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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276374 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #750
Yup! The CIA is, indeed, decidedly liberal — as in committed to the Democrat powers that be.
Perhaps Obama can challenge Putin to a duel? Cream puffs and horse pucky, at 20 yards! :)
Hasn't Obama been president for about 8 years now? He never noticed how inept our intelligence services were, until after Hillary lost…
Again, I ask: What do you want?
What should happen, now that you believe Russia "manipulated" our democratic institutions? Not war; of course not! War never solves anything… (Ask Lenin. Well, he's dead. Might as well be a conservative, as far as you're concerned — you know, like Bill Buckley. Ask Hitler. Oh, dead too. Tojo?) War often solves many problems. Don't ask Hussein or
Gaddafi… Another Cold War? Weren't we already in that? I mean, after the "reset" fizzled…
Some wag recently mentioned the progression: WW I, WW II, WWW… :)
I appreciate that you're "butt-hurt" over Hillary losing. But that can't be changed: Your party chose a loser.
Hey, here's an idea: Let's let our clandestine services do their work in secret! And have their masters hold them accountable.

So: It's not a difficult question, Sang… What do you want?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #751
And put Hillary where she belongs.
Where would that place be?  :right:

You didn't really follow the presidential race, did you?

Where do you get this idea anybody wants to go war? This is a serious question.
Oakdale wants to go to war. Isn't it obvious, seriously? Because he brought up war out of the blue.

The CIA is supposedly liberal or something now?
Look how big and fat Pentagon is. It's obviously liberal. But the institution of the President has always been conservative - just one guy, the slimmest government imaginable!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #752
Oakdale wants to go to war. Isn't it obvious, seriously? Because he brought up war out of the blue.
…Yes, out of the blue — after Senator John McCain called the supposed Russian hacking "an act of war!"
[Or maybe the Democrat candidate, Hillary Clinton, saying on August 31 in a speech to the American Legion in Ohio:
We need to respond to evolving threats from states like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea . . . As President, I will make it clear, that the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses. (my emphasis)
Gee! I wonder what she meant by that?]

I don't, of course, want to go to war; but we've been in a cyber war for years now…
That kind of war shouldn't be prosecuted by press release.

About "following" the presidential race, I don't read tweets and I didn't attend any Trump rallies. Nor do I consider campaign rhetoric that important; specially not off-the-cuff remarks. (Your milage may vary… :) ) Zingers present themselves, and some people are unable to resist using them. Well, human nature is what it is.

BTW, ersi: You have no idea how big the executive branch is, do you? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #753
Oakdale wants to go to war. Isn't it obvious, seriously? Because he brought up war out of the blue.
…Yes, out of the blue — after Senator John McCain called the supposed Russian hacking "an act of war!"
I don't, of corse, want to go to war; but we've been in a cyber war for years now…
So you actually have ("suggestive") evidence of it to your satisfaction.

About "following" the presidential race, I don't read tweets and I didn't attend any Trump rallies. Nor do I consider campaign rhetoric that important; specially not off-the-cuff remarks.
"Jail Hillary" was not an off-the-cuff remark. Trump spent at least five minutes of the debate explaining how and why he would do it. And he had repeated the same in many speeches both earlier and later. He got suddenly silent only after he got elected.

Repeated so many times, it is not campaign rhetoric. It is a promise. Trump's website says, "Trump promised a "special prosecutor" to investigating Hillary's disappearing emails and said that she would probably end up in jail." (emphasis added)

BTW, ersi: You have no idea how big the executive branch is, do you? :)
So, for consistency, admit that W was as liberal as Obama is and that Trump will be none better.


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #754
So, for consistency, admit that W was as liberal as Obama is and that Trump will be none better.
W was indeed a big-government president… Your definition of "liberal" is -shall we say?- too liberal? And I see you've taken up Sang's habit of "prediction"! :)

