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Topic: Same Sex Marriage (Read 58267 times)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #200
There's the same trouble with Oakdale and SF. They think the law only provides rights.
(Sorry, to be so late in chiming-in… :) ) Your ignorance, ersi, leads you to say silly things!
While it's true that the U.S. constitution seldom makes demands upon its citizens it is basically a proscriptive list that makes up the Bill of Rights [Thou shalt nots…]; the body of the original document is mostly a prescriptive list of what the federal government is allowed to do, and how [with some Thou shalt nots included…].
State and local law are subsumed, but only to an extent — there is (or was!) the 10th amendment… But most folks don't like that one any more. :)
You have a "Continental" view of law: A codification of everything. As you should know, the Anglo-Saxon tradition is different. That you don't understand it or -even insofar as you do- you reject it is to be expected: You Europeans (and neighbors) have always been subjects. You know no better. Going beyond such is too much to ask of you.
Sang is a slightly different case: He was schooled to reject community and tradition. (Our colleges —specially, our "social" studies departments — have mostly followed the Frankfurt School…) And his proclivities (…or, encouraged childhood perversions, which he maintains…) leave him in an untenable position: Either he's  a pervert or most of society is perverse.
Of course, his choice is simple: He does what he does because it is "natural" - for him. And anyone who has a problem with that is a big, bad meanie!
Or he himself has a serious problem…
Guess which he'll choose? :)
(He doesn't care. He just wants to do what he wants to do. Is that not the definition of a hedonist? :) )
In reality, the law provides both benefits and sanctions and, in a rechtsstaat, everybody is equal before the law, whatever the law may provide for the occasion.
Kant was full of cant…

BTW: When you say that the "data" support the proposition that people are born "gay" you're being as silly as Sanguinemoon: The little attempted science on such questions is woefully inadequate. (But syllogisms might not show it to be so… :) )
Cute: Someone was attempting to post before me… Of course, I posted anyway; the "other" didn't… Wonder why? :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #201
He doesn't care. He just wants to do what he wants to do.
Such as going to see the new X-Men movie with my boyfriend.
State and local law are subsumed, but only to an extent -- there is (or was!) the 10th amendment... But most folks don't like that one any more.
The 10th amendment is fine. To put it more simply, state and local laws can't conflict with the constitution.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #202
I lost a long post… (Not that I'd thought I'd engage you; you're impervious to argument.)

The constitution you refer to is a figment of the progressive mind. ("Penumbras?" Really?) Your idea of the 10th amendment is: There really are no states, and the constitution covers everything!
So, of course, you're "okay" with it: You think it null and void.

What does it matter? Well, you'll have to deal with the anti-constitutionalists — if you win…
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #203
BTW: When you say that the "data" support the proposition that people are born "gay"...
I don't say that. I merely don't care to dispute it. The reason is that whoever says that gays are born gay - and are therefore "natural" and must have all the rights - must provide the data that pedophiles are not born pedophile and provide the reasoning how pedophiles should not have all the rights.

But thanks for showing yet again how easily and thoroughly you misread me. Good to know that you have retained your old self. (Not that you ever had any other self.)

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #204
Did you miss this part of the article:
By linking to the article you were trying to make a point. Other points follow from the main point and you should answer them, if you care about rationality.

You're still attempting to lump LGBT with criminal types and it doesn't work.
Your own presuppositions lump them together. To keep them apart, you have to demonstrate by what characteristic you distinguish them. You have not made any attempt to separate LGBT from criminal types. Under your presuppositions, they belong together. If you don't want them to be together, you should provide characteristics that distinguish  LGBT(Q etc.) orientation from e.g. pedophiles.

Obviously, such separation cannot be done, because you have already loudly proclaimed that sexual orientation is a continuum where everything is included, that it's predetermined in the brain. Moreover, you have linked to articles that identify sexual orientation as "other" i.e. open-ended whatever-goes. Too late to turn back now. You may try, if you want.

I don't lump together anything. I simply point out how one conclusion immediately leads to another and, if you don't like the other conclusion, you should do something about the first. If rationality matters, that is. To you it doesn't.

