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Topic: NATO nonsense (Read 59915 times)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #150
You folks without the benefit of the U.S. Second Amendment don't really appreciate that locution… :)
Is there any benefit to the Second Amendment other than some figure of speech? You have licences to carry guns, like in the rest of the world, right? You have the distinction of legal and illegal guns, like in the rest of the world, right? So, your benefits are just imaginary and rhetorical.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #151
Is there any benefit to the Second Amendment other than some figure of speech? You have licences to carry guns, like in the rest of the world, right? You have the distinction of legal and illegal guns, like in the rest of the world, right? So, your benefits are just imaginary and rhetorical.
Indeed. Imaginary, rhetorical and a boring obsession.

(By the way, what's the First Amendment? and the last one? Any amendment soon? Amendment of amendments?
Fantastic system.)

Back to NATO and the dream of European armies, the biggest European army is the British one. Brexit is clear about what side they are regarding Europe.
The rest? French nuclear power, obviously never to be used, and... and what more?
Not to speak about the impossibility of an united command of such imaginary European armies.
A matter of attitude.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #152
Yet the President of France said publicly that there is no problem with Putin or Russia re France.
"Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled his planned trip to Paris after President Francois Hollande questioned the usefulness of a meeting with the Russian leader, citing the situation in Aleppo. However, according to Expert magazine contributor Igor Gashkov, Russia's the one with the grievance – and the reason is simple.

Hollande's demarche consisted of refusing to attend the opening of a church and Russian cultural center in the French capital, which President Putin was set to attend. According to Igor Gashkov, Elysee Palace effectively intended to turn the visit into a demonstration – a sign "that Paris does not feel solidarity with Moscow on any issue," not even culture."


Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #154
Amendment of amendments?
The 18th was rescinded by the 21st… Prohibition as a national law was prohibited. :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #155
When you look at the history of the ex-colonies right through the 20th century one of corruption and tut-tut stuff. now they bang Russia for the same stuff. Recently Lithuania has issued an instruction booklet to citizens should Russia invade. NATO also started playing war games towards Russia to. At no time has Russia nor it's President said or indicated that it had any interest in invading anyone - well they don''t wave stars and stripes do they? The utter nonsense has been created to justify NATO and the propaganda and almost hysteria being bashed across the west has been of stupid proportions and I am not surprised Russia has done training in their OWN country. The whole NATO basis of all this militarism was created by the corporate and imperialist leader. When there is a nation that cannot be controlled by the West or taken over corporately out with the guns is the next step. Well NATO led by it's clowns can play soldiers as they wish but have no choice but to steer away from direct war because they would not win it. Indeed that is why the propaganda and hysteria has been stirred up. With so many people who grew up during the Cold war it is almost easy to brain people. Mind you it is a handy excuse for trying to take the world's mind away from the laughable election very shortly!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #156
At no time has Russia nor it's President said or indicated that it had any interest in invading anyone - well they don''t wave stars and stripes do they?
By this standard, England/UK and their kings and queens never invaded anyone either. They don't wave stars and stripes, do they?

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #157
a sign "that Paris does not feel solidarity with Moscow on any issue," not even culture."
France always was the European reference for culture and Paris the sophisticated capital of Europe. In the last years, the French lost their place when English language turned universal and "culture" started being sold in supermarkets along with toillet paper.

Putin's dreams of presenting Moscow back to Catherine's time as a brilliant center attracting Descartes and lá créme de lá créme  is just that, a dream. French are seeing Brexit as their opportunity for a come back to the European top.

Meanwhile, de facto, New York is still the cultural capital of the world. As everybody knows, New York is not American, it's a kind of Stateless City.
A matter of attitude.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #158
Are you trying to be daft ersi? Will explain it slowly. We - are - talking - about - the  - modern - world - and - today.

Try and face the issue the hypocrisy of the West the propaganda mania and hysteria. Lie after damn lie  It shows the kindergarten mindset across the pond that the propagandists can brain people into the guff going on. They are trying the same here via politics and media but there are too many ex-colonists who have been insulted and brained into nonsense. Now come on now the keech about Russia trying to control elections in America?! when you think about what the "leader of the Free World" has done on corruption, world politics, de-stabilising and invading places the mind controllers think they can now get away with anything. I dare say they are blazing mad their corporates cannot take Russia over or do a war so the next thing is to brain people with propaganda. The simple answer to the stance is this....tosh. Oh and one thing in passing about one Presidential candidate who would maybe want rid of NATO now that is a sensible exception to things!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #159
Are you trying to be daft ersi? Will explain it slowly. We - are - talking - about - the  - modern - world - and - today.
Sure. In modern days it qualifies as colonisation only if you wave stars and stripes. Makes sense.

And annexation of Crimea is not colonization because Crimea "always" belonged to Russia, like in good old Stalin times. Which is all modern times. Right.

The thing is, Russian ideologues view all countries between Sweden and Germany and itself as a temporary phase, soon to be normalised, i.e. eliminated. Always did so, since Ivan the Terrible. Some say it even with regard to Sweden and Germany themselves. That's an ongoing colonisation project.

Meanwhile, UK is still not properly de-colonised. Northern Ireland and many other pieces all around the world have not been returned to their proper owners.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #161
For those Americans who don't know: MI5 is the British equivalent of our FBI, in terms of security and anti-spying. MI6 is more like our CIA…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #162
Well Belfrager you have to be reminded that all the stupid anti-Russia cobblers started in America. Our leaders of the "free world" (groan) are in a mess politically and economically. Champions of accusing other countries of terrible things they freely do themselves. The media who are in the same room as the corporate political control mindsets do not like any country that the US cannot control politically and militarily.  So NATO is a great asset for the nutjobland to take minds away from the actual truth. Russia will not be controlled by the US corporates and get nowhere militarily so slagging off Russia is their alternative. magazine after magazine with anti-Putin stuff from the front page onwards. NATO can do practices all they like in eastern europe of utter nonsense to take minds off the hard facts of life.  Do we get the same guff in newspapers? Yes we damn well do but we aren't all so easily fooled as in some other places.

Get rid of NATO.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #163
For those Americans who don't know: MI5 is the British equivalent of our FBI, in terms of security and anti-spying. MI6 is more like our CIA…
I'm not sure of that, MI5 it's a pure secret service while the FBI acts more (or also as) like a federal or nation wide police. The CIA would be MI5+MI6 (internal and external).

I suppose British have some more MI something but I don't know, I'm not a Burguess.... or Philby.... or Maclean... or....  :devil:
A matter of attitude.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #164
The CIA would be MI5+MI6 (internal and external
The CIA is forbidden by law to operate domestically…
The FBI is empowered to investigate only federal crimes. And it doesn't have full police powers.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #165
No you're "not" Belfrager and have to sigh in a poor corner with the begging bowl to Europe. :devil:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #166
Begging bowl? there you have the begging bowl...

Are you also interested in a list about treason to Europe, Rjhowie? it's a very simple one, just one country list.
A matter of attitude.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #167
How does the U.S. factor into this? :) I mean, how can Howie go on, if he can't blame/castigate/denigrate us?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #168
How does the U.S. factor into this? :) I mean, how can Howie go on, if he can't blame/castigate/denigrate us?
Keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down - that was NATO's objective.
Rjhowie wants America and Russia to change sides... it's unclear what he wants to Germany.
A matter of attitude.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #169
That's the first coherent post you've made in many a moon, Bel!
Do you remember that great British (PBS) show, "Rilley, Ace of Spies"?

Russia, of course, is a meek and not in the least mendacious "partner" in the new world order… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #170
May I remind the poor Portuguese man and you Oakdale that we put a hell of a lot more into the EU. As for Belfrager's NATO contribution as being something you  can ally to is only another despairing thing to add to your daft across the pond thinking.  NATO is NOT needed and the brained stuff we get on Russia being a threat is so child-like it be listed as daft. Who has caused more war trouble since WW2 has more bases around the world than anyone - spends have the whole world's military bill and so on? The added fact that so many ex-colonisist are fed the laughable bunk via that silly woman Clinton that their electoral process is being messed up by Russia. You lot did that yourselves and that along with NATO used as excuse to militarily control the world.The only people making anything of the NATO nonsense with Russia are the corporate military suppliers you-know-where.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #171
Of course, RJ means Israel… Being ignorant of economics and history has its advantages! :) (Also, being unable to understand English — no offense meant, to those who actually have other languages.)

I agree that NATO has reached it's "sell by" date. Europe should be able to take care of itself. And, certainly, if Glasgow is attacked – well, I'd expect a Howie to stand up and do his duty!
He'd not be craven enough to call upon the might of the "cousins," would he? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #172

Europe should be able to take care of itself.
Europe reached a new civilizational level where there will be no wars anymore, everybody is happy and candies are for free. A dream come true for Miss Universe.
Was not for my warmongering rhetoric and everything would be just like paradise.
A matter of attitude.

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #173
Israel? What a load of old cobblers and the palsie walsies of America. hardly surprising when you consider the power Jews have on the ex-colonies corporate influence.  On top of that the Israel corner thinks it can damn well get away with anything because fawning America is hand in glove with them.

As for my home domain it is a city with a tremendous military excellence in both the 1st and 2nd World Wars. And as for us needing a bunch of John Wayne or Eddie Murphy copiers don't make me laugh. Some years ago my brother was involved in the world famous Edinburgh Military tattoo. There was a US group involved and he was a Colour-Sergeant in the top notch and crack paras. He got into a passing chat with a US sergeant who was quite bright (does happen) and he was overawed at the standards of my brother's regiment and the more professional influence and experience NCO's had.  Anyway I stand by what I say and that NATO is a waste of time and an awful lot of US money that could be better pent helping the massive numbers of poor and left behinds in the country.

And as I well pointed out the US led West NATO nonsense will get nowhere with Russia  and no-one has ever yet given a positive reason why you need hundreds of military bases all over the world. You cannot even run your own country right but make a tried alternative with military dictatorship.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: NATO nonsense

Reply #174

Public dept out of any context tells nothing.
One can have 100.000 € dept with an annual income of 100.000 € whereas someone else can have 100.000 € dept with an annual income of 8.000 €. ;)