Trump is not the president yet: We'll have to wait and see what he does, in many areas. With Pompeo at CIA and Sessions at Justice, I have high hopes… (With Mattis at Defense, I hope the god-awful F-35 is scrapped, and the A-10s updated; close ground support is an important mission… And Pruitt seems to me a good fit at the EPA!) But that doesn't mean I know I won't be disappointed!
(I remember when Bill Bennett became head of the Education Dept. in the Reagan administration…)
So you actually have ("suggestive") evidence of it to your satisfaction.
Yup! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #755
Your definition of "liberal" is -shall we say?- too liberal?
It so happens that it's your own definition. Your definition permits calling state institutions liberal or such. Mine does not. I adopted your definition for the sake of discussion for the time being. Now it's too late for you to learn to read.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #756
I don't think it's too late for you to learn to read, ersi. But I doubt you have the ability… You have a knack for constructing straw-man arguments, and avoiding anything serious.
(Do you miss your position in the ministry of propaganda? I'll bet you do! Even though you "claim" to find your former Soviet masters reprehensible…)
I appreciate your rhetoric; but your logic has always been deficient.

It's interesting, to me, that that's what you responded to: You play with words that you don't understand; and, not understanding them yourself, assume no one else does.

But you and I are not Putin and Trump. We are not world leaders… Surely, we can come to an agreement about what's actually happening? Nah!
You'll take your "cheap shots" and I'll sometimes reply, without any hope that you'll understand. (Perhaps others are silly enough to read our exchanges.) How's Estonia doing, nowadays? Not yet the communist paradise you dreamed of? Oops!
I think Trump is right about NATO obligations; and Estonia is an ally. Should we, the USA, go to war with Russia if Estonia's borders are broached? In a sane world, no. It would be too dangerous. But, in the real world, yes. Estonia is an ally. We have treaty obligations… Surely, Russia knows this?
Well, after eight years of the Obama administration, they might have forgot…

Nations make treaties. Other nations need to recognize them, or face the consequences.

I don't see Russia and the US as adversaries, in most situations… We're both powerful nations who have interests. Recognizing those interests should be our focus, no?!

Easily understandable is that Russia needs "warm water" ports, which Mediterranean countries alone can provide; so they seek allies there.. (It would be silly to try to deny them such, as it was to cut off Imperial Japan's access to Middle Eastern oil before WW II… Yes, history teaches us some things!) And Russia needs more Russians… Demographics is killing Europe and Russia; maybe the US too.
Certainly, China.

It's a weird world we live in, ersi!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #757
You'll take your "cheap shots" and I'll sometimes reply, without any hope that you'll understand. (Perhaps others are silly enough to read our exchanges.) How's Estonia doing, nowadays? Not yet the communist paradise you dreamed of? Oops!
Surely you can back this up with a quote from me. Take your time. Until then, it's just another cheap shot of yours :) Projection is the only thing that shines forth in your posts lately.

I think Trump is right about NATO obligations; and Estonia is an ally. Should we, the USA, go to war with Russia if Estonia's borders are broached? In a sane world, no. It would be too dangerous. But, in the real world, yes. Estonia is an ally. We have treaty obligations… Surely, Russia knows this?
And surely you can back any of this up with a quote from Trump. Meanwhile, German politicians held a meeting with Trump specifically to figure out his foreign policy, but they were unable to detect any. I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.

Nations make treaties. Other nations need to recognize them, or face the consequences.

I don't see Russia and the US as adversaries, in most situations… We're both powerful nations who have interests. Recognizing those interests should be our focus, no?!
You're right on one thing: You don't see stuff, in most situations. Get out some more. Other than going after booze, I mean. Glasgow would expand your horizons considerably. Samoa or Caribbean would be okay too, for a start.

Even the treaty-signing nations themselves follow treaties only selectively, so your "need to recognize them or face the consequences" does not follow in the real world. In the real world, the consequences to other nations depend on regional geopolitics alone, totally regardless what treaties they recognise or don't.

Putin has the ambition to dominate the world, at the same time being cautious enough not to start WWIII. Not too soon anyway, not before having convinced himself he can win it or something. Trump has no such caution. He only has personal business interests, no other thoughts or ideas or worries. Well, maybe some occasional "grab them by the ..." too. Trump's delusion as if Putin said nice things about him and respects him makes it all the more surreal.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #759
Well, I recently ran across this video clip… Perhaps you erudite and superbly educated Europeans can understand "us rustics"… :) Nah! :)

I know that many Europeans think Americans are stupid; it's a reciprocal relationship.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #760
I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.
You've always done this: Your opinion is what it is; no evidence needed, none accepted. You still seem to think that you can "define" words to mean anything you want… :)
Hey! You must be a bigot! (I'll find out who you're bigoted against when I have more time… But I'm sure I'll find some group! And then, brother, you're in for it! :) ) You do of course react to posts (and arguments) in a very biased way: You just don't like some people, so they must be wrong!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #761
I came to the same conclusion months ago without any need to meet him.
You've always done this: Your opinion is what it is; no evidence needed, none accepted. You still seem to think that you can "define" words to mean anything you want… :)
False. I followed the evidence. Namely, I followed the same evidence that the cited German politicians did, except that I took Trump to his word without going to meet him.

