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Topic: bugs (Read 98897 times)

Re: bugs

Reply #250
I don't want to be rude or ungrateful
I really wish Otter high hopes and only use it where Opera 11 fails
but for many answers you say "its a known bug, nothing new"

well if its known and nothing new, why not fix it :P ?
I know you fixed for example multi upload in one build
and then again later all were broken ...
kinda looks to me that you use something already broken as
"base" instead latest "fixed"

bit weird to me

Re: bugs

Reply #251
@exley, in that build there were no changes that could break it, so it remains a QtWebKit mystery. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #252
bug weekly report #83
webkit version - none.
qtwebengine version - cannot support qtwebengine. user agent don't show blink.

Re: bugs

Reply #253
@kanakomoerer, it's known issue, I'll try to fix it for next weekly.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #258
@kanakomoerer, it appears to be a bug in QtWebEngine, I'll prepare a test case and report it upstream if it will conform that.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #259
First I thought this to be a bug of beta 7, but after downgrading to dev84 the problem is still there, so there seems to be an incompatibility between Otter and network_manager_1.0.6-1 (before 1.0.2-2).
Otter is not able to reach any site, it does not send anything according to MATE's Netmanager Applet. This frequently happened before unless I started Otter immediately after connecting, now it is a constant.

Re: bugs

Reply #260
-when selecting the text with the mouse in the location bar it drags the entire link instead of just selecting (don't know if this is a feature tho)
-Google and youtube (player) look outdated for some reason
-cursor disappears somethimes

-Doesn't play webm

-Can't copy pictures
From last beta in windows 8

Re: bugs

Reply #262
@py-thon, you are using WiFi, right (I can't find previous post with that information)?
There is upstream issue, confirmed with Qt 5.4.

@Animavicion, are you using some system wide codecs pack?
QtWebKit needs system wide codecs, without them YouTube fallbacks to flash player.
Cursor is most likely hidden by flash player.
Which way are you using to copy images?
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.


Re: bugs

Reply #263
No, I connect with a USB-3G-stick. Other browsers work fine. Otter gives a constant 0,0 KiB/s (upload as well, so nothing leaves my system) no matter what site I try to reach.
I will make a complete dist-upgrade when MATE 1.10 is complete in testing-repo and Debian's change to gcc5 is completed (hopefully next week). Maybe this will change something.

Edit: Without any changes today I was able to load something with 0.9.07 weekly #84.
I have no idea why it sometimes works and mostly not.

Edit #2: It worked once on 09-09, since then it doesn't.

Re: bugs

Reply #264

@Animavicion, are you using some system wide codecs pack?
QtWebKit needs system wide codecs, without them YouTube fallbacks to flash player.

Uh, well apparently the problem is me:

Cursor is most likely hidden by flash player.


Which way are you using to copy images?

Right click, copy to clipboard, and paste.
After that it just says that I can't paste that in there.

Re: bugs

Reply #265
@py-thon, it looks a bit similar to this, but that one was for WiFi:

@Animavicion, players usually hide cursor after delay, is that true in your case?
I've checked that action under Windows and it seems to be broken there, I'll try to find workaround or at least I'll report it upstream, it's not the first time when built-in actions from QtWebKit fail under that platform...
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #266
When clicking a bigger picture, it shows the zoom out cursor instead of the usual one when dragging the cursor over the scroll bar

Re: bugs

Reply #267
@Animavicion, it's minor bug in QtWebkit, we don't change cursor ourselves (except few cases like scrolling activated using middle click).
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #268
@ Emdek After a complete dist-upgrade (still somewhat difficult with Stretch's ongoing transition of gcc5 and MATE 1.10 partially in Sid) Otter is working again for the first time in two weeks. I hope it stays that way. Maybe there was some conflict between Otter and an updated package.
Edit: It worked once and now the problem is back. Otter doesn't send or receive anything.

Off-topic but with respect to this page:
Would it be possible to restrict the file size in posts to a sensible size?
It is annoying having to wait minutes to load the page if there are images of 3,68 MB.
Edit: This page has almost 23 MB.

Re: bugs

Reply #269
The local attachments have size limits, but for external images that'd be problematic. Besides I don't want to ban e.g. gigantic GIFs outright; it's just that they're really only appropriate in e.g. a select topic.

Re: bugs

Reply #270
@py-thon, it's some issue in Qt or some library used by Qt, maybe use of Qt from SDK would help in this case...
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: bugs

Reply #271
Yesterday I updated qt5 to 5.5.1 which has arrived in Testing. No changes. Otter doesn't send or receive anything (otter-browser_0.9.08-dev95-1~vivid~ppa1_amd64.deb).
My other browsers (Opera 12.16, Qupzilla 1.8.6, Iceweasel 38.2.1) work fine.

Re: bugs

Reply #272
Following a link to a picture (not the homepage, though) like e.g. reliably makes Otter freeze.
Does anyone else have this problem? If not, I'll try to provide more detailed information.

Re: bugs

Reply #273
Confirmed on my end. Note that it doesn't actually freeze; it just reacts really slowly. I takes at least several seconds for the scroll position to change or for the tab to close. Presumably the slower your CPU, the worse the effect.

In other browsers (e.g. Firefox and Vivaldi) that page also reliably gobbles up 10-15% CPU, so there's definitely something odd going on there. But in Otter it eats up the full 25% (i.e. 100% of one core).

Re: bugs

Reply #274
Yes, you're right. My PC is rather old so that the difference between freeze and big lag is quite small.