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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 255952 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #575

So 84 percent couldn't correctly locate Ukraine.

And among those, 95% couldn't find their asses with a road map.

It is none of America's business nor the EEC interfering politicians business to shout on about Ukraine's internal affairs.

Saith the sage of Glasgow. Jimbro agrees, for whatever good that will do.

And Cameron?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #576
Jax, where's your map of American Earth?
They are out there, but I think Frenzie should have included the map in question. It is quite pertinent.

Several comments.

First, it is disappointing that it is colour-coded by the distance from Ukrainian borders. Assuming we knew where Ukraina is (we do, don't we? If not: where you can see those red dots) this gives us no new information. The article claims that "the less Americans know about Ukraine’s location, the more they want U.S. to intervene", so why not colour-code by the response ("nuke'em now" through "stay away" to "huh?")? 

Second, for a majority of the respondents the accuracy is actually pretty good. If West Europeans were asked the same question I would guess we'd get a similar map, with some important differences. West Europeans, especially those who like to keep a distance to East European countries also overestimate the actual physical distance to a country like Ukraine (anecdotally only, I'd love to see a similar map/survey for West Europeans). The distance from Lviv in West Ukraine to Donetsk in the East is about the same as the distance from Lviv to Frankfurt in West Germany.

If we look at the map the dots cluster around three countries, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan (told you, Ersi, Kyrgyzstan's in Europe). This is exactly the same east shift I suspect West Europeans would show. They have a good, but often prejudiced, idea of where Ukraine is.

The rest of the dots are literally all over the map and near random. Either they were not really trying, they had a problem reading the map, or they probably have a problem finding the nearest convenience store as well. I don't think it is common among Americans to believe that Ukraine is in Tennessee. Alaska I could understand, given the Palin jokes a page or so back, but it also interesting that Greenland is such a dot magnet.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #578
If West Europeans were asked the same question I would guess we'd get a similar map

I should hope not. Perhaps if you qualify it as West Europeans who grew up when Ukraine was a Soviet republic.

I just wonder, after discarding the reasonable mistakes (Romania, Belarus, Bulgaria, possibly the Black Sea, possibly Georgia, and heck, let's add Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), is the rest just being silly or should I seriously despair?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #579

(told you, Ersi, Kyrgyzstan's in Europe)

Yes, if you let geographically clueless Americans decide. And you of course let them, because you'll get more funny maps this way.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #580

I should hope not. Perhaps if you qualify it as West Europeans who grew up when Ukraine was a Soviet republic.

You are more optimistic than me on our fellow West Europeans. I presume they get the basics right (i.e. Ukraine is in Europe and Europe isn't Africa or South America, and Ukraine borders to Russia). And few West Europeans travel to Ukraine on holiday.

But Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are reasonable guesses if you think of Ukraine as a country far, far to the east (and ignore that Kyrgyzstan has no border with Russia). That is where the US guesses clustered as well. The Kyrgyzstan dots are definitively by intention (but when Mongolia and Pakistan were chosen, that started to be significantly off-target).

Those that didn't guess Ukraine was in the Black Sea or Caspian Sea, that is. To me that is an indication that one of the problems was an unfamiliar map representation. We who look at graphical representations of Eurasia daily in the Europe thread will recognise the outlines, but it will be an additional cognitive obstacle.

The non-clustering dots, while not completely random, seemed an "I have no clue" option. The Africa dots were very evenly spread. The best way would be to put up some controls, like "Where is Pakistan | Nigeria | Indonesia | Brazil on the map?"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #581
You are more optimistic than me on our fellow West Europeans. I presume they get the basics right (i.e. Ukraine is in Europe and Europe isn't Africa or South America, and Ukraine borders to Russia). And few West Europeans travel to Ukraine on holiday.

It's pretty simple. It's east of Poland and west of Russia. That pretty much leaves a choice of Belarus and Ukraine. And thanks to the Crimean affair, everyone should be aware that Ukraine isn't land-locked. Perhaps that means the most forgivable mistakes are actually Estonia, Latvia, and Georgia — not Romania and Belarus.

