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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 276655 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #675
Somehow you think the word "nigger" offends me??

The point is the race of the person in question mattered greatly to you. You brought it back up and all but said "It was a nigger! Ha!"

I give 2 shits about being "PC". What is acceptable racism varies with culture. I've notice Europeans have a higher range of what is acceptable or moreover what isn't "racism" where Americans seem to jump to it quicker - too quick even. That's because you're denying what was actually racist in that by getting distracted by simple words and how you want them viewed rather than how you view the need to imply them. That is what makes them racist. These are human constructs that an ersi-esque style debate could drivel over for hours because you cant pin down significant qualifiers for every case. It never mattered to me what race the guy was nor does it change the reason it happened. You, and likewise your polar opposite, are to blame for the level of ignorance it takes to let these things happen. Arguing over who even knows what the fuck? You suggest "snowflake" as derogatory to me but it's not racist... Or is it the same thing? 

The solution won't be the continued infantilizing of our society.
Then stop it!

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #676
I brought it (the Greenville, MS church burning and spray-painting) back up because it was used to smear Trump and anyone who might vote for him; and, then, when the culprit was caught -- those who promoted the smear became silent. When a "false flag" operation is uncovered, that's what usually happens.
Without a doubt, it was simply too hard to argue that the horribleness of Trump made him do it...
The culprit is obviously deranged. But so were the many who credulously took it to be a "hate crime," in the legal sense. (It was, indeed, a hate crime -- but the hate was of the common variety: political rivalry, racial animus and cretinous reasoning.)

BTW: I wasn't calling you a "snowflake"... But you do seem to have caught the meme! :)

I'm curious to see if the local law follows through on its promise to prosecute the arson as a hate crime, regardless of the race of the offender...
I'm also curious about how many here think they should!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #677
It should be about balance. but you and other's ride the scales like a seesaw. I'm not going to try to show you the forest while you're chopping that tree or anything.... However it was taken that way because ignorance doesn't know any better. Because everything I just said is true and no one can see past what they want to believe.

When a "false flag" operation is uncovered,
Conspiracy theory nonsense. You may be too old for the internet. (How to make something out of nothing 101.)

But so were the many who credulously took it to be a "hate crime," in the legal sense. (It was, indeed, a hate crime -- but the hate was of the common variety: political rivalry, racial animus and cretinous reasoning.)
A step in the right direction... Somehow I know our paths will quickly diverge. You don't mean any of that. just sounds good.

But you do seem to have caught the meme!
Yep, too old for the internet. 

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #678
What is acceptable racism varies with culture. I've notice Europeans have a higher range of what is acceptable or moreover what isn't "racism" where Americans seem to jump to it quicker - too quick even.
I'd say that generally speaking we care less about how something is said and more about what is being said. Americans losing their marbles over "woman is the nigger of the world" or a word like "fuck" is bemusing, and worrisome when violent movies are considered more acceptable than some words or some (non-weird pornographic ) sex or nudity.

Paul Verhoeven is a great loss to American cinema. So it goes.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #679
Conspiracy theory nonsense. You may be too old for the internet. (How to make something out of nothing 101.)
You mean a black criminal spray-painting "Vote Trump" and then torching the building of his own church was really a Trump supporter? One of those from the "basket of deplorables"?
Yup! Makes sense to me... :)

@Frenzie: I don't consider Paul Verhoeven's return a great loss. But I've only seen some of his English-language films... But if you don't want him you can send him back. I won't complain!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #680
There's no place in the civilized world where people are classified by races.
I heard that happens with American identification cards, don't know if it's correct.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #681
You mean a black criminal spray-painting "Vote Trump" and then torching the building of his own church was really a Trump supporter?
I guess what I'm really saying is it doesn't matter why he did it. It was dumb and I'm not sure that was entirely his fault. Pumped full of the rhetoric you can't get passed either he just did something stupid. I see no difference in cognitive processing with you and needing to point it out. WTF made you think it was ever about race? The media suggested it? Some idiots assumed and you were like, yea? Given no evidence and pure speculation from them you still wanted to yell back at obvious ignorance. Infantile doesn't cover it. But shameful comes close. 

