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DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by ersi -
But Trump will not be the overall winner of the presidential elections. He never got the popular vote ever once
Had you the ability and the inclination to pay attention, you'd know that winning the national popular vote doesn't matter...
I know this. Trump does not. His false argument for his victory is that he got more votes than anybody had ever seen, and he got even more the second time. Therefore "they stole it" even though all the traces of election theft are on him.

Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way! (Her husband tried to tell her...but I guess she believed her own hype. :) )
Had you the ability and the inclination to pay attention, you would actually note that Trump is yet to learn it. And he is making absolutely sure that he learns this in the hardest way anyone has ever seen.

But of course, you prefer factless partisan delusions of grand propaganda. Hillary conceded within a day. Trump has still not conceded to this day. Are you paying attention? No, you are not. Facts are not your thing.

My own opinion of DeSantis is that of course he should be in jail by now too, for bussing immigrants.
Why? Once an "immigrant" is cleared by the federal authorities[1], they can go wherever they want!  In fact, the constitution guarantees such freedom of movement.
So you have not been paying any attention to this one either. The facts are as follows:

The immigrants are taken to where they do not want to go. They are not going by themselves. They are taken to where nobody expects them, i.e. they are literally dumped at the destination. The name of the crime is human trafficking.

And you are completely clueless of the fact that the American constitution has been argued (by "conservatives" and "literalists") to guarantee literally nothing to non-citizens. You really have no grasp on law. Same as on facts.

Then again, this is to be expected in the Trump cult. As you were.
Processed and given a court date for an administrative hearing...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by OakdaleFTL -
But Trump will not be the overall winner of the presidential elections. He never got the popular vote ever once
Had you the ability and the inclination to pay attention, you'd know that winning the national popular vote doesn't matter...
Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way! (Her husband tried to tell her...but I guess she believed her own hype. :) )
Of course you wouldn't consider the possibility that Trump meant American voters were more numerous and engaged than ever before... :)

My own opinion of DeSantis is that of course he should be in jail by now too, for bussing immigrants.
Why? Once an "immigrant" is cleared by the federal authorities[1], they can go wherever they want! In fact, the constitution guarantees such freedom of movement.

What I consider to be DeSantis' strong points you likely decry — so we needn't go into his record of electoral success and his record as governor. Yes, he's Trump-y enough for me, with the advantage of being eligible to serve two terms — time enough to right the ship!
Processed and given a court date for an administrative hearing...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by ersi -
Are you off your meds, ersi? :)
I take this as one of your regular reflexive projections. Being a hyperpartisan hypocrite you think everyone else is a hyperpartisan hypocrite, and also, being on meds you think everybody else must be on meds as well.

(BTW: I still prefer DeSantis for the 2024 nomination... Hope my mentioning it again doesn't cause you any "cognitive dissonance"; as if that were a possibility!)
Sure enough this can be a possibility for you. It fits with your characteristic pattern by adding another layer of compulsive delusion. DeSantis is the Trumpiest of all Republican candidates. Maybe Ramaswamy would be Trumpier, but his skin colour prevents him from getting sponsors and supporters.

However, I have to warn you on two points. First, DeSantis is an actual politician. This means he is professionally guaranteed to disappoint you. He says Trumpy stuff, but he may very well turn around after he gets what he wants. And what does he want? As a politician, he wants the office, and do nothing with it. (On second thoughts, Trump also betrayed every promised value and principle once he got into office - actually he had already demonstrated that he has nothing to do with those values before he got into office -, but his supporters disregard this reality and stay with the Trump cult, so maybe this point will not deter you at all.)

Second, Trump is making sure that in the current Republican party no other candidate has a chance, except when Trump is literally gagged, handcuffed and thrown in jail. Or dies on the campaign trail. So if you want to stick with the likeliest winner among Republicans, it's Trump. But Trump will not be the overall winner of the presidential elections. He never got the popular vote ever once, despite his false claims to the contrary (which again should have been handled in the court system years ago, if law and order matters) and this time the establishment will make sure his election manipulations are actionably countered.

Edit: My own opinion of DeSantis is that of course he should be in jail by now too, for bussing immigrants. Or is there no legal punishment for that in USA? So much for being a law-and-order country then...
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by OakdaleFTL -
Are you off your meds, ersi? :) Your hallucinatory world must be fascinating — as a case study!

(BTW: I still prefer DeSantis for the 2024 nomination... Hope my mentioning it again doesn't cause you any "cognitive dissonance"; as if that were a possibility!)
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by ersi -
But we'll see what happens, no?
So you lay all your love and hopes on Trump because he might become good in the future? Wait, this cannot be. You lay all your love and hopes on Trump because he is a Republican who worships power regardless of principles and so do you. You condone insurrection — as long as it is your guy doing it. This takes some major lack of legal and moral sensibilities.

Trump should have been stopped at the latest when he was pimping together with Jeffrey Epstein back in the 90's
You mean when he barred Epstein from his clubs? Let's add libel to the list...
Wow, you were able to dig up a fact for once! Well done! Trump banned Epstein from his parties in 2008 after Epstein had already become a legally certified pedophile. However, I spoke about 90's, when Trump and Epstein were, hm, very intimate business partners in the same business servicing (themselves first of all but also) the Hollywood & financial & (worldwide!) political elite who were keeping it under the radar.[1] They are both pimps.

Since you are a hypocrite with no principles, you are perfectly fine with a pimp (and a dictator insurrectionist, obstructor of justice, tax evader, business fraudster, serial adulterer etc. etc.) if he is in your beloved political party. But here's a minor hilarious note: in 2008 Trump was a Democrat, so how can you possibly look favourably at the fact that he banned Epstein? Oh, right, you have no principles, therefore anything goes.

Well, you are in good company with Trump: He has no principles either, neither moral, legal or political! His main desire is to do stuff like shoot people on the Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it. And to pay no taxes because that makes him smart. Is there something similar you need to get away with too? You can open up here, we won't tell anyone :)

Until now I assumed you still had some way to go until absolute irreversible depravity. I didn't realise I had some way to go to drop all assumptions.
Edit: As a corollary, Trump has/shares dirt (in Russian, kompromat) on those people. This partly explains why the political elite (of both parties) and the judicial system pamper him on issues that would get an average person ostracised and jailed many times over. It's not due process that protects him. It's corrupt privilege. This corruption is part of why it can be reasonably expected that Supreme Court lets him off the hook with all aspects of the insurrection. The other part is that it is a solid political tradition that the president of USA has no accountability, and Trump did the insurrection while he was president, so there. For the same reasons, a similar outcome can be expected in the election theft case (which Trump will naturally appeal all the way to the Supreme Court), but perhaps not (one would hope, if law and order matters) in the case of theft of state documents, because that one he perpetrated while moving out of office.
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by OakdaleFTL -
Slogans and name-calling, and an incredulous bias are what you offer?

The New York civil trial (with no plaintiff!) is likely to lead to a U.S. Supreme Court case... :) While you may not like it or even understand it, the federal constitution is the supreme law of the land; and this use of prosecutorial over-reach is an affront to due process.
But we'll see what happens, no?

Trump should have been stopped at the latest when he was pimping together with Jeffrey Epstein back in the 90's
You mean when he barred Epstein from his clubs? Let's add libel to the list...
DnD Central / Re: If the Confederates had won.....!
Last post by OakdaleFTL -
Trump's pro-KKK comments
I assume you meant his "many fine people on both sides" comment on the so-called Tiki Torch protests way back when, over the tearing down of statues in public spaces... Of course, you think the only respectable opinion about such is acquiescence to the Mob! Just as you approve of any Democrat talking point... (Not that I think you believe such! But it's your wont to argue...)

About Haley "representing" the Republican Party, we have a way of determining if, indeed, she is the standard bearer: Primaries and caucuses. We shall see whether a sufficient majority of Republicans think she should be The Candidate in the general election...
DnD Central / Re: MJuch of modern news here in the UK a waste of dashed time
Last post by ersi -
No Trump though, apparently. Trump was Epstein's neighbour, so he did not need to use Epstein's jet.
I'm happy to see that I was wrong and Trump is in fact present on the newly published list of names.

Mirror: Jeffrey Epstein: Complete list of names revealed in unsealed court documents

Prince Andrew, who was basically caught in the act and should have been locked up by the authorities immediately as per law and order, put himself behind lock and key upon this news.
DnD Central / Re: What's Your Favorite U.S. Supreme Court decision?
Last post by ersi -
You never seem to be concerned with about silly things like due process, trial by jury, and constitutional strictures... (I'm unfamiliar with the legal system in your country. Perhaps such concepts are unknown there?) If you don't like a man, to you he's guilty of anything you can come up with — or so it seems to me.
Ever heard that delayed justice is no justice? And also injustice is not justice at all. For example, Michael Cohen went to prison for what Trump did, but Trump has escaped unscathed from what was apparently prison-worthy because the one who did his bidding went to prison. Examples of the same pattern abound in the insurrection, Trump's theft of elections, and business fraud. Many convictions in all of those cases, except for Trump. Instead he is being rewarded with de facto presidential immunity that he has no right to according to law.

Conclusion: You are the one utterly unconcerned about due process and constitutional strictures.

As to "trial by jury", I already had to point out to you that it is not an overarching standard even in USA, much less elsewhere. Notably, there is no trial by jury in Trump's New York case — and this is legal!

You are a fabulous combination of a legal cretin (defaulting to a legalistic viewpoint) and legal moron (oblivious of legal practice and content of law) at the same time. You adore Trump so much that, as he says, he could shoot a guy in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue and you would still worship him, think of him as the paragon of virtue, embodiment of the holy principles of the constitution (or rather your misconstrual of them). Thus far he has "merely" been impeached twice as the president, led a coup attempt, convicted as a rapist, universally known as a proud pussy-grabber and serial adulterer, and been involved in about 500 (!) court cases related business fraud, tax evasion, financial embezzlement and bankruptcies throughout his career.

I may not like him, but the more interesting question is: By what reasoning can a (failed) principled and legalistic guy such as yourself get around to liking Trump? For me, liking is a minor point. The bigger point is that, if law and order matters, then Trump should have been stopped at the latest when he was pimping together with Jeffrey Epstein back in the 90's. Clearly, for you, liking (more properly adulation and unconditional worship) matters more than law and order.