Meanwhile, where is your evidence? None forthcoming, I know, but you still have a chance. Take your time.

And good job misattributing the quote. Raccoon is redeemed now.

Hey! You must be a bigot!
Try a post without projecting next time.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #762
As Victor Davis Hanson said: "On matters of foreign policy, Trump is not a realist, isolationist, or neoconservative, although at times he can sound like all that and more. Instead, he is a Jacksonian who wants a huge club at the Department of Defense largely to ensure that he’ll never have to use it. And if he is pushed to swing it, he wants to flatten any who would hurt the U.S."
Expecting campaign or transition personnel to "brief" foreign defense ministers on our foreign policy priorities is silly beyond belief: The President crafts foreign policy, along with Congress. (I know: How quaint! "You mean a treaty signed by the President of the United States doesn't take effect until both houses of Congress agree to it?
 :) But that is how it works, here. No King, you see. No dictator. So sorry! No tickee, no washee… I mean, rules is rules, no?)
Of course, Merkel's administration wouldn't understand this…
I suspect Putin's Russia will; fairly quickly, if it doesn't already.

Do you find this a problem, ersi?
I'm fairly convinced that Trump won't highlight Obama's priorities: Climate change and Syrian refugees… (Oh, and federalizing local police departments. The so-called "Sanctuary Cities" may realize, quite soon, how such policies at DoJ will adversely affect them… Nah! They're oblivious: They think their "friends" will protect them from the consequences of their actions. Well, they're running out of friends.)

BTW: With 7 1/2 days to go, the Obama administration rescinded the "Wet foot/dry foot" policy. That means that people who flee Cuba and make it to the U.S. are no longer considered refugees. Hm. I guess that "open borders" thingie means something different to Obama. :(

We won the island in a war; we should have kept it!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #763
Have you considered the possibility that Trump doesn't actually have much of a foreign policy, beside being Putin's puppet? In fact Tillerson's testimony at his confirmation hearings reportedly left the Senators scratching their collective heads as to what the administration's foreign policy would be. You see, it's not an American vs European thing. It's more like a mentally stable people vs an insane moron thing.

I suspect Putin's Russia will; fairly quickly, if it doesn't already.
Sure, since their GDP fell from USD 2.2 trillion to USD 1.3 trillion in a couple years. You're might be right, though. Both Putin and Trump like to beat their chests as their countries burn. Maybe they play the fiddle, instead....
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #764
Sure, since their GDP fell from USD 2.2 trillion to USD 1.3 trillion in a couple years. You're might be right, though. Both Putin and Trump like to beat their chests as their countries burn. Maybe they play the fiddle, instead....
I appreciate your concern for (the former Soviets…) Russia.
Is our country "burning"? Under whose control has it been? :) (Well, you did jump from the dire straits of Russia and Putin to using the plural: "their"… But you do that sort of thing all the time!)
Have you considered that Hillary Clinton lost her second bid for the U.S. presidency, the Democrats lost control of both the House and the Senate and most governorships and state legislatures?
That's a big Oops!
Doesn't it tell you something?
(I assume you don't know fiddle-playing…)
Have you considered the possibility that Trump doesn't actually have much of a foreign policy, beside being Putin's puppet?
(You do know how stupid your last clause was, right? Nah! Of course not.) Yes, Sang, I have considered the possibility. What's your take on any nebulous topic? :) Of course, I don't care. (You and ersi can haggle over how many of those angels can dance on the head of a pin…) Why should you be privy to our foreign policy priorities? (I mean, beyond that they're focused upon American interests… Which you probably reject, out of hand, anyway.) You have some special expertise or interest? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #765
But as an aside I'd ask: Don't you still want to know why sociology undergrads don't rule the world? (I'll tell you, if you ask.)

What's going on in America is easy to understand: The progressive coalition has collapsed; it's various "sects" are becoming vicious against their former compatriots. (As I told my son recently: The Dems will start eating their young, because that's what they do!)
Is there reason to fear the current Populism? Sure! Andrew Jackson was our first successful "populist"… He founded the Democrat Party!
(I certainly don't want that again!)

If our country (and you "snowflakes") can't handle four or eight years of Trump as President, why should anyone take you seriously?
Well, chances are that the Trump administration will change the world in ways you won't like. My advice: Hibernate!

We'll (probably…) wake you up. :)

But what was Barack Obama's foreign policy, before he was elected? Anti-war. Heck, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize before he'd done anything! And what did he do? Killed thousands of people with drone attacks… But, of course, Guantanamo Bay's security prison for "undocumented" combatants remains open; only the worst of the worst have been released, to wage war against us again…
Much like Obama's domestic immigration policy.
(Or against Europe — but they're okay with that! Europe knows what it will reap: What it has sown.)

I do try to listen to your point of view, Sang. But it's become so "hate Republicans and conservatives" that I can't figure out how you can be so silly… Perhaps you'd have settled down, if Hillary had won; but she didn't.
Are you the next Dylann Roof?
If you want to know what Trump's foreign policy is: Wait and see.

BTW: What would Clinton's foreign policy have been?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #766
As Victor Davis Hanson said: "On matters of foreign policy, Trump is not a realist, isolationist, or neoconservative, although at times he can sound like all that and more. Instead, he is a Jacksonian who wants a huge club at the Department of Defense largely to ensure that he’ll never have to use it. And if he is pushed to swing it, he wants to flatten any who would hurt the U.S."
Pure speculation. No facts. Can Hanson show, as a minimum, that Trump has read a book about Jackson so there would be a slim chance he is romantically idealising him? By the way, "club at the Department of Defense largely to ensure that he’ll never have to use it" has nothing Jacksonian about it. Jackson killed as many American Indians as he could and grabbed territory far beyond his arithmetic abilities. What prevents Trump being Jacksonian in this sense?

The facts are: Trump has no political background or track record, so he's not a political anything. He's a political nobody. He has no policies, particularly in the foreign/international realm. Most realistically, if his behaviour will match his words, we can expect about as bad a mess as we had with W. But there's no guarantee his words are any sort of guide to anything.

Do you find this a problem, ersi?
That you ignore all facts and prefer ideological speculation? It was expected, so no problem.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #767
The facts are: Trump has no political background or track record, so he's not a political anything. He's a political nobody. He has no policies, particularly in the foreign/international realm. Most realistically, if his behaviour will match his words, we can expect about as bad a mess as we had with W. But there's no guarantee his words are any sort of guide to anything.
Welcome to the real world, ersi!
Trump will be the American President in eight days… Most everybody knows this.
Who will be the president of Estonia? Or the PM of Great Britain? And who cares?
Of course, Vlad Putin will still rule Russia…

You want to know what Trump's foreign policy will be, but you're too "insulated" to understand: He's an American. That, in and of itself, befuddles you!
Do you seriously think that nations only react to what they expect? (I assume you're a bachelor…) Get a grip:
The world isn't coming to an end. Only some very silly progressive presumptions.

(I'm surprised that so many Europeans are as butt-hurt as our American progressives… I'd been led to believe that they were smarter. Guess I was wrong to believe that!)

Again, I say: When Trump is President you'll see what his foreign policy is… :)
(Don't forget the example of Ronald Reagan!)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #768
You want to know what Trump's foreign policy will be, but you're too "insulated" to understand: He's an American. That, in and of itself, befuddles you!
Everybody knows what an American is. It's something like this:
Who will be the president of Estonia? Or the PM of Great Britain? And who cares?
Of course, Vlad Putin will still rule Russia…
i.e. something like, "that's outside America, so who cares..." Now, everybody has noticed this about Americans. Have Americans themselves noticed this? Some have. You and Trump haven't. Is there something more you want me to understand? What exactly?

Do you seriously think that nations only react to what they expect? (I assume you're a bachelor…)
Wrong on both accounts, but you don't care and that carelessness of yours wins over anything else.

The world isn't coming to an end. Only some very silly progressive presumptions.
Ends of the world are usually (or have been thus far) limited to some continent or sub-continent. Such as those that W. arranged. But of course you see neither "end" or "world" about it, as long as it's outside the United States.

(I'm surprised that so many Europeans are as butt-hurt as our American progressives… I'd been led to believe that they were smarter. Guess I was wrong to believe that!)
You are wrong about Europeans and possibly about American progressives too (insofar as you identify them with Sang). But I doubt you care about being wrong. You never get out, except shopping for booze, so it's completely safe for you to be wrong about pretty much everything in politics, society, history, economics, etc.

Again, I say: When Trump is President you'll see what his foreign policy is… :)
(Don't forget the example of Ronald Reagan!)
That's not what you said earlier. You have quoted various pundits speculating various things disregarding facts and rationality. And right here you are implying Trump will be like Ronald Reagan. If you mean Reagan's invasion to Grenada for no other reason but to piss of his closest ally (Thatcher of UK), covert war against Nicaragua, etc., I might grant you a half-point.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #769
Expecting to find something about "what's going on in the Americas", I always find posts about the expectations on the next Trump administration. They should deserve a thread on their own.

But now, since I casually happen to live in the Americas, I'd like to add the following:

The facts are: Trump has no political background or track record, so he's not a political anything. He's a political nobody. He has no policies, particularly in the foreign/international realm. Most realistically, if his behaviour will match his words, we can expect about as bad a mess as we had with W. But there's no guarantee his words are any sort of guide to anything.

We already know how it works. Lula hadn't had any significant political background, and the expectations on his new administration as President of Brazil were quite disturbing. On the first weeks of his administration, it became clear that it wouldn't be as bad as it was being expected.

Now, several years after it finished, we've become aware that it was really disastrous.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #770
Lula hadn't had any significant political background, and the expectations on his new administration as President of Brazil were quite disturbing. On the first weeks of his administration, it became clear that it wouldn't be as bad as it was being expected.

Now, several years after it finished, we've become aware that it was really disastrous.
That's like in the United States then - a single president can ruin the country in a couple of years (like W went from Clinton's historical record surplus to record deficit). In most European countries there are checks and balances in place, so ruining the country is strictly the domain of the parliament, out of reach of the prime minister and president.

In countries where the prime minister and president are the same person, like in the United States, the danger of abuse is the worst.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #771
(Don't forget the example of Ronald Reagan!)
Oh, like Iran/Contra. Got it! :yes: Great foreign policy there, huh. Support Saddam Hussein on the grounds he wasn't a communist. Need I continue? But the point isn't even what Trump's foreign policy is, it's that we know nothing about this or hardly any of his policies. Trump says one thing and quickly says the opposite and denies saying the first thing, even when presented with video and audio of him saying it. Even high ranking members of his own party are frustrated with his behavior. There are only two conclusions that I can think of right now: he's gas lighting the whole nation (maybe doing so to the rest of the world is his "foreign policy") or that he's an un-selfaware psychotic that doesn't even know what position he took two days ago even was. Actually there is a third possibility, that he's a pathological liar that says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear.

Now imagine if tomorrow I said Trump was an honest, sane man with coherent policies. You'd think there was something wrong with me mentally. So why is this acceptable from our soon-to-be president?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #772
As usual, Sang, your rhetoric is over the top…
I get it: You don't like Trump! But in seven days he'll become the President of the United States. Get a grip: You'll have at least four years to gripe! :)
Oh, like Iran/Contra
Dealing with a feckless Congress is often problematical… :) (I don't recall you railing against the Obama administration's paying ransom to Iran to secure the release of hostages… But, of course, in your "calculus" Democrats=Good, Republicans=Bad.)
So, carry on, Sang!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #773
WASHINGTON — In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.
(read the whole NYTimes article)
As always, unless he can use it against Republicans, Sang ignores it… :)

Whatever will he do, when BHO is a private citizen? (I'm pretty sure neither Canada nor Mexico would accept his "refugee" status claim… :) )
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #774
Conclusion, there's really no difference about governance, the flies changes the shit remains the same.
Not an exclusive American problem but a general characteristic of post modern societies.
A matter of attitude.