator just for those folks.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #17
A Scottish reporter was said to retort
after reporting so badly his report was reported
ye dinna wiggle awa wi yer fnooking cawoddle
I'll twaddle ya sporran   -- so thah

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #18
And mjsmsprt40 a Yank mumbling about English coming from the country he does? There is even a book here (two now I think at least) giving a translation of the working class Glaswegian dialect. No high ground Chicago man from a country that mispronounces English language words to blow at someone else. Indeed wew have a great word to describe your stance -heidthebaw.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #19

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #20
It's actually two Scottish words and one that we all know.
Heid the baw

“Hoi – heid the baw! Cut that oot or yer claimed.”

heid the baw: (head the ball) madman, pest, irritating person, idiot. (also: bawheid).

“Hey – you annoying bastard! Stop that immediately or you and I will definitely be fighting, and you will lose.” :jester:

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #21
I wouldn't put the blame solely on FOX

Debunking the Myth of Muslim-Only Zones in Major European Cities
The story didn't die there. Nigel Farage, head of Britain's anti-immigrant U.K. Independence Party, asserted on Jan. 13 that there were no-go zones "right across Europe. We have got no-go zones across most of the big French cities," he told Fox News. Another Fox commentator, Nolan Peterson, has been posting online reports this week saying that some 750 areas in France have been "marked as off-limits by French authorities, restricting access by police and other emergency services."

While the British were outraged, the French simply seem amused. Paris social-media wags have already posted a guide to "eating and drinking in the no-go zones," which happen to include some of the city's trendy gentrifying neighborhoods. 

In fact, France does maintain a list of 750 "sensitive" neighborhoods. Far from being considered "off limits" to  authorities, they've been designated as priority areas for urban renewal and other forms of state aid.

"That's pretty funny," says Hait Abbas, a non-practicing Muslim who runs a wine shop in a Paris neighborhood among those identified by Peterson as a no-go zone. Far from being Muslim-dominated, the neighborhood near the Gare du Nord train station bustles with Italian delis, African hair-braiding shops, and Chinese massage parlors. If it's governed by Islamic law, Abbas says, "I guess I better cut my hand off."

Where did the story of the no-go zones come from? Daniel Pipes, a U.S. historian and political commentator, says he believes he was the first person to refer to disadvantaged French neighborhoods as no-go zones. In a 2006 article, he said the existence of the zones suggested "that the French state no longer has full control over its territory."

I don't know France. I know in Sweden a usually serious newspaper last year decided to go full tabloid to get attention to a police report on 55 national troublespots that have problems with gangs or other organised crime and called them no go zones. It is a serious issue, but in the end not helped by the hyperbole. Most, but not all, of the trouble spots have a high number of immigrants or people with immigrant background. Most, but not all, of these immigrants have Muslim background. Almost all places have bad to abysmal architecture, but at least one is actually rather nice. At least some have a long history of trouble, from before there were any migration outside Northern Europe to speak of.

I have been to about a dozen of those trouble spots, though in most cases not for very long. None of them were scary, most of them were depressing, a couple very much so, and one was as mentioned quite nice. In a week I am moving close to two of them.

Incidentally, if you remember the Stockholm riots a couple years ago, the close vicinity is quite attractive (some of it definitely not), but we couldn't find something there we liked and could afford. I had hoped for the riot effect to push down prices, but the market is too pressed for that, (I thought Oslo was expensive, and its getting more so, but Stockholm may exceed that.)

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #22
I had hoped for the riot effect to push down prices, but the market is too pressed for that, (I thought Oslo was expensive, and its getting more so, but Stockholm may exceed that.)

What you need is some bad reporting on the area you're interested in.

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #23
The locals are too canny. But maybe next time I move I could bribe some young hoodlum in the neighbourhood to set fire to a few cars, wait for the reports on the crime wave to set in, the prices to fall, and then buy. In that case it would be good reporting, wouldn't it?

Re: Bad Reporting, etc.

Reply #24
Nigel Farage is not too far off. Paris is a definite no-go zone for Brits.