It doesn't even matter if what you said is meant to be racist. Or hurtful. Or actually meaningful in anyway. You're guilty of the same type of thinking. You might not go burn a church but sure will use it to some perceived advantage. Gotta pamper those feelings.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #682
I guess what I'm really saying is it doesn't matter why he did it.
It certainly does, if it's to be charged as a "hate crime"… But it also matters, since the "blame" continues to be placed on our President-Elect.
I can see being appalled at his election, if one disagrees with almost everything he's said (and says he plans to do). That's politics. But he was no more responsible for the criminal's acts than were the slavers who brought his ancestors here. (And the Democrats who "educated" him!)
It was dumb and I'm not sure that was entirely his fault. Pumped full of the rhetoric you can't get passed either he just did something stupid.
No, sir! He did something criminal, and vile. If you think the criminal was "pumped full of rhetoric" -but you don't seem familiar with either the rhetoric or its source- what's your take? The criminal was too fragile/feeble to resist the urge to respond to the liberal blogs' and the MSM's constantly "connecting" Trump to the Alt-Right, the KKK and Nazis; so he burned down his own church, hoping Trump supporters would be blamed? (They were blamed, btw. Specifically, by our own Midnight Raccoon… (If you'd like, I'll pull up a dozen quotes from the left's reliable sources. More, if you'd like…)
I see no difference in cognitive processing with you and needing to point it out. WTF made you think it was ever about race?
Oh, I don't know: Maybe the local police chief's press conferences. Maybe the mayor's press conferences. Maybe the major TV news reportage. Maybe the Huffington Post, and a host of other on-line leftist outlets…
And maybe Midnight Raccoon's sneering dismissal of anyone who wasn't a Trump supporter, as the culprit… And, since it was more than a month ago, I was unsure where he and I "discussed" the case. (He brought it up, BTW: As "evidence" of the evil influence of Trump! Gotta love the irony!) I posted the news as soon as I stumbled across it — in the most likely thread.
Midnight (he's white, btw! :) ) somehow didn't respond. I think the technical term is "Trump Derangement Syndrome"…
Thinking I'd just posted in the wrong thread, I brought it up here — because he was still posting here.

Why you "see no difference in cognitive processing" is moot… Perhaps you are a "snowflake" after all: See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil — except when one has a political disagreement! That would explain it.
The way things are going now, that would lead me to believe you're a black female transvestite homosexual… :) I won't go that far!
I'll just say that you're ignorant (the original meaning, un-aware…) and bored, so you troll.
Which is to say, I'd hoped to get Midnight Raccoon to respond, so we could continue our discussion.

Do you need help finding the scroll button? :)
One final note, ensbb3: This Left/Right, black/white thing is still going on in the Americas… Trump, and the various reactions to him, are symptoms — not causes.
I don't like it. But hiding your head in the sand or merely tsk-tsking doesn't seem likely to make things better, which is what I'd like to see: Things getting better.

I "get it," that you're not the least bit interested… But I am: It's my country!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #683
He did something criminal, and vile.
Criminal. Yes. Vile? Meh.

I'm not sure why you passed the judgment that it's wicked. Again, nothing has been released to suggest it. (Maybe he was on something? We don't know.) No one was hurt right? The church was inundated with donations. They took over $200k from Patreon alone(or the likes). So they get a new church and a bonus lesson learned about jumping to conclusions. -- They caught the guy - are you wanting to lynch 'em? Sure wanting it to be a hate crime, when it should show how ridiculous the mess was to begin with, smh.
Good could still come of it all. Unless every rambling idiotic opinion on the internet/media has it's way.
Oh, I don't know: Maybe the local police chief's press conferences. Maybe the mayor's press conferences. Maybe the major TV news reportage. Maybe the Huffington Post, and a host of other on-line leftist outlets...
I feel like I covered that... (Tho in your case it would of been "naw"?)
Some idiots assumed and you were like, yea?
You left out every right/alt-right/conservative source feeding it too. Takes two sides for the seesaw to work.

Not one call for due process from you - For reasoning out a solution. Just reactionary garbage held out as emotional justice for the simple minds derping around under the cause of political ideals. This country isn't divided, you're all in agreement. Sooner you all lemming train us into a recession perhaps the sooner we can pull heads out of asses and actually get somewhere. 

I like my red State. Works better with a bluer Federal Gov. I still think Trump can serve my purposes. Shameless optimism on my part. I can't help it.  :blush:

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #684
Takes two sides for the seesaw to work.
The idea that it's a see-saw is repugnant. But too many people have already accepted it… My voice won't likely matter. But I'd still speak…
Using "meh" makes you internet-ready, fo' sure!
They caught the guy - are you wanting to lynch 'em?
(I like your locution: It implies all of your race-baiting tropes! I'd rather trust the local law, even if -for perhaps understandable historical reasons- they've used rhetoric to inflame the situation. There hasn't been a trial yet; and I'm not gonna be on the jury anyway. I'd prefer to let the locals handle it. (BTW: I've always been against the "hate crime" category… It's redundant, and leads to the kind of politicization I hate! If a black man kills a white man or a white man kills a black man, the primary charge is Murder.
Sure wanting it to be a hate crime, when it should show how ridiculous the mess was to begin with
You must know that what you're imputing to me comes from your own inability to read? Right?
The "mess" was ginned up, because so many Clinton supporters thought that was a good strategy! (With friends like these, who needs enemies?)

But that's politics! You're above that, I presume… :)
I don't want it to be charged as a hate crime. I want it to be charged as arson; and the fellow needs some psychiatric help. (The rest of his "motivation" should be left to the professionals that are charged with "rehabilitating" him! I'd recommend a sentence -if he's found guilty of the crime- of 4 to 8 years! :) But that's because I'm evil and racist! :) ) The guy was a petty criminal before this incident. One wonders if a conspiracy charge might be forthcoming? :) Was he "encouraged" to besmirch the "Trumpsters" by… Hm.

As I said, there's a sick divide, in my country. I'd like to see it mended. But it won't happen if no one wants to let go of their prejudices. (I use that word also with it's original meaning… PC be damned!) Statists and "the rest of us" need to come to an accommodation: That begins with the Trump presidency.
He may not be able to accomplish much; he may not accomplish anything. But he will be the president (…despite Barack's prediction) and he should have the chance to prove himself.

So: Can we stop the "racist, everything-a-phobe" rhetoric already?
No. And you know who won't…

The election's over. Hillary lost; Trump won. So it goes.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #685
You mean a black criminal spray-painting "Vote Trump" and then torching the building of his own church was really a Trump supporter? One of those from the "basket of deplorables"?
Yup! Makes sense to me...
It's not outside the realm of possibility. What was the motive? Like a right-wing blog lemming, you still seem to think even the majority if the incidents, now actually over 1000 are hoaxes. (13 are hoaxes out of all those...)
and he should have the chance to prove himself.
And he's already showing himself corrupt. Why was the meeting with defense contractors at his resort? Why did the rent at his Trump Tower HQ increase after he stopped self-funding? Was it to bilk his supporters? You want to use the straw man "predication" , but his corruption is already showing and he known as double-dealer decades before the election. What part of this is hard for you?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #686
What part of this is hard for you?
The whole "I don't agree with him, so he's evil and responsible for everything anybody does" part.
It's not outside the realm of possibility.
So: Whatever the facts are, you'll hold Trump responsible… Good to have you on-record; but I already knew that.
Some others seem not to have.
the majority if [sic, which is to say: He hopes that such is the case…] the incidents, now actually over 1000 are hoaxes.
I'll wait until the individual cases are investigated… I hope you don't mind? :) Each one that's become prominent has proved to be a hoax.
But you keep hoping…
BTW, have you reported me for harassing you, yet? You know I have — by your definition! I think you're a pussy, Sang! Which is pretty funny, if you come to think of it!

