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Topic: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250 (Read 1186 times)

Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

I got a circular sent from the Scottish Government tellig me wil be ordered to have a wide new power saftey situation installed. Dare say people in Council housing will just be dished it out but folk like me who own the house goig to be stuck with t. Mind you as a retired single person feel especially annoyed even though can basically afford it. Gggrrh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #1
What kind of new power safety?

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #2
It wasn't from the Scottish government. it was from a private company who used the Scottish Governments logo without permission to do so. As I understand it you only need to comply if it is a new build or if you are selling your home. Housing associations have to comply though. I certainly won't be paying to do it in my house. It's been put off anyway due to the Covid crisis.

What kind of new power safety?

It's new regulations being brought in about smoke alarms due to The Grenfell Tower fire 3 years ago.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #3
It wasn't from the Scottish government. it was from a private company who used the Scottish Governments logo without permission to do so.
An obvious scam that you can report. Or just ignore.

rj has run out of meaningful stuff to post.

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #4
An obvious scam that you can report.

Company taking advantage of a change which is fair enough if they are in that business. Use of a government logo isn't though and I believe they have been contacted about it. That could prove costly if it's pursued by the advertising watchdog.
Or just ignore.
Yep! straight in the bin with it, (the recycling one of course).
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #5
I note Luxor's comments but you ersi are talking nonsense as usual to build yourself up a bit.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #6
No, rj, you are the one talking nonsense as usual. First, you are wrong that you got a letter from the government, and since you are wrong on that, you are wrong on everything that you derive based on it. So total nonsense.

Over here we have also some legal requirement that everybody should populate their house or apartment with smoke alarms, but in practice this only becomes relevant when you sell, buy, or insure a house or apartment. Whereas anybody who pushes smoke alarms for money is a scammer and we can send police to raid them. Unsolicited and misleading advertising, whether they are in the relevant business or not, is not allowed.

By the way, I heard that Sean Connery died, aged 90. Wasn't he from your neck of the woods?

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #7
I heard that Sean Connery died, aged 90. Wasn't he from your neck of the woods?

He was from Edinburgh.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #8
Look erski I try to make allowances for times here you have been a wee bit smart alex. In passing wold also say that the BBC had the thing on their text message service too! So now you la-de-dah switch to the death of a famous film man. Notable character but zilch to do with this thread. Hope you grow up soon.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Government here in Scotland going to cost me over £250

Reply #10
Meanwhile I would relay to ersi on the PROPER subject even the BBC text news did the same news stuff as the circular sent out but did not indicate as Luxor did the proper story.
"Quit you like men:be strong"