Actually it's you who lumps together so-called same-sex marriage with marriage, as if they were both marriage. This can only be done by resolute ignorance concerning what marriage is.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #205
I don't say that. I merely don't care to dispute it. The reason is that whoever says that gays are born gay - and are therefore "natural" and must have all the rights - must provide the data that pedophiles are not born pedophile and provide the reasoning how pedophiles should not have all the rights.
Concepts like consent and harm to others have been mentioned many times. In fact I thought your argument hinged on harm to others? In any case, pedophiles have all the rights to be pedophiles. They just don't have the right to sexually abuse children. Is there any particular reason to suppose this is any different than any other person not being allowed to rape the people they're attracted to?

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #206
Concepts like consent and harm to others have been mentioned many times.
This makes the distinction between marriage and criminal behaviour? Like, if two guys agree to have some sex and then one will eat the other, it's normal marriage? (I'm sure you know the real-life case. It was private and consensual, but still went to the courts for some reason that you might want to consider.)

You see, when you use concepts like consent and harm, you are failing to define marriage, because consent and harm have no necessary connection to marriage. I'm sure you are not saying "As long as it's consensual, it's marriage." You are merely saying "It's consensual, so there's no harm in it." I don't agree with the second statement either, but the more relevant point is that you are talking beside the point - you are not showing how same-sex marriage is marriage or why homosexuals should have a right to it.

In fact I thought your argument hinged on harm to others?
Not my argument for the definition of marriage. My argument for the definition of marriage has many corollaries, but it hinges on none of the corollaries. It hinges on the purpose of marriage, not on anything secondary or extraneous like avoiding harm. If the purpose were to avoid harm, then staying without marriage fulfils the purpose just fine, doesn't it?

In any case, pedophiles have all the rights to be pedophiles. They just don't have the right to sexually abuse children. Is there any particular reason to suppose this is any different than any other person not being allowed to rape the people they're attracted to?
We are in agreement again. In my view, homosexuals have all the rights to be homosexuals. They just have no business with marriage, adoption, and things like that. They belong to gay clubs - into gay clubs, not outside.

And criminals have all the rights to be criminals. Just that criminals belong behind bars.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #207
They belong to gay clubs - into gay clubs, not outside.
Spoken like an Alabama State Representative.

Just that criminals belong behind bars.
That's subject to the same scrutiny...

Law and justice are separate concepts. And there's no justice in denying what the law provides. Not really saying anything tho, right?  ;) Given your omni-opinion on this you'll have to pin down the definition of marriage by it's State definition not any philosophical ones. What marriage matters to you only matters so far as your right to impose your beliefs on me.    

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #208
They belong to gay clubs - into gay clubs, not outside.
Spoken like an Alabama State Representative.
Is that a bad thing? I keep hearing good things about American democracy.

Law and justice are separate concepts. And there's no justice in denying what the law provides. Not really saying anything tho, right?  ;)
Indeed, not saying anything to me. Do you mean it's unjust to deny what the law provides? I can't parse your statement. It has no evident connection to anything.

What marriage matters to you only matters so far as your right to impose your beliefs on me.
Doesn't the same apply to you equally? And if yes, and our beliefs are at odds, isn't there an objective standard to determine if either one is better in some way than the other?

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #210
Sexual preferences, aberrations or whatever don't grant any rights, no matter how much loud it's practitioners shouts, no matter how much propaganda is done, no matter how much activism useful idiots do.
Allowance for same sex "marriages" is not the statement of a right, it's simply the rotten odor of society's decrepitude. It stinks.

Next, it will be euthanasia.
A matter of attitude.


Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #211
(I'm sure you know the real-life case. It was private and consensual, but still went to the courts for some reason that you might want to consider.)
Not really. Are there reasons other than manslaughter?

Not my argument for the definition of marriage. My argument for the definition of marriage has many corollaries, but it hinges on none of the corollaries. It hinges on the purpose of marriage, not on anything secondary or extraneous like avoiding harm. If the purpose were to avoid harm, then staying without marriage fulfils the purpose just fine, doesn't it?


