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In order for peace to take root in North Ireland, should British (Unionist) troops withdraw permanently back to Britain?

Yes -- Absolutely!
No -- Never!
Completely Befuddled & Unsure.
In True Irish Tradition Need 12+ beers or so to ponder all the options.
Topic: What's Going on in Northern Ireland? (Read 17171 times)

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #50
You really do sometimes Macallan need to try and open your eyes a bit wider instead of trying to be so arrogantlydismissive. That was an example and that particular crime where attempts were made to damage the place is systematic of what IS still going on. Indeed I will give another. A lodge hall near the Border where the PIRA broke in during a meeting and shot dead people inside. Even you can work out that the Provisionals and Sinn Fein are the same ilk. With all the premises continually attacked and always each year in double figures it says much of the mindset of the Republican movement.

Even with all the concessions politically that have been given the so-called parity of esteem is a load of old cobblers.  Indeed repeatedly as more things are given there is a steady regularity of breakaway Republican terror groups. I wouldn't even allow them in a zoo because the animals there are a better lot than them.  As i pointed out, pipe bombs,attacks on homes, intimidations, shootings go on. The Irish Republic was sensible dropping the Constitutional claim on Ulster because they do not want to take in the nutjobs from Republican areas in the North that are beyond the pale. Sinn Fein are arch hypocrites.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #51
Irish nationalists and Catholics have compared the Orange Order marching through their neighbourhoods to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) marching through an African American neighbourhood.  The Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association of the 1960s-1970s, described them as "Britain's Ku Klux Klan" who wrote to Fionnbarra Ó Dochartaigh:
We viewed the [Orange Order] as similar to the KKK – so bare-faced and confident enough in the bigoted status quo that they wore bowler hats and sashes rather than white robes and pointed hoods.

Quote from:    
........The Orange Order which holds parades to express loyalty to the British crown each summer, is seen by most Catholics as hostile. Parades can have heavy sectarian undertones, featuring songs that celebrate Protestant victories in conflicts as distant as the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.

Some of these parades, and their routes, are more than two hundred years old, and this deep history makes unionists reluctant to alter their customs. Retaining these cultural expressions is, unionists say, a way to preserve a Protestant heritage that they fear is slowly eroding, first through partial separation from Westminster through devolved government and then through the gradual demographic shift toward a Catholic plurality in Northern Ireland. Protestants make up 48 percent while Catholics comprise 45 percent of the country's population of 1.8 million, according to the 2011 census............

[glow=blue,2,300]Ooh, ah up the RA! - Tiocfaidh ár lá [/glow]

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #52
[glow=green,2,300]Sinn Féin tastes electoral success north and south of the
Irish border!

Gerry Adams's plan to govern on both sides of border by 100th anniversary of Easter Rising in 2016 moves a step closer.

Sinn Féin has secured the single biggest number of first preference votes in Northern Ireland's local government elections, while across the border in the Republic it won 25% of the vote and its highest number of councillors.

Sinn Fein emerge as the majority party on new Mid-Ulster Council
As expected Sinn Fein emerged as the largest party on the new Mid-Ulster super council securing 18 of the 40 seats up for grabs.

Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has described the local, European and byelections as a “notice to quit” for the Government and he said there should be a general election now.
“The sooner the election is called the better,” he told reporters at the Dublin West byelection count. “My suspicion is the Government will hang in as long as at all possible and remember they’re taking €2 billion out at the next budget. So this is going to continue.”

The Dublin Central TD said this was “not just a moment in time” or “a flash in the pan. I think something profound has happened and I think people are expecting and prepared to vote for a different kind of politics.”

[glow=green,2,300]Go mbeannaí Dia duit Gerry Adams - Tiocfaidh ár lá[/glow]

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #53
Well SmileyFaze it shows that there is still a knuckle-dragging legion of bottom of the pile RC's who are mutants. I feel sorry for the more respectable members of the RC faith having to put up with you and your terrorist scumbags. Using the KKK is as stupid as you can be and there is no comparison whatsoever and fine you know it. Even more so as scores of clergmen and respectable politicians are members. May I also yet again remind you that the Republic of Ireland government gave a 6-figure sum to lodges south of the Border along it's length in Donegal, Leitrim, Cavan, Monaghan. it has also created a Boyne Battle Heritage Centre down there too.This in itself flies in the face of your stupidity and those of the Sinn Fein. It is your chums who were so violent. How you manage to translate the election results in the Province as a sigh for the government to go is beyond comprehension and absolutely daft. You give Americans and the decent Irish/RC's a dad name. Most people grow up after school and such a pity you haven't.

I have no problem with RC's who support say the SDLP and are law biding but the people you represent are a disgrace to the decent. Small wonder some priest do not want to be involved. As for Adams a liar in chief if ever there was one. He is a barefaced one and his brother a sex offender so quite an interesting family.  You will never take Ulster and you will never take the Republic of Ireland. Thankfully the majority of people in the Irish Republic are more sensible and decent Catholics. The Unionist parties in Ulster are still top of the list and many decent RC's will never vote for the Sinn Fein. One supposes that in a democracy we have to tolerate everyone but having the mental knuckle-dragging, murderous clowns in charge.? in your dreams.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #54
Thankfully the majority of people in the Irish Republic are more sensible and decent Catholics.

Decent Catholics, eh?
Thanks God I'm a completely indecent one. Lucky you that I'm a few kilometers away from Ireland. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #55
Odfcourse there are decent RC's Belfrager and you are probably one.  Apriest once quite enjoyed talking to me and twice I took a nun (different ones) for lunch. Both were young and very informative and we had a great debate! In my ong volutary owrk in a challenging community via a youth organisation, i recruited from both Prots and RC's. What is going on across the Irish sea is a different ball game and especially Northern Ireland. Many RC's who are once more, decent prefer to actually live in a mixed area rather than have to put up with the scumbags of the Sinn Fein and their terrorist chums. You would find it difficult to live in a SF area and be most uncomfortable I estimate. Decents of your corner will vote for the SDLP (Social Democratic & Labour Party) and there are middle class folk who vote Unionists along with their Protestant friends. In fat just a couple of days ago a man who had been made a knight by The Queen a Sir) years ago., He had served in the British Army as an officer then later he joined the then police force in N. Ireland the Royal Ulster Constabulary where he rose through the ranks.. A life time of service to others, fully acknowledged and when he died at 90 was still a member of the Ulster Unionist party. He was an RC. SmileyFaze ignores all this of course and the constant attacks on Protestant halls, knee-capping (another yesterday) the pipe bombs and intimidation. The Irish Republic want sto move on as does Ulster but the SmileyFaze mindset is a dastardly throw back from another time and age and does much discredit to your tradition.

I have also pointed out that southern Ireland  - okay the Irish Republic has changed greatly in more recent times. It couldn't stand on it's own too feet for so long and the EEC (and British money) saved it and thus helped it modernise and progress. Of course there are still the Sinn Fein idiots around there too of but they will never be in power no matter what SmileyFaze rumbles on at. When a priest condemns the Republican terrorists it well shows the decency goes beyond even you in Portugal (!).  :)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #56

Birds of a feather fly together.............


Re: What's Going on in Northern Ireland?

Reply #57
Nae chance son. The Northern Ireland Assembly is hardly a properly democratically run body in practice. That murderer McGuinness is still upsetting the loyalist community by his recent remarks you may not be aware of. Now he comes out with the latest stuff that he admires The Queen and wants to show the Unionist people he is being progressive. He says that whilst condemning the Unionist groups.

I don't have any problem with people who vote for the SDLP because they are not a historically ganster bunch and RC's are welcome to be in their corner but what does it say for those numbers of that faith who support the thung minds?
"Quit you like men:be strong"