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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 99852 times)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #225
So doesn't at the end of the day matter where tt92 comes from as arrogance has no limits. Maybe Colonel you will tell me next he is an Aussie with Irish roots next as that could explain much. If not they have a reputation for being strident whether the argument is right or not.

The YES Campaign was quick enough to boast about Sean Connery being one of them but that didn't surprise me from his Irish roots. Equally the NO Campaign had a petition from 50,000 including Sir Paul Mccartney and other famous people. All part of the campaign if the Australian PM is a NO supporter.

Anyway, back here a Scots Westminster MP, Jim Murphy was dealt with badly in hustings on a tour (sued 2 empty irn Bru cases to stand on). A whole team of Nationalists didn't just heckle but one stood right up against him trying to be right uyp against him and eye him out and eggs were thrown. He was sworn at got the finger up at him and so on-  even threatened with violence. These idiots are using scum, traitors, quisling as regular stuff. It is one thing heckling by such behaviour is something else. The YES Campaign had to come against such behaviour but it is not a single matter it is an organised mob.

On a more less contentious note, I think most here had made up their minds a while ago anyway and there isn't that much chat going on about it in practice. Indeed the media is boring us to death with it and one has to hope it doesn't put people to not voting. Being British does not stop me being Scots and I don't want to be Salmond type Caledonian.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #226
Anyway, back here a Scots Westminster MP, Jim Murphy was dealt with badly in hustings on a tour (sued 2 empty irn Bru cases to stand on). A whole team of Nationalists didn't just heckle but one stood right up against him trying to be right uyp against him and eye him out and eggs were thrown. He was sworn at got the finger up at him and so on-  even threatened with violence. These idiots are using scum, traitors, quisling as regular stuff. It is one thing heckling by such behaviour is something else. The YES Campaign had to come against such behaviour but it is not a single matter it is an organised mob.

Oh goody I've been waiting for you to bring up this tripe and you haven't let me down.

Murphy's whole soapbox tour, (which usually has about three supporters and a dug), has seen him ranting and pointing fingers at anyone who dares to have the audacity to ask him a simple question. If it's a difficult question he just ignores them. He's trying to make out that it is a mob organised by the yes campaign, when he has not one shred of evidence. Frankly that is so ridiculous a claim that I actually feel embarrassed for him.

The egg thrower has as much chance of just being a disgusted labour supporter than a yes campaigner. Who like many in Scotland is disgusted with them for being in bed with the tories. I find it strange that he hasn't made a complaint to the police. It wouldn't surprise me that if he did they may discover it was a stage managed stunt. It got his insignificant little tour the publicity he so badly wanted, as nobody was taking any notice of it up to that point.

Politicians tend to get eggs (or other unsavoury things) thrown at them, especially if they are standing in front of people and telling them lies. He's not the first and I doubt he'll be the last. Most of them laugh it off and get on with what they were doing, but Murphy would rather make it out to be something it's not. Much like you are doing.

Funny how I've never read you criticising the unionist who have made death threats or assaulted yes campaigners. Or is one individual throwing an egg at an MP a bigger crime in your book?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #227
FWIW, I finally voted in this thread's poll. Of course it has no standing in the great scheme of things, but--. I voted "yes" partly because I have a suspicion Scotland should be free, but more-- to be quite honest-- to get RJH's goat. I have a suspicion it'll stir things up a might over by his way.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #229

I hadn't heard that Australia is dumping freedoms.

If I Google for "Australia losing freedoms", this is the "I'm feeling lucky" result. :P

I read the link. Suddenly, I have a desire to open Wile E. Coyote's incredibly small umbrella-- the one he had just before the rocks came crashing down on his head.

"That voice! Where have I heard that voice?"
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #230
Nah, mjsmsprt40 don't get too ambitious about stirring things up here. Mainly as you have enough to contend with over there will dilution of rights and privacy, yeuch political system, poor and homeless by the millions along with straining to maintain your Imperial army wanting to control the world. It makes our Referendum matter a passing routine. Whatever happens here this month is nothing like the state you're in boy.  Oh and I will be taking the train to Edinburgh to join 15.000 Scots Unionists marching down the Royal Mile to a speaking rally at a park. A much better turnout than the Nats could produce and a bigger crowd of watchers I bet you.   :sing:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #231

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #232
The 18th of September.