We are in agreement again. In my view, homosexuals have all the rights to be homosexuals. They just have no business with marriage, adoption, and things like that. They belong to gay clubs - into gay clubs, not outside.
The purpose of marriage is the opposite of avoiding harm, i.e., to improve the lives of the marital partners and the state of society at large. Reproduction is but one of the ways in which this can be achieved. The basic case for gay marriage is that it significantly improves the quality of some lives without harming anyone. In contrast, by keeping homosexuals from adopting you aren't improving the lives of some homosexuals while simultaneously making the lives of some children much, much worse by being left without adoptive parents. There's no upside to it.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #212
(I'm sure you know the real-life case. It was private and consensual, but still went to the courts for some reason that you might want to consider.)
Not really.
Not familiar?

Are there reasons other than manslaughter?
The point is that events are taken up for moral and legal evaluation absolutely apart from their being private or consensual. Privacy or consensuality is not an argument when asserting this or that right.

The reason for having moral and legal evaluation regardless of privacy and consensuality is to, first, enable assessment of motivation. You see, your motivation is absolutely your private thing. It is psychological, not material, so nobody really sees it. You may misreport it as you wish. But motivation is, for example, what makes the distinction between manslaughter and murder.

Second, it's to enable assessment of legal/moral truth. Witnesses may agree to (mis)represent certain things certain way, either of their own accord or by someone's blackmail. All this must be determinable, no? Therefore, consensuality is not an argument.

The basic case for gay marriage is that it significantly improves the quality of some lives without harming anyone.
Can you expand on "quality of life"? Homosexual lust is a rightful quality of life? Not even heterosexual lust is a right, mind you.

In contrast, by keeping homosexuals from adopting you aren't improving the lives of some homosexuals while simultaneously making the lives of some children much, much worse by being left without adoptive parents. There's no upside to it.
This can be true only when you disregard the moral implications, such as putting children in the midst of sexual themes long before the appropriate age. Biologically, children are fathered and born from mother. Any other "family model" raises the question of the child's origin for the child. This is not harmless.

There is a distinction between talking sex with an adult and talking sex with a child. In both cases, it's a touchy topic, but an adult should be able to handle touchy topics, whereas a child is probably gathering first impressions that will form the basis for life-long attitude. Such attitudes are most rightly first formed in interaction with parents. In case of lack of parents, with those who best approximate parents. Gay "family model" does not approximate that. This is a downside.

So, if this was the case for gay marriage, there was no case.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #213
Can you expand on "quality of life"? Homosexual lust is a rightful quality of life? Not even heterosexual lust is a right, mind you.
What's there to expand? You're married, aren't you? Our quality of life improves through the strength of our relationships, both mentally and physically. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with lust, mind you. It just won't make for a lasting marriage and won't be anywhere close to being as beneficial to those involved because marriage is a life-long commitment.

So, if this was the case for gay marriage, there was no case.
So, to summarize the conclusion of your argument, a gay family is worse than an orphanage?

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #214
This can be true only when you disregard the moral implications, such as putting children in the midst of sexual themes long before the appropriate age.
What the hell are you talking about? Heterosexual couples have sex. Or are you silly enough to suggest that now the child is somehow damaged by knowing gay people exist? WTF? Seriously.
Any other "family model" raises the question of the child's origin for the child. This is not harmless.
A child adopted by a heterosexual couple might not know his "origins" , either. In fact, there are laws protecting the identity of the biological parents if they don't wish to be found.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #215
What's there to expand? You're married, aren't you? Our quality of life improves through the strength of our relationships, both mentally and physically.
Lust is one thing, marriage is another thing.

You are not answering my questions. At least you should show how my questions are irrelevant. And then proceed to define marriage so that non-marriages are indeed excluded from that. As it is, in your terms, sleeping with a prostitute (of whatever orientation) seems to constitute marriage for you, particularly when it's regular.

Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with lust, mind you. It just won't make for a lasting marriage and won't be anywhere close to being as beneficial to those involved because marriage is a life-long commitment.
Pedophiles operate purely on lust. Is this simply not "anywhere close to as beneficial"? Try again, seriously.

What the hell are you talking about? Heterosexual couples have sex. Or are you silly enough to suggest that now the child is somehow damaged by knowing gay people exist? WTF? Seriously.
Hetereosexual couples have sex and this is how children are born. Not so with gays. This is not the first time you display ignorance of this biological fact. Since you are the way you are with regard to simple biology, I won't even attempt to discuss with you the moral intricacies involved with children, parents, adopted children, substitute parents, etc.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #216
by keeping homosexuals from adopting you aren't improving the lives of some homosexuals
What a stupidity. Being adopted it's a children's right. No adults, even less homosexuals, have any right to adopt.
No children deserves having a pair of homosexuals as father and mother.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #217
Obviously. An animal cannot give consent to enter a legal contract and incest is child abuse. 
Sorry, but how do you know a grown-up animal cannot give consent? Aren't you just being judgmental towards animals based on that they don't speak your language? Jimbro here thinks men should have a right to marry goats...

And incest is not necessarily child abuse. Children grow up to be of legal age in no-time. So, what's the basis of stopping them marrying their parents then?

You're using the wrong term here. Polyamory doesn't necessarily involve marriage. I think you mean polygamy.
You have evidently no idea what I meant, so let me make it clear. I meant polyamory. And I mean a lot of other things too, so as to get you around to define marriage.

And it most likely is unconstitutional since in the US it's usually practiced by cults and cultish subsets of the Mormonism where it isn't consensual.
By the same logic, same-sex marriage should be unconstitutional in America, because it's that gay cult practising it and nobody else.

Why is that you think I have answers for these ridiculous strawman situations?
You know what a strawman is? Strawman is addressing a misrepresentation of the view of your collocutor, not the actual view of your collocutor. You do that a lot, each and every time you say something about Christians. Christian view happens to align with the natural law view of marriage, but the natural law view is not specific to Christianity, but universal to every society in the world. That's the concept of nature that you have not yet addressed.

If those situations do come up, the courts will look at the facts of the cases and rule. In the meantime, they have nothing to do with two people of the same sex being in love.
Actually, there have been numerous cases both in the U.S. and the rest of the world where courts have taken a look at the facts and ruled against same-sex marriage. Yet you have a problem with those rulings. Then SCOTUS appears to have made same-sex marriage constitutional and suddenly you are okay with that. So the issue is not how courts rule. The issue is on how their rulings are justified.

Anybody with a clear mind saw immediately that the dilution of the definition of marriage inherent to the ruling of SCOTUS allowed polygamy and polyamory. The first cases are already in the news

Thus far, I'm noting a lack of an incestious couple  or a polygamous relationship suing to get married.
It's because you are blind
Happy now that the discussion has been reduced to dictionary definitions that we all know already?
That's just the English current definition. Look at the same source just ten years ago and you get different wordings. The question is not how your favorite dictionary does it, but how is it justified. Is it really getting to the essence of marriage so as to exclude non-marriages?

Earlier you said this.
And yet the definition of marriage has shifted numerous times from...
Let's suppose so. So, what is stopping the definition from shifting tomorrow? What if it shifts to your disadvantage? To have any meaningful discussion we need a non-arbitrary definition. You are not ready for this discussion.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #218
I already spelled out the summarized moral argument in favor of gay marriage: it significantly improves quality of life for some people without harming anyone. That (and any other argument in favor) is almost completely unrelated to the argument against your "natural" objection, which is what I was talking about here.
My objection to this particular one was that it was not moral in the first place. I remember from an earlier debate with you that when we got around to defining morality, you took all morality out of it and then called it morality. So, I reject your "moral argument", because

- It's not a moral argument. "Moral" implies that you judge things right or wrong (and in natural philosophy, you have to have a basis on which to determine such judgements, but we will never get that far in this discussion), but here you are not positively saying why gay marriage is right or wrong. You are saying it doesn't harm anyone (else). Many things don't harm anyone (else), such as picking your own nose, but this makes it neither right or a right.
- It's not an argument for gay marriage or any marriage for that matter. For example, picking your own nose may improve your quality of life in your own perception without harming anyone, but it doesn't mean that picking your own nose is marriage. Or, forgetting marriage, does it seem like a good argument for picking your own nose when you say "It improves my quality of life and does not harm you!"? 
- It's not an argument. An argument contains defined terms. You have failed to define quality of life.

This is bad enough. Answer these points and I may consider the rest of your post worth reading.

Edit: Except the following seems relevant.
Rights are a legal concept. In morality there is no such thing as rights, merely behavior we have reason to promote and behavior we have reason to condemn. Rights follow from that. For example, the right to freedom of religion follows from the strong reasons we have to promote an aversion to violence against those with a different outlook on the world.
Interesting theory. And can you spell out the reasons to promote aversion to violence against those with a different outlook on the world? Is it a moral reason (i.e. such violence is wrong)? I haven't seen such moral judgements from you yet, much less the basis for such moral judgements. Thus far it seems like you avoid any concept of right and wrong in your concept of morality, which means that your morality cannot provide the basis for legal rights. So, what are those reasons you are talking about?

This is important because when I ask about an argument for gay marriage and a definition of marriage, I am asking at the same time for reasons for them. Thus far I haven't seen any reasons on your part, which is why I say you have no argument and no definition. And, when I asked you for a definition of quality of life, in this context I am specifically asking for the kind of definition that would provide reasons to support gay marriage, and not picking your nose or whatever. Until then this discussion hasn't really started, because there's been no argument presented to me to respond to.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #219
- It's not a moral argument. "Moral" implies that you judge things right or wrong (and in natural philosophy, you have to have a basis on which to determine such judgements, but we will never get that far in this discussion), but here you are not positively saying why gay marriage is right or wrong. You are saying it doesn't harm anyone (else). Many things don't harm anyone (else), such as picking your own nose, but this makes it neither right or a right.
And to me, your so-called "moral" arguments have no epistemological basis in reality. All that's real is our desires. But it makes no pragmatic difference whether you think morality is some kind of cosmic rule or not. The process of validly figuring out what is moral (i.e., what is behavior we generally have reason to promote) and what is immoral (i.e., what is behavior we generally have reason to shun) is pretty much the same regardless. It needs a solid epistemological basis lest you're mistaken about how morality applies. For instance, if you want something to eat and you see a sandwich you might think you want that sandwich. But when you find out the sandwich is poisoned, it turns out you never actually wanted that sandwich. You were therefore mistaken about wanting the sandwich.

Or, forgetting marriage, does it seem like a good argument for picking your own nose when you say "It improves my quality of life and does not harm you!"?
Provided the actor is not mistaken about either of those statements, of course it's a good argument in favor of picking your nose. Paraphrasing your argument, you say that even though nose picking improves quality of life without harming anyone, we must prohibit it. Which is patently ridiculous.

Any valid counter-argument must show how it doesn't improve quality of life or how it harms others. For example, the temporary satisfaction of nose picking might result in nose cancer in the long term (i.e., it doesn't improve quality of life) or it facilitates the spread of viruses (i.e., it does harm others). NB I just picked these examples out of my nose; they're not to be taken as my real opinion on the evils of nose picking.

- It's not an argument. An argument contains defined terms. You have failed to define quality of life.
Quality of life is defined as the state of feeling dissatisfied while being in constant misery and pain.  :faint:

Interesting theory. And can you spell out the reasons to promote aversion to violence against those with a different outlook on the world? Is it a moral reason (i.e. such violence is wrong)? I haven't seen such moral judgements from you yet, much less the basis for such moral judgements. Thus far it seems like you avoid any concept of right and wrong in your concept of morality, which means that your morality cannot provide the basis for legal rights. So, what are those reasons you are talking about?
Living in a society where violence might occur more or less at random (e.g., in a non-rechtsstaat) objectively reduces well-being. Well-being stems from fulfillment of desires. Everything begins with our desires. Morality comes from the interplay between conflicting desires.

Sorry, but how do you know a grown-up animal cannot give consent? Aren't you just being judgmental towards animals based on that they don't speak your language? Jimbro here thinks men should have a right to marry goats...

And incest is not necessarily child abuse. Children grow up to be of legal age in no-time. So, what's the basis of stopping them marrying their parents then?
That's just about the most sensible thing you've said in this discussion recently. Indeed, a sexually mature animal might very well be able to give consent, so if there's something wrong with the practice it's quite likely that we should look for it elsewhere. Obvious concerns are disease (cf. promiscuous and anal sex in a pre-condom society) and social skills, suggesting we at least have mild reasons to condemn bestiality. Whether we have strong reasons is more questionable, but I haven't given it much thought.

Unabusive adult incest is primarily a victim of the strong reasons we have to shun (child) sexual abuse, although there is also the genetic concern. As I said above, we necessarily have to paint in broad strokes in morality. Even so, it's possible that this particular taboo is unwarranted.

Anybody with a clear mind saw immediately that the dilution of the definition of marriage inherent to the ruling of SCOTUS allowed polygamy and polyamory. The first cases are already in the news
I don't see the problem. However, arguably the advantages bestowed upon marriage should be given to parents instead.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #220
This is bad enough. Answer these points and I may consider the rest of your post worth reading.
But you can't positively answer way same-sex marriage is wrong. Because of some vague and strained"natural law" philosophy? I wonder if you explain how non-reproductive sex and unions between people are somehow "unnatural" considering they are often the fulfillment of human love and commitment, both of which are among the highest aspects of human nature. Bearing in mind this includes heterosexual couples as well as homosexual ones, does this not strengthen the fabric of society rather then unraveling it? When a same sex couples says
I, Sam, take you, Alex, to be my [wife/husband],
I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.
I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
Alex, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

These are commitments to be encouraged, rather than discouraged and are well within "natural law."
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #221
Thanks for trying, but I hope your bad week will be replaced with a better one soon.

And to me, your so-called "moral" arguments have no epistemological basis in reality.
This charge is utterly ludicrous because it applies to you, not to me. My definition of marriage is solidly connected to the biological fact that humans procreate heterosexually only. Is this not epistemological/empirical enough for you? Or else, what do you mean by "epistemological basis in reality"? I hesitate to ask this, because you have been dismal with definitions, yet you keep adding new undefined terms.

From the pro-gay camp there has been decided wilful ignorance of this biological fact. Thus same-sex marriage has no epistemological basis in reality, at least none such basis has been pointed out yet.

All that's real is our desires. But it makes no pragmatic difference whether you think morality is some kind of cosmic rule or not. The process of validly figuring out what is moral (i.e., what is behavior we generally have reason to promote) and what is immoral (i.e., what is behavior we generally have reason to shun) is pretty much the same regardless. It needs a solid epistemological basis lest you're mistaken about how morality applies. For instance, if you want something to eat and you see a sandwich you might think you want that sandwich. But when you find out the sandwich is poisoned, it turns out you never actually wanted that sandwich. You were therefore mistaken about wanting the sandwich.
Okay. And how does this sandwich argument get you same-sex marriage? And I mean specifically same-sex marriage, not a sandwich, picking your nose, or Nazi propaganda.

Provided the actor is not mistaken about either of those statements, of course it's a good argument in favor of picking your nose. Paraphrasing your argument, you say that even though nose picking improves quality of life without harming anyone, we must prohibit it. Which is patently ridiculous.
My humble point is that picking your nose is neither marriage or a right. You seem to be saying it is both. I just charged you with these points, and you are not denying it. Which should make sane people worried...

Any valid counter-argument must show how it doesn't improve quality of life...
The kind of valid counter-argument you ask for would be a applicable to a valid argument. For now, you have not presented a valid argument. I don't consider it an argument as long as "quality of life" is undefined. You did not deny that it's undefined, so...

- It's not an argument. An argument contains defined terms. You have failed to define quality of life.
Quality of life is defined as the state of feeling dissatisfied while being in constant misery and pain.  :faint:
Again, how does this get you same-sex marriage? And I mean specifically same-sex marriage, not a sandwich, picking your nose,  or Nazi propaganda.

Look at your own "argument" again: "Same-sex marriage significantly improves quality of life for some people without harming anyone." How is this an argument for same-sex marriage specifically, and not for e.g. Nazi propaganda? Propaganda is merely verbal, so it cannot harm anyone, while it significantly improves the "quality of life" (i.e. personal satisfaction) of some people, namely Nazi sympathisers. There are likely more Nazi sympathisers than gays, so let's argue for this benefit, shall we.

With personal satisfaction anyone can justify anything. An important aspect of moral theories is precisely to prevent people from going down the exclusively selfish path.

Living in a society where violence might occur more or less at random (e.g., in a non-rechtsstaat) objectively reduces well-being.
Just a tiny little nuance here. Rechtsstaat or not, violence always occurs more or less at random. Some groups, such as gay priders, specifically invite contempt and random acts of violence.[1] The point with rechtsstaat is not that there's no violence, but that there's retribution for unjust violence. Agree?

Once you agree, I'll show you how this presupposes a moral theory entirely different from what you have been conjecturing here.
Particularly if you put priding into historical context. They were marching to revolutionise the concept of marriage, views of love and sex, etc. which used to be delicate topics and entrenched in the society. Any revolutionary should realise the direct chance of getting hit by a bullet. Gays don't have the balls to be revolutionaries, yet they want their pridefests...

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #222
This charge is utterly ludicrous because it applies to you, not to me. My definition of marriage is solidly connected to the biological fact that humans procreate heterosexually only. Is this not epistemological/empirical enough for you? Or else, what do you mean by "epistemological basis in reality"? I hesitate to ask this, because you have been dismal with definitions, yet you keep adding new undefined terms.
I don't know why you have such issues with people responding to your own red herrings. You charged my view of morality with not actually dealing with morality; I quipped that your supposed basis of morality is effectively fictional from my naturalist perspective.

My marriage isn't about procreation; it's about commitment. This includes commitment to future children, but why should I be judgmental of those who choose not to or who can't have children?

Okay. And how does this sandwich argument get you same-sex marriage? And I mean specifically same-sex marriage, not a sandwich, picking your nose, or Nazi propaganda.
It would save you from making claims like that gay marriage isn't natural.

The kind of valid counter-argument you ask for would be a applicable to a valid argument. For now, you have not presented a valid argument. I don't consider it an argument as long as "quality of life" is undefined. You did not deny that it's undefined, so...

Look at your own "argument" again: "Same-sex marriage significantly improves quality of life for some people without harming anyone." How is this an argument for same-sex marriage specifically, and not for e.g. Nazi propaganda?
It's not an argument for same-sex marriage specifically. That's the whole point. That notwithstanding, your Nazi propaganda example is even more ludicrous than your earlier pedophilia one. Unless, of course, you presuppose a counter-factual world where Nazi propaganda doesn't almost invariably lead to discrimination and violence. I don't know what's so hard about this to understand. Eating a grossdeliciously greasy hamburger every day might increase well-being in the short term, but in ten years when you're obese you'll regret it. And even though I meant this as an example of conflicting desires (i.e., the desire to be healthy and the desire to eat hamburgers), it also works as an analogy for Nazi propaganda. After all, in the short term it is at least conceivable that it would increase overall well-being as you asserted. It's only once the propaganda starts to take effect that the severely negative consequences will begin being felt.

With personal satisfaction anyone can justify anything. An important aspect of moral theories is precisely to prevent people from going down the exclusively selfish path.
It might be able to justify more than you like, but it certainly wouldn't be able to justify everything. Just think of the famous ESS (evolutionary stable strategy) where both grudgers and cheaters can be evolutionarily stable even though a particular stable ESS may have virtually zero chance of occurring naturally. I can't immediately think of a moral equivalent, except in the sense that the example itself seems to have a moral component. Assuming cheaters have a desire to cheat, it may well be moral to cheat in a population of cheaters provided they also have a desire for being properly cheated. It might be immoral in this society to cheat in an unsophisticated manner, for example. I shoot myself in the foot by using something normally condemnable as an example, but when you get right down to it I'm sure we'd have an equally hard time leaving our preconceptions at the door when you talk about Sisyphus finding purpose in his boulder (like in Camus).

The point with rechtsstaat is not that there's no violence, but that there's retribution for unjust violence. Agree?
And that's one of the last-resort tools we have for molding desires, but the basic tools are praise and condemnation. This remains true no matter what you think metaphysically or meta-ethically.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #223
The world is getting apart and they discuss about homosexuals...  :faint:
I wonder what historians and anthropologists 500 years in the future would say about these times.
So I let a message for the future historians - no, it was not my fault.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Same Sex Marriage

Reply #224
My definition of marriage is solidly connected to the biological fact that humans procreate heterosexually only.
In which case, it appears your definition of marriage is incorrect. At no point in human recorded history has marriage strictly been about procreation. An old man and old woman fall in love and marry. However, because of their age, they are unable to conceive children. Is their marriage somehow unnatural? Is their marriage somehow invalid?

Your definition also begs the question, why to we need the human population to continue increasing? If anything, it's "unnatural" for a species as large as human to occur in such numbers as it is.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal