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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276698 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #900
In Portugal, lottery, as well as other money games like sportive bets, are a monopoly of Santa Casa da Misericordia, (Holy House of Mercy) a six hundred years old charity instititution that spends the money won with gaming into social causes.
If I understand you correctly, lottery is a monopoly of Santa Casa da Misericordia, (Holy House of Mercy) a six hundred years old charity instititution that spends the money won with gaming into social causes. That's very impressive and pathetic. Almost too nice to be true. :)
SCML - Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
Is the above the same institution you are referring to?

Our Association was created in 1983 under Swiss law and is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1999, we adopted the name The European Lotteries and added the sport betting operators to our membership. In 2007, we set up an EU Representation office in Brussels.
Member Lotteries
So are all these charity institutions?
In case they are then Soros, Murdock, Gates,... like all our financial institutions are 'Mother Teresas' serving worldwide charity. :)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #901
Well, six hundred years ago they put Jews to run businesses like that, because Christians must have nothing to do with usury. Everybody used to know it, but nowadays they either don't know or don't care.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #902
Is the above the same institution you are referring to?
Yes it is.

The European Lotteries Association from where you're quoting "Who we are"  is just that, an Association of European Lotteries regardless their institutional nature. It's because SCML to be a member that it represents Euromillions for Portugal.

Another failed attempt to misquote and discredit.
The correct "Who we are" can be read here

Well, six hundred years ago they put Jews to run businesses like that, because Christians must have nothing to do with usury.
Like that, like what? Jews never did charity. Usury was their specialized game.

Santa Casa was founded by Queen Dª Leonor, wife of D. Manuel, known amongst many other things for expulsing the Jews from here.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #903
Well, six hundred years ago they put Jews to run businesses like that, because Christians must have nothing to do with usury.
Like that, like what? Jews never did charity. Usury was their specialized game.
Or it might be that fooling people into believing they are doing charity when they are really doing usury is their specialised game. Pick your favourite perspective of history.

In the Middle Ages, the Church, in a misapplication of the Biblical prohibition against charging interest, forbade interest in all instances. The Talmud, in contrast, created an economic system in which loans could be converted into investments, so interest could accrue from them, but under the Christian interpretation, no credit market was possible. The way the Church got around that was by forcing the Jews to become the bankers.

A major obstacle to the growth of banks in the Middle Ages was the Church's prohibition of usury, the charging of interest on loans. As economic activity expanded, however, the papacy became one of the first to insist that interest should be paid on investments made at a risk. Because they were forbidden to hold land or engage in more "acceptable" sources of economic enterprise, money changers in the Middle Ages were typically Jews.

The regulation of usury was to prevent the separation of money from reality. Money is not a good, it is a measure. It is fraud to pretend otherwise, and constitutes theft. Usury is making money from lending money; it is making money from nothing. This is exactly what is happening today on a colossal scale.

Several important things arose from the prohibition of usury in medieval Christendom. Firstly Jews, who had taken to wandering around Europe in the Middle Ages, began to specialize in money-lending and other practices which were forbidden to Christians. Exploited Christians, both peasants and aristocracy, found themselves being bled dry by usurers, which is why there were sporadic uprisings, imprisonments and expulsions of Jews throughout Europe. It is one reason why King Edward I expelled these perfidious people from England in 1290.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #904
Over here nobody ever thought of arguing for state lottery by something like, "The winner gets money to pay for a college degree/debts/..."

The tax money collected is supposed to goto scholarships or educational programs (here in TN).

The winner's can do as they please with their money. My point continued as to how that works out. 

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #905
The winner's can do as they please with their money. My point continued as to how that works out.
Yes, lottery winners, even big winners, are actually losers. Luckily they are very few, and that's why the point cannot be about them. The point is how the state can fund stuff responsibly and maybe have some other useful effects along the way, such as preventing a grey or black market for lotteries and casinos. Of course, when there is no willingness to recognise these issues, the issues will never get addressed. Happens a lot with miscellaneous issues here too.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #906
The European Lotteries Association from where you're quoting "Who we are"  is just that, an Association of European Lotteries regardless their institutional nature. It's because SCML to be a member that it represents Euromillions for Portugal.

Another failed attempt to misquote and discredit.
Failed attempt to discredit, you say?
That's how charity looks like. :)
Nice business...

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #907
Luckily they are very few, and that's why the point cannot be about them.
I've seen numbers higher than 80% of the people participating are below the poverty line. (Just watching who's sitting in the stores scratching off tickets or filling in bubbles seems to support this.) The point was always who was affected. Taxing the 'poor' a few dollars at a time. Sure one could argue they would of blown that anyway... But under the guise of doing educational good for a class that already have educational social programs - Oh and the dream of winning big. State sanctioned criminal activity? Guess it depends who gets the money.

I wonder how many of them know that a large portion of that money was reallocated to other things back in 2009 or '10? Oh well - let them dream.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #908
In the state of MS' case, we are going the way of Kansas. The 2016 Republican vote to give corporations and the obscenely wealthy a $415 million tax cut takes effect 1 July.

Public schooling funding is now worse than ever, the Mental hospital in Jackson has only enough money to keep its doors open, and Medicaid funding from the state looks to plummet.

I am sick and goddamned tired of this corporate socialism.
If business' want to operate in this state, they can damn well pay taxes.

I pay over 25% in taxes every damn paycheck I earn. Fuck these damn tax cuts for the bourgeoisie.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #909
Yes it is rather sad what has went on locally (tut, tut, boy, language). A crying shame for the less well off certainly but there is something deeply at fault for such thing so what is the answer across there?   :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #910
I am sick and goddamned tired of this corporate socialism.
Capitalism* ;) :rolleyes:

No, I get ya man. I really do. But giving them another place to pull money from the wrong people isn't the best thing, IMO. It can deflect away from such real issues.

The Feds are poised to roll back banking restrictions along with countless other GOP ignorance. (I've just quit keeping up.)

And, just when you think that things can't get any more stupid... Rj posits a dumb question from the land of hypocrisy.

For what it's worth the lotto just doesn't help. Our State's healthcare (TennCare) was on life-support after Bush II and now lays all but dead at the feet of Obama Care. Lotto money and all. For all the good anyone tries to do someone catches the shit end of the stick. I'm not out to save everyone. I'd just like to see the stick fall the other way once in awhile. It'll take a bit for the mainstream GOP policies to fail like they always do (in my lifetime anyway) and we'll see social progress again. With Trump in office we are all left to ride out the storm, tho.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #911
Oh and the dream of winning big. State sanctioned criminal activity? Guess it depends who gets the money.
Of course people have the dream of winning big, but we (you and I) know that it's the house that always wins. Therefore, given that dream people have and given the sort of reality how lottery works, yes, it depends on who the house is. The state has general social responsibilities, corporations don't, so letting corporations collect the victory is socially less responsible than letting the state do it. Not that it becomes good this way, it just becomes less evil and hopefully keeps the greater evil in check, while the other way round would allow the greater evil run amok.


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #913
What a simple minded comment to make there from ensbb3  that I am from the land of hypocrisy.

We have a multi-party democracy, welfare state, national health service and much else. The States have 2 parties and both are big corporates and I well remember how much Obama got and then that two-faced Hillary Clinton from 2 banking groups for example.  If the country did not boast so much to the world on words like "democracy" and how great the place is when the hard facts of life and stats show something else that is more pressing. I wanted to see if a responsible direction could be obtained but it is maybe too past that level these days.  Some time ago on this site I reminded what President Eisenhower had said way back decades ago about the corporates moving up to run the place and for most my intimation was ignored.  And he was a Republican! Having the greatest prison population plus over 1,300 children shot to death annually and around 5,000 wounded it is a head shaking place. Food stamp printing is a profit for somewhere!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #914
Farmer dies after pig bit off his penis and three fingers
This little piggy went to the market.
We have a multi-party democracy, welfare state, national health service and much else.
This little piggy stayed home.

