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Topic: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November! (Read 2599 times)

Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Every year here in Gt Britain there are in early November great firework sales and in many places bonfires - although more so when i was a laddie rather than nowadays. It marks the attempt by a small group of Popish groaners who packed gunpowder under the Houses of parliament in London (old original ones) in an attempt to blow up the Protestant King, royals and the parliament at the State opening in 1605. Quite a stack of gunpowder had been smuggled downstairs. Never succeeded of course as what they were doing was discovered.  In places a dummy figure representing Guy Fawkes who was caught in the parliament basemen gets stuck on the top. Amusingly RC people are involved in the fireworks and fires too! Nowadays it is just the entertaining fun that is the main point.  ;)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #1
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England's overthrow.
But, by God's providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
A stick and a stake
For King James's sake!
If you won't give me one,
I'll take two,
The better for me,
And the worse for you.
A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,
A pint of beer to wash it down,
And a jolly good fire to burn him.
Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #3
Explode them. Yesterday as today the menace is the same.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #4
Been a noisy night of course but enjoyable!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #5
Paradise Papers leak reveals secrets of the world elite's hidden wealth

The project has been called the Paradise Papers. It reveals:

The disclosures will put pressure on world leaders, including Trump and the British prime minister, Theresa May, who have both pledged to curb aggressive tax avoidance schemes.

The Broken Heart of Africa
A power-hungry president, a cunning businessman, an influential ex-minister and the secretive Swiss mining giant Glencore: Why Congo remains dirt poor despite its abundant riches.

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #6
Interestingly on this deviation the Labour party pays a massive sum annually for it's HQ rent to a company that operates in a tax free place and one of the party's high people who is a neo-Marxist has a Pension in a same situation amongst other things that lot have been involved with. I wonder if that other neo-Marxist Corbyn will remember such when he wants Her Majesty to apologise?? Anyway I doubt very much that she actually involves in that kind of detail.

On the attempted mass killing by the evil gits in 1605 Guy Fawkes hated we Scots with a vengeance so I have not found it hard to sleep thinking of him......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #7
This SDZ article is less impressive: Bermuda? The Cayman Islands? Nope, the Netherlands!

The Dutch loophole, or usually more colourful names like the Dutch Sandwich is a well-known route to tax evasion. 

Furthermore British islands are notorious tax and shell company havens, but they are in the process of being eclipsed by the US mainland. The British and the Americans are probably the biggest recipients of dirty and blood money globally, not those flag of convenience states or strongman countries usually banded about as black money resorts. 

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #8
The tax loop holes don't look like disappearing any time soon!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #10
And the point is clever clogs (though i have an idea) ?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #11
When you ever get a situation when a Head of State has 80% rating then boast. HM does not see to her investments personally but would mention in passing that your President is no poor man......!
(That gracious lady is on my living room wall)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #12
That made me check. US presidents are both head of state and government. 

Obama never had it, Clinton never had it, Reagan, Carter, Ford and Nixon never had it. 

Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson touched it, came within 1% of 80% one or more times in their terms. 

The only three presidents to substantially cross 80% were Harry S. Truman, George Bush, and George Bush. Truman reach 87%. Bush reached 85.8% and Bush reached 86.8%. These three also had spectacular lows, 22.4%, 27.6%, and 25.2%. The only other president to come that low was Nixon, just before resigning at 25.1%. Carter once got as low as 28.9%. By comparison Trump's lowest low so far has been at 36.6% (with no poll below 30%), highest 47.8% (a few polls above 50%).

The reason is partisanship. To reach really high you need voters of the other party to like you, to reach really low you need voters of your own party to dislike you. Trump is not there. On the other hand, his disapproval rating is spectacular. George Bush reached the record of 70.9%, but that was after 7½ years. Trump reached 56.3% after ½ year. 

Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #13
(That gracious lady is on my living room wall)
Excellent idea to hang some of our dear elites. :up:
I'm not quite sure if the living room would be the right place though.


Re: Annual bonfire celebration 5th November!

Reply #14
You could never hang all of yours as apart from numbers  they control your place. At Her majesty's birthday national holiday day I lift a toast to her picture with a glass of (diet) Irn Bru, Scotland's favourite soft drink.
"Quit you like men:be strong"