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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247130 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #825
So the Ukrainian military says. What Kiev says should be taken with a pinch of sault. It's much easier to claim something than providing stalwart evidence.
According to the rebels, they have captured more armored vehicles and tanks than they have qualified personnel for handling them.

Yes, the Ukrainian military says. I was addressing your complaints of western media, so note the reporting. It's not reported as fact, but rather as a statement from the Ukrainian military.
@krake - yes I too noted "Ukrainian military says" and assigned it in my mind as "provisional information". I don't believe it all, but something is happening since it's clear that Russia is assisting the Rebels and deliberately stoking the situation.

On the other hand shelling dense populated areas like the Ukrainian forces do is also against the Geneva convention.

What of artillery fire from Russia into Ukraine?
He just trots out Kiev/White House propaganda as Gospel and anything outside of that must automatically be wrong. Do hope when he leaves school he becomes more aware and adult.

I can see why you would say that. You didn't read a single thing I said for understand, that's why :faint:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #826

I was addressing your complaints of western media,

Not only of Western media but also of the US State Department and NATO officials.
Last but not least I was adressing your own unproven allegations which you are trying to sell as facts.
Yet another such an allegation you are continuing to parrot:

What of artillery fire from Russia into Ukraine?

What? Short of memory? Look here.

Russia warns Ukraine of ‘irreversible consequences’ after cross-border shelling

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #827
Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault
Published by the Council on Foreign Relations:

According to the prevailing wisdom in the West, the Ukraine crisis can be blamed almost entirely on Russian aggression. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the argument goes, annexed Crimea out of a long-standing desire to resuscitate the Soviet empire, and he may eventually go after the rest of Ukraine, as well as other countries in eastern Europe. In this view, the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 merely provided a pretext for Putin’s decision to order Russian forces to seize part of Ukraine.

But this account is wrong: the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the crisis. --->

And no, the "Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)" isn't something controlled by allmighty Putin, nor is it a leftist consortium you might find unreliable.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #828
What? Short of memory? Look here.

What? Short of memory? Look here.

See, I supply what you ask for and you call it fake? Meanwhile you supply a article that provides no evidence at all.
Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault
Published by the Council on Foreign Relations:

I could read the article of this "But this account is wrong: the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the crisis." Are they on crack? Meth? Russia annexing Crimea, etc is because NATO expanded? I'm not going to dignify that with a real response.

I made the mistake of reading a little further:

Russia’s invasion of Georgia in August 2008 should have dispelled any remaining doubts about Putin’s determination to prevent Georgia and Ukraine from joining NATO.
Therefore it's NATO's fault? Holy shit. Just wow.

Putin’s actions should be easy to comprehend. A huge expanse of flat land that Napoleonic France, imperial Germany, and Nazi Germany all crossed to strike at Russia itself, Ukraine serves as a buffer state of enormous strategic importance to Russia. No Russian leader would tolerate a military alliance that was Moscow’s mortal enemy until recently moving into Ukraine. Nor would any Russian leader stand idly by while the West helped install a government there that was determined to integrate Ukraine into the West. 
This somehow gives him license to annex Ukrainian territory and stoke the fires of civil war in mainland Ukraine? If this is really his thinking, he needs to go for the sake of Russia itself.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #829
Therefore it's NATO's fault? Holy shit. Just wow.

It's basically a very long-winded explanation for how it was really the woman's fault for wearing too short a skirt.

This somehow gives him license to annex Ukrainian territory and stoke the fires of civil war in mainland Ukraine? If this is really his thinking, he needs to go for the sake of Russia itself.

Like they say (or indirectly imply), Realpolitik is Machiavellian. To call it realism is just silly. It's simply the idea of how to acquire the most wealth and power for your own country without paying much attention to ethical or moral considerations.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #830

It's basically a very long-winded explanation for how it was really the woman's fault for wearing too short a skirt.

Feel free to twist it as you wish:
It wasn't Russia who assisted the putsch.
It wasn't Eastern Ukraine who attacked Kiev.
As for Crimea, whether you like it or not, the people living there is more than happy for being 'annexed'.

It's simply the idea of how to acquire the most wealth and power for your own country.

Exactly, except in this case we have probably different countries in mind...

without paying much attention to ethical or moral considerations.

After all that happened during the past two decades in Afghanistan, Serbia, Iraq, Lybia, Syria (the list isn't by far complete) you have the nerve to speak about ethical or moral considerations? One might wonder which yours are.

As a side note:
The USA urged the EU for economic sanctions against Russia (I assume that's no need to provide sources).
- In the meanwhile ExxonMobil and BP extend partnerships with Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft despite sanctions.
- Despite sanctions against Russia, U.S. companies still buy Russian Rockets (SpaceX rockets - RD-180 boosters).

One might wonder whom those sanctions should weaken - the EU?
So far about too short skirts (and whores).

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #831
Exactly, except in this case we have probably different countries in mind...

The article you linked is the one that lamented that the US doesn't do Realpolitik while Russia does, not me. I'm not so sure the US doesn't do Realpolitik.

After all that happened during the past two decades in Afghanistan, Serbia, Iraq, Lybia, Syria (the list isn't by far complete) you have the nerve to speak about ethical or moral considerations? One might wonder which yours are.

I'm not even sure what you think I said. I was just disagreeing generically with the article that "Realpolitik" and "realism" are related terms. Realpolitik is a particular ideology, not the lack of one, nor does the presence of ideology have anything to do with the absence or presence of realism. But on rereading I may have misinterpreted and it seems to use realism to describe the kind of political ideology meant by Realpolitik, which leaves me to wonder how one is left to describe a realistic view regarding some country's possible reaction to some event. For instance, when Spock said something like "surely those irrational cavemen will abide their attacks when we show them our superior firepower" he definitely wasn't being realistic/rational because he assumed the irrational brutes would behave rationally. (Hence why referring negatively to Vulcans when someone speaks favorable of rationality is sometimes called a Straw Vulcan. :P)

All that aside, your reply seems to reiterate the same tu quoque I don't understand. On top of which, even though I find the tu quoque invalid by itself, I was never in favor of the invasions in the Middle East nor were many European countries. And it remains unclear to me how that means I should suddenly stop objecting just because it's someone else I'm objecting to.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #832
Putin has no wish to extend back to what was the old Soviet Empire. Had he, ukraine would have been done in by now. Now we get all the noise from NATO about Ukraine which is nothing to do with them. So then they come up with a make believe on Russia and suggest more troops dumped into the Baltic States. All mythology and anyway as Ukraine isn't in NATO that organisation should keep itself from interfering everywhere it wants. In addition they cannot get the members to increase military opening anyway for local and Euro currency problems.

All sorts of scenarios are being conjured up by the West because they cannot control Russia like they try to do elsewhere. As the US of recent times has been unable to have a principled and sensible leader it is either envious of President Putin or annoyed with a country they cannot dominate....Hhhh, yeah....that will be it!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #833
As promised.
More tripe.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #834
Had he, ukraine would have been done in by now.

Either that or because Putin knows that would be World War III
All mythology and anyway as Ukraine isn't in NATO that organisation should keep itself from interfering everywhere it wants

NATO is interfering by Russia's actions aren't? Has the Irn Bru gone your head?
Not only of Western media but also of the US State Department and NATO officials.

Not only of Western media but also of the US State Department and NATO officials.
Last but not least I was adressing your own unproven allegations which you are trying to sell as facts.

:faint: Despite the fact that I just showed you that "western media" (as if it's some monolithic entity that reports the stories in the same way...) is not necessarily reporting the story is the way you allege? Certainly the State Department would like "western media" to only show their side, but that's not how it works in the West. Hence reporting what the Ukrainian government says, but also giving the Russian government's rebuttal. Our media will turn on a president and the government very quickly. Your media might parrot what Putin says, but ours has offered harsh criticism of our government's actions (NSA surveillance , etc.) I'm not sure how to make you understand this.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #835

Putin has no wish to extend back to what was the old Soviet Empire. Had he, ukraine would have been done in by now. Now we get all the noise from NATO about Ukraine which is nothing to do with them. So then they come up with a make believe on Russia and suggest more troops dumped into the Baltic States.

Is it make-believe to say Russia is meddling in Ukraine when Crimea is already annexed and at least white lorries are openly going in and out despite Ukraine gov't opposition?

And weird how you and Krake are able to argue that because Crimea belonged to Russian empire on 1783, it always should. Incidentally, the Baltic countries also belonged to Russian empire back then. Isn't it a bit of a mythology to not see the connection?

I must say that it is very noteworthy that everything you say is based on reaction to White House speeches. They are really so far behind the corner as it gets, totally irrelevant. Why not observe the situation where it actually is? Well, I know, Scotland is nowhere near Ukraine and Russia, whereas Obama is breathing on your neck, so of course your perspective is skewed accordingly.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #836
All sorts of scenarios are being conjured up by the West because they cannot control Russia like they try to do elsewhere. As the US of recent times has been unable to have a principled and sensible leader it is either envious of President Putin or annoyed with a country they cannot dominate....Hhhh, yeah....that will be it!
As if Russia has one? Check this out,  Ukraine captured Russian troops "on a special mission." Moscow doesn't deny the troops were there. Even your would-be husband Vlad can't deny it. This proves the existence of Russian troops in Ukrainian territory. So with no deniability, Moscow claims those troops were there by mistake :faint: If this didn't have such grave international repercussions for peace and stability, Russia's claims and denials would be a comedy by now.

And weird how you and Krake are able to argue that because Crimea belonged to Russian empire on 1783, it always should. Incidentally, the Baltic countries also belonged to Russian empire back then. Isn't it a bit of a mythology to not see the connection?

I'd say the Baltic states have every reason to be nervous about Russia right now. About Howie's claims that borders should be as they were in the past, by that reasoning Scotland should be independent and Ulster should join the Republic of Ireland. But hypocritically, he'd support neither of those propositions.
and at least white lorries are openly going in and out despite Ukraine gov't opposition?

Those were PR by Putin. He was trying to make it look as if Ukraine was denying aid as he was trying to give it. Given Russia's actions, Ukraine would have been out of its mind to let Russian trucks enter unquestioned and uninspected. Maybe they could have been checked, and the freight unloaded from the Russian trucks and loaded into Ukrainian ones? Even if that solution wouldn't have been as simple as it seems, you still don't let the man that just robbed you back into your house.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #837

About Howie's claims that borders should be as they were in the past, by that reasoning Scotland should be independent and Ulster should join the Republic of Ireland. But hypocritically, he'd support neither of those propositions.

Scotland must be independent and England is really a subprovince of Normandy. Or whatever moment in history happens to be your favourite, be it Anschluss, Treaty of Versailles, colonial era, Roman era, etc.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #838
Or whatever moment in history happens to be your favourite, be it Anschluss, Treaty of Versailles, colonial era, Roman era, etc.

Interesting point.  Maybe for Howie's sake, I'll pick the Norman period so the UK no longer exists and therefore Scotland remains independent (or maybe becomes a sub-subprovince of Normandy?) This also means America doesn't exist, no English colonies to form the basis of it. That way Howie can't bitch in his jealousy and resentment of us? The Five Civilized tribes [/ur]would stand a good chance of being recognized independent nations. Perhaps with imported European industrial age technology they can be a par with Europe. Happiness all around :yes:  That would actually be an interesting scenario. There likely would have been a large Francophone nation where the middle part of America is now. Maybe I'll write that story after disguising the scenario with a history professor or two at [url=] UNLV :yes:

But what happens in the 1940's? I started to get concerned that Hitler would have won WWII, but I think the USSR would have beaten him in the end even without America's help. But the peace treaty might have been as favourable. Stalin himself strained for resources and the Soviet economy also in ruins, lets Hitler keep Western Europe in exchange for the East, including Scotland in the peace treaty. Doesn't seem too improbable. This means to live in anything remotely resembling a free country, Howie needs the hated America after all :(

Tripe? Sure. The Normans couldn't have held England forever, so history probably played out how it had to. But it's no worse tripe than every negative thing about Russia being wrong. Eyewitness accounts by Associated Press reporters aren't all lies. Even Putin can't deny that Ukraine captured Russian troops in Ukrainian territory? What's Krake's response? "Where's the proof? (tm) " Moscow's admission and their lame excuse. As far as it somehow being NATO's fault, Obama is not Napoleon nor Hitler. Putin alone is responsible for his actions.


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #840
Captured Russian soldiers crossed Ukraine border ‘by accident’

That article links here .

Note the photo:

The border is reasonably wide, cleared area. How is possible to walk across that and continue for another 20 km without realizing it? How long does it take to walk that far? Three, four hours? If their job was to march along section of the border, it's hard to understand how they would walk for that long in the wrong direction without realizing it.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #841

Your media might parrot what Putin says,...

Even worse, it parrots what Fogh-Rasmussen and the US state department says.
My English is poor but good enough for reading your media. So it's no need to tell me how it is. Balanced articles, at least at some extend, are rare and hard to find.

Those were PR by Putin. He was trying to make it look as if Ukraine was denying aid

Ukraine indeed was denying the aid. It took them a weak to inspect 5 trucks. One might wonder if the Ukrainians were searching for boson higgs particles.
I miss pictures with some Ukrainian aid convoys. And no, I don't mean convoys of tanks. BTW, they are shelling now even churches.

you still don't let the man that just robbed you back into your house.

You are repeating this BS for the second time. Amnesia?

And weird how you and Krake are able to argue that because Crimea belonged to Russian empire on 1783, it always should.

You probably meant since 1973.
Whatever reasons Khrushchev had to give away Crimea ("The transfer of the Crimean Oblast to Ukraine has been described as a symbolic gesture, marking the 300th anniversary of Ukraine becoming a part of the Tsardom of Russia") it wasn't for sure meant as a gift for a Russian hostile neighbor.
However this is history now and isn't the main point.
In contrast to Khrushchev's giveaway where Crimeans haven't been asked, the people of Crimea got now the chance for a referendum to express its will.
Nobody was pointing a gun at their head in the ballot stations, nor have they been forced to take part at the referendum.
It's utter hypocrisy and at the same time inhuman to ignore the will of the people living there. It's their life and it's the future of their children!
The outcome of the referendum may have caused (or is still causing) you some pain in the stomach but at least Crimeans are pleased and they have good reasons to be so.
It's interesting to watch how some posters here are screaming about 'annexation' but don't give a shit about those 'annexed'.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #842
Note the photo:

Nice border they have there...  it's for planting corn? potatoes? A really creative usage for a border but it will be a problem to decide to whom it belongs...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #844
I can remember Sanguinemoon some years back when Americans crossed into Iran and arrested. You are so propaganda brained  to the point of daftness. One report in the news said they were part of a convoy - yet another addition to make it more news worthy. Tell us what you think of the 400 Ukrainian soldiers who crossed the border and surrendered inside Russia to their Army? Plus the smaller group a week or two ago.I mentioned this previously but you studiously avoided it or overlooked it. But as the White House press room didn't mention it then that is you lost. Now units of that Ukrainian National Guard which has been pounded by the rebels is moaning at the Kiev government because they are being hounded by the rebels. Just thought you should be informed as the White House propaganda machine will only issue what suits them.

I think you should join the Senate and I can be really sure you and that McCain would get on like a house on fire.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #845
Tell us what you think of the 400 Ukrainian soldiers who crossed the border and surrendered inside Russia to their Army?

Come now, Howie. Even RT says they were there for refuge and not as an invasion. That still leaves us the question of what Russian troops were doing in Ukraine.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #846
The point is you have ignored anything that is negative about the Kiev lot. The 400 wanted OUT of the war so fled. Now the rebels have done some pushing back and the National Guard has had desertions as they feel Kiev is not helping them. The same is applying to the Ukrainian Army where in many units morale has been low. Anyway kindergarten man I NEVER said the 400 were an invasion so do try and concentrate. The Ukrainian President should get hiss act together. In the same day he rabbits about Russia "invading" he then later says there should be joint working between Russian and Ukrainian armies on border control (!).

On a wider front Ukraine has been practicing what is very nearly amounting to a scorched earth policy and don't care damn about all the innocents they are killing as well as people short on food, water, etc. The numbers of them fleeing the Kiev jackboots is in the 6-figures. The Russian Federation ambassador whas right in what he said about America which has one long history of invading countries and leaving mayhem behind by the way. I had expected in the law of averages that the rebellion would have been gone by now but there are problems developing inside the army . One Ukrainian solider was asked how many Russians he had seen. He looked a bit down and signalled with his hand to indicate a nothing.  Members of your pals the Right Front who are in the National guard are unhappy the way the war is going and their leadership is suggesting they leave the front and march back to Kiev to take over areas of the government.

Those 400 soldiers plus another couple of dozen were unhappy at their own country people being killed hence deserting. Kiev has a problem.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #847
Fair and balanced news source reporting about the humanitarian help to Ukraine It's the fourth dispatch to Donetsk and Lugansk. Red Cross is not participating (says right there behind the link). The goods have been compiled with regard to the approaching winter, says the representative of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Ukrainian officials say they have not received any announcement from Russia about the convoy.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #848
And Russia and ukraine have managed to do something about the fuel supply matter. Considering that Russia already had a deal that seen Ukraine getting a discount and that it was still owed a considerable sum due to Kiev incompetence the EEC is giving a loan. Ukraine is a mess by it's own creation. Russia has saved it from freezing in the winter.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #849
Last night and today at a top-heavy meeting in Minsk, the world leaders seem to have postponed the world war for at least another week. The devil will be in the details, and the details are many:

    Ceasefire to begin at 00:01 local time on 15 February
    Heavy weapons to be withdrawn, beginning on 16 February and completed in two weeks
    All prisoners to be released; amnesty for those involved in fighting
    Withdrawal of all foreign troops and weapons from Ukrainian territory. Disarmament of all illegal groups
    Ukraine to allow resumption of normal life in rebel areas, by lifting restrictions
    Constitutional reform to enable decentralisation for rebel regions by the end of 2015
    Ukraine to control border with Russia if conditions met by the end of 2015

I'm not sure the rebels and Ukraine agree even on local time (Kiev has EET, but the rebels may prefer Moscow time), not to mention the rest :)

In completely unrelated news, IMF agrees $17.5bn reform programme for Ukraine.