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Topic: Keeping an eye on Opera (Read 177585 times)

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #252
Ah, Christian Dysthe posted.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #254
Did Opera (12) start automatically updating your saved login settings or something? I just found that using wand after changing a certain setting as a one-time thing it did it again.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #255
What did automatically change? I use Wand this way:
I saved the login for this website and every time I need to log in, I press Ctrl+Enter. And it logs me in. On some websites I have to refresh. On some websites I somehow have to select from multiple credentials in a dialogue box. This has been the same for years, no change.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #256
There's this login box like

Dropdown: 1 or 2

Normally I log in with option 1, but for a change I logged in manually with option 2. And when I used Ctrl+Enter just yet, it automatically went with option 2. Eh, whatever. I decided to delete all login info for the site.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #257
Funny thing is, he's been cheering the changes being made as if turning the browser into a Facebook app and closing the community was the best thing since sliced bread.

Not in my book, but you've given me an idea. A Facebook thread!

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #258

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #261
Native bookmarks manager will not come back any time soon.

Originally posted by BK:
For the time being we are not working on further improving bookmarks. There are things with higher priority, ie. synchronization, better tabs handling, and many many others. Penguin fans also wait to be satisfied.


Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #262
Opera v19 uses Google's DNS servers, to help Google invade your privacy


Does anybody of you use Chropera so he/she can verify this?
I can't be bothered to install this crap only to verify but it would be interesing to know nonetheless.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #264
Does anybody of you use Chropera so he/she can verify this?
I can't be bothered to install this crap only to verify but it would be interesing to know nonetheless.

Does Wireshark work on Windows?

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #265
tcpdump is your friend :right:

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #266

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #267
Cheers. Saves me the trouble of messing about with the VM.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #268
Quote from: StevenCee
Quote from: Pesala
Quote from: BizRodian
I know a lot of people say that bookmarks will return,
A lot of people also explained that they have never left, and are already available in Opera 19, but it seems that people are not listening. Just enable the Bookmarks Bar for Opera 19 in settings. If you installed Opera 19 on a machine with Opera 12.16 or earlier you can import your bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar using the “Bookmarks Importer.”

Now that's an interesting comment, both a lie, and self-contradictory, at the very same time....  You yourself have stated many times, they left, and don't count on them returning, since Opera's "survey" showed 90% of users don't even use bookmarks.  And, if "they have never left", then how are they "already available in Opera 19"?  As that would imply they in fact, did leave, and now they are "already" back.... Sorry, but people ARE listening, and are hip to your misstatements, contradictory, and often insulting comments, and we're really tired of them.

PS   I just updated to 19, to see, if in fact, the bookmarks you said "never left" are indeed "already" back, but I can't seem to get Opera to fully open!  It's been 15 minutes, as it's trying to open my previously opened windows, and to make it easier, I've tried closing several of them, yet no matter whether I click on the window or tab closing button, they just remain, spinning around, as I patiently await their eventual (hopefully) opening.  I can tell already, this upgrade will be as wonderful as the last few have been..... :zzz:
Well, it did finally open, and lo & behold, there are bookmarks again! If I were Opera, I'd make some sort of announcement, as I may not have kept trying every new update. I guess they decided to buck their own surveys, if in fact, what we were told here was even factual... maybe instead of believing 90% of their users don't use bookmarks, they instead were listening to all those "whiners & complainers" here in the forum.....

Quote from: Pesala
Quote from: StevenCee
Now that's an interesting comment, both a lie, and self-contradictory, at the very same time.
Well, it's your kamma Mr Coe. Accusing me of lying is libel. Have a nice day.

Quote from: Pesala
The fact is that even in Opera 15 one could bookmark pages in the speed dial or stash, or install an extension, but people complained that they wanted a bookmarks menu. In response to user feedback, the devs promised on July 10th that they would implement bookmark functionality as a top priority. This they did in the very next final release — Opera 16, by implementing the Quick Access Bar, but as it was still experimental it had to be enabled in opera:flags.

:right: :left: :right:

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #269

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #270
Perhaps cross-posting this will amuse some of you.

Quote from: Frenzie
Soft Cheese
A play for two actors.

Act 1
A rustic village in Normandy. Candide, a recent émigré from the big city, has become quite fond of the rural lifestyle.

Candide enters the local cheese shop. Gaute, the store owner, looks up at the sound of the bell.

Gaute: Good morning, Candide! It's so nice to welcome you again to my humble realm.

