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What's going on there?

Boris Johnson's going on.
[ 2 ] (18.2%)
Cameron's going on.
[ 0 ] (0%)
The Labourists are going on.
[ 2 ] (18.2%)
Riots are going on.
[ 2 ] (18.2%)
It's raining again. And again.. and again...
[ 5 ] (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Topic: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies (Read 110352 times)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #300
The prospect of Brexit Britain turning into a post-global disaster zone is real. The Brits have no plan (deliberately!), no leadership, the looming prospect of stagflation and debt rising to 100 percent of GDP thanks to the political antics of doing a Brexit.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #301
It sounds like a suicide followed by a mass murder. :eyes:

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #302
The prospect of Brexit Britain turning into a post-global disaster zone is real. The Brits have no plan (deliberately!), no leadership, the looming prospect of stagflation and debt rising to 100 percent of GDP thanks to the political antics of doing a Brexit.

We now zoom in for a live look at Glasgow, with the ever-formidable Mr. Howie remaining a beacon of calm:


Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #303
Toga! Toga!

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #304
The sky is falling over Britain and now this:

Glamour model Teresa May swamped by tweets from people thinking she is the next British Prime Minister

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #305
We now zoom in for a live look at Glasgow, with the ever-formidable Mr. Howie remaining a beacon of calm:
Quite so! A modern day Prometheus, he brings light and wisdom to humanity and is the booming voice of moral authority. As such, the titan of a man was able to return the crowd to the normal state of affairs of looting and pillaging and occasional knifings.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #306
The sky isn't falling in. We have got a brand new Prime Minister faster than thought and it is the lain opposition party that is in a deserved mess.

Been celebrating the 12th of July.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #307
...the looming prospect of stagflation and debt rising to 100 percent of GDP thanks to the political antics of doing a Brexit.
Debt 100 percent to GDP is nothing as long as exports are doing good. British trade balance has always been favourable and with the falling pound will be even more so. For comparison, Japan has debt over 200 percent GDP right now and stagflation since the 90's. But Japan hasn't collapsed because exports are all good. And Japan's exports are good because (a) they have been historically good and (2) the govt takes sufficient debt to keep jobs in place and production running.

Greece is doing bad because along with the bad debt-to-GDP they have the trade deficit and the budget deficit. Bad idea to have all that at the same time.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #308
UK exports aren't doing well and their trade balance is negative.

Britain’s trading position with the rest of the world was much worse than feared in the opening months of this year, intensifying concerns about how the economy will fare outside the EU.

The current account deficit narrowed only slightly in the first quarter from the record reached in the previous three months, data from the Office for National Statistics showed.

The figures also confirmed that the economy slowed in the first quarter and grew more slowly than previously thought in 2015, adding to the gloom amid warnings that Britain is on the brink of recession following the Brexit vote.

Normally a falling Pound should help the trade balance, but these are not normal times.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #310
Oh good, the British version of Trump is going to be the UK's foreign secretary :faint:

Here's side by side photos of Johnson and Trump:

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #311
You got that from someone else.

For faults that Boris might have he was elected mayor of London twice because he was affable and even people who didn't normally vote on his party ticket wanted him. He would not have made a Prime Minister but to try and use him as a way of doing the usual ex-colonist trait of body swerving that America has a dangerous and crazy person in the running for President is laughable! Trump would get nowhere here but then you lot are so juvenile and kindergarten in politics we have to make allowances for the place.  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #312
You got that from someone else.

For faults that Boris might have he was elected mayor of London twice because he was affable and even people who didn't normally vote on his party ticket wanted him. He would not have made a Prime Minister but to try and use him as a way of doing the usual ex-colonist trait of body swerving that America has a dangerous and crazy person in the running for President is laughable! Trump would get nowhere here but then you lot are so juvenile and kindergarten in politics we have to make allowances for the place.  :whistle:
My dear chap, the British Donald Drumpf (his proper Scottish name, mind you :) ), is the one who is going to be in charge of negotiating trade deals with the rest of Europe when and IF May invokes Article 50.

You'd have done just as well to put that moron Nigel Farage as Foreign Secretary and have been done with it for all the good Bumblin' Boris will do.

But that's your problem, not mine. :cheers:

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #313
My dear chap, the British Donald Drumpf (his proper Scottish name, mind you  :)  ), is the one who is going to be in charge of negotiating trade deals with the rest of Europe when and IF May invokes Article 50
I read Boris will have limited say on trade and the EU exit negotiations. Not his remit. Ms. May assigned that to others.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #314
There is no more Uk anymore. The thread can be closed.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #315
We do not have a political problem re the governemtn but you well do colonel blimp. You lot bum across the world with military everywhere but incapable of looking after people INSIDE your own land so no lectures from you please.  And that added utter nonsense on N. Ireland from you as well shows you up as well.

Belfrager, the UK is still here but you place will no doubt continue to stagger. As I say in another thread yo are being fines by Europe for financial matters and in economics and working numbers in a mess. We have helped small countries like yours in Europe as we put in more than we get out but don't eel like being thankful. However when we get off the farce the EU is (economically and the Euro still a mess after years!) you will have to pay more in membership fees to make up for our departure from the gravy train.