Four years from now, you'll get the chance to vote (and work for and donate to) the candidate of your choice. You want more? Of course you do! You think it's the end of the world when "your side" loses an election… Where were you in 2010 and 2014? If you want to be involved in politics, understand that it's a long game.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #687
Each one that's become prominent has proved to be a hoax.
The reason you think that is you read rightwing blogs instead of actually finding out what's been happening, being a Trumpian zombie.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #688
Trump now controls local PDs and newspapers…? Wow. I never knew! He's already taken over everything… (Well, just your imagination! :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #689
(Well, just your imagination!
No. It's your imagination that I said anything remotely like that. Face it, there has been an upswing in racial incidents since the election. The blog you cited is not only run by a member of a fascist party, but it objectively wrong about the number of followers. How did I prove him wrong? Merely by searching for Richard Spencer Twitter, that didn't provide the total number of followers but did show the number to be much more than 300.
You think it's the end of the world when "your side" loses an election..
There are deep concerns about Trump. Everything else aside, he's not behaving like the President of the United States. If Romney has somehow beaten Obama, it wouldn't be considered an existential threat to the Republic. Likewise if things had gone better for Rubio. Get it, yet? It's not the mere fact of losing, it's having a man with questionable mental stability as president. Now he wants bizarre conspiracy theorists in his cabinet.

Then there are issues such as why would we need more nuclear weapons. Between the US and Russia, we can destroy the world ten times over. The US and Russia hold 93 percent of the world's nukes. Why do we need more. If Kim Jong-Un decides to be even more of a lunatic and uses his, not even China will support him.That is if Trump wants more nukes at all. He tweets whatever insanity is on his mind in the moment and contradicts those tweets the next week and his team winds up having to back peddle them for him and provides no clear policy. I expect a president to provide a clear vision, not keep muddying the waters.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #690
No. It's your imagination that I said anything remotely like that. Face it, there has been an upswing in racial incidents since the election.
No, Sang: You've repeatedly said that Trump has trumped up the rhetoric… The "reports" of incidents. BTW! They're getting smacked down on a regular basis… (Which is why the main one you pinned your hopes on is the one you won't comment upon… :)
The blog you cited is not only run by a member of a fascist party, but it objectively wrong about the number of followers. How did I prove him wrong? Merely by searching for Richard Spencer Twitter, that didn't provide the total number of followers but did show the number to be much more than 300.
(Are you willing to to accept Trump's Twitter numbers… ?)
So: The actual fascist who employed the boy for two years doesn't know anything! Your usual level of "evidence"…
You already know what I think about Twitter, Sang! (We can disagree about this; but yo can't convince me…  Hm. 200 or 300… How many pedophiles are there? On Twitter? Or in the "system"? You're playing a dangerous game.) Let me repeat myself: is for people who shouldn't be let out, except on a leash!
(I'd thought you smart enough to use that line; I guess I was wrong! But maybe you're pretty smart, after all: You don't dare go there!)
Get it, yet? It's not the mere fact of losing, it's having a man with questionable mental stability as president. Now he wants bizarre conspiracy theorists in his cabinet.
Who might these "conspiracy theorists" be…?
I don't expect you to mention the author of the "vast Right Wing conspiracy" against Bill Clinton; including the "Bimbo Eruptions"… :)
So: Who are these "conspiracy theorists"?
Then there are issues such as why would we need more nuclear weapons.
Of course, Putin saying that his country is going to upgrade their nuclear arsenal was just — a nice parting shot at Obama!
Between the US and Russia, we can destroy the world ten times over. The US and Russia hold 93 percent of the world's nukes. Why do we need more[?] If Kim Jong-Un decides to be even more of a lunatic and uses his, not even China will support him. [He doesn't need "support"…] That is if Trump wants more nukes at all. He tweets whatever insanity is on his mind in the moment and contradicts those tweets the next week and his team winds up having to back peddle them for him and provides no clear policy. I expect a president to provide a clear vision, not keep muddying the waters.
"I expect…'… Then, boy-o, you should have elected one! Hillary seemed to have wanted to go to war with Russia!
Let's go to war with Russia! That'll work out well…
Also, even China doesn't claime to keep herd on NK.

BTW: We don't need more nuclear weapons; but we do need updated versions .
(You wouldn't know this, but our nukes are woefully behind, technologically… Unless of course you're rejected MAD! (For those of you who've never paid attention: That's an acronym for "Mutual Assured Destruction. In which case, Reagan was right: The Strategic Defense program was sensible… ABM treaties were abrogated -which is to say, when we could we withdrew from them- and should never have been signed — NOT!)[
Putin said he was going to update his nation's nuclear arsenal. Of course, he was -like Obama- just drawing a "red line" in the sand! :) )
I expect a president to provide a clear vision, not keep muddying the waters.
No. You just want your "team" to win… Guess what: They didn't! Oops! :)
Sang, you want Hillary to be President. Ain't gonna happen, either.

You want a clear vision[?  Look at the latest kerfluiffle in the UN… Obama's administration is all on board.

Also you should be aware that the "clear vision" you seem to want is — accepting the people who'd kill you… You seem so stupid, to me!
But that's your weird way of being "so very, very" silly: You hate people who don't like you — except when they're the Muslims; because BHO says they're all nice!
Smart move, Sang!
If you win, you lose —  big-time! :)
But your hatefulness knows no bounds…

You'll hate Trumo until the day you die! Enjoy your  rejection of America – and, please, go somewhere else!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #691
Hillary seemed to have wanted to go to war with Russia!
Okay, put down the whiskey or whatever you're drinking. You're drunk enough already. Both her and Putin know that a US/Russia war would be catastrophic on a global scale.
The "reports" of incidents. BTW! They're getting smacked down on a regular basis...
13 out of over a thousand. You know what? Your trollish post isn't even worth answering any further. You're trying to upset and unnerve me. The only reason it's even close close to successful in that is that I know you're not this much of an idiot. So why do you do this? Was I right in that you're drunk?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #692
13 out of over a thousand. You know what? Your trollish post isn't even worth answering any further. You're trying to upset and unnerve me. The only reason it's even close close to successful in that is that I know you're not this much of an idiot. So why do you do this? Was I right in that you're drunk?
Let's unpack that:
13 out of over a thousand: The ones that have been investigated…
I'm trying to upset and unnerve you? :) No, "snowflake," I'm trying to educate you, to get you to pay attention to the real world… (I know it's a thankless task, and likely futile.)
You're right, that I'm not an idiot. But I admit that I failed to consider the possibility that my post would "upset and unnerve" you…
Hie thee to a nunnery safe space! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #693
Uh-oh, midnight raccoon. Millions of Oakdales behind Trump to add to the dilemma! Glad I stick to diet soft drinks.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #694
. But I admit that I failed to consider the possibility that my post would "upset and unnerve" you...
Oh please. You were trying to troll me and even adopted the language of Trump trolls, i.e. calling everyone that doesn't support Trump "snowflake" for some reason. Why? Because 1) You were drunk and/or 2)You're source was a blog run by a member off a Greek fascist party that was easily shown in incorrect in the number of Richard Spencer's followers - probably delibrately lying to downplay the level of Trump's support among American fascists and would be fascists.
Glad I stick to diet soft drinks.
He needs something besides that. Maybe a nice detox tea to get all that out of his system.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #695
Oh please. You were trying to troll me and even adopted the language of Trump trolls, i.e. calling everyone that doesn't support Trump "snowflake" for some reason. Why?
Because I have two children in college; one at UC Berkeley, the other doing graduate work at UCLA… So, I tend to pay attention to what goes on on campus.
Because 1) You were drunk and/or 2)You're Your source was a blog run by a member [of] a Greek fascist party that was easily shown in incorrect in the number of Richard Spencer's followers - probably delibrately lying to downplay the level of Trump's support among American fascists and would be fascists.
You mean an actual Greek fascist who employed the boy for two years is an unreliable source?
You like your conspiracy theories, don't you?
"[…] easily shown in incorrect in the number of Richard Spencer's followers"… What you mean is, you don't want to believe the evidence; your mind is made up, and nothing will change it! (You do remember, what my opinion of Twitter is? Right? Give me a reason to change it…)
Ooh! Would-be fascists… Sounds scary! Thought-crime seems to be your new bugaboo, Sang!