Just to weeks to go. After the "yes" victory how much time the English collaborationists have to leave the country?

I hope the English have refugee camps ready for your lot rjhowie... better start packing. :)
Or maybe you are considering asking for political asylum over the pond... I'm sure they will receive you with a warm welcoming after all your eulogies ... :)

My suggestion would be the French Riviera, a bit expensive of course but you'll be surrounded by Russian Counts and Duchesses... what a glamorous life for Baron Howie at his exile. :)

You prefer the Estoril? Sintra? Nice, eh? that can be arranged... just knee and kiss the Pope's ring. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #233
After the "yes" victory how much time the English collaborationists have to leave the country?

We're not bitter, they are quite welcome to stay and be part of a progressive country.
Though I could think of a few MP's who I would deport on the first train south.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #234
We're not bitter, they are quite welcome to stay and be part of a progressive country.

With so much friendship and cooperation, let's see if England doesn't have a referendum for turning Scottish...
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #236
The SNP rally in Edinburgh had half the numbers they claimed and that was from the police. Neither did they get a big following on the streets. In fact a while befoe that the OO had a family style parade and rally in an Edinburgh park and some 11,000 turned up which was double the Nats. Now this even is expected to see around 15,000.

As for Slaven anc company there are but a tiny minority anywhere in Scotland and when they do parade they look like the left overs from a jumble sale. If anyone feels a need to change their vote because of this forthcoming parade it says a lot about their brain power and depth. Salmond a few years ago was toadying with the RC Church here and became "pals" with the Cardinal in charge. However the cardinal had to resign and is out the country being "treated" by his lot as 3 young priests had broke the news he had tried queer stuff with them. Following the Guardian style thinking does that mean RC's should not support their Church. You really are either getting desperate or in one of your youthful tee-hee moods to stir but why is that newspaper still here? it is losing hundreds of thousands of pounds and is from a background that you would find politically questionable from your background!

The YES Campaign includes not just the SNP but the Green Party (I'm stiflying a laugh), etc. The NO Campaign includes some politicians who aon the fringes (like the Respect MP, Geo Galloway) so a wide remit on both sides actually. Having been well brought up my hand can only cross where it is a "NAW"!  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #237

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #238
 :yes: :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #239
[glow=blue,2,300] An Independent Scotland? [/glow]

[glow=orange,2,300]Scotland's future, in Scotland's hands...[/glow]



Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #240
[glow=orange,2,300]Poll shows Yes support surge to 51 per cent[/glow]

A YouGov poll published in the Sunday Times shows that Yes support has surged to 51 per cent - up 12 points since the YouGov poll in early August, with No down 12 points.

The findings give Yes its best result so far in any poll of the campaign - Yes has reached 51 per cent, with No dropping to 49 per cent, once 'don't knows' are excluded.

Meanwhile, Yes Scotland published findings from a new poll, commissioned by the Yes campaign and conducted by Panelbase, which finds a record high of 47 per cent support for independence among women, with the gender gap between male and female Yes support virtually closed.

The overall support for Yes in the Panelbase poll is 48 per cent, excluding undecideds. When undecideds are included, Yes support is at 44 per cent - the highest recorded by Panelbase so far.

The Panelbase poll also finds that an overwhelming majority of people in Scotland believe that the referendum is something to be proud of - by 69 per cent to 15 per cent.

Commenting on the YouGov poll, Yes Scotland's chief executive, Blair Jenkins, said: "This breakthrough poll shows that Yes has the big momentum - it's an all-time high for Yes support in the campaign, and a 12-point swing from No to Yes in the last month. Yes support is rising particularly strongly among women - and already over a third of Labour voters plan to vote Yes..............Continued

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♫♫♫  [glow=green,2,300]The Times They Are A Changing[/glow]

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #241
And meantime another poll at the same time by an equally reputable polling organisation put No =1% above the Yes campaign.  So kind of eachy-peachy.