[Edit]Except there I forgot about the lack of clear sea delineation.[/Edit]

Those that didn't guess Ukraine was in the Black Sea or Caspian Sea, that is. To me that is an indication that one of the problems was an unfamiliar map representation. We who look at graphical representations of Eurasia daily in the Europe thread will recognise the outlines, but it will be an additional cognitive obstacle.

That's quite true. It's at least somewhat unfair not to delineate the sea clearly, the way it is on pretty much any map ever.

The non-clustering dots, while not completely random, seemed an "I have no clue" option.

Fair enough.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #582
Yes you are right jimbro the condemnation should include Cameron and anyway he has been going along with the EEC which we are sadly in. I do think to be fair that even though much of the people haven't a clue where Ukraine is it was not generally felt it was really European in the general and traditional sense. What the damn thing has to do with the EEC or NATO it beyond me or anyone really looking at the situation. Ukraine will neverbe in NATO and even participants in that waste of time think so too. The only reason Ukraine wants to be in the EEC is because they couldn't run flea market stall never mind an economy.

The propaganda stuff coming out of the illegal government in Kiev is automatically blaming the Russians for anything and everything. Right now they owe Russia billions on loans that country gave them AND unpaid gas supply bills.  If Russia had really wanted to put the boot in then that would have happened on day one.  Now the Kiev lot are sending "security" forces to thee east of the country and the Right Sector that crowd of Nazis who have what is it 4 or 5 Ministers say they are heading there too.

For Heaven's sake how do sensible ex-colonists cope with that dumb, brain-dead, contemptible and empty head, Senator McCain?? The man is totally embarrassing. Thak goodness the voters didn't go bananas and have him as President because a WW3 would have been more likely.  Repeatedly, I have said that a Federal system is the only way for Ukraine so what do others think? Even in osme places in the west of the country there are unhappy people concerned about what Kiev is up to and there is little sign of even being very concerned about the east and south east. Russia DOES want Ukraine to stay together and this is neatly skipped by too many but if things get worse then the blame lies with we in the West in supporting what happened illegally in Kiev. Only a wider view can hold things now.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #583
Ossinovski says Estonia should be safe.

Jevgeni Ossinovski, the sole member of the Russian minority serving as a minister in the Estonian government, says he doesn't fear that Vladimir Putin will seek a repeat of Crimea in the Baltics. The Russian minority, he argues, is firmly anchored in Europe.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #584
That Russian guy says Russia is no threat and the fifth column is no fifth column. Somehow does not sound very reassuring. I wonder why...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #585
Thak goodness the voters didn't go bananas and have him as President because a WW3 would have been more likely.

I have nightmares about that. They go this way...
"President McCain shot and killed by lone gunman. President Palin sworn in on the site."

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #586
Look at Crimea in Google Maps. It shows now a line of international border with Ukraine.

Kievite govt has apparently averted the loss of Harkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk, but the tensions are still there as Lavrov keeps bringing up regional referendums and Putin personally pressures Kiev on gas debt. And in some unverifiable news (allagedly Interfax) it says that a French (NATO) spy ship entered the Black Sea from Turkish side.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #587
Ironically it has been Russia that has been such a great benefactor to Ukraine. The gas issue is a big one and Russia gave them supplies at a special reduced rate and still didn't get paid on occasions. The EEC has give them nothing and the billion from the US is still to arrive so if it hadn't been for the Russians it would have already have been a failed State.

What I thought was almost unbelievable was that woman who does the press conferences in the White House going about how scandalous it was with Russia using oil as a kind of immoral sanction when they and us have been doing the same thing with others for years!

Now we have a situation in Ukraine where an illegal coup government is telling vast numbers of people in the east and south who voted democratically to take orders or else. Now is it correct the Kiev Prime Minister is saying regions should have a referendum? Although i would prefer to se the Federal system I have put forward if Kiev is not careful that might be replaced by complete separation.   The propaganda has been ridiculous. One picture was portrayed as starvation in Crimea when it showed a long supermarket shelf empty. Then when the picture was zoomed in on it was dollar price signs! Seems it was a supermarket in the US and they had been clearing out of date stock. Another photo was of refugees until it was realise it had been seen somehwre else and turned out to be Syrians. Pictures of rows of jets had been taken a long time before the crisis but used as being right now.  It is getting ludicrous. Ukraine needs to be greater Federalised or suffer wider break-ups and when the West puts up as much as Russia has for Ukraine then we will have some moral claim of a sort.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #588

The gas issue is a big one and Russia gave them supplies at a special reduced rate and still didn't get paid on occasions. The EEC has give them nothing and the billion from the US is still to arrive so if it hadn't been for the Russians it would have already have been a failed State.

