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Topic: Are you becoming softies over the pond?? (Read 22838 times)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #25
The English are just wicked, but good at it.


Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #26
Oh for goodness sake mjsmsprt40!

Just when you come out with something sensible and for which I cannot disagree you then as occasionally do go back to this rather daft, incapability of  being able to discern the obvious! It seems that i haver to keep repeating my stance on what I think as you ex-colonists have a deep rooted difficulty being able to discern between the status of a nation and the people.  To make it even simpler for the inherent problem many Americans have i will yet again (groan) say there is a difference. It is well known that i am no fan on what the RC Church stands for but I have no denying the individuals their rights. Can you work that out/ If so you ex-colonists then, hooray! It is the same on America. it boasts, thumps it's chest, spends half the world's armaments bill, creates international problems, starts conflicts on often dubious grounds. Supports dictatorships to get a base, had tens of millions who are left behind in their own land (even though they are loyal to it). So i don't have any time for your wonky political system or your world policies but NEVER ONCE have I say I hated individual Americans. i knew a man years ago who was an organiser in the tiny communist Party here. Had no time for the Reds but i acknowledged his rights as I have mine. Is it clicking yet without falling back easily on words like "hate"?  So one can have little time for what your country does (there are plenty over there who are of the same stance as myself).

If you and I mean on the broad use of the word have to be incapable of discerning the obvious then there is something you folk need to re-educate yourselves on! On the theme the other answers outside of mjsmsprt40's were just plain stupid compared to his proper answer. Unfortunately it is not just in soccer this head scratching softness appears. in the variation of the word 'football' all that armour and looking like something out of a Roman Empire gladiators shindig! Here and well-wisher where Rugby is played (I got it at school) there is none of that pansy stuff. My acknowledgement to the Chicago man for his honesty and I won;t single him out too much as it is an inherited lack racially!  :lol: :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #27
It seems mothers have been seeing FIFA and US soccer people as they are worried their children may get concussion or something heading a ball.

"Dr Michael Grey, a motor neuro-science expert at the University of Birmingham, called for children to be completed banned from heading the ball." (source) (Also, see here…)

One wonders how many hits to the head Howie took… :) By "seeing FIFA" I assume he meant "suing FIFA" — and one wonders where they got the idea!?
Pull your blinders back, Dobbin! :)

For a more sedate rendering, see the FT story here. And note that the class-action lawsuit was filed (of course, in California's Northern District, San Francisco! :) ) by
[…] plaintiffs, two former players and several parents,  [who] claim that Fifa “has failed at the most basic duty of a governing body – to protect the health and safety of those that are governed”.

Had the headline simply been Four U.S. "soccor moms" sue FIFA…" would Howie's spleen have been quieted? Of course, not! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #28
We're wasting our time but...

Strangely enough the extra padding that NFL players wear contributes to their shortened careers, because they have such extensive protection many players (consciously or subconsciously) have less regard for their, and other's, safety. A number of studies have shown that the impact force of an average tackle in the NFL is significantly higher than that of rugby (union and league). The padding and protection the players wear is only protective up to a certain point, especially when a tackle aimed to hurt even through the protection hits a relatively unprotected point e.g. the knee or lower leg.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #29
Irony level of this thread: Maximum

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #30
Typical example Oakdale of you lot.

Anyone who dares to challenge across the pond is venting their spleen or going ape. Would take more than a few ex-colonist to do in reality. It does give you a certain self-assessment no doubt of a positive feeling but is in fact, negative. Here we have not had the costly suing that goes on over in America about "oooh, our children might get brain damaged or hurt...oh time for a hug girl, oops, boy."." Mind you, Birmingham here has a population where only a minority are indigenous now. Anyway your softy stuff about football and the great sums being done in court says something. So too does all that other baloney about what you call "football." Running about like a crowd of scared  cats and stopping every couple of minutes. Not a touch on our rugby players who don't run around like modern versions of armoured Medieval  knights. If you played like that as a boy here in Glasgow either as a child or older you would have been laughed at for being a jelly baby. Rightly so, haha!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #31
Mind you, Birmingham here has a population where only a minority are indigenous now.

Your indigenous have forgotten how to do that, too!? :) (Of course, the University's leading lights are not your typical townie…)
Anyone who dares to challenge across the pond

But you don't "challenge" us, Howie. You just watch your telly, hoping to find any example that jibes with the prejudices you imbibed as a child…

BTW: Dr. Barry O'Driscoll, after 15 years of service, quit the IRB as a medical advisor last year…in protest. Is he non-indigenous? Ignorant of the sport? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #32
Showing your ignorance there my dear man. It has already been admitted in your country that the average Joe hasn't a clue about much outside the US of A and where there are conflicts they haven't a damn clue! So kind of pointless of you to take the high ground. They just go "duh" and follow what your television and press rabbits on and tends to be very selective rather than general. So do make sure you look over your shoulder before trying to stare into my eyes.  :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #33
In other words, RJ, your personal ignorance is excused, by our greater numbers…? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #34
Greater numbers of what - brain dead nutjobs from the land of them?! I am more than happy to concede that unintentional slip by you. Have a tea or coffee for a wee change!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #35
Howie, you well know that all Westerners are becoming "softies"… Why do you choose to pick on 4 Marin County matrons?
And, then, generalize to a nation of 300+ millions? I'd bet those four ladies would be more than a match, for you and any three of your chums!

Is your sports and military experience not so common, laddie-o? :) (If I'm wrong, that the former is minuscule and the latter non-existent — please correct me.) Take a long walk — off a short pier!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #36
Having played football (the proper game) and rugby at Secondary School as well as coming from a family with a big military tradition serving HM you are scrabbling in the dark dear man. If anyone was to suggest here in a real man's land that rugby players should dress up like our American cousins they would get laughed at and chased. We used to have a television advert for our national soft drink my Irn Bru. It used to say was made from girders and if there was something similar over the pond it would be made from plasticine!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #37
You played football when you were still in short pants, and your family has a military tradition... I'm impressed by your manliness!

My mother had a cousin who went down on the Thresher -- didn't make her a sailor, let alone a submariner. But perhaps you'd argue otherwise.
BTW: Can you swim? (Or -alternately- are you devolved from mermen?)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #38
If anyone was to suggest here in a real man's land that rugby players should dress up like our American cousins they would get laughed at and chased

Completely different strategies/techniques involved. Silly to even try to compare them, not that one or the other gets any extra on your man-card credentials or anything.

Backyard football does favor rugby a bit more than any league play. Lax rules, also worrying about a lateral can keep you from over committing to a tackle and hurry up offense keeps the game in motion more.   

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #39

You played football when you were still in short pants, and your family has a military tradition... I'm impressed by your manliness!

Yes, but have you seen his sporran!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #40
LOL! (But he's a low-lander — likely keeps it up his a — Oops! Don't want to offend anyone… Never mind.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #41
Well talking about freedom and rights in the land of the free and home of the brave (titter) doesn't make you automatically a believer just look at your history! As for everyone becoming soft that is a neat dance step. Your "footballers" in their armour and our Rugby players showing you what real sports men are. No comparison chappie.  You did get one thing right about me being a lowlander and my ancestors fought "Bonnie" Prince Charlie and his Jacobite wasters. As for tt92, his lot got talked into joining the South Vietnam fiasco which the good ole US of A made such a damn mess of (someone else could have won!). We didn't. Says something for him to think about on a walkabout victimising the Aborigines.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #42
the South Vietnam fiasco which the good ole US of A made such a damn mess of (someone else could have won!)

Hey, DS, we did win, militarily — then our politicians gave away our victory; for what, I've never understood…
(As to "someone else could have won": The French didn't; the British had already managed to lose an entire Empire! Those few who joined the U.S. in 'Nam are notable and noble examples of allies in the cause of freedom.
But your ilk prefers the "cause" of Rugby… Go figure! :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #43
You cannot be sober Oakdale - you won that war militarily? No you blinking didn't and even President Nixon tried to salvage your pride on that fiasco. That old hoary excuse about the politicians letting you down. When I think back to the time of abuse and protest going on over 'Nam that says something else.  When the time came to gradually demit the Empire we did but you aren't with your Empire even though you are strangling yourselves in debt and a far too big military.  Kind of typical all the military pontificating  is about the same as the big Jessies done up in their nicr protective gear. Compare that to real men in rugby. No comparison old chap.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #44

RJ, it has nothing to do with us being "softies" and everything to do with being litigious in general.
I could wish we were becoming softies. That might be fixable. I'm not so sure there is a fix for greed though.