Here we practice democracy unlike over the pond where you would never get the chance for a State to have a referendum and the last time there was an attempt to leave the club they got scorched earth results.  Inbetween the thing has been the rather sick way many Nationalists have been acting. Like the former government Minister Jim Murphy having eggs thrown at him while on a makeshift soapbox. Another went right up to his face trying to stare him out, got threatened called a traitor and quisling. This went beyond the acceptable heckling. The vast majority of cyber bullies have been on the YES campaign dwarfing any from the NO. Even national personalities like Sir Paul McCartney and Rawlings the witer suffered horrific abuse amongst others.

In a conversation the other day with 2 local store shop assistants who were SNP supporters I asked then questions on economics, taxes, pensions, cost of world embassies and much else they couldn't answer. Even reminded them that Salmond wanted the place to be like Scandinavia where tax is 50% of your salary, all i got was "something will work out." (!) We get the usual street interviews and a woman said she was influenced by her heart but her head won and was voting NO. A man voting YES said it was because "we" never get the national government we vote for. That one is a bare faced lie and he was repeating what Salmond said. I have already said here that since WW2, Scotland votes Conservative twice and there was a Tory government at Westminster. Eight times it voted Labour and they won nationally. That is democracy.

We constantly get this Conservative wobbly thing all the time even though 400,000 Scots voted for the Tories last General Election!. Far too many Scots are too mawkish and simple instead of thinking of hard facts. One associate of mine says he would move to Ulster on a yes vote.  Many of us here are in practical fact sick to death of the whole referendum blah, blah. Programmes every night sometimes twice and boring everyone to death. There is also a very silent and large republican element in the SNP however the party has been totally hypocritical in saying they still want the monarch as head of State.  There is also an Irish history part in the yes lot as well and other undercurrents being sat on for the sake of votes.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #242
Oh, gee--- I dunno--- d'ye think we should tell Mr Howie about the Conch Republic--- or keep it a secret?

Yes, RJ-- there HAS been a successful secession, without bloodshed, in the United States. Who woulda thunk it?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #243
And meantime another poll at the same time by an equally reputable polling organisation put No =1% above the Yes campaign.  So kind of eachy-peachy.

One associate of mine says he would move to Ulster on a yes vote.

As was once before will be once again .... Saint Ira Patrick will cast out his lot too!!!   

Hope yer friend brings his rubber ducky & his water wings, & just to be safe, his bullet-proof vest too         

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #244
BTW........ RJ, were you in Glasgow 12 July? 

I couldn't stay too, too long, being I'm  'persona non grata'  in most of yer Isles.

I looked fer ya, but I didn't see ya.

Quaint lil gathering there though, & those marching little clowns --- they could have filled a large burlap bag full of perfect derby topped assholes, donning silly little orange sashes. I wonder, do those cute lil orange sashes come in men's too?   Prolly not.... 


Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #245
Now we are getting promised more powers if we vote no. They must think we are stupid. Why would we want some more powers (but not any that really count) when we can have all the powers under our control if we vote yes.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #246
How funny pro independence Scottish and non Scottish to think that Scotland has any space inside EU as an independent country.
An independent Scotland that suddenly appears fallen from the skies will face such a resistance from the Mediterranean World that better to run under the English domination again.

Scotland will not receive a single Euro. By the contrary, they will have to pay a lot. Oh, yes... How's that for the independence dreams? :)

Maybe better to think a little bit about it and, specially, to ask pro independence leaders how do they think they will solve getting poorer instead of getting richer...
You can also give me a medal for my advices, it will spare a lot of illusions.

You are not dreaming about turning a second Norway outside EU, are you?
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #247
You are not dreaming about turning a second Norway outside EU, are you?

The only thing I'm dreaming about is living in a country that isn't ruled by another.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #248
Very well, Luxor. :)
I sincerely hope that difficulties to come will strength that desire.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #249
The opposite scenario would be much more likely to happen in the event of an independent Scotland, that Scotland stays in the EU and the rest of the UK leaves.