Don't be unfair Mr Howie. The USA already did what it could. Offering cookies for free is a generous act you can't overlook. I can't tell for sure how much this will boost Ukrainian economy but consider it a first step.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #589
Haha, yes the cookies effort! However it falls far short of common sense on the political and economic front.

Unfortunately the average ex-colonist has no idea about Ukraine and only told what the media wants. To a degree the same here even with the BBC. The telephone conversation senior US government person that said the EEC should f--- off was all that most were allowed to find out NOT the actual conversation. I have also noticed my references to the EEC offial a UK Baroness and the Estomian Foreign Minister chat has been largely ignored.  It has not been America nor the EEC which has been the biggest financial help to Ukraine BUT Russia. DC is promising a billion dollars of tax money to illegal regime in Kiev and the EEC given nothing whilst Russia the biggest giver has been treated like a pariah.

Now eastern Ukraine is in an increasing turmoil and one police chief has resigned and in another are the police chief hands said he is with the local people and they are not their to attack them. It does not bode well for the Kiev rump and their Nazi associates.  In pursing a Federal outcome i would have thought that the best direction but if going to be ignored ny the West a worse situation will follow. The place is in deep debt (much to Moscow financially), falling aparet and all because we in the West in a stupidity encouraged a barbarian lot in that Kiev square to illegally take over an elected government. I can tell you this that more US money pumped in will be a drop in the ocean but there may well be a more slight reasoning. That is the prospect of some follow-up financial benefit for US corporates. Supplying armaments wile be joyous along with other commercial attempts. It is the sual follow-up strategy.

So why not go to the east and dish out the biscuits there is only one part of Ukraine deemed worthy??!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #591
Nothing as bad as the Kiev mobsters as of yet. But how ludicrous is this? A bunch of crazy people destroy a democratically elected government and illegally took things over. They didn't care a damn about the national situation in Ukraine only around Kiev and the West. Now the East is simmering and the illegal government doesn't like it! Almost hilarious if it wasn't so serious. If Kiev does try to stop the referendums wanted on a Federal Ukraine it will only get worse. In fact the east of the country gives more in taxes, etc to Kiev than it gets back and the country is now in a state of turmoil.

The billion from DC is still not there and as I pointed out nothing from Europe which is in a mess anyway. Russia is still a big debtor to Russia which bent over backwards financially and got ripped off. Somehow they are meant to just forget it. A billion won't save Ukraine and it will be hit by a massive cut in everything from pensions to run-of-the-mill existence costs. Probably as bad as Greece in fact.  Russia has no wish to invade the place and have stated they are only concerned about the matter of Russians there. Somehow it is okay for the USA to invade anywhere it likes to look after it's interests! You couldn't make this nonsense up!

As for NATO it is nothing whatsoever to do with that out of date bunch. It is past it's sell by date and an un-required expense so they should bug off.  Russia has always ensured the gas to Europe even back in USSR days and now with 2 pipes bypassing Ukraine willl ensure that Eurpoe still has the supllies. Ukraine will suffer for that or are we supposed to ignore the aid Russia gave to the falling apart country? Sadly Ukraine is in the state it is in because of the illegals in Kiev well aided by the Right Sector and their would-be shock troops. The West jumped ion that bandwagon and made it worse.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #593
Spiegel claims Germans romanticize Russia
Since the start of the Crimea crisis, we've constantly heard that Germans somehow understand Russians. Indeed, hardly any other view has been repeated as often. But nothing could possibly be more misleading. The Germans don't understand Russians: They understand less about the Russians than they do about the British, Spanish or French.

