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Topic: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending (Read 841 times)

Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

It has now been passed that public money will go out to provide free tampons and towels to women and girls all over Scotland in schools, colleges unis and other places. The bill is expected to be at least £24,000,000. The story behind this is to help poorer people even though covering all female people. Although obviously an important female it is somewhat warped to act as if there are not plenty of people capable of routinely paying these.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

Reply #1
Setting up a bureaucracy to perform income checks on distribution would likely cost at least as much as just giving it to all, besides keeping plenty of those who qualify away. Put another way, is it really such a bad thing if those who pay more taxes get some of the benefits from it? :)

Re: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

Reply #2
It is ridiculous and the figure amount I have quoted is coming from official announcements.  That in routine circumstances there are large numbers of people with okay income getting this dished out is ridiculous and if that was not bad enough now the young under 19 will get free bu travel costing £7,000,000 in Scotland.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

Reply #3
The bill is expected to be at least £24,000,000.
Very well, let's see:

24 Million dividing per 2.7 Million Scottish women and we have 8.8 pounds by woman. For an entire year, so 0,7 per month.
Put men also paying for it and it will be a megalomanian expense of 35 cents per person monthly.

You'll need a microscope for analyzing your cost management rjhowie.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

Reply #4
You are talking absolute nonsense Belfager even allowing from being from somewhere else. It is NOT millions of women it is over 500,000 as I did mention the general age groups from schools, colleges etc so does NOT mean all women at all for goodness sake. It is still an utterly ridiculous extra spending and falsely giving the impression than all young ones are poor. So get it right.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

Reply #5
You are talking absolute nonsense Belfager
Here it goes a little bit more...
I've heard that Scotland maintains their intention no matter Boris Johnson ensuring that he negotiated with the EU the end of menstruation in the UK. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Menstruation adds incredible millions to public spending

Reply #6
The whole matter is a massive waste of public money and by no means are all those affected automatically poor.
"Quit you like men:be strong"