I don't know what it would take, to get your Liberal bias out of your system! Luckily, it ain't my problem.
You're entitled to your vote. And both what you contribute to your party's candidates, and whatever "activism" you commit -if it's legal- is fine with me.

It seems to me that I'm more coherent, even when I'm drunk, than you are when you're sober… (Ah! The advantages of being old!)
I likes to drink a bit. And talk. (This forum is a form of talking, isn't it? :) ) I don't troll you. But we've been arguing for a long time, and I do know that you will provide the current Leftist memes… These are what I rail against!

I'm sure you're a nice enough fellow. I have nothing against you personally. And, if I offend you, you can easily stop reading my posts… (BTW: It's never my intent to offend you, Sang… I don't even understand why that would make sense.) When you offend me, I take it to be a "symptom" of your disease: Liberalism. So, I usually just let it go.
(If I knew of a cure, I'd recommend it. But you don't want to be cured! So, no matter…)

Seriously: Do you think that you and I would have a problem, in real life? If not, why would you be "
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #696
You didn't see that I went to Spencer's Twitter to find out how many followers he has just there? (28.4 k) , no doubt his true number of followers dwarfs this figure. Your source wad lying or is an idiot. Belonging to the Golden Dawn, which is a Greek fascist party, doesn't help his case. It's almost frightening that you confuse a fascist source for a conservative one. Has the line really become this blurred? I didn"t say you offended me. I said you're trying to and I don't understand why besides you have no other recourse lacking facts.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #697
"I expect...'... Then, boy-o, you should have elected one! Hillary seemed to have wanted to go to war with Russia!
Let's go to war with Russia! That'll work out well...
Also, even China doesn't claime to keep herd on NK.

BTW: We don't need more nuclear weapons; but we do need updated versions .
(You wouldn't know this, but our nukes are woefully behind, technologically... Unless of course you're rejected MAD! (For those of you who've never paid attention: That's an acronym for "Mutual Assured Destruction. In which case, Reagan was right: The Strategic Defense program was sensible... ABM treaties were abrogated -which is to say, when we could we withdrew from them- and should never have been signed -- NOT!)[
Putin said he was going to update his nation's nuclear arsenal. Of course, he was -like Obama- just drawing a "red line" in the sand!  :)  )

Nuclear weapons have a "best used before" date. A huge number was decommissioned with the Cold War, but at some point nuclear powers need to go back to the forge or forego them, something no one has done to date (the British have given it some thought), so yes "modernising" in some sense is unavoidable. The Russian warhead were in a miserable state, and a decade or so ago American hawks were talking about the possibility that after an American first strike the Russians would not be able to retaliate. The Russians didn't enjoy that non-MAD talk very much, and they found means to modernise their warheads.

Putin has found that talking tough is a lot cheaper than actually dropping those billions into nuclear war holes, never to be seen again. China doesn't even do MAD, they have enough warheads to hopefully make a credible defence and that's it. The US have to decide how much of their resources they want to sacrifice to the gods of war, and how. 

Modernising is not what Trump tweeted, but: (is there a Twitter mod?)

As earlier when Trump has tweeted something outrageously, aides has rushed in to say that this was not what the Great Trump meant, but modernisation (which is controversial, but still rational), something the Great Trump contradicts later. 

There are two scenarios. The benevolent is that Trump is trolling, the malevolent is that he is gaslighting. That you have elected a troll for president is the best available scenario tells something about what you have done. 

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #698
Russia is belligerent, in it's sphere... Neither surprising nor alarming (for the U.S. -- your mileage in Europe and the Middle East may vary!) I grew up with the threat of nuclear war: It hasn't happened. MAD was always an insane strategy, and no one seriously considered a "first strike" scenario.
Tactical nukes have been available for decades and neutron bombs have never been used... Proliferation is the real problem: It's hard to get the genie back in the bottle!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #699
Nuclear weapons have turned from being a force benefiting the major powers to a risk to them. Son-of-ISIS can do more harm to the US with a nuclear device than the US can do to Son-of-ISIS. Russia would presumably not go MAD, if they did, proximity to Russia or the lack thereof would be less relevant. Russia's potential for harm to the neighbours is not nuclear.