It's true that Germany had a special relationship with the Russian Empire long ago. Germans served as czars and czarinas, once as the Russian prime minister, and they were officers, doctors and teachers in the royal court in St. Petersburg. German engineers operated ore mines in the Ural Mountains, German farmers plowed land along the Volga and Dnieper rivers. In turn, they were introduced to Russian writers. Pushkin introduced Germans to the strange but likable Russian soul. And cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg wouldn't be what they are today without Germans. That's the romanticized side of German-Russian relations.

Then came the wars of the past century and the devastation the Germans unleashed on the Soviet Union. Since then, the image Germans have of Russia is inaccurate.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #594

Spiegel claims Germans romanticize Russia

Another article for consumption abroad. Naive to say the least.
WTF have actual Germans in common with the times Germans served as czars and czarinas? I would bet most don't even know about the relationship with the Russian Empire at that time.
However Germans don't fall as easy in the media propaganda trap unleashed by their(?) mass media as expected.
Contrary to some others we are interested in good neighborhood with all European countries, good economic relations profitable for both sides and stability in Europe. That's what most Germans think.
We wouldn't experience this crisis without foreign meddling in the Ukraine (F*ck the EU)!
It's absurd to blame Putin or Russia for the fascist coup in Kiev. That was the starting point after all. No sane European can have any interest in the destabilization of Europe! Wonder whos interests a new Iron Curtain will serve ...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #595
Sorry to say, but the article explains a lot about your irrational stance, Krake. It's weird to see this kind of attitude in action in a German, but this is merely because I am unfamiliar with Germans in real life.

However, I am perfectly well familiar with Russians and this very same attitude is mirrored in Russians. Russians admire German robust industries and effective economy. They glorify "German order", discipline and cleanliness. The humongously popular TV series Семнадцать мгновений весны gave rise to a weird subtle subculture of cultish Reich-worship in Soviet Russia. This and other films like this - not directly condemning, but more like depicting facts of war where "strength of the soul" (душа) matters - inspired awe mixed with fear towards Germans. This is common to Russians and Germans: When they say "respect" and "understanding" they mean awe mixed with fear - subconscious and definitely unacknowledged fear, but evident enough to bystanders.

It's absurd to blame Putin or Russia for the fascist coup in Kiev. That was the starting point after all.

Was it? Who in this thread ever blamed Putin for the Kiev coup? All I've seen is blaming the you ess of aye for it. I personally see no reason why the blame for the coup should be placed too far or high or wide. The coup, in my view, is essentially an internal matter of Ukrainians. The unfortunate consequence of the Maidan riots was weakening of the power in Kiev and the persistent image of illegitimacy. This image serves as an excellent pretext for Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea and their further aspirations to destabilise and gobble up Ukraine. I understand all this full well. This perfectly mirrors what happened in the Baltic countries in 1939-1940. It's all okay, easily understood.

However, the part that I am uncomfortable with is speak of "understanding" in the sense as if the pretext would somehow JUSTIFY the invasion and annexation. Maybe an analogy is helpful here. Let's say a bully and a weakling meet. The bully beats up the weakling. I say I understand this, because the bully is the bully and the weakling is the weakling. The beating is the obvious result when they meet, because both act as per their evident role. This is merely natural, trivial even.

Now, the part that I don't get is an outsider's notion that the bully's action is justified - that to "understand" the bully means to say he is doing the right thing and the weakling deserves what he's getting. This is how your "understanding" of Putin appears, Krake. But how is it justified to side with the bully? For me it's self-evident to condemn the bully even under the threat of becoming the next weakling under attack. Bullying is unjustifiable to me.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #596
Any bullying is from the West.

The previous government in Ukraine duly and properly elected even with flaws was prepared to discuss all sorts of options but the protests in Kiev were duly taken over by the fundamental and very extreme ne-Nazis. Immediately America and Europe threw in it's lot for a coup. The grounds are flimsy.  They equally knew fine well that much of the rest of that country was not party to the Kiev take over but neither cared a damn. They seen it as a country with a shadow of Russia over it and that was enough to get them stirred up because they are still in an out-dated mode on Russia.