Candide: I inspected my garden this morning and some wonderful champignons matured nicely. Last week I ate mushrooms with Vieuxchatêl as per your suggestion, but I'm looking for a different type of local soft cheese today. Do you have any recommendations?

Gaute: Certainly, a new cheesemaker opened up shop in this area recently! They call it La Vache Qui Pleure. Would you like to sample some?

Candide: No thanks Gaute, that's alright. Your judgment in these matters has been absolutely impeccable in these past few months, and whatever you recommend is always a culinary delight.

Gaute: Very well! That'll be €3 please.

Candide: Here you are. Thank you so much!

Candide exits the store.

Act 2
The next morning, an angry Candide rushes into the store. The bell jingles violently.

Candide: Why didn't you tell me this was processed cheese?! Why did you lie to me?

Gaute: Lied? But monsieur Candide, this is locally produced soft cheese, just like you asked for.

Candide: I don't care if it's technically soft and produced locally. You knew very well I wanted a real local cheese and you gave me this mass-produced junk.

Gaute: But the product I sold you already had artificial penicillium camemberti flavor added to it!

Candide: Artificial fungus flavor? Are you insane? You lied to me.

Gaute: You will quit making these libelous remarks! And besides, the cheese was never truly without fungus. You could have sprinkled some fungus on it yourself and it might've taken to the cheese.

Candide: You're insane. This is no proper cheese.

Gaute: Sir, I will take you to court for libel and slander.

Candide: Do your worst. The truth is plain for all to see.

Act 3
A courtroom. Candide is down on his knees in front of a judge in court dress with his eyes toward the ground.

Judge: Are you Candide, the man who libeled against Gaute the cheese store owner?

Candide: I am Candide, but I did not libel against Gaute. He promised me a local soft cheese and he gave me mass-produced processed cheese.

Judge: But it was a local product. Your libelous lies make a mockery of this court.

Candide finally looks up at the judge. His face changes into a shocked expression of understanding.

Candide: You!

Gaute: In a small rural village such as this, I have to take on the role of judge, jury, and sometimes executioner.

Candide: This is a travesty of justice!

Gaute: The accused shall not yell in court.

Candide: You did not sell me proper cheese!

Gaute: The defendant is found guilty of libel. Gaute did sell cheese.

Candide: But proper cheese does not contain emulsifiers! It has the right fungus growing on the outside! It does not stay good for weeks while unrefrigerated!

Gaute: The defendant is also found guilty of trolling.

Candide: You cannot be serious. Until this very week you never sold me cheese with such artificial properties and additives. You sold me real cheese.

Gaute: The court finds itself obliged to forgive you for your ignorance of what is technically allowed to qualify as cheese. But by insisting on your own definition of this so-called proper cheese, you have proved yourself guilty of conceitedness. Bailiff, this man shall hang for the crime of being full of himself. Prepare the gallows.

Fade to black.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #271
Reminiscing on Opera past, here is something that hasn't changed much over the past decade, nor with the change to Blink:

1. June 2003, 11:24:40
Quote from: Frenzie
On print options I can disable to print headers and footers, but is there a way to print the page number only? Or the url only? Or the page number on foot? Well, basically, to print it exactly as I like it? Not just something coming near it...

Edit: yes, I can of course copy text to Word to make it exactly as I like it, but I can imagine there could be some kind of ini file where you're able to fine-tune it...

Edit 2: I found the following

Left Margin=150
Right Margin=150
Top Margin=250
Bottom Margin=150
Print Background=0
Show Printer Header=1

but Printer Header=0 disabled everything (headers and footers)... so I guess it's not possible?

Quote from: White Lynx
so I guess it's not possible?

Unfortunately it's not possible.
I think Opera has to improve print preview interface,
it is too plain, but I don't know when they are planning to do this.
Unfortunately in CSS 2 there is no mechanism to control page numbering
(it's part of CSS 3), so through user style sheet this also can't be done.

Quote from: Frenzie
Darn, well, it's a pity that even notepad offers more customisation in this area...

If you want to utilize these CSS3 features today, have a look at Prince.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #272
Real browser developers don't print...

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #273


Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #274

I connected a freshly installed Windows XP laptop with Opium 19 to my Mikrotik router...

Thanks for looking into it.

Jugimaster's claim was weird to say the least. In order to use specific DNS-servers, the client would have to alter system settings. That's something only malware does. I couldn't imagine that any software maker might do such a thing. In the end I even managed to bear down  my aversion toward Chropera and tested myself with my custom DNS-servers. However the results were clean as yours :)