Yeah, I'm kinda disgusted by the whole sodden mess, but there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.
It also has to do with softness. Just look at at the many examples of stupidity. So many worrying about every little thing and just begging or approving of governmental laws and regulations for control and restrictions hoping to ensure an absolutely risk free environment.

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #45
You cannot be sober Oakdale - you won that war militarily?
Howie, teetotaler that you are, your intellectual laziness alone must explain your lack of knowledge… We're talking about fairly recent times!
But I forget: You only know what your Telly shows you. (I'd wager you think the Tet Offensive was a big win for the North… :) ) Read a book, if you have no remembrances!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #46

RJ, it has nothing to do with us being "softies" and everything to do with being litigious in general.
I could wish we were becoming softies. That might be fixable. I'm not so sure there is a fix for greed though.

Yeah, I'm kinda disgusted by the whole sodden mess, but there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.
It also has to do with softness. Just look at at the many examples of stupidity. So many worrying about every little thing and just begging or approving of governmental laws and regulations for control and restrictions hoping to ensure an absolutely risk free environment.

It's impossible to make anything "foolproof". Just as well, because the instant something becomes foolproof, only a fool would want to use it.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #47
You are bordering on making a terrible ass of yourself and not a very good apostle for your country. in this thread mjsmsprt40 has shown a more concerned and informative stance and quite separate from your self-appraisal negativity. Do hope you are sober enough for you to understand. If not do try rugby and go home for a cry.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #48
Howie, there are indeed wimps in this country. (We used to just call them Red Coats… But then we won our war of revolution; since, they've been those who followed the lead of the Brits on all things "civilized"…) There may indeed be men in yours… But the games children play (including the "professional" athletes, whatever the sport) don't mark that kind of distinction: Real-world endeavors do.
When you say such as "You are bordering on making a terrible ass of yourself and not a very good apostle for your country" it's hard know what you're talking about: Did I not spout the usual media pap? Am I not a "good" Marxist? Is appeasement not my first impulse?
Well, laddie-o, you should surely be used to that!
I don't particularly care about what ignorant or easily led people think. Not for argument's sake.
Yet I "argue" with you — on the Net.
I've made many mistakes in my life. But making an ass of myself or being a not very good apostle for my country — these ain't them!
I've often made an ass of myself, and enjoyed doing so. (I talk to you, as if you were an adult…)
But I've never considered my country to be a god, nor myself an elect… That sort of thing was rejected and repulsed by our revolution: The "crazies" of Europe can deal with them, on their own.
Have we intervened when perhaps we shouldn't have?
Maybe. But our ancient, decrepit and degenerate forebears deserve -at least- a comfy retirement. No? :)
One where they can kick each other in the shins -or heads, should they fall- and bounce a ball… (You can't convince me that ballgames are important, on their own.) What else have they left to do?

I hear-tell Scotland wants to devolve further… Maybe not. The election hasn't happened yet.
You're agin' it, I recall. I have no opinion, really. And no vote!
Nor should I have a vote. You're another kind of animal: You think you should have a vote on everything!
Yet you're so out-spoken that anyone can easily know what you think about almost anything: They know who and what you are, since you never provide actual reasoning…

Hey, I just noticed there's a new TV show: "Fifteen pioneering Americans move to a remote location where they begin the process of creating their own civilization from scratch."
Of course, that's TV… In Scotland it's called politics!

Good luck, dealing with the post-civilization civilization… Since you've rejected literacy and the acquisition of knowledge, you must have some other plan?
I hope you and your countrymen aren't becoming revolutionaries… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Are you becoming softies over the pond??

Reply #49
We used to have a television advert for our national soft drink my Irn Bru. It used to say was made from girders and if there was something similar over the pond it would be made from plasticine!

What are you blathering about now, Howie? In America, that stuff would a little girl's drink.  You need to man up to Arrogant Bastard Ale, especially formulated for us arrogant bastards. I'm enjoying some right now. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that a poor, weak constitutioned Scots would rendered unconscious  in short order by it. No, better stick your sweet, fizzy stuff for safety reasons. It would be even more dangerous for a Scotsman to try out for American Football.