Dis Kiev care a damn but the east and south of the country? no they did not they were being simply selfish.Dozens of killins along with buildings damaged, etc. Now when protests erupt in the east because folk there had voted in a government properly they are automatically the bad guys. Ukraine will never be part of NATO that long overdue expensive waste of time. Neither is the EEC dishing out membership applications nor money when it comes to that. There is that billion assured by America which is still dwarfed by Russian money. Not only in loans but in special oil discounts that even they were not met with! And because Russia is withdrawing the discount they are the bad guys!

It is also okay to support a violent overtthro of a democratically elected system in Kiev but declare that protests ine east are terrorists. What a dark political comedy and Ukraine would have went under if Russia had permanently stopped oil. As for the anti-Russian propaganda it rises to ridiculous lengths. There was a time when I had a regard for Willam Hague the Foeign Secretary but not now. There he was on televison stating that it was evident Russia was involved in the east disturbances. Well like the Russia Foreign Secretary, I wait for the evidence. The Kiev government even claimed they had a Russian espionage caught and when the man;s ID was shown it had printed on - "Occupation: Spy!!. Haha, it is so ridiculous.

With the completion of the alternative two routes for oil to Europe the continent will be safe for it's power but Ukraine will suffer. Whe the country gets an IMF loan they will not believe the pain they are going to have and some will envy the Crimea. We in the West should have kept away but our hypocrisy in political affairs is dastardly.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #597

Any bullying is from the West.

---- because Russia is withdrawing the discount they are the bad guys!
I wonder how you define bullying in this case. I define it as international aggression, namely invasion ans annexation.

Withdrawing the discount is only indirectly connected. It's like threatening to take away someone's money if the victim doesn't let himself be beaten up, then beating him up and taking the money anyway. And let's consider this: Russia got Crimea. Was it okay to take it free of charge and then demand some further debt? Doesn't the transition of Crimea from Ukraine to Russia balance at least some account?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #598
The Crimean peninsula itself had been ruled by Russia for centuries until Nikita Khrushchev gave it away to Ukraine in 1954, a move that was deeply unpopular in Russia – some say Khrushchev was drunk at the time –and most ordinary Russians – as well, it seems, as a majority of Crimeans themselves – would like to see it returned to Russia. Putin is also off the hook over the Ukrainian economy. Previously, Russia had agreed to bail out Kiev, but it seems that now this cost will be borne by European taxpayers.

BTW, Russia doesn't owe a single UAH (Ukrainian Hryvna) to the Ukraine for Crimea. Crimea belongs to the Crimeans and they choosed to be part of Russia. Period.
The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #599
Very wrong view there, Krake. Your logic ("ruled for centuries") handily gives Germany full right over entire Middle-Europe until Russian border - and the exact same right to Russia until German border. This proves you have no concept of jurisdiction and international diplomacy and you care zilch for people's ethnic and territorial self-determination. The transition of Crimea was the exact same scam that occurred in the Baltic countries in 1940.

Now for something completely different: Three Youtube videos from Nikolayev, Ukraine.

Жители Николаева намерены вернуться на площадьThis is from the main Russian news show Vesti reporting from Nikolayev, Ukraine. Here at first you see a guy who was supposedly peacefully demonstrating against Kiev govt when "they began shooting non-stop" and now he is in the hospital with brain concussion and other damage.

Немецкий наемник привез на Украину 500 тысяч евро для «Правого сектора» НТВ This is from the news of NTV, a major channel in Russia, originally (around the regime change) it was a fair alternative source. Here you see an interview with a German citizen who was smuggled in from the West with 500,000 euros in pocket to support the Right Sector, to arm them. However, he landed in the middle of local resistance and is now in hospital in Nikolayev, Ukraine.

09.04.2014 НИКОЛАЕВ, ДЕРЖИСЬThis is the Crimean news channel citing events in Nikolayev, Ukraine. First it shows a riot (mild fight) involving supposed Maidan supporters and opponents, and then an interview with one of the victims of the Maidan supporters, a doctor, a local native. Here the interviewed supposedly popular local hero talks about extortion by the Maidan supporters to go over to their side for some money.

What's the funny thing with these videos? It's the same guy intervewed in those different capacities. These videos have been pointed out courtesy of Forbes. I hope people here will be more critical of their sources henceforth and think through who they are siding with and why. I personally have been well schooled by the USSR media to be suspicious and critical of any and all sources.