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Topic: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West (Read 45996 times)

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #25
Our political leaders want to say how nice real Islam is and is a load of codswallop. Everywhere Islam immigrnants go they breed a built-in Jihad group mindset. Oh i know of "nice Muslims" but I don't take much notice of a relgion founded by a child molestor. As for Chrisitan Communsism that is an intellectual play word. Communism has to practice a one=party State to really exist so speaks almost for itself. Muslim and the word 'democracy' do not sit well tohether and we will get more of thes despicable gits murdering beheading and so on. What I think is remarkable still is what the minority Kurds have been doing. It is pathetic that we get millions coming here to Gt Britain and Europe, breed like flies and use modern equipment to blow us up. Here we keep getting Muslims arrested for planning mayhem and I have no time for the Muslim corner.

The London bombings were bad and so too was the World Trade Centre thing. Any time i see a playback it touches me because I had been to the top but I have to say for all the evil perpetuated it was not a real wide threat to the country - not the London thing. We should have kept ourselves away from what went on years ago in Muslim prehistoric countries and let them do each other in because interfering has only given them a great opportunity to tackle what they see as modern Crusaders. We bend over backwards to please Muslims and they still cannot use their grey cells. Disliking a foreign policy leads to Jihad training and can I remind that many of these same scumbags are in higher education. As I say democracy and Islam do not combine.

One good reason to explore Mars would be to put the damn lot of them there to live and what a difference that would make!  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #27
And also at the breakaway Revolution  the Freemasons were very involved amongst those in Boston hence the symbolism on the banknote. . There will be those who remember practically the time the "Un-American Activities" bunch were going hell for leather. Kind of contradicted the idea of freedom of opinion or anything else didn't it? Paranoia is seemingly a fundamental aspect of the way of life and seemingly deep enough rooted for it to have millions of people involved in such emotion. Many decades ago on the near middle of the 20th century we even had the Communist Party with representation through an MP. Wouldn't happen now because they are a small and non-influential lot but that IS democracy. I have little time for political extremism however we practiced the principles of freedom and without a written constitution or the groaning history over the pond. Anyway back to the starting line.

We have a large Muslim population in the 10 figures and up here in the northern part of the Kigdom (Scotland for ex-colonists!) we get little or no trouble but boy oh boy things are much different in England. Cities and towns all but taken over, Pakistani grooming gangs that authorities have grudgingly have had to admit are a particular problem. Young Muslims down there seem rather easy to talk into negative situations and Jihad. Many taking part in the Middle East are from good education so there is something flawed in the religious make-up. Every so often we have case after case popping up on Muslims arrested for planning something. Just this week another three for planning to get any British citizen and behead them.

I can just about tolerate "moderate Muslims but the more that sect grows the more in proportion are violent. Our once traditional immigration welcome has been all but shattered and people have to note that a small island can only take in so many.As I have previously stated I have little time for Islam especially when it claims to be Godly and as the man who founded it was a damn child molester freak.  So all those loiberal minded nincompoops who respect the right of Islam oddly ignore this. The future is bleak and the government has been in a semi high security level for ages. Tells you something very practical.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #28
The attacker, who was killed in a gun battle inside parliament, was named as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian-born 32-year-old.

Yes, blood may flow.


Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #29
Yes, blood will flow......


What would you do?

It's all a joke......right?

The previous poster appears to think there's some sort of connection between home-grown terrorist attacks & his video?

Is there?  .............  Do you think so?

Should we all just ignore the fact that there's real home-grown terrorism out there, walking amongst us, just to appear to be politically correct??

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #30
Yes terrorists do walk amongst them and you are a perfect example (note folks his own admission. Hios IRA pals he supports killed innocents including men, women and children even in their own communties and he comes on here with drivel about principles? Duh  :mad:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #31
[glow=blue,2,300]A public service message to ISIS…

[glow=green,2,300]When ISIS comes ta get ya, you can throw Haggis at 'em RJ .....

Hope they don't get too much blood on yer proper white collar!!

Ps ..... When they start cuttin' Don't hold yer breath, It won't help ya.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #32

It has a parallel with what many Brits (including me by the way) felt about the Irish Terrorist Campaign in Northern Ireland. with their self-styled "war" against the N.I. status-quo. At a certain point one has to, I believe, stop treating terrorists like criminals and treat them as enemy combatants subject to the extremes of counter force that happen in wartime.

Right cure for each ailment. The attacks the topic starter refer to are more akin to school shootings, by similar malcontents finding it better to kill others than just themselves. A military response to that wouldn't just be pointless, it would reward the would-be killer, telling him that he's on the right path.

On the other side of the spectrum you'd find military organisations like ISIL that have aligned themselves with one part of a civil war conflict. Extracting them from that would be a major challenge, and police work would be pointless for that job (though crucial together with military forces in providing security for the civil population).

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #33
You might want to go to Global Terrorism Index 2014 for a look at terrorism today (well, terrorism last year, but close enough). Some numbers:

82% of people killed in terrorist attacks were in just five countries:

  • Iraq

  • Afghanistan

  • Pakistan

  • Nigeria

  • Syria

The other 18% were in 55 other countries. 27 more countries had terrorist attacks with no fatalities, and 75 countries had no terrorist incidents.

Though until 2003 these five countries had fairly little terrorism, after that they have dominated the statistics.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #34
    This thread needs more maps. Impact of terrorism:

Terrorist incidents map 2000-2013, showing fatalities.

These were not all by islamist groups, but for this period viewed by fatalities, most were. Nationalist/separatist groups have been deadlier, but lately islamists have taken their fire.

This is largely due to the four groups that have behind 66% of terrorist murders in 2013:

  • Taliban

  • Al Queda and associates

  • ISIL

  • Boko Haram

(The grafitti on the above graph is due to the person publishing it had it in for the Indian Maoists; the uncluttered graph can be found in the original document, page 49)[/list]

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #35
Terrorism is a sexy topic, 9/11 being a prime example...over 3,000 dead.

In 2012 10,322 people died in auto accidents in the US. Not sexy.

Projected gun deaths in the US in 2015...33,000. In 2011 there were 58 gun deaths in Britain. There is the factor of population size differences to consider, but the comparison is still stark.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #36
Good points there but when you consider the accident figures they kind of put the terror deaths in a different complex and there wasn't going to be an invasion.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #37
[glow=black,2,300]Sydney siege: 'Publicity main aim' of Martin Place Lindt cafe hostage drama[/glow]


Publicity is the main aim for extremist holding hostages in a Sydney cafe, according to a leading terrorism expert.

That only heightens the "very real" danger to the people held at gunpoint inside the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Martin Place, Professor Jeff Lewis from Melbourne's RMIT university said.

"The primary focus of these modern terrorism tactics is publicity," he said. "This is a classical tactic of political extremists...

"They want this thing broadcast across the planet.

"The fact that they might be causing harm to individuals is in some respects - I know this is a horrible thing to say - it's incidental to that major project of just being noticed, of just having their cause announced through the media.

"The longer the group has publicity, the closer they are to achieving their objectives. They'll want it to be as protracted as possible, they'll want to cause as much threat as possibly they can...and they'll run this until the publicity fades."

Hostages are being forced to hold an Islamic flag against the window of the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Martin Place, which was stormed by at least one gunman on Monday morning. About 10 staff and customers are being held at gunpoint inside the cafe, initial reports suggest ...................... CONTINUED

There is speculation that this gunman might be retaliating to not being allowed to travel (passports being revoked to known extremists) to the Middle East to join up with his fellow jihadists in the Middle East.

If found to be valid, this may just be the 'tip of the iceberg' in Australia, & elsewhere from disgruntled, home-grown, radicalized wannabe terrorists.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #38
interesting ...

i noticed in australia ,  there are many immigrants from mid-east .

once , some of them are dumped off  in Indonesians , At sumatra Island .

and they insist they want to go to Australia , rather than Stay at indonesia .
They even do not Want to eat Local Food ( Masakan Padang ) But more prefer KFC ( kentucky Fried Chicken )

not sure how their Mind pattern goes  , but i guess their interest is only in Wealthy Country .

where there are Guarantees to living well .

But in the other side , any country that become their  favorites migration Spot ,  also become a target of terrorism .
UK , Australia , etc .

Of course , relating Between Immigrants from Mid-east With Terrorrism may be absurd .
or maybe not ..

i also dare to assumes if those Extremist are also suffered for mental illness .

Mostly is Schizophrenia .

So , if those country open Their Door for immigrants.
IMHO they Should also have a Better Mental Health Care Network  .

if not , that just will become a time Bomb  .

and when triggered , it will just like in this Lindt cafe issues .

-- Some one with mental health issues , will never Stop until The people nor The World  Follow their Way .

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #39
#illridewithyou: hashtag offers solidarity with Sydney's Muslims after cafe siege

Quote from: The Guardian
After concerns that people wearing Islamic dress could be harassed, Sydney locals have been using Twitter to offer to travel with them

With hostages still in danger and central Sydney in lockdown, residents have turned to social media to spread a message of tolerance.

Locals have became concerned about the potential for rising intolerance or aggression towards people wearing religious dress.

One woman started what soon blossomed into a social media campaign to stand in solidarity with the city’s Muslims.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #40
That video was NOT the police commissioner but the Federal Prime Minister (!)

Anyway what a load of cobblers about identifying with Muslims who may be irked by a response.  Someone said the same thing over here bout sitting with someone on a train or bus wearing the hiding clothes stuff. Everywhere across Europe and GB where there are large settlements of Muslims we continually get volunteers  flying off to fight for terrorists. And the more that community grows because the breed like rabbits them worse it proportionately gets. One poll here showed around 25% leaning towards militancy amongst the young so what a future.. Occasionally you will get moderate Muslims who speak out or some modern group but it is far too sporadic. Too much of the mainstream keeps it's head down. It is a tradition that does not effectively integrate - we are unbelievers and as a faith it certainly does not sit easy with democracy and far too many Muslims are too careful to admit that one. Instead they come here moan about not being respected but use the benefits system well, etc.

Anyway aS I have always stated it is a false faith altogether having been founded by a child molester who married the kid. For him to think that makes him like Moses or a prophet of God is almost laughable if it wasn't so sick. A loving God would have him?? Down in England it is a lot worse as it is a bigger place than here and so many places have changed out of all recognition. Too many excuses are made for Islam and there is so much friction being caused by millions of them across Europe.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #41
Sir Pardon my attitude , i maybe young .

but i can say becareful using words " we are unbelievers " etc .

since in the Perspective of  Fundamentalist Psychotic Religions Zealot .

the unbeliever = Kafir .

And as Kafir those Blood is Halal --> Licensed to kill .

if you want to Live , Pay taxes ( Jizyah )  .

yes it is like Gangsters , but soon or later , Your People have to deal with Those insanity .

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #42
Frankly, I have a dim view of hashtag activism, though pointless forum bluster has no positive role at all.

The deranged and the criminal are underutilised resources, but thanks to the Internet they need not be so.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #43
Ballyhoo stuff from both of you. We are thought of as unbelievers and the militant Islamist throw it at us in a sneering and debilitating way in the same way that nigger word is used elsewhere.  The so-called liberal mindset here is typical. Islam grows at a fantastic pace in Europe and my country. In Germany street parades are taking place under a title of saving Europe from Islam and so on. Whether the would-be open minds get in a flutter about the poor Muslims is pointless because the same people wouldn't live in their communities. Town after town changes out of all recognition, crime figures are up to the point of many immigrants and that includes Muslims. They don't integrate nor want to. They demand things which flies in the face of the practical which is that Islam and democracy are not positive bedfellows.  :irked:

The wonderful know-it-alls will sit in their cumfy homes in nice suburbs and wax lyrical about how poor Muslims are getting difficulties. Actually it is the Muslims who cause difficulties by producing a streat of terrorists, make demands and trying to show they are the fal guys whilst whispering that derogatory slang word for us under the proverbial breath. Europe is gradually building a tinder box with millions of them.

Many of us may well not see it but Europe will melt into conflagration this century once Islam becomes the dominant lot.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #44
i think the Extremists patterns is always same .

if in English  , it is holy war against the  infidel .
in this case , everyone that do not agree with those groups = infidels

at this point , i do not dare to make any assumptions about Histories of Europe since i do not live there .

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #45
Well anyway in the real world in the future and by the end of this century, Europe will descend into a terrible and frightening hell hole. The eight million or so Muslims in it will have well mushroomed due to their birth rate giving plenty of fighters when the place explodes in their take over attempt.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #46

Well anyway in the real world in the future and by the end of this century, Europe will descend into a terrible and frightening hell hole. The eight million or so Muslims in it will have well mushroomed due to their birth rate giving plenty of fighters when the place explodes in their take over attempt.

How will the innocent of Europe defend themselves?

Well, if RJ has his way they'll have to use sticks, stones, & their bare knuckles because RJ is    frightened by big, bad, scarey guns. 

Like lambs to the slaughter they will be, thanks to RJ & other socially obsessed anti-firearm Europeans.

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #47
some says , German is the center of The World .
if want to make the World Nervous , just sneezes in Berlin .

so let's see the sollutions from germany , to   Deal  with that Neo-NAzism and The Rise of Neo Fascism  With  different Flags .   :beard:

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #48
Coming from a country that has an increasing mental age problem (but easy to get a headshrinker due to the size of that health side) kind of expected. Laughable too mind you considering he was supporting terrorts here and we are part of Europe.  Our biggest problem is that we are a democracy you folk over the water lost yours a while back and will gradually become a Police State. If you were a bit nearer you would ge loaded with these Islamist hordes. However the way things are going for you whities in the ex-colonies within the next decade or so you will be a minority and in a nation full of race  problems will have your own Armageddon.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: ISLAMIC TERRORISM -- Home Grown, Self-Radicalized Terrorists Attack the West

Reply #49
You're living in fantasy land.