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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247084 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #350
What utter bunkum came from the USA woman on the UN Security Council. There she was talking about invasion attitudes, interfering with sovereignty, pressurising and all the rest of the usual Western tripe. This coming from her side and a country that has spent decades interfering across the world, unsettling States it couldn't initially coerce then find an excuse to attack them. The complete hypocrisy is overwhelming and then jimbro comes in with his usual very bias stuff. Look at your own corner boy. Trouble is that Russia is not rising up it is making it's independence very clear and the US and it's western controlled get the hump at not being able to dictate or do what they like anywhere else. For America to accuse Russia considering what it has done and still doing is so farcical and insulting intelligence.

Time after time Amercia uses the nonsense I mentioned of interfering over the globe because it thinks it has a special duty and right to do so and all for that old hoary "safeguarding our interests."  No other modern nation can compete with the arrogance and political immorality of the USA. Russia has said it has no wish to be involved in invading Ukraine but that makes no difference to the idiots that run the DC corner. If it isn't them running the show or not conforming to their idea of the world you are beyond evil. Maybe someone can explain why America wants to be the worlds controller and stuff anyone else?

The only place that maintained a democratic system was in Crimea whilst the rest of Ukraine was taken over by a rump that couldn't run a piss up in a brewery. The West ignores that and the fact that a quarter of the Keiv "government" is extereme. The West has never been able to get to grips with the end of the USSR and the widening of Russia. It is a proud and patriotic land that does not have the imperial pretensions of the US and it is still good that there are a couple of places in the world that cannot be battered into line on false premise. Not only has the media been bias but actual governments and when an occasional journalist asks a representative at a press conference where certain information comes from they get brushed off.

Ukraine's only hope is a federal system and it better think seriously about all of it's people including those in the east of the country. As for that ballistic clown who is Prime Minister he has constantly changed his mind onNATO,  Ukraine, Russia, EEC and even America. His rump caused the falling aprt of Ukraine not Russia which was giving aid and cheap power.The EEC is in no great position to dish out cash and some parts of it will be very niggled when it goes to someone outside of the thing and not them.  Lastly, NATO should keep it's damn neb out of the matter as it is nothing to do with them.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #351

Will a call for a more robust British military presence in Germany send Russia a message?

Britain should make a “military statement” to Russia by retaining 3,000 soldiers in Germany ...

WTF :irked:

Germans don't feel threatened by Russia.
The Brits should send their soldiers to Poland or even better in the Baltic ( Ersi will have a good sleep :zzz:), so they can be closer to the 'enemy' for sending messages.

BTW, the USA already has over 70 military establishments across Germany. :bug:
This is the highest number for a country in Europe, maybe even worldwide.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #352
Quickie thought: If fraud in an election makes the election invalid, then we haven't had a valid election in decades.

What happened in the Crimean election is no less than what could have been expected, and with feeling running high as it did it just might be difficult to tell between a bogus "election" and the real thing.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #353

Quickie thought: If fraud in an election makes the election invalid, then we haven't had a valid election in decades.

What happened in the Crimean election is no less than what could have been expected, and with feeling running high as it did it just might be difficult to tell between a bogus "election" and the real thing.
In Crimea, it's not (only) about fraud in the referendum, but that the referendum itself was a fraud. It should not have been moved to an earlier date. The authority that moved it was not an authority. The date was moved and the referendum carried out at gunpoint. Etc.

Edit: And why not compare Putin with Hitler when the annexation propaganda prior to the referendum was exactly based on invoking Nazi imagery?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #354
That's how Nazi imagery looks like.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #355

What utter bunkum came from the USA woman on the UN Security Council. There she was talking about invasion attitudes, interfering with sovereignty, pressurising and all the rest of the usual Western tripe. This coming from her side and a country that has spent decades interfering across the world, unsettling States it couldn't initially coerce then find an excuse to attack them. The complete hypocrisy is overwhelming and then jimbro comes in with his usual very bias stuff. Look at your own corner boy. Trouble is that Russia is not rising up it is making it's independence very clear and the US and it's western controlled get the hump at not being able to dictate or do what they like anywhere else. For America to accuse Russia considering what it has done and still doing is so farcical and insulting intelligence.

Time after time Amercia uses the nonsense I mentioned of interfering over the globe because it thinks it has a special duty and right to do so and all for that old hoary "safeguarding our interests."  No other modern nation can compete with the arrogance and political immorality of the USA. Russia has said it has no wish to be involved in invading Ukraine but that makes no difference to the idiots that run the DC corner. If it isn't them running the show or not conforming to their idea of the world you are beyond evil. Maybe someone can explain why America wants to be the worlds controller and stuff anyone else?

The only place that maintained a democratic system was in Crimea whilst the rest of Ukraine was taken over by a rump that couldn't run a piss up in a brewery. The West ignores that and the fact that a quarter of the Keiv "government" is extereme. The West has never been able to get to grips with the end of the USSR and the widening of Russia. It is a proud and patriotic land that does not have the imperial pretensions of the US and it is still good that there are a couple of places in the world that cannot be battered into line on false premise. Not only has the media been bias but actual governments and when an occasional journalist asks a representative at a press conference where certain information comes from they get brushed off.

Ukraine's only hope is a federal system and it better think seriously about all of it's people including those in the east of the country. As for that ballistic clown who is Prime Minister he has constantly changed his mind onNATO,  Ukraine, Russia, EEC and even America. His rump caused the falling aprt of Ukraine not Russia which was giving aid and cheap power.The EEC is in no great position to dish out cash and some parts of it will be very niggled when it goes to someone outside of the thing and not them.  Lastly, NATO should keep it's damn neb out of the matter as it is nothing to do with them.

One takes it that you have moved to Moscow?
- "...and all of the usual Western tripe".

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #356
What happened in the Crimean election is no less than what could have been expected, and with feeling running high as it did it just might be difficult to tell between a bogus "election" and the real thing.

Rod Blagojevich ring a bell mjm?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #357
Quote from: Colonel Rebel
One takes it that you have moved to Moscow?
- "...and all of the usual Western tripe".

Rj is the only foreigner on Putin's staff of cronies you recent Mississippi graduate over the pond.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #358

What the Western powers are thinking baffles me, but I baffle easily. Crimea is a done deal, so the West can find something else to occupy their collective minds.

There are Western powers of different weights and with different interests.
Done deal or not, it has to be kept hot as long as it can serve someone's interests...

Just an example:

The USA is pushing hard for its Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
There is a lot of concern and scepticism in Europe regarding the TTIP because of the negative impact it might have by overruling national and EU legislation.
Corporation Carte Blanche

Economic ties and partnership with Russia is seen by the US as a threat, not only because of the TTIP.

Germany alone had 2012 a trade volume of 370 billion euros with Russia resuling in 500,000 (300,000 + 200,000) jobs.
Not to mention that German exports have covered almost all gas and oil imports from Russia.

Cui bono a divided, weakened and Russian hostile Europe?
Take your pick :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #360
If I didn't know better, I'd swear that RJH is a Soviet apparatchik. He sounds like it at times, with a distinct hatred of all things American and a fair amount of bile for the rest of the West into the bargain.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #361

If I didn't know better, I'd swear that RJH is a Soviet apparatchik. He sounds like it at times, with a distinct hatred of all things American and a fair amount of bile for the rest of the West into the bargain.

It's easy to see why, though.


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #364
Well, Snowden told us about capabilities of NSA. But everything we know about capabilities of FSB is that they need permission of court to use SORM.

Very interesting talks were leaked from unknown source during all this situation. First it was fuck EU and $5 billion talk. Then it was (probably opposition) snipers talk. Now Tymoshenko talk.

Tymoshenko confirmed the authenticity of the conversation on Twitter, while pointing out that a section where she is heard to call for the nuclear slaughter of the eight million Russians who remain on Ukrainian territory was edited.

She tweeted “The conversation took place, but the '8 million Russians in Ukraine' piece is an edit. In fact, I said Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians. Hello FSB :) Sorry for the obscene language.”

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #365

What the Western powers are thinking baffles me, but I baffle easily. Crimea is a done deal, so the West can find something else to occupy their collective minds.

When a child misbehaves you ground him to make him not repeat his behaviour, not to undo what he's done.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #366

What the Western powers are thinking baffles me, but I baffle easily. Crimea is a done deal, so the West can find something else to occupy their collective minds.