As i finish this comment I am laughing over the keyboard at a half-Yank from the South of nutjobland querying our system. With the economy and workless and homeless in the ex-colonies still a problem it is funny.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #316
However when we get off the farce the EU
Gee, I thought you were against Brexit, and for Scotland not becoming independent…? :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #317
Get out more you need it.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #318
We do not have a political problem re the governemtn but you well do colonel blimp. You lot bum across the world with military everywhere but incapable of looking after people INSIDE your own land so no lectures from you please.  And that added utter nonsense on N. Ireland from you as well shows you up as well.

Belfrager, the UK is still here but you place will no doubt continue to stagger. As I say in another thread yo are being fines by Europe for financial matters and in economics and working numbers in a mess. We have helped small countries like yours in Europe as we put in more than we get out but don't eel like being thankful. However when we get off the farce the EU is (economically and the Euro still a mess after years!) you will have to pay more in membership fees to make up for our departure from the gravy train.

As i finish this comment I am laughing over the keyboard at a half-Yank from the South of nutjobland querying our system. With the economy and workless and homeless in the ex-colonies still a problem it is funny.
1. Nope, we haven't had a constitutional crisis since Nixon's day, when he failed to seek Congress approval for Vietnam. Your lot on the other hand, just very recently had a constitutional crisis and it is the first of many. You know good and well that Scotland and the SNP will not be moved from the EU without kicking and screamingly doing so. That alone will precipitate a HUGE constitutional crisis for Mrs. May's administration.

2. Where did we learn that from old fella? On whose knee did we watch it from? Hint:

3. I smilingly return your laugh with a nod of my grey hat to a Scot about to lose his beloved Britishness only to have his Scottishness remain. But hey, the Battle of the Boyne isn't going anywhere, am I right? :D

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #319
Constitutional crisis? What utter ubbish from a frustrated ex-colonist. A prime Minister stands down as he lost a referendum and within days his party in routine form replaces him. The only crisis is in the Labour party and they don't run the political leadership. We had two referendums but you lot will never be allowed them. Democracy? Nah!

I was born Scottish and British  and still am both - will remain too boy but nice try. The Scot Nats do fit in well with the joke about the party's initials standing for Scottish Nose pickers and in parliament when the Prime Minister finished his last question time the Conservative Party stood up and applauded (only time allowed to clap in parliament) the Labour opposition, Liberal Democrats and other parties all politely clapped but the SNP bunch sat there frozen faced being ignorant and ridiculous. As for the reference to the Boyne my Order marks it in different ways in well, different countries. So well done my brothers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland (yep ) America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Togo, Ghana.

Years ago I did have a passing leaning to Nixon and thought his steps to meet China were a great achievement and progress then came disaster. My flag in the living room next to Her Majesty's picture will always remain with confidence and when it comes to ceremonial you lot could do with lessons as you are hopeless!  :queen:  It was no surrender at the Siege of Londonderry and the Boyne and I shout the same at the tartan brains of the SNP.  When Martin Luther was going to his trial he said that it could rain Duke Georges but he would be there and for me it can rain Brigadoons but I will still be okay.  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #320
"‘Brexit’ Must Face a Parliamentary Vote, U.K. Court Rules"
"LONDON — The British government must consult Parliament before proceeding with formal negotiations over its withdrawal from the European Union, the High Court ruled on Thursday, a move that is likely to aggravate the political uncertainty surrounding the country’s exit from the bloc.

The decision is likely to be appealed to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, and it might ultimately be referred to the European Court of Justice, an institution opposed by those who argued for Britain to leave the bloc."

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #321
I'm sorry, but I haven't read the article to which you linked… Britain doesn't have a written constitution, so parliament can do whatever the heck it wants… No matter how loud the Queen squeals. There are no "checks and balances" available.
We're coming close to the same circumstance.

I'm tired! I can't really imagine, how you feel.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #322
In this case we are talking about the opposite, it was the government that claimed that it "can do whatever the heck it wants" without parliamentary oversight. I found that view rather stunning, but then I'm no expert on British constitutional matters. The High Court, which presumably is, seems to share my opinion.

Referenda in the UK, as most everywhere else, are "advisory" and have no legal basis, but a politician ignoring such "advice" could face adversarial consequences come next election, something they are loath to do.

The government tried to ram over over constitutional matters for political expediency, and the court shot them down. This is a classic case of "checks and balances". The executive tried to do a fast one over the legislative, and the judicial stopped them (for now).

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #323 have never had democracy Oakdale but a parody of it. Last time someone tried to leave there was a war over there. No multi-party system just two corporate lots conning the people. Mind you it is hardly surprising as the start of it's so-called independence was by the corporate string pullers of the time. And will throw in another thing in that the revolution was by a third of the population . Democracy, haha. I would spend more time trying to sort out the mess over where you are boy!
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #324