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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247126 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #600

What's the funny thing with these videos?

It has been covered already by German media.
Both NTW and Rossija-1 admitted officially that they have been fooled and ask for understanding. Such things can happen in chaos if statements are hard to verify.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #601

Spiegel claims Germans romanticize Russia

Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand
machst Du auch Propaganda
im ganzen Land?  :P

A good reading for better understanding the gap between German readers and their media reporting on Ukraine and Russia.
Unfortunately, the article is in German. However it should be fine for you at least :)

German media on the warpath with its readers
Auf Kriegsfuß mit den Lesern

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #602

What's the funny thing with these videos?

It has been covered already by German media.
Both NTW and Rossija-1 admitted officially that they have been fooled and ask for understanding. Such things can happen in chaos if statements are hard to verify.
Who got fooled and by whom? Think about it. Did Obama pull the trick and Russian and Crimean reporters were innocent here?

Things like this were routine in USSR. It's a tradition in Russian journalism.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #603
German media on the warpath with its readers
Auf Kriegsfuß mit den Lesern

That begins with an argumentum ad populum and ends in a kind of tu quoque tirade against America (conveniently called the West, as if Germany weren't part of the West). All of which is pretty irrelevant, really. I mean, what's the argument there? America has done some things, even though Germany protested against it, therefore it doesn't matter if Russia does some things too and Germany shouldn't protest at all? It just makes no sense to me.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #604
Election campaign has just started in Kiev.
Radicals have attacked two Ukrainian presidential candidates. One of them, Oleg Tsarev, was “brutally beaten,” claimed the candidate’s press office. The radicals poured green antiseptic solution and flour on another candidate, Mikhail Dobkin.

No reporting from venerable Western media outlets as yet. Only source I found with Google was RussiaToday.
Who knows, maybe it's just Russian (fake) propaganda and nothing did happen in reality.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #605
It's there in BBC for example, just not in the headlines: Ukraine crisis: Obama urges Putin to rein in separatists
In other developments ----
A presidential candidate from eastern Ukraine, Oleh Tsarev, regarded as pro-Russian, appeared before reporters in Kiev with a black eye after being assaulted by protesters as he left a TV studio
Anyway, Krake, it's notable that you don't address the principles. You just add more trivia into the mix. There's already enough data on the events to have come up with a principled stance.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #607
Zhirinovsky shares your perspective, Krake

Well, maybe "Ukraine is not a country" goes too far for you, but he immediately continues "it's a territory where angry fanatics temporarily grabbed power" and there you are in perfect agreement. And he snipes against United States as per his normal routine. Plus he is a liberal democrat, not some nazi, so he is okay, right?

As for me, I don't call this thing perspective. There's right view and wrong view. The right view may not be emotionally or intellectually easy, but the wrong view is easy enough to detect. And it's always right to abandon the wrong view.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #608
Kramatorsk: Ukrainian soldier pointing his gun at anti-Kiev protesters. Or should I better say he is pointing his gun at terrorists or Russian undercover agents to match Kiev's and Obama's perspective?


Yet another image showing the Ukrainian anti-terror troops fighting armed terrorists and Russian agents.


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #609
In journalism, framing is everything. You should have seen it in the interviews with Andrei Petkov. For the consumers of journalism, the trick to get to truth is to identify the framing and drop it.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #610
The "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by Kiev and justified by the USA has started.

According to DerSpiegel, six Ukrainian tanks switched sides.

According to TheGuardian, pro-Russian armed separatists have seized five armoured personnel carriers and a tank from the Ukrainian army.

Whom to believe?

According to RussiaToday, six Ukrainian tanks switched sides but we are always told that RT is plain Putin propaganda, so watching the video might help.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #612
Unfortunately there are no funny things to report from the Ukraine, except maybe this one:

Ukrainian PM greets Swiss president with Danish flag

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #614
We're dealing with a part of the world where propaganda, staged photography, lies and more lies from all of the participants are only what you'd expect. Yes, Krake, that means I don't buy those photos at face value. Seeing can be incredibly deceiving when a political point is to be made, and both sides have heavy interest in making us believe what they want us to believe. A staged photo op is easy. Knowing more of the story behind the photos-- the story that won't be told but is the actual truth-- would be necessary.

Ever see "The Running Man"? You really should. Back then when that movie was made, editing wasn't as easy as it is today but was remotely possible. Today, we have tools that make something like that frighteningly easy to do.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #615

We're dealing with a part of the world where propaganda, staged photography, lies and more lies from all of the participants are only what you'd expect. Yes, Krake, that means I don't buy those photos at face value.
Then skip the photos and read the many posts that are available.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #616

We're dealing with a part of the world where propaganda, staged photography, lies and more lies from all of the participants are only what you'd expect. Yes, Krake, that means I don't buy those photos at face value.
Then skip the photos and read the many posts that are available.

That photo of the two presidents meeting I sort of buy. Standard stuff, we have photos of Obama meeting with world leaders all over the place so this isn't that remarkable. It's the other photos-- the ones showing the soldier pointing a weapon at unarmed civilians-- that I think might be staged.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #617
Photographs may tell a story, but they're poor interpreters of complex ideas and events. Even carefully construed texts, reports and books can be problematic. Experts often disagree. Not so fools, who are quick to...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #618
Quote from: AlJazeera
Russia's foreign ministry has promised it would offer strong assistance to Ukraine to overcome its crisis, but emphasised that the ultimate responsibility for reducing tensions lies with Ukrainians rather than outsiders.

The statement on Saturday came two days after top diplomats from Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the European Union called for an array of actions including the disarming of armed groups and the freeing of public buildings taken over by people on both sides.

In the statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said deputy minister Grigory Karasin met with Oleg Tsaryov, a pro-Russia candidate in the Ukrainian presidential election that is to take place on May 25.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #619
Photographs may tell a story, but they're poor interpreters of complex ideas and events.

So, you are  a photograph.
I mean a poor interpreter of complex ideas and events.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #620
Thanks for explaining it for me.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #622
I do a bit of photography. Not very good, but still, a bit of photography. Enough to know that some photos are real and some are staged. The ones showing the soldier pointing a weapon at the civilians just looks staged.

We won't even get into "Photoshopped" photos where reality really gets mind-warped, that's a whole different kettle of fish.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #624
I'd like somebody to explain all of the photos of Putin wrestling with bears, riding tigers and swimming the Pacific. Who is the intended audience for all of that crap?