When a child misbehaves you ground him to make him not repeat his behaviour, not to undo what he's done.

And if the child refuses to be grounded?
Just curious.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #367

Quote from: Colonel Rebel
One takes it that you have moved to Moscow?
- "...and all of the usual Western tripe".

Rj is the only foreigner on Putin's staff of cronies you recent Mississippi graduate over the pond.

Got it. :cheers:

@mjmsprt40: Agreed.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #368

What the Western powers are thinking baffles me, but I baffle easily. Crimea is a done deal, so the West can find something else to occupy their collective minds.

When a child misbehaves you ground him to make him not repeat his behaviour, not to undo what he's done.

And if the child refuses to be grounded?
Just curious.
Nobody in the G# club sees itself as a child. In international diplomacy, the child analogy is bound to invite war.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #369

The only experts who say that Ukrainians in Crimea opposed referendum are ersi and Sanguinemoon.

On a side note:
According to Ukrainian sources, Kiev ordered the complete withdrawal of its troops from Crimea.
However not all will follow the order since half of them changed sides by joining the Russian army.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #370

The only experts who say that Ukrainians in Crimea opposed referendum are ersi and Sanguinemoon.

On a side note:
According to Ukrainian sources, Kiev ordered the complete withdrawal of its troops from Crimea.
However not all will follow the order since half of them changed sides by joining the Russian army.

Josh isn't sure what he'll do until he figures out which way the wind is blowing. On the one hand, he supports Putin because Russian borscht is delicious; on the other hand, the borscht is better in western Ukraine.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #371

Shufrych's press service flatly contradicted Tymoshenko, slamming the tape as fake. The press release reads "The conversation didn't take place," as quoted by

Who is lying?
Shufrych who claims that the conversation didn't take place?
Tymoshenko who confirmed the authenticity of the conversation but claims that some part of it was edited?

As it looks both of them are lying.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #372
To quote a famous British actor, "Everybody lies!"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #373
That "phone conversation" thing is interesting as she has said it was made. What she wanted to do with 8 million Russians living in the present Ukraine was telling. Her time as Prime Minister was hardly one of progress, honesty or much else.One of the leaders of the far right has been shot by Ukrainian police (nice to know they are still about). This is the same man seen on camera  threatening and then attacking a younger member of the Procurator's office and again taking his knife and guns out adding that no-one would take them away and what he would do with the head of Kiev's security. However there are a number of these same neo-Nazis still in the stolen government. Crimea is a done deal and now currency is changing and taxes and increased pensions etc.

NATO should bug off and so to should the EEC as Ukraine is in neither. The Ukrainian "Prime Minister" has as said changed on things repeatedly. He has been seen condemning Russia then later saying something had to be worked out. Russian was to be banned as an official language then he changed and said in mainly Russian speaking areas it would be ok.  He huffed at America then was all for it. Visas would be introduced with regard to Russia then realised how many worked over the order so that altered. On the EEC he wanted Ukraine in that and his countrymen all speaking English to be better integrated. Now he has backed off. Don't let us forget NATO where he was keen to be in it but then felt that would not be a wise move in the circumstanced red sock over in the Eternal City. If Kiev wants to keep Ukraine together they better get their act together.

On the matter of sanctions and ancillary things it is all pointless and well over the top. Coups are supported by the West when it suits it. As long as the revolution is in what it wants that is fine but if not it is immoral,. Humbug. We in the West can get away with pushing the world about but that there are a tiny handful of places that can tell it to sod off is a good thing. As jimbro says on the matter of lying that is a wide remit and open to anyone. As an independent nation Russia will not be controlled by Western domination imperialism and quite right too.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #374

Shufrych's press service flatly contradicted Tymoshenko, slamming the tape as fake. The press release reads "The conversation didn't take place," as quoted by

Who is lying?
Shufrych who claims that the conversation didn't take place?
Tymoshenko who confirmed the authenticity of the conversation but claims that some part of it was edited?

As it looks both of them are lying.

Tymoshenko may say true. For me logic of conversion makes more sense if she would say "Russians in Ukraine – are Ukrainians". After all, she always looked as reasonable politician.