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Topic: Are you becoming softies over the pond?? (Read 22874 times)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #50
And may i remind you dear kindergarten brain ex-colonist that your land wallows in Cocoa Cola and Pepsi Cola! Maked yourself look a right fool with that one and I avoid such language and leave it to wee boys trying to be men. Oh and by the way, Irn Bru give Coke and Pepsi a run here. The land of fizzy drinks getting a dig at Irn Bru, haha, brilliant own goal softie.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #51
Yeah well, my car has a radio!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #52
Ah, well done finally catching up with a radio in the car!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #53
You're right rjhowie and our American friend 's reaction demonstrates it totally.
The problem is that if it only affected the US that would be seen just as another folkloric characteristic but unfortunately it affects the entire western civilization.

All that started with the cigarettes banning and the hysterical paranoia about forcing people to be healthy. Mental health excluded of course.

Life it's a sexually transmitted disease, with no cure and one hundred percent mortality. They think not.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #55
Thinking on health issues touched by Belfrager it is a hoot that over in America there are States chasing freedom to take previously illicit dugs. Small wonder psychiatry is big business over there. Goes to show how down under there is so little worthwhile going on that flying swans are a wow factor.  :)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #56
The land of fizzy drinks getting a dig at Irn Bru, haha, brilliant own goal softie.

I'd like to see a thin-blooded Scot endure months on end of 40 degree Celsius plus temps (in fact in July, August and the first part of September that's relatively cool.) I'd be afraid a poor Scot's weak blood would evaporate owing the blood's thinness and his weak constitution. Poor soft Scotsman :( Poking one is rather like poking a marshmallow.  It's shame really, What happened? Is it genetic? 

Clearly not Scottish swans, who are no doubt emulating the soft behavior of the Scottish humans.


Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #57
I don't know how my post ended up here.
It was supposed to go into "weird, wacky, and wonderful" or something.
I imagine rj would have misunderstood it there, too.

I wonder which side of the pond actually harbors the real 'softies'??

Reply #58
A Rugby Player was banned for SIX Weeks for playing the heinous [glow=blue,2,300]'tip-tackle' [/glow]-- oohhh my!

Another Rugby player was banned from playing for a very, very dangerous action
He blatantly & dangerously charged an opposing player -- oohhh my!

  Yet, another Rugby player gets a 2-3 week suspension for a simple tackle --- a tackle that a NFL player would laugh off as mere child's play ..... & use similar tackles 5 times again during a game, for in the NFL such trivial tackles, most all tackles for that matter,
are perfectly legal.


Yes, Rugby is by far the much, much more violent game....they should have the common sense to
ban such 'barbarian' activity, before they lose all their teeth, & become
walkin', gruntin', knuckle draggin', zombies by the tender age of 25!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #59
Not only that, from the Rugby Player vs the NFL player, Rugby does appear to be approximately 42.69 percent gayer.

Yet, another Rugby player gets a 2-3 week suspension for a simple tackle --- a tackle that a NFL player would laugh off as mere child's play .

Hrm, from the official's pink shirt, I'd have to revise the relative gaiety calculation to 59.69 percent.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #60
I don't think I have to be too fazed about Sanguinemoon's stuff about us. The Germans were more scared of us in the First World War than they were of your lot. You lot trained the Iraqi Army and look what they did they ran away! We have always been a natural tough breed and that is why the Romans gave up trying to get beyond southern Scotland having taken the whole of England and Wales.In fact they had two defending walls. Years ago i remember an old school pal of mine who became a commissioned officer in HM Forces. They were doing a night exercise with American troops. However in the middle of the winter night they got out of foxholes and decided to go back as it was too cold an uncomfortable for them. In the middle of the night a US colonel arrived with a couple of other officers to check how things were and where his men were. My friend saluted and informed him they had gone back due to the cold and the colonel said they were Goddam right. Just as well the Bolshies didn't come over the Berlin wall, eh? Half a million men and you couldn't even save S. Vietnam, hahha you do give a laugh so three out of three for that!

If your players are so tough men why the armour? They are big but it doesn't automatically follow their brains are!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #61
  Hey 'Cooney, I think ya got ta RJ there lil fella!!

Notice the lack of any retort regarding the Relative Gaiety Calculation of Rugby.

I mean you hit pay-dirt there my furry friend,  he skedaddled away from that one like a shot out of a AK-47, like you caught him mid-lisp!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #62
Not only that, from the Rugby Player vs the NFL player, Rugby does appear to be approximately 42.69 percent gayer.

Literally LMAO! I wasn't prepared for such precision. 

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #63
Bear in mind that all 22% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Make that 26%.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #64
You do wallow of waffle Smiley but there again in a land of nut jobs bolstered by Audie Murphy dreams so immature! You even have the gall to call your game "football." No comparison with football at all and a lot of bolstered pansies in their wonderful protection. You lot are so soft over there. They have tried to bring it here but it is a minority interest as we all left Primary School (5-11 years)  long time ago. At one of my boys' Brigade camps when I was a captain there were a group of late teen American youths staying nearby and were watching our lads playing real football. They asked if they could show our teenage youths their game and our lads being rough and ready Scots were not impressed at all so the ex-colonist youths had to return deflated.

Anyway play your laugh thing and help keep the minds off the brained from the mess the country is in. Just shows how easy it is to do that!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #65
Anyway play your laugh thing and help keep the minds off the brained from the mess the country is in.

Fools such as yourself have been blathering such nonsense about the US for over 200 years--it's a wonder we ever achieved the status and respect that we have on this planet.  How did we ever accomplish anything without your super powers rj? 

The story of Braer Rabbit and the Tar Baby is a tale about a fool such as you who madly punches away at the object of his disdain, only to hopelessly entrap himself while doing nothing to the oblivious Tar Baby.  Come on 'n hit us with your best shot rj--fire away!!  So far, all you're shooting are blanks.   :knight:  :cheers:

(If you so much as stood next to an NFL football player, you would piss the little pink panties under that skirt of yours). 
James J

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #66
Howie, have you been playing American Football, because you post like you're severely concussed and possibly hallucinating. It's one the most dangerous mainstream sports on the planet, if you don't count events such as Ultimate Fighting Championship and it's ilk mainstream (and there is an argument to do, with it being televised.) Say, you have anything like it over there? I think American men bashing each other's heads against a steel cage might even satisfy the ancient fans in the Roman Coliseum.

But back to football. This writer for the New York Times, is favor better safety equipment and possibly even weight limits to the players. To make his case his notes:

But it was also one of the most discomfiting football games I’ve ever seen, a blunt reminder of how much pain we fans endorse in the service of our pleasure. All in all five players for the Chiefs went down, exiting before the end of the fourth quarter, and the team’s defeat was inextricable from its physical devastation. In the N.F.L., the spoils often go to the squad that needs the fewest X-rays, crutches, sutures and surgeries.


t has been a sickening season that way. At least eight of the league’s 32 teams were without their first-string quarterbacks before October was over. Some of the quarterbacks who went the distance seemed to do so mainly because their teams’ entire architecture had been designed around their protection.


So many other players cracked. Before mid-December, 41 had fallen to season-ending knee injuries, 

American football is a soft game because the players wear safety gear under their uniforms? Did someone slip something funny in your Irn Bru? Did you order pizza and the shop gave you some special mushrooms? Did someone ask you to lick stamps for them? Or maybe you're posing a teatotaler, but in fact enjoy stronger drinks than Irn Bru? Maybe, Alike like, you fell down a rabbit hole and witnessed a Sacrastaball match. Your brain soften by years of Irn Bru abuse confused it with Football?

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #67
A ramble of elementary comment there dear laddie. You need to wear that stuff because you are softies.  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #68
You need to wear that stuff because you are softies.   :up:

Voilá. Simple as simple can be.

Besides Americans getting softies - a strange form of softness by the way, in opposition with the way that people at particularly precarious situations of social vulnerability are treated - they are also getting into a state of wild fantasy about their own idea about themselves.

An international team of expert psychiatrists should address the problem before it's too late.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #69
You need to wear that stuff because you are softies.

Roman gladiators wore protective armor and helmets the same as American footballers do today, so I suppose you consider gladiators softies as well.  There is no more violent team sport on the planet than NFL football and only the finest athletes in the country are selected to play, and get well compensated to demonstrate their skills against rival teams.  They are the strongest, fastest and most nimble athletes anywhere and the Brits just love them.  A quarter of a million British citizens will pay to watch live American football over there this year and upwards of 5 million Brits will tune into the Super Bowl Feb. 1st, along with 1/7th of the world population (1 billion viewers)--you will sneak more than a peek or two yourself simply because there is no greater show on earth than this.   :knight:  :cheers:
James J

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #70
Staged train wrecks are kind of fun to watch too.

OK--- I'm a bit strange, here in the heart of Bears country, I don't watch much (if any) football and only have the slightest interest in the Superbowl on the rare times the Bears manage to get there.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #71
I don't watch much (if any) football and only have the slightest interest in the Superbowl on the rare times the Bears manage to get there.

As with all sports, one has to thoroughly understand the game to appreciate what is being done by the athletes on the field.  American football appears to be just organized chaos until the function of each player on each individual play is understood.  The beauty of a long completed pass, for instance, is often accomplished across the span of several other plays, to set that play up perfectly.  The game of football, coaching-wise, is not so unlike a game of Chess when it comes to strategy.   :knight:  :cheers:

James J

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #72
OK--- I'm a bit strange, here in the heart of Bears country, I don't watch much (if any) football and only have the slightest interest in the Superbowl on the rare times the Bears manage to get there.

That's one of the great things about the good ole U.S. of A.

You have the right to tune into what you want, or tune out of what you don't want. Whenever you want.

It's something us Americans take for granted ---  buy a TV ... plug it in ... turn it on ... sit back ... you're watching free TV.

There are so many sports & other programs competing for your attention your case isn't at all 'strange'   or  'unusual'.

The other thing is you just might not have any desire to use your  'free'  TV Service.

I say free, because there are backward developed countries in this world that actually charge it's citizens a hefty fee to watch what we call 'free tv'!  

That's right, you even need a license to watch live, free TV. 

And, God forbid, if the TV Police ever catch you watching TV without a license it will cost ya a hefty fine!    

Check it out here.

So, if you're fortunate enough to be an American, or live in one of the other free TV watching Countries in the World, please count your blessings the next time you flip that TV on......pause a moment of silence for those unfortunate souls! 

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #73

OK--- I'm a bit strange, here in the heart of Bears country, I don't watch much (if any) football and only have the slightest interest in the Superbowl on the rare times the Bears manage to get there.

That's one of the great things about the good ole U.S. of A.

You have the right to tune into what you want, or tune out of what you don't want. Whenever you want.

It's something us Americans take for granted ---  buy a TV ... plug it in ... turn it on ... sit back ... you're watching free TV.

There are so many sports & other programs competing for your attention your case isn't at all 'strange'   or  'unusual'.

The other thing is you just might not have any desire to use your  'free'  TV Service.

I say free, because there are backward developed countries in this world that actually charge it's citizens a hefty fee to watch what we call 'free tv'!  

That's right, you even need a license to watch live, free TV. 

And, God forbid, if the TV Police ever catch you watching TV without a license it will cost ya a hefty fine!    

Check it out here.

So, if you're fortunate enough to be an American, or live in one of the other free TV watching Countries in the World, please count your blessings the next time you flip that TV on......pause a moment of silence for those unfortunate souls! 

Funny that you should mention that. Didn't I read recently that you have to have a license to have a TV in the UK? At least to pull in the BBC.

Now, about that "free". Here, I can buy a set of rabbit-ear antennas for my TV and pull in whatever is on the air. Once I've got my TV and rabbit-ears set up, I'm good to go and the only thing I pay for after that is the electricity to run the thing.

Cable and satellite TV--- well, that's another matter. You pay for cable-- a lot. The more premium channels you subscribe to, the more you pay. Upwards of a couple hundred a month, depending on what you're subscribing to.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #74
I don't even bother with Tv. If there's anything I want to watch, I'll get it from Netflix or Hulu