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Topic: intelligent expired  (Read 1613 times)

intelligent expired

is there any expiry time for intelligent ?

is  homosapiens will lose their intelligent , when they getting older   ?

Re: intelligent expired

Reply #1
Does a species age? Like an individual organism? Like (…this is controversial) a society?

Does the mere fact that everything that lives dies matter?

There have been academic papers that posit: Human intelligence is likely to be de-selected in Darwinian terms; evolution doesn't "favor" us smart ones… :) Who -I'd ask- would bother to look at the evidence, and consider such arguments? :two smiley-faces!:

As usual, Sparta, I have no real (supportable, in common terms…) idea of what you are saying… And, for some reason (you could spell it out for me…?), you won't say.

I'd suspect early onset dementia… If I bring you before a judge, am I likely to see you committed to an "institution" before the end of the day? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: intelligent expired

Reply #2
well ,

Afaik intelligent is something like ability to understand n/or to Study .

so, if intelligent is ability to understand  .

is older people study n/or understanding slower ?

i cant find enough evidence of that .

and need a good reason , if that probably happen or not happen  .

for science purpose of course.  :coffee:

Re: intelligent expired

Reply #3
Human intelligence is likely to be de-selected in Darwinian terms; evolution doesn't "favor" us smart ones…  :)

Get an answer for why idiots are the ones that gets promoted and you'll discover the rules of social Darwinism. :)
A matter of attitude.