Scotland is the assault capital of the world according to UN stats on violent crime
Or should check home first. Your telly must want you to feel good about your backward 'country'.

United Nations fly in special investigator to probe whether hated bedroom tax has broken human rights laws
They used to collect taxes like that here, back in the '40's. Leads to interesting home designs.

Older postings. Surely things have turned around...
Scandal as Scottish doctors convicted of violent attacks are allowed to keep their jobs
Nope. Leading recent headlines suggest business as usual.

I'm guessing 90% of all private lands are still held by just over 400 people?

Oh wait - You wanted to talk wider national news.
So Brexit?
Ready to explain how the House of Lords fits in a democracy?

And before you start. I'm against some things you posted too. The answer you seek is, by voting. (Congress is next to reseat and even die hard Trump supporters have STFU for now.)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #915
May I inform you on your limited corner that the top 1% here contribute 23% of the government's tax income so can you say that?? You have over 40 million poor and over 2.1 million in jail being the world's toppers in that one. You have a massive amount of people shot to death annually plus a 4-figure number of children plus the also figure i quoted of 5,000 kids injured in that corner as well. The ObamaCare boasting only involves 20% of Yanks no Welfare state or national Health (both supported by all parties here). We have a far wider political representation which cannot happen in hypocrisy land because of corporate control freakery.. Everywhere you go over there all police have to be daily armed get away with much get increasingly like soldiers and even but stuff from surplus military corners. You really are being daft trying to indicate the crime world when comparing. May I also link you to this information on number of murders annually?

You lot like to bum about being so wonderful a world paradise but the hard facts (of which a couple I give) show a different picture. Gung ho, gun mad.

ps. Link to Scots declining murder rate which is in 3 figures total only.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #916
May I inform you on your limited corner that the top 1% here contribute 23% of the government's tax income so can you say that??
Is there another option? Your welfare state may be cause of the ruling class making sure they have the last say.
(But then the whole purpose is the outsider's looking in perspective.)

In some cases, and on the long term, lowering taxes on businesses can attract them to the area. Mississippi could use more cooperates and industry for sure. This provides growth and a later tax base... They don't build rockets in N. Alabama because that's where all the rocket scientist are. 

You have over 40 million poor and over 2.1 million in jail being the world's toppers in that one.
The war on drugs is a fool's task. Prohibition has never worked. Criminalizing the use of drugs rather than funding treatment is the problem. Affecting mostly the areas that need social programs and education but don't participate in or trust government.

You have a massive amount of people shot to death annually plus a 4-figure number of children plus the also figure i quoted of 5,000 kids injured in that corner as well.
Again, I'm not out to save everyone. I've always taught proper gun safety to those around me, they [guns] are something one is going to encounter. Anything more is out of my purview.

The ObamaCare boasting only involves 20% of Yanks no Welfare state or national Health
While starting hyperbolic it leads right into a contradiction and falters on ignorance.

You lot like to bum about being so wonderful a world paradise but the hard facts (of which a couple I give) show a different picture. Gung ho, gun mad.
I just bought an AR-15, opting to use the .223 rounds with a 20 round clip due to weight and endurance of the hardware. Fine weapon and highly recommended. Effective around 300 yards - no feral dogs or coyotes now stand a chance given its superiority over my 30-30 in potency.

Seems mostly you do all the boasting while suffering from all the conditions you claim of "yanks" (a term which doesn't really include me ;))

I'm for some of the policies you claim are so great. The real question is, what is the road to them? If that road is furthering the overreach of imperial ideals until they break - Then I'm for that. If this country needs to break apart (Alabama :), California, Florida, Texas; I'm looking at you) - I'm for that. If one party or another needs to be reformed and gain power under such goals - I'm for that... And open to other options too. You just remain mute on what they may be. I've always assumed it due to outsider's ignorance that you can only point to symptoms. Your bias won't let you see past your nose unless damning news about America is on the telly.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #917
For a civilised country you are gun daft. There is a thought this might trip back to a previous long gun debate here that went on and on but I will take a chance!

That the late 18th and early 19th century is being hijacked by the adult cowboys to justify scores of millions of guns is head shaking. Having a massive military and spending half the earth's military bill the using of that old constitution is almost farcical. Too many city police are would-e Rambo minds and just the other day the BBC reported a driver being stopped by a policeman and the initial conversation over an issue was reasonable the got heated. The cop then pulled out his gun and shot the unarmed man because he was (the man) getting too angry! Dragging in drugs into the 40 plus million Five figures done in annually by guns and the number of owners always going up so doesn't solve the problem. Using the constitution as an excuse for John Wane minds is daft and no good reason for the mass numbers of poor along with the top jailing nation of around 2.1 million.

For a country that does have many, many ensible and reasonable people the fantasy of guns is to the rest of us an immature thing and it and the other points shunts the ensible into  corner and the over emotion that is sadly obvious takes the centre ground. Dear, oh dear.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #918
If this country needs to break apart ([…] California […] I'm looking at you) - I'm for that.
There are some people who think the state would be better served were it two or three states; their arguments are cogent. But the US Congress has the say about this… (Need I mention that the Democrat party would never allow California's influence to be diluted? :) )
Puerto Rico's recent plebiscite has no force in law; it was "advisory". But they, the voters in that territory, have interests. The question is, will our Congress pay attention? There doesn't seem to be an opinion that has won a majority: Become a state, become an independent country, or remain a US territory…
Returning to California's problems:
When Jerry Brown dies, his legacy of neglecting our infrastructure -specially his father's signature programs- will remain long after the silly bullet train boondoggle and the tunnels to send northern California's water to LA are just jokes told by Democrats who don't have competent aides.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #919
I saw mr Trump saying that his wall between Mexico and the USA will have solar panels to produce energy and pay it for itself (oops, since Mexicans whants him to fuck, now the Sun will pay the wall....)
He added that the higher the wall more the panels will produce energy. Closer to the sun, of course....
Than he started laughing a lot - Am I not a genius??

I think Hitler was a much more serious person. Americans elected The Joker.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #920
In their way, these workarounds are almost as dangerous to the American system of government as the Trump presidency itself. They tend to reduce the president to the status of an absentee emperor while promoting his subordinates into shoguns who exercise power in his name. Maybe that is the least-bad practicable solution to the unprecedented threat of a presidency-under-suspicion. But what a terrible price for the failure of so many American institutions—not least the voters!—to protect the country in 2016 from Russia’s attack on its election and its democracy.
A slightly odd conclusion on the face of it. The US president has slowly acquired more and more power over time. I don't see why taking a bunch of that away again would be such a "terrible price."

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #921
Unfortunately even allowing for the traditional constitution harping there is a very unfortunate situation politically. Many are no doubt frustrated at a lot of contradicting power and misuse of it but earlier decade warnings were just ignored. Even allowing for the intelligent people there I think there are far too many who have been hoodwinked with propaganda and the media and a bit easy to be in that corner. If the country was also to spend less time and money striding the globe and having wards them an awful lot more decent and saddened people over there would be benefiting. They have had their loyalty very cleverly hijacked and misused and neither of the big two corporate parties are much use. The media and the modern political way has distanced far too many Americans from the dream.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #922
I'll post this here since it concerns the USA.

Food for thought: CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’

We won't know anytime soon if the man on his deathbed is telling the truth or if he is lying.
However, assuming that the man is lying on his deathbed - CUI BONO ???


Reply #923
The man is lying.
I did that.