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Topic: Free Speech ain't what it used to be! (Read 16541 times)

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #25

When people feels the need to encrypt their messages there's no free speech.

q@j$# th86&& w?/:*.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #26
We have an expression for that, with the truth you lie to me.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #27
Most free speech is worth every penny.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #28
Your browsing history isn't communicated to anyone and I find it useful on occasion.

Yessir, you're rite of course. From Chrome you can clear everything from settings>history>clear browser data. I should take care to be more specific. ;)

I don't so much use my history so I just clear it all.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #29
Politically, it'll be the same. Look up a few conservative websites, and Google will slowly learn you have Tea-Party sympathies and from then on everything you see will have a Right-Wing slant to it.

We all have a tendency to seek "truth" that tickles our ears. Whether what tickles our ears is actual TRUTH or not is another matter.

It's more than what the search engine thinks you're political bias is, though. I remember when my sister was looking to buy a new car and suddenly I was being served ads for cars as well.

Another problem with free speech also relates to online. With employers and prospective employers increasingly checking our Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc we can now lose a job or be denied employment because the boss disagrees with political viewpoints expressed online. The result can be a damper on free speech. People fear the government intrusion on free speech and cite colleges "censoring" (many of those cases turn out to be dubious since the "free speech" in question is sexual and other harassment.) In fact, so much censorship is now in the private sector and thus the person being censored is not under the protection of the First Amendment or similar articles in state constitutions. 

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #30
It's more than what the search engine thinks you're political bias is, though. I remember when my sister was looking to buy a new car and suddenly I was being served ads for cars as well.

And then suddenly if you're searching for pictures of jaguars you're getting pictures of Jaguars, even though "normally" you'd get a mixture of both.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #32
An example about Google's tendency to bias things according to your past searches: Several months back, I looked up some stuff for securing freight on my van. Clicked on a few links, looked at some websites. Can you guess what Google Ads serves up to me today on every website I visit that has ads? Yep--- tons and tons of stuff for trucks.
Try  Abelssoft GOOGLE CLEAN

Mod Edit: Link and code deleted.
SmileyFaze check your PM.

[glow=blue,2,300]MY EDIT: [/glow] I previously posted a password to a promotional download for the GoogleClean Software.

I was correctly made aware that that password was only available to the magazine's subscribers, or anyone who purchased the magazine.

I was probably in error for publishing that information (which I got from a magazine on a doctor's office free reading table), so I scoured the net to find a fix.

I found a site --  My Digital Life -- which posted a link & info about Abelssoft's own promo offer  ➤   for everyone.

Basically all they want is for you to provide them with your name & email-address.

If you do they, Abelssoft, will e-mail you an unlock-key for their full version software.

I tried it, & got the unlock key within 30 seconds of submitting.

Here is the link to the My Digital Life's website's article providing all the information & simple steps you need to follow to get your 100% Legitimate Promotional Full Version Unlock Key, & a link to get the software from Abelssoft.

Sorry for the initial confusion, but I hope this resolves the problem & provides everyone with this software --- which I myself have been using for a few days with no dramas. 

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #33
Perhaps not everyone is tied and trundled by Microsoft…
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #34
If people don't even have dignity anymore how could they aspire to free speech?
First give dignity back to the people, free speech will follow naturally without any effort.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #35
First give dignity back to the people
What? :) Is dignity yet another one of those "rights" to be doled out by a benevolent government? A "commodity" to be bartered for votes?
A man loses his dignity by behaving in an undignified manner…
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #36
FreeSpeech is real .

but it will much better if also  avoid Logical fallacies when using that .  :sherlock:

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #37
What?  :)  Is dignity yet another one of those "rights" to be doled out by a benevolent government? A "commodity" to be bartered for votes?
A man loses his dignity by behaving in an undignified manner…

In fact I was thinking more in solving  the problem by way of revolutions than in "take care of everything" governments, so your anti "european social rights" it's a bit dislocated. :)

This is a very important point, dignity exists when fundamental human rights exists. That's the first role of governments, to assure those rights, the rest is secondary in the big scheme of things.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #38
Bel, the problem is that government has no interest whatsoever in ensuring human rights. The more "benevolent" the government is, the less interest it has in human rights.

We here in the States are slowly but surely losing the rights we had enshrined in the Constitution, as we give more and more power to the governments-- state and federal, mostly-- over aspects of our lives they had no business in. One of these days we will wake up as serfs to the bureaucrats in Washington and we won't even know how that happened.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #39

We here in the States are slowly but surely losing the rights we had enshrined in the Constitution, as we give more and more power to the governments-- state and federal, mostly-- over aspects of our lives they had no business in. One of these days we will wake up as serfs to the bureaucrats in Washington and we won't even know how that happened.

Have you not noticed that you enshrined also the government in the self-same constitution, not just the alleged rights? Perhaps high time to read the thing...

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #40
i am afraid FreeDom , freedom of speech , etc .
are just 'gimmick' ...
not the substance .

yes ,  it is true allowed   to  freely do anything ,  speak about anything .
but if that actions  harms another people .
then those one have to deal with some certainty and some  consequences .
in this case  the law , the constitution , etc

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #41

Bel, the problem is that government has no interest whatsoever in ensuring human rights. The more "benevolent" the government is, the less interest it has in human rights.

We here in the States are slowly but surely losing the rights we had enshrined in the Constitution, as we give more and more power to the governments-- state and federal, mostly-- over aspects of our lives they had no business in. One of these days we will wake up as serfs to the bureaucrats in Washington and we won't even know how that happened.

Which rights have you lost?
Article 1   Right to Equality
Article 2   Freedom from Discrimination
Article 3   Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security
Article 4   Freedom from Slavery
Article 5   Freedom from Torture and Degrading Treatment
Article 6   Right to Recognition as a Person before the Law
Article 7   Right to Equality before the Law
Article 8   Right to Remedy by Competent Tribunal
Article 9   Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Exile
Article 10   Right to Fair Public Hearing
Article 11   Right to be Considered Innocent until Proven Guilty
Article 12   Freedom from Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence
Article 13   Right to Free Movement in and out of the Country
Article 14   Right to Asylum in other Countries from Persecution
Article 15   Right to a Nationality and the Freedom to Change It
Article 16   Right to Marriage and Family
Article 17   Right to Own Property
Article 18   Freedom of Belief and Religion
Article 19   Freedom of Opinion and Information
Article 20   Right of Peaceful Assembly and Association
Article 21   Right to Participate in Government and in Free Elections
Article 22   Right to Social Security
Article 23   Right to Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions
Article 24   Right to Rest and Leisure
Article 25   Right to Adequate Living Standard
Article 26   Right to Education
Article 27   Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of Community
Article 28   Right to a Social Order that Articulates this Document
Article 29   Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development
Article 30   Freedom from State or Personal Interference in the above Rights

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #42
This should be interesting, especially since conservative voters have  tendency to actually be against a few of those rights and have repeatedly tried to suppress them and against multiple groups of people. They very fact that they're not all seeing a shrink for the cognitive dissonance from claiming to be in favor of limited government (and perhaps even believing they are), but expanding it everytime somebody else's rights hurts their feelings suggest limited self-awareness. That and when the Republican president does something, it's good. If his Democratic successor does the same thing it will destroy the control, take away liberty, etc. It's a wonder the whole lot of them haven't been committed to an asylum yet, such incoherence would drive any self-aware person mad. Oh...right, lack of the same.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #43
Rights that allow you not to have to worry about unwarranted search and seizure. A policeman pulls you over for a blown tail-light, technically he doesn't have the right to just start searching your car. I read too many stories recently where police have done just that, on trumped-up charges that the person they pulled over "might" be involved in the drug trade. Once "drugs" are suspected-- because the police dog was tricked into indicating your vehicle had them-- your rights became history. The police root through your vehicle like hogs, and after they find nothing-- they don't even offer an apology.

Right now as I write this, my state representative who is running for re-election is screaming that her Republican opponent, if elected, will cause senior citizens to lose social security, cause children to be tossed off of school buses and cause husbands to beat their wives-- I kid you not. Me thinks the Democrat party just might have their fingers in too many pies, and maybe I shouldn't be dependent on re-electing a Democrat to be sure I get goodies from government. Oh yeah--- her Republican opponent is supposedly a hated Tea Party member-- no proof of that of course. What ever shall we do??

We just signed over the health-care to Washington. What do you think will happen the next time we have a government shut-down and the president needs leverage to use against congress? You better believe he'll shut down health-care so panicked people will call congress to get congressmen to kowtow to the president. Everything else is on the chopping block, what makes you think that's any different?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #44
i dont think those Democrat or republican can do much ..

much better or much worst...

those People are just temporary employee's ..
that for somehow designed by the Structuralists Of republic and democracy ..

which as intended   it created   infinite  Conflicts between government and Oposition .

to keep the balance .

not sure if Mericans also using trias politica ..

just let say the balance to prevent  dictatorism ,  mobocracy , etc . 

their job is to Govern and be the  Constitution developer .

not searching drugs in cars .

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #45
Rights that allow you not to have to worry about unwarranted search and seizure. A policeman pulls you over for a blown tail-light, technically he doesn't have the right to just start searching your car. I read too many stories recently where police have done just that, on trumped-up charges that the person they pulled over "might" be involved in the drug trade. Once "drugs" are suspected-- because the police dog was tricked into indicating your vehicle had them-- your rights became history. The police root through your vehicle like hogs, and after they find nothing-- they don't even offer an apology.

That reminds me of civil forfeiture:

not sure if Mericans also using trias politica ..

Not sure? Really? Some of them sound like they think they invented it. ;)

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #46

Rights that allow you not to have to worry about unwarranted search and seizure. A policeman pulls you over for a blown tail-light, technically he doesn't have the right to just start searching your car. I read too many stories recently where police have done just that, on trumped-up charges that the person they pulled over "might" be involved in the drug trade. Once "drugs" are suspected-- because the police dog was tricked into indicating your vehicle had them-- your rights became history. The police root through your vehicle like hogs, and after they find nothing-- they don't even offer an apology.

Ah yes, civil forfeiture, planted drugs and whatnot if they don't like ( the colour of ) your face. Read way too many stories like that.

Right now as I write this, my state representative who is running for re-election is screaming that her Republican opponent, if elected, will cause senior citizens to lose social security, cause children to be tossed off of school buses and cause husbands to beat their wives-- I kid you not.

Let me guess, the opponent is a 'states rights' ( winkwink ), 'limited government' ( nudgenudge ), screw the poor, teabagger?

We just signed over the health-care to Washington.

So you're all on medicare? I mean, those of you that weren't on VA already.

What do you think will happen the next time we have a government shut-down

You mean next time some asshole on an ego trip tries to score brownie points with the knuckledragger demographic?
Please tell me again how that was a good idea.

You better believe he'll shut down health-care so panicked people will call congress to get congressmen to kowtow to the president. Everything else is on the chopping block, what makes you think that's any different?

And here I thought he's going to cancel the 2016 elections, outlaw religion and impose socialism with sharia law.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #47
So you're all on medicare? I mean, those of you that weren't on VA already.

A place I used to work at showed Fox News in the breakroom. They described the ACA a "government takeover of 17% of the American economy." I guess it's too difficult for Fox viewers to use Google and about 15 seconds to realize their favorite network is outright lying to them. You can't even say it was a slant to the story. It also doesn't occur to them at in no other country, healthcare spending even approaches that level and that the out the US spends far more per capita than countries with full socialized medicine with poorer results.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #48
Bel, the problem is that government has no interest whatsoever in ensuring human rights. The more "benevolent" the government is, the less interest it has in human rights.

We here in the States are slowly but surely losing the rights we had enshrined in the Constitution, as we give more and more power to the governments-- state and federal, mostly-- over aspects of our lives they had no business in. One of these days we will wake up as serfs to the bureaucrats in Washington and we won't even know how that happened.

You, Americans, have bureaucrats in Washington deciding your lives.
We, Europeans, have bureaucrats in Brussels deciding our lives.

The difference? Brussels is not my Country. Washington is yours.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Free Speech ain't what it used to be!

Reply #49
Right now as I write this, my state representative who is running for re-election is screaming that her Republican opponent, if elected, will cause senior citizens to lose social security, cause children to be tossed off of school buses and cause husbands to beat their wives-- I kid you not.

Alert the freakin' media, somebody is mudslinging - something that hasn't been going on by all parties (even those that are now extinct) since the founding of the country.
Me thinks the Democrat party just might have their fingers in too many pies, and maybe I shouldn't be dependent on re-electing a Democrat to be sure I get goodies from government.

Goodies such as constitutional rights? Goodies such not having big brother make their moral decisions for you?  The strength of the Libertarians is that, unlike Republicans, they really believe in limited government. Oakdale comes to us from California via Massachusetts and you're from Illinois. I don't think either one of you has experienced a Republican monopoly on power (the state, county and city.  Under them, I couldn't even buy a beer (one of those 3.2% numbers)  because it was 11 am on Sunday, My sister had trouble legally selling her house because their was slightly not enough grass over the septic tank. Limited government my ass.