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Topic: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01) (Read 23760 times)

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #28
hi, after download otter32b for under win10 all goes right, no fail...

thanks a lot

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #29
hmm why doesn't youtube have fullscreen mode
can the top bar be removed ?

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #30
Congrats and thanks for the (first) release!

Of course I had to run a little test to check if it's "ditch opera 12" time yet.

Spoiler alert: Nope.

Test results:

I was able to finally import opera search into otter. And the search handles work! Kudos!

Ongoing "bugs":

1. What still doesn't work is that when I type something into the address bar that anything of the imported bookmarks is offered as option, let alone the short handles...

2. Tabs stacking.

3. I imported an opera session and opened it (in the existing window/session). Wow that took a lot of time. An boy was the RAM footprint big - 5 times as big as in opera 12 at the same time! And when closing all the additionally opened tabs of the imported session and going back to only the tabs that where already open before, the memory footprint was still more than half of the max. footprint. (We're talking here going from 3 tabs to 91 tabs and back to 3 tabs. And memory-wise from about 200MB to over 5GB (!) and then down (only) to about 3,7GB (!))

Not a very extensive test but still enough "data" for me to conclude that for me otter isn't quite there yet to replace opera 12 but it's getting closer.

So, thanks for keeping on keeping on! I'll keep on checking and testing - promise!

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #31
hmm why doesn't youtube have fullscreen mode
can the top bar be removed ?
It has. Click the "fullscreen" button on YouTube and press F11 to enter Otter's fullscreen mode and the video will be the only thing displayed on your screen.

2. Tabs stacking.
+1. Tab stacking is the single feature that I miss the most.

3. I imported an opera session and opened it (in the existing window/session). Wow that took a lot of time. An boy was the RAM footprint big - 5 times as big as in opera 12 at the same time! And when closing all the additionally opened tabs of the imported session and going back to only the tabs that where already open before, the memory footprint was still more than half of the max. footprint. (We're talking here going from 3 tabs to 91 tabs and back to 3 tabs. And memory-wise from about 200MB to over 5GB (!) and then down (only) to about 3,7GB (!))

Not a very extensive test but still enough "data" for me to conclude that for me otter isn't quite there yet to replace opera 12 but it's getting closer.
Otter is most likely not the culprit here. Barring any possible memory-leak bug, Otter itself is no more heavy on resources than your average application. Like any other web browser, Otter is just an interface for the layout and ECMAScript engines.

Try the same experiment with the latest version of Chrome/ium or Firefox or any of their numerous forks. While some may *seemingly* manage resources better than the others (unloading more resources after use, not memory-caching as much, etc.), I'd bet the situation will be very much similar for peak resource usage, whether you're using WebKit or Blink or Gecko. The entire ecosystem is using one of these and this will not change any time soon. Even Edge is moving to Blink/V8!!!

No browser will beat (Presto-based legacy) Opera in that area. But Opera is no more, unfortunately.

If this is one of your main reasons for not ditching Opera 12 yet, then whatever you do, don't hold your breath while waiting. ;)

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #33
It has. Click the "fullscreen" button on YouTube and press F11 to enter Otter's fullscreen mode and the video will be the only thing displayed on your screen.

why would people need to press F-buttons ?
or ANY buttons ?

this should automatically work like in any other browser ...


also, i noticed that while smooth scrolling exists, there are no options how many lines to skip
by default it goes 1 by 1 and that is rather slow scrolling

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #34
why would people need to press F-buttons ?
or ANY buttons ?

this should automatically work like in any other browser ...
No. The F11 is only needed if you don't want to override settings. When Otter says YouTube "wants to enter full screen mode" select "Always allow". This will change the Website Preferences for YouTube and you'll never ever have to do anything other than click the fullscreen button (or press "f") ... just like in any other browser.

I guess you could also choose the default "Allow this time" if you don't want to change preferences permanently.

Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #35
In any case, when you do this all you'll see is your fullscreen-ed video and the tab bar. The tab bar will disappear and only reappear when the mouse moves to the edge of the screen. You can even change this and disable it completely in its toolbar options (just like any other toolbar).

also, i noticed that while smooth scrolling exists, there are no options how many lines to skip
by default it goes 1 by 1 and that is rather slow scrolling
Better open a ticket for a feature request on GitHub.


Re: 1.0.01 (2019.01.01)

Reply #37
Another annoyance I just got reminded of:

If you accept cookies for a given domain, with every page (re-)load you get another copy of certain cookies instead of the same cookie getting overridden (no matter if accept "always" or "only existing" is enabled) - resulting in the page not working anymore if too many cookies are present because of too many (re-)loads.

Error message:

"400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large"

I assumed at least (should actually also work that way with "always") "only existing" would force the browser to change the value of existing cookies instead of adding another copy of the same cookie with maybe another value. So maybe here's the problem: Otter might do "write new value for existing cookie" in a way of creating a new copy of the existing cookie but then "forgets" to delete the previous copy. So the copies for the same cookie pile up until it chokes on them...