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Topic: Today's Good News (Read 170609 times)

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #375

Well that elevation will 100% fit in with all the daft stuff that is so regular over the pond. Pity it is a figment of imagination as you would be feeling at home on a land full of nutjobs.  :devil: :whistle:

I cast out the demon of the false zombie Jew from thine body, RJ Howie!
Go now, and be free from your demon.

Peace and Bacon be forthcoming to you, and may you be Touched by His Noodley Appendage!

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #376

Congrats, Dawg. Hrm, another bill out up by "constitutionalists" that's destined to be found unconstitutional especially that part about it allowing county clerk to deny equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the Federal constitution.  Also note what Ole Miss Law Professor  Michele Alexandre says about :

Alexandre says it’s unconstitutional because the bill singles our one group, specifically people of one sexual orientation. She goes to say, it appears the government is giving preference to one religion. Alexandre calls it a deep entanglement and says, “When the government starts making laws that seems to give preference to particular expressions of religion versus none or religious interpretations of what’s acceptable under a religion then it seems that the government is involved in such a way that they’re making statements about religion or preference of religion.”

So far, the bill seems to be in violation of both the First and Fourteenth Amendments. This thing is going down in flames.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #377


Congrats, Dawg. Hrm, another bill out up by "constitutionalists" that's destined to be found unconstitutional especially that part about it allowing county clerk to deny equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the Federal constitution.  Also note what Ole Miss Law Professor  Michele Alexandre says about :

Alexandre says it’s unconstitutional because the bill singles our one group, specifically people of one sexual orientation. She goes to say, it appears the government is giving preference to one religion. Alexandre calls it a deep entanglement and says, “When the government starts making laws that seems to give preference to particular expressions of religion versus none or religious interpretations of what’s acceptable under a religion then it seems that the government is involved in such a way that they’re making statements about religion or preference of religion.”

So far, the bill seems to be in violation of both the First and Fourteenth Amendments. This thing is going down in flames.

As the link you posted mentions, they actually asked the law school's professors what conclusion they would reach. It's fascinating to me that the state legislature/Governor were told this garbage would be unconstitutional, yet because that would get into the way of "The Way, Truth, and Light" of our "beloved" Emperor Governor's agenda, the legal advice was totally ignored.

Worst still, we the taxpayers will foot the fkcing bill for the "legal" defense of it.

But of course, when the Governor's Inauguration features an Invocation, Benediction, and a word from a Catholic priest who hopes a lottery will be put into place before giving said Benediction, this nonsense is to be expected. Well, that and when you have local and State Supreme Court judges, along with local mayors who insist on starting their day/meetings with Christian prayer, it's to be expected.

I have contacted the FFRF so much at this point, I think they have ignored me/given up on the state.

We literally are now the Western version of a Saudi Arabia, but with a decidedly Christian bent.

Send help please......  :(

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #378
You assume southern boy that the demons are everywhere because you live in a place that has had them since the revolution.Tut, tut, no wonder your government has a sigh about education probs.  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #379
Colonel, you've caught Sanguinemoon's disease… You now have a bachelor's degree? :) Congrats!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #380
Colonel has BA? Everybody's so educated these days.

I am thinking about attempting PhD later this year. Simply because work sucks. Just before Xmas my department at work was closed down (only I was spared, because I am probably indispensable) and yesterday I was told that I have been sold. I have lost track who I am working for.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #381
You've been… sold? ???  So I guess the good news is that you're thinking about going for a PhD? :P

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #382
Inded, thank you, dear Oakdale.  :cheers:
I thought I had mentioned it some time ago, but I graduated in the fall semester of 2013.

@Ersi:  :cheers: to you as well, on attempting the PhD. Also, condolences about getting sold.  :(

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #384
Mississippi has among the highest rates of poverty and unemployment in the nation, not to mention obesity and other health issues. Yet LGBT people are what they focus on and are afraid of. What the hell is wrong with the leaders in that state, besides just being sick in the head?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #385
Very mature and intelligent outpouring....
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #386

Mississippi has among the highest rates of poverty and unemployment in the nation, not to mention obesity and other health issues. Yet LGBT people are what they focus on and are afraid of. What the hell is wrong with the leaders in that state, besides just being sick in the head?

If you care to see the source, listen to this bastage. Listen to what the announcers say in the beginning. So much poison of the mind to many violations of the Establishment Clause......the listen later on with he mentions "As Christians, we can have no other.....".  Apparently we who hold no religious belief, as well as the other religious lot are not real people and don't exist.

People will hate to hear it put this way, but the disease of the mind, Christianity, is the source of all of these problems. The homophobia stems from it without question; the long-winded garbage of Leviticus, and of course, the NT bloviation of Romans 1:25-32.


ETA: At 21:45-21:48, what the hell is a battle flag doing there? FFS.


Re: Today's Good News

Reply #388

People will hate to hear it put this way, but the disease of the mind, Christianity, is the source of all of these problems. The homophobia stems from it without question; the long-winded garbage of Leviticus, and of course, the NT bloviation of Romans 1:25-32.

Even taking that into account, if someone takes the whole picture, the Scriptures speak stronger against oppression, corruption, unrighteousness, than against homosexual behaviour. Hence, the focus on homophobia seems biased on purpose: it's much easier to make a speech against LGBTs than to fight for justice.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #389
Considering the arrogance of the country the colonel hails from a wee bitty of hypocrisy but then he is young and will improve.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #390
Even taking that into account, if someone takes the whole picture, the Scriptures speak stronger against oppression, corruption, unrighteousness, than against homosexual behaviour.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #391

Even taking that into account, if someone takes the whole picture, the Scriptures speak stronger against oppression, corruption, unrighteousness, than against homosexual behaviour. Hence, the focus on homophobia seems biased on purpose: it's much easier to make a speech against LGBTs than to fight for justice.

Yes, the focus on homophobia seems biased on purpose: it's much easier to make allegations of homophobia than to deal with actual issues of justice.

Trust me, even if Christianity vanishes, as it has in most Europe between Germany and Russia, diseases of mind won't. There's no connection between the two.

Now you guys ruined the good news thread. I probably started it by announcing that I got sold. But there's no other way to put it. My line of work has been sold and my employee [edit: sry, that should read "my employer"] has ceased to exist without any information on whether it was a takeover or sell-and-run. I will probably find out about my new owner, if any, on the next payday, if any.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #392
I will probably find out about my new owner, if any, on the next payday, if any.

Slaves aren't anymore what they used to be... you should rebel dear Spartacus :lol:
A matter of attitude.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #394
Oh, the reference to a cake refusal and slightly misusing the incident.

At no time did the bakery family come out with a nasty attack on homosexuals. They were in fact very pleasant to the two enquirers and said politely to the two that they were not in favour of their sexual stance but meant no harm. As usually occurs the cake wanters went bananas and took legal action. A pub owner can put out someone who is overly drunk, etc but the baking family company were treated in a very different manner and vindictively. Something the bakers did not do. Maybe the 2 cake wanters could have tried a Muslim shop instead. The general thing is that benders tend to act as if they are generally on a persecution list but have in practice the same rights as everyone else and more so than any time in history. That fact is neatly and cleverly  danced around and the way they actt one would think that their tiny percentage of the population was made up. 
Persona;l;y as is known here, I am no fan of that minority and the main annoyance is they act as if they are a special minority. Back on Opera I once said it was the 'tyranny of the minorities' and it damn well is. Somehow anyone who does not agree with a particular minority is a bad guy well they can yak what they like. We ALL have rights.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #395
The issue is government officals denying citizens setvice based on some religious objection, Howie. Do keep up. Yeah that law is going down in flames. Want to be a public servent, better be prepared to serve the public, many of whom will believe differently than yourself.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #397
The point is for raccoon brain that queers have the same rights as anyone damn else but act as if they are special when they only make up a tiny part of the population. A whole vast swathe of the world is Muslim and we equally know that corner's stance on queers. So do try and practically keep up instead of your usual sneering dispositions with a limited brain power. You have always been a queer pusher and such is your right but it is as I point out a minority of numbers who take part in that tradition but people like you try to for some stupid reason try to indicate something else. The arrogance of queerdom is something else and they even stole the word 'gay'!

I have no time for that lot but as I also indicated no time for violence, etc but you chose to sidestep that one. You dance on clasping some man's hands and I will stick to women. My right too you know.  :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #398

The issue is government officals denying citizens setvice based on some religious objection, Howie. Do keep up. Yeah that law is going down in flames. Want to be a public servent, better be prepared to serve the public, many of whom will believe differently than yourself.

It's not as simple as that. Among the public, many believe that their crimes are not crimes because they are doing it with good intentions. (Heck, even some public servants believe this of themselves.) Some believe that two plus two equals three or five or any other random number.

The job of public servants is not merely to serve whatever one may believe. Their job is to inform of what is correct and to serve as a good example, and "correct" and "good" are defined in certain sources, such as in laws and regulations, independent of anyone's belief. It's only an aggravation of problems when some people push for laws and regulations to cease to make sense.

Re: Today's Good News

Reply #399
The point is for raccoon brain that queers have the same rights as anyone damn else

Really? Since when did straight, Christian people have to face the prospect of the county clerk denying their marriage on religious grounds, even the same clerk approved adulterous marriages (and in the case of Kim Davis, entered into several themselves...) Oh yeah, at least one of the bakers admitted to knowingly baking a cake for an adulterous marriage. Faith and belief has nothing to do with it. Bigotry has everything to do with it.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal