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Topic: The Awesomesauce of Science (Read 31164 times)

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #27
rules are for fools? Kind of  wide open oddity that one.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

The common language of science

Reply #28
Einstein's speech


Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #29
I salute the banned member that has created such an interesting thread.  :wine:

When someone starts speaking about science, instead the recent arrival "I wanna be the science defense man no matter how ignorant I am" I would like to post a few posts about this interesting theme.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #30
Ugh that long and repetitive word 'awesome yet again. Must be the first word ex-colonists learn.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #31
I think it's awesome you noticed this before its first birthday.

(No Americans were involved in the naming of this topic.)

Have a nice day.

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #33
Like so much else exported ensbb3 it includes such pointless words in just about every country. Bad enough we get dumped with 'awesome' even in my hobbies but it includes other damn words like 'law enforcement' and others, etc. However the 'awesome' word is the most ridiculous and if used in my life I tell folk not to continually use it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #34
And they'd ignore you, too.

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #35
No unlike a contingent here they are intelligent respond to my leadership skills and much else. Well done for letting me have the opportunity of admitting that. Those that continually use the word to the point of being over the top and weakened the expression are not of my world and thank heavens for that.  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #36
No unlike a contingent here they are intelligent respond to my leadership skills and much else.

I'm sure the NPC's think you did an awesome job. Just don't make them late for work. :left:

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #37
Well you lot bleat about the English language but do it no credit yourelves. In politics, religion, social matters, sports the word 'awesome' is so regular it is like kids talk.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #38
Those that continually use the word to the point of being over the top and weakened the expression are not of my world and thank heavens for that.

I might agree with you on this point, Howie… "Awesome" is a word whose meaning has lapsed into banality. (Somewhat like Scotland has become the stepchild of England: lost and forlorn! If only it could have become a Soviet Republic, way back when!) Why -do you think- has the concept of awe become so incredibly difficult to understand in today's world?

I'll suggest a reason:
Science has so often succeeded, and provided so much prosperity and so many "creature" comforts, for so long that there is hardly anyone left who remembers a time when "progress" wasn't presumed to be the norm…
Yet most people have little (or nothing!) to do with making this happen.
You yourself seem to use a computer (of sorts) and, yet, I doubt you've ever built -let alone, designed- one. (Don't feel that I'm picking on you personally: I've never "built -let alone- designed" a car or TV… :) ) But don't you too take such things for granted?
Younger people are not as impressed by "progress" as you or I would be… But -in that- they are not being very different from us.
(Remember "indoor plumbing"? :) What a God-send!*)

Okay. Now, to the topic:
What the heck does Apollo 13 have to do with Science?
I know, the impetus for such missions was exploration, and scientific knowledge… (If you want to be non-confrontational!) But the failures of that particular moon-shot were technological. And human ingenuity overcame them — just barely.
It hadn't anything to do with good or bad science.
There was nothing about Science that came under scrutiny — except for the few individuals who said, "You're spending money that WE NEED!"
(Isabella probably had to deal with such…)

I assume -when Belfrager called this topic one he'd like to pursue- that he meant the implication(s) of its title. (But I may have taken him wrong…). Myself, I would like to discuss how Science continues the human sense of Awe!

Is it merely the "we're such wee meaningless accidents of blind evolution"? I don't think so. (Feel free to disagree…) Is it that most of what we think we know is now incomprehensible — by the great majority of us? Again, I think not. Perhaps it is…that we and reality seem to persist, together.
(Someone: Call a Philosopher!)

The more we learn about our "surroundings" — the more confused we become. And yet our confusion offers our peculiar way of persisting openings through which we might learn more. And, perhaps, glean enough…

• Many years ago, in discussion with a Punjabi proprietor of a liquor store, the topic of hygiene came up. Specifically -although I have no idea how (perhaps he'd read a magazine article…)- he asked me, "How did your early settlers wipe their butts?"
Having never considered the question before, I blurted out: Leaves?!
He said, "Ha! Uncivilized."
"Well," I said, "How did your ancestors…?"
He said, simply, "We washed!"
I gave it a few moments' thought and said: "That might explain the frequent out-breaks of Cholera…"
(He never spoke civilly to me again…)

(There was a poem -almost done- that I'd wanted to post — but it's gone! Oh, well.)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #39
Interesting reflections there. Have you noticed another expression used everywhere and not the creation of any one country - that of people saying (even very important folk) "you know" every few words.

Space i have little interest with re the science world. Waste of time and money as know.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #40
How about the Awesomesauce of Sauces?

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #41
Interesting reflections there. Have you noticed another expression used everywhere and not the creation of any one country - that of people saying (even very important folk) "you know" every few words.

Sweating the small stuff the way you do, can shorten your life due to increased stress. 

Space i have little interest with re the science world. Waste of time and money as know.

Simply NOT true. "It is estimated that the total economic benefit of each dollar spent on the space program has been between $8 and $10. Compare that to Americans spending more than $35 billion a year on pizza or the national total annual economic cost of tobacco exceeding $250 billion and you can see that our return on our NASA investment is rather high.".   :knight:   :cheers:

James J

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #42
Myself, I would like to discuss how Science continues the human sense of Awe!

I find this to be quite awesome myself.  (Edit: the scale goes both ways--which is more awesome?  I find the micro scale more incomprehensible.) 

The more we learn about our "surroundings" — the more confused we become. And yet our confusion offers our peculiar way of persisting openings through which we might learn more. And, perhaps, glean enough…

Confusing today...High School science tomorrow (and the beat goes on...).   :knight:   :cheers: 

James J

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #44
Will add you to the list of dancers and excusing answer folk.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #45
Confusing today...High School science tomorrow (and the beat goes on...).

Would you care to discuss the "high school" versions of the theory of evolution? :) (Darwinian natural selection…)

When you say "the High School science of tomorrow" you must know you mean "dumbed-down versions of political views that appropriate even more dumbed-down versions of science"…

Yes, the beat goes on: Demagogues speak to the ignorant masses.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #46
I assume -when Belfrager called this topic one he'd like to pursue- that he meant the implication(s) of its title. (But I may have taken him wrong…). Myself, I would like to discuss how Science continues the human sense of Awe!

What I meant is that I would like the thread to be much more about Science as the application of Man's gift of Reason and how and why it's so important, together with Philosophy.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #47

Confusing today...High School science tomorrow (and the beat goes on...).

Would you care to discuss the "high school" versions of the theory of evolution? :) (Darwinian natural selection…)

When you say "the High School science of tomorrow" you must know you mean "dumbed-down versions of political views that appropriate even more dumbed-down versions of science"…

Yes, the beat goes on: Demagogues speak to the ignorant masses.

I appreciate your insight on many subjects Oakdale, but it sounds here as though you expect the future accountants, professional hair dressers and iron workers of America and the world to have a working knowledge of particle physics in order to lead a meaningful and productive life on this planet.  I don't believe there is sufficient time or necessity to teach 'in depth' about any high school subject (unless a student shows great propensity to do so), so they get what you so wittily call the 'dumbed down version'--how dumb of you.  By your own admission, you have only a 'dumbed down version' on the History & Evolution of Ass Wiping--care to discuss quantum theory with your liquor clerk too?  (Surely you have not the time for that, [neither would I]).  I believe that the subjects taught in school are meant to arouse individual appeal and to see where student interests and talents lie about basic subjects.  Any one person can go beyond basic high school knowledge as needed or as it pleases him/her, of course. 

How practical would it be for all people to know the intricacies of Darwinian Natural Selection and Molecular Neuroscience and Quantum Mechanics and Modern Architecture and Combinatorics and Clothing Design and Basket weaving and Cosmetology and ad nauseum?  How much does anyone really know about "everything" Qakdale?  Certainly (or merely), not enough to satisfy your ass.   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #48
Malthusianism and Social Darwinism, leading back to eugenics…is what I expect. Nothing you've said leads me to think you'd be against such.
Does the Population Bomb still scare you? Do you watch the seconds tick, on the Doomsday Clock? Is the Climate Catastrophe something that gives you the willies?

Science is not "at risk". It will survive the puerile idolatry of your like.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Awesomesauce of Science

Reply #49
Science may of course survive hover how it is used is another moral  matter.
"Quit you like men:be strong"