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Topic: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved? (Read 4800 times)

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #1
Hhhm. Last year there was an hour long documentary on the Ripper and the conclusion was that it was it was an Australian and i kid you not. To be honest I just don't know as over the years we have had a short selection of definites. It will no doubt remain a factual mystery.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #2
Hmm, a WORLD EXCLUSIVE (sic) from the Daily Fail :right:
Let's see if it appears in a more readable form ( seriously, I can't tell if this is a way over the top parody of sensationalist tabloid style or if they really mean it ) in a more serious publication.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #3

Hmm, a WORLD EXCLUSIVE (sic) from the Daily Fail :right:
Let's see if it appears in a more readable form ( seriously, I can't tell if this is a way over the top parody of sensationalist tabloid style or if they really mean it ) in a more serious publication.

It was all over regular Finnish news too, more important to them than the abduction of the Estonian secret service (security police) officer

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #4
I was trying to find some information about the official documents from the time and came across this site:

It's a pity they don't link to their own stuff within that page, but it certainly sounds better than the Daily Mail's article.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #5
Don't know about the Daily Mail as I was referring to a television programme but it interesting that those who think they are sniffingly above the herd portray a Guardian, Observer, etc mindset. Amusingly they are failing and making big losses. Kind of says something and anyway the Ripper thing does pop up again from time to time and the further away we get the more things lean to never finding out.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #6
Who in 2014 is interested in Jack the Ripper?

Answer: The same people that think that Obama is a citizen of Kenya.
:rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip: :rip:

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #7
Really no-one to be frank. This nonsense raises it's head every few years and each time it is accompanied by guff that "this one" is nearer the fact. As I already said the further away we get the more distant the truth is and I and many others are not really that interested in this sensational stuff.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #8
Really no-one to be frank.

I am. :)

For the first time I went to read about it. After analyzing evidence, I can say for sure that he was a Scot, with addition for Irn Bru, a smaller brain than average, a fondness for trains and used to post at local forums.

I admit Sherlock methods somehow have influenced me.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #9
Well now Belfrager there was no chance of him being Portuguese. He was too clever.......!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #10
Well now Belfrager there was no chance of him being Portuguese. He was too clever.......!

Was he? or was the English policemen not too much clever?

One way or the other you can rule out the Portuguese lead... it's not in our habits to do such things.
I have no memory of a serial killer here. We use to kill by specific reasons, namely water and passion but we just kill once, it's enough.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #11
Well one hopes you are not praising your police my boy especially the way they handled the missing child case from England. Heavens even the Freemasons were thought to be involved. Well a possibility after all they were very involved in that caper in the Tea party and revolution in the ex-colonies you know.  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #12
What missing child? everybody knows since the beginning what happened to the "missing" child. That's why your police keeps opening "new investigations" for covering it up.
Understand what I mean or do I need to make you a draw?
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #13
Our police are over there because your lot made a hash of the whole thing and then a former police chief tried to make money writing a book. Damnable and the way things were done were almost unbelievable.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #14
Your police was over here because someone is paying back a favor to you in order to stop investigations.
Your police is totally irrelevant for the justice system and what's being done is to retard formal accusation until prescriptive dates not allows no one to be accused, as obvious.

Unbelievable is to let 3 or 4 year old children alone to go drink eighteen bottles of wine.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #15
Can understand your need to defend your corner but the parents were yards away from the bedroom and unfortunately you give a flimsy excuse. The local police did not give a very good impression at all and that police chief making a book for heaven sake and make money out the matter?? That is disgusting!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #16
The local police did not give a very good impression at all

Since when police gives good impression....
that police chief making a book for heaven sake and make money out the matter?? That is disgusting!

Absolutely, just with a meaningful difference. He was exonerated from the police much before that. Any one can write the book he wants and, being considered a defamatory book by a Court he was condemned to pay an indemnification to the family.
So I don't know what are you complaining about so much.

Now, I'm going to tell you relevant information about all that process that English public obviously seems to not be aware.
Do you know why he was expelled from the police? because having tortured a suspect. A mother that her son disappeared for not ever again being seen. The mother, a Portuguese, was accused of killing the child and condemned to the maximum time in prison Law admits.

You're very very lucky my friend, that didn't happen to your compatriots. So, when benefiting from a treatment of exception better not to complain too much. It can always change.

If you have a problem in Portuguese soil, you'll be arrested by the Portuguese police, judged according Portuguese laws by a Portuguese court. Never, ever, forget that. The presence of your police here it's just to fool your mind.

Personally, you don't have to worry, enough to say that you're my friend. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #17
Ha ha. I will start a movement and support you being King.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #18
Whatever happened to the question raised by tt92?

My response is that there are no such mysteries. Additionally, an appeal from those that certain stones should be unturned would immediately set others on track to stone turning.

Did Jesus really walk on water? Yes he did! What happened was that there was a short, radical period of global cooling...sometimes called the Jerusalem Freeze...and Jesus walked on Lake Kinneret.

I didn't want to relate that historical fact, but I can't let a mystery lie.


Re: Should some mysteries best be left unsolved?

Reply #19
Wow, gee, how informative. Thanks for that.
"Quit you like men:be strong"