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Messages - Josh M

DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy

I would not be so vocally anti-capitalist, if capitalism had a sound economic theory. Unfortunately capitalism does not have a sound economic theory.

The whole theory is built on the assumption of indefinite growth of production, consumption, and trade. This is of course untenable - even in theory. A sound theory would be built on satisying consumer needs (believe it or not, those needs are actually limited) based on the resources available. Even capitalist theory knows that the resources are limited, but they push for unsustainable hypes and hikes anyway because of alleged consumer demand. Naturally the boom is followed by the crash.

Another element that always caught my attention in capitalist theory was the mantra "price is information". This basically seems to mean "buy when it's cheap and sell when the price is up". This too is untenable - even in theory. In real economy, price is a contract. The buyer and seller agree on a price. When the price changes, it means that the agreement is off. When the agreement between the buyer and seller is off, there's zero trade, i.e. zero economy. Therefore the sustainable way is to keep prices steady, so that both decent people and capitalists alike will be safe from crashes.

Entirely agree. These thoughts frequently came on my mind too. Growth cannot be perpetual. At least not worldwide, neither perpetual in any single country. However, those who are living zero growth or low growth conditions are often dismissed as "the lost generations". But CPI (inflation figures) and GDP growth rates ... say usually nothing about 'how's life?' cause most GDP growth is benefited by tiny extremely wealthy group and ordinary people do not participate in such growth. If inflation is say about 1 percent or even 15 percent in some countries... and your money (wage for employment, retirement benefit, unemployment/social/housing/family benefits, investment income) is not getting up with the same rate (better with higher rate), people are becoming actually poorer than they were previously. Why central banks aims for 2 percent inflation (every year!!!!) ? And those crazy people who sitting at central banks always thinking that everything is fine. Yes. It is fine. (Just for them personally). Switzerland, Euro-zone, Japan and some few other examples show that 0 inflation figures does not harm economies. Exactly the opposite, its stabilizes individual savings, consumption, life planning etc. People are generally happier with 0 inflation. Negative inflation (deflation) is bad for manufacturing, corporations and employment. But very low (above zero) figures are OK for everyone.
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy
Quote from: Frenzie
Is that something different than laissez-faire capitalism or is it just a lack of the use of commonly accepted terminology? :P

I think that historical experience proven clearly that 'Laissez-faire' was major factor allowing situation of 'Robber Capitalism' in USA (18-19th Century), Britain and Netherlands (15-20th Century), Russia and Eastern Europe (from 1989 to nowadays). Rise of capitalism helped to intellectual and technological dominance over the rest of the world in colonial empires era, but it not resulted to the social cohesion and solidarity. These feautures came up from the scratch self-evidently without the need of capitalism itself.

In Czech Republic, we have had robber capitalism only for few years (1989 to about 1994) until proper market regulation, rule of law, independent justice courts, uncorrupted police, were strong enough to stop most of robber barons. Although, there are still rare cases of corruption and injustice, but is very improved. I never came up to single case of corruption in all my life. Czech Republic is increasingly better in Corruption Perception Index, though it would need some 30 or 60 years more of peace, democracy, capitalism, increased social welfare etc. to get where the TOP 5 countries are. But sadly such robber capitalism is still possible in lot of other countries now.

Countries which installed Laissez-faire policies, like vast majority of South America, Asia, and elsewhere, were always ending up stolen with few super-wealthy on top. The rest of population left behind with nothing. Lack of regulation, or more specifically lack of proper quality regulation caused 2007 Financial Crisis, and the Great Reccession 2008-?, European Sovereign Debt Crisis and all other monetary excesses of Central Banks. 'Invisible hand of free market' solves nothing. Free market is working from 33 percent, but the rest two thirds came up broken.
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy

Well. That is a result of Capitalism, what is almost as bad system as Socialism.

I always remember, in this regard, program created by Alexander Dubček in 1968 in Czechoslovakia, which was called 'Socialism with human face'. (in Czech language "Socialismus s lidskou tváří" It was his call and effort for more human-like form of Socialism in real terms of living. He was trying to reform Communist party from inside and create something more useful and fair than Socialist country realties in late 1960s. That was called "Prague Spring" ( However USSR and other Warsaw Pact' armies intervened by force and stopped that experiment very early.

Who knows if any such reform would resulted in something really good. Maybe we would not be tempted to call for 1989 Revolutions at all if we were really happy with 'Socialism with human face'. We can only speculate. Nothing more or less.

Who knows if any 'Capitalism with human face' would be ever developed in future.

We already know about 'Capitalism with normal face' (= mostly cruel one).

We already know about 'Capitalism with tyrannical face' (= current China, Russia, Brazil, India, most non-EU countries in Europe, and perhaps some less happy EU countries too).

Who knows if any good system will be at some point in future discovered and applied on all the Earth, not only for some 20 or 40 relatively lucky countries.
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy

That is description of perfect world of Communism, which history proven never materialized. The 'Real Communism' is unachievable. The 'Real Socialism' as it were in Eastern Europe 25 years ago was hundreds miles away of such ideal condition.

Nah, it's been pretty much implemented in all of the most livable countries in the world. We were de facto more socialist than the "socialist" east when the Wall fell.

Capitalist model of 'Welfare state' is still far away from 'Classless society', how ersi described such perfect world. I read many indexes, statistics, and even in Nordic countries, there is significant number of very poor people. Especially in more liberal capitalist economies like Denmark and Norway. Finland, Sweden and Iceland do regulate markets more, and in this regard, much better in number of low class than the other 2 states.
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy
Quote from: ersi
The population will always be there according to the amount of resources and the way the resources are distributed. The population will be appropriate, neither low or high.

Nope. In reality, humanity already 2x or 3x surpassed natural level of Earth exploitation capacity. See more for Happy Planet Index and Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity per person, Earth is already under heavy weight exploitation. That is why scientists recently debate about renaming current geological era to 'Anthropocene'. Hopefully it will not be the last age for Humans. Planet Earth will certainly survive. Not so sure if humanity will achieve it.
Quote from: ersi
In danger, people become overwhelmed by survival instinct. In misery people tend to breed like rats to ensure the survival of the species. This is why poor countries have high birth rates.

I knew about that. This phenomenon has some official name. I cannot remember it. By the way, in my opinion, it is absolute nonsense and highly irrational behavior. I would expect the exact opposite. If someone cannot feed 1 child and not fully provide all the care necessary until adulthood, how can they afford even more children? They simply cannot 'breed like rats'. Unlike rats, people are intelligent (or should be) and count pros and cons and find if they can afford to have another child. If they bear a child with intention to left such child in the same poverty condition as they have, such parents are stupid and their kids will be the same as their parents, and result of it is as I wrote before ('dump people with no usefulness for whole society.'). If parents cannot provide for children, they simply should not to allow a birth in first place. Willingly expose a newborn baby to the poverty condition should be a crime. Better is if they use contraception and never allow other generation to suffer poverty of their parents on its own again.
Quote from: ersi
Pretty simple economic principle, don't you think?

That is description of perfect world of Communism, which history proven never materialized. The 'Real Communism' is unachievable. The 'Real Socialism' as it were in Eastern Europe 25 years ago was hundreds miles away of such ideal condition.
Browsers & Technology / Re: Keeping an eye on Opera
Quote from: Frenzie

Current order:
1. Opera/Presto
2. Firefox and Otter
3. Netsurf
4. Opera/Blink and SeaMonkey
5. Various other Webkit and/or Blink browsers (not Chromium, that's lower)

eLinks would probably go just ahead of Netsurf if I'd said browsers in general.

SeaMonkey is a very advanced browser.

Unlike other Gecko-based browsers, which are mostly obsolete trash, SeaMonkey is always properly updated to the latest version of Gecko core. The core has the same frequency of upgrades as Firefox. (SeaMonkey 2.31 stable = Firefox 34.0 stable), (SeaMonkey 2.34a1 nightly = Firefox 37.0a1 nightly)

But SeaMonkey it is not just '2nd Firefox'. It can be the ultimate Firefox or even more than Firefox itself.

SeaMonkey has its own native addons!

There is also SeaMonkey Sync! (alike similar feature in other browsers, such as Chrome Sync, Firefox Sync)

Some addons are Firefox-only, Thunderbird-only. But now is here new tool to convert them for SeaMonkey!!!
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy
Quote from: Frenzie
I think it's more a problem of the phrase being misunderstood. Multiculturalism (the melting pot, etc.) means you largely adopt or at least accept our norms and values and maybe we also change ours the tiniest bit, but we like to taste your food and your clothes bring variety to our streets. But both proponents and opponents often seem to be talking about pluriformalism instead

The problem is that new population often do not want to assimilate into our society, values, legal law system. I am not saying that they must become Christians, but at least, they should adhere all other rules of the game in Europe. Nigerians, Afghans, Turkish, - most of them- they simply keep living the way of life as they were used in their original countries. They do not respect our law system and prefer either Islam or African tribal traditions. That makes it incompatible for integration and assimilation into Europe. ( I do not want to generalize about all individuals, but the problem with integration is that is largely unsuccessful. Closed and segregated communities, unemployment, all sort of crimes, and potential of would-be-terorists mentality is simply unsuccessful result of immigration policies in highly developed countries. This result is even more unhappy when we take into account also the fact, that there is 'positive discrimination' policy (or affirmative action) of favoring members of a disadvantaged group. Black or poor-country origin people are therefore preferred and have some kind of advantages over indigenous population) in most Western countries. The word "disadvantaged" makes you real paradise-like scenario if you are happy-enough to allegedly regarded by your government as being a 'disadvantaged'. All other people do not have any such advantages and are left behind with nothing. In other words, if you are relatively poor or average guy in every of 28 states of the EU, you are regarded as rich-enough and get nothing from government. If you are coming from outside the EU, and your country is regarded as a poor developing country, you may be eligible to get a lot of money for free.

As author=ersi pointed out, it had happened to indigenous population of the Americas. Indeed. It has happened in all newly discovered continents. (The Americas, Australia and Oceania). That disaster was caused by White Europeans' immigration. They replaced indigenous population + mixed races together. Something similar is happening again. Right now in Europe. But this time is different. European white population is not replacing, but is being replaced (substituted) by more fertile immigrant population from Africa and Asia.
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy
Quote from: ersi
To take a concrete example, I am from a Baltic country. The Baltic countries are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The populations are respectively 1 million, 2 million, and 3 million. Each has lost half a million people in the course of last 25 years, i.e. add half a million and you will have the population of 25 years ago.

I am from the Czech Republic. Immigration is not big deal here since the country has, in my opinion, 'just right' policy. We have 'Net Migration Rate' ( in 'positive', what means more people are coming to Czechia than fleeing away. However, the most recent estimates say that in the year 2100, it would be 6,5 mil. nation instead of 10,5 mil. nation nowadays (about 40-years highs). That means, immigration shall be much greater than now in order to sustain a population on pure replacement-only ratio. Many sociologist and demographics experts even expressed joyful comments after release of this news. I personally prefer low population as it creates more opportunity for those remnants alive. Recently, there is too much of competition for jobs, education, social status in society. No previous generations were in such huge competition for resources situation as recent generations are in. Resources on planet Earth are also limited and not bottomless. There are 7 billion people and still raising. Human overpopulation is sourced only by poor developing countries. Governments should ensure policy of 'quality' of its population instead of 'quantity'. It is vain if family has 7 children, while all those kids are dump people with no usefulness for whole society.
Quote from: ersi

Did you make this video? :)

No, I am not user/bringbackmydemocracy. Unfortunately or thankfully. I just encountered it somewhat accidentally after reviewing my favorite YouTube subscription feed channels (like "TestTube" user/TestTubeNetwork).

Also I reviewed this other video Islam is culturally incompatible with European values. As they say, Multi-Culturalism has failed.
DnD Central / Re: Finding the best system of economy
Hello all,
Frequent stereotype about migrants (especially from Asian and African countries) is that high level of immigration is not good for original indigenous population in Europe and elsewhere. However, many agree that immigration is supportive for each economy and create additional source of diversification in innovation, culture, and even a genetic diversity in humans. That all is very hard to solve, rather unsolvable to find the real truth behind that. But take a look on pure numbers and demographics. How many children do you have? How many children your friends, relatives etc. have? Are you classic example of White European ethnicity? = single with no children, like me? Do you know anyone with Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq origin to have 7 children in the EU member state? Is our welfare, freedom, human rights, solidarity, etc. causing us more vulnerable and even infertile? 'White European' ethnicity likely to be scarce in future. Should we care? Does it even matter? Looking for your interesting inputs and viewpoints!
Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread
Quote from: Frenzie

I cannot mind all about Gnome from 1 review from October 2012. It is absolutely irrelevant nowadays to Gnome and especially to Gnome 3.14.2. And even so, it was only experience of single customer, what is always statistically unproven.

Every operating system and every desktop environment has its own negative reviews. As I said in my previous replies, something bad occurs to few percent of customers and nobody knows why. My horrible experience with Windows may be diminished by positive no-problem experiences of thousands others. The same applies for Linux users. I first encountered to Linux in about 2005 or so, and always gone back to Windows, at least four times until I tried it for longer than short weeks. Gradual year-over-year experience made up more than trying. That is how it works. No user is perfect and all-knowing. Neither desktop environments are perfect from initial release. It is a gradual process. Sometimes it is a progress. Sometimes it is a degress. I hope that future generations (if any) will not blame us for their Social Degress.
Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread
Quote from: Frenzie
I could write down a lot of stuff, but I'm probably in 99% agreement with Dedoimedo. See e.g.
Sure, those who liked Gnome 2 are probably using Cinnamon or MATE. But Gnome 3 (latest stable is 3.14.2) have also lot of pros. Debian, Fedora and many others are using Gnome as a default. Not by accident.
Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread
Quote from: Frenzie
If it's worse, get away from me with that junk.
I agree. Windows 8.x have lot of doubtful novelties. But Windows 7 and all older ones are also slow, insecure, and nothing-work OS. Also, I experienced repeatedly 'Windows Update' errors on Windows 8.1 (my friend's computer). The updates are trying to install and cycling again and again, even when is self-evident something is wrong with the update! The only solution was just disable and hide that updates altogether to avoid cycling spiral again. My legally bought Windows 7.x is claiming to be illegal license! This error can happens to few legal customers, just google it for 'Windows Not Genuine, even though Copy is Purchased' and after few months of trying to fix it, I resigned. The Copy is activated and registered, with license key. But... something with the Windows is always wrong. Newly bought computer with Windows contains lot of bloatware that I must manually uninstall with good uninstaller. .... and so on, and so on. .... Some people say: 'Hey, it will be great and all fixed with Windows 10. Just wait.' ... But who believes that? ..... Also, how Linux is doing software repositories and packages management. In Windows I have to update all applications separately and most of them even download separately. Getting Windows up-to-date takes usually full one day or more to update everything and clean all the mess behind. In Linux I just write few words in terminal and that's it! Software management in Linux is incredibly efficient. Nothing compares.

Quote from: Frenzie
Getting used to Gnome Shell or Windows 8? Heck no, they hate people who have actual things to do.
Not sure why you think that bad about GNOME, but generally to paraphrase first part of this last post from me: 'Wait for Windows 10. Everythin will be perfect.' ... if you believe that  :D
Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread
Quote from: Frenzie

If a GUI requires you to do twice as much moving and clicking that's a significant disadvantage not only to simple efficiency, but also to your basic health through the risk of RSI and increased eye strain. And in any case, decreased efficiency also negatively affects your life because you're spending more time doing meaningless busywork.
Hmmm. Very scientific speech!  :jester: ... Yes. I generally prefer more sophisticated and more feature-rich desktop environments, with many pre-installed apps. GNOME and KDE are the top in such custom measure. While Xfce and LXDE are quite poorer, low-end and old computers needs such simple environments to ensure its limited resources available for best performance. The nice about Linux is plenty of choice.
Quote from: Frenzie
I suggest you ask them how to shut down their computer.
Yep. New adopters and unskilled users can have had, at first, problem to find a way ho to do it. ... I mentioned it in accordance of my opinion that most computer users are able to adapt and get used to on previously unknown desktop environment. Suchlike many first-time critics of Ubuntu Unity are now fully satisfied. I believe that the same applies for every DE and every OS. This theory only suppose both the GUI and OS are good-enough for average user.
Browsers & Technology / Re: General Unix/Linux Thread
Quote from: ersi
In my opinion, Manjaro provides the best Xfce, certainly the best-looking one. Mint is a close second. Others are far behind.

You may be right that Manjaro is the best Xfce option.

As for me, I used many desktop environments and to be fair enough, I can be happy with each one of them. Human is able to get used to on every desktop gui. I even heard about amazingly happy customers of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 upgrading from Windows XP. Also, the same appears for new adopters of Mac OS X. As for Linux, it does not much really matter if user prefer Unity, KDE, GNOME, LXDE (soon LXQt), Enlightenment, Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce or something else).

Recently I am using Xfce-based Xubuntu 14.10 (I installed it from Daily builds repos about a year ago There are links for every other Ubuntu family distros. For example, Lubuntu is here Everything else can be find in parrent directory

I heard about Manjaro a lot. It is quite high in ranking, and also it attracts me the fact, that Manjaro is based upon Arch Linux with much more user-friendly installation and using processes. Manjaro is certainly on my check list. I only dislike a bit slow implementation of new stable packages. In latest stable version of Manjaro (0.8.10 stable), I can get only Firefox 32.0.3, libreoffice 4.3.2, gnome-shell 3.12.2, kdelibs 4.14.1, linux 3.17.0, which are all obsolete versions. Although, particular packages concerning XFCE (xfdesktop) is currently in version 4.11.8, while the last stable is 4.10.3. However, it is true that Manjaro 0.8.11 RC is making things newer, but generally I feel that original Arch Linux is doing better job than Manjaro do in keeping packages rolling stable.
Browsers & Technology / Re: Keeping an eye on Opera
I cannot agree with those of you here who are saying that modern Opera (based on Chromium) is plain rubbish.

Opera 27 dev (you can try stable/beta/dev chanells from is one of the finest browsers out there. Sure, is much less potent than Opera 12.x (based on Presto), but the speed is singificantly different and new features are coming every build. There are addons/extensions for Opera too.

I am worried that one day in future, (perhaps in time of about Opera 30 stable) it may happen my default browser again. However, Firefox is still in big margin in every field.

Unfortunatelly (at least for me), there are only Linux 64-bit builds of all Opera chanells currently with low chance to ever see 32-bit coming back from Opera software. (( The same happened with SRWare Iron -- what is fork of Chromium -- last month. They just decided it is no longer worth of their time to even creating 32-bit build for Linux due to lower usage of 32-Bit Versions on Linux. [I doubt this reasoning] ))

Many software projects throwing away 32-bit builds alike. No. I am not going to either install Windows nor buy new laptop just for the sake of being able to test 64-bit builds of Opera browser in Linux.

Luckily, Otter browser's developers keep making 32-bit builds for Linux.

Otter is still in its bleeding-edge phase of developement, but I am confident that Otter project has its firm values based on old Opera 12.x and interesting potential to go.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Feature Requests
 :yes: I meant ersi for my previous response.

Stop blocking ads on my favourite websites of any kind, providers of free information or free software projects is my personal philosophy, and that is just one of many other possible ways how to 'get involved' and 'to support'. The other way is to be a developer, like you guys. :hat: And also some other ways like 'spread the word' or 'tweets' over social media etc. So that's why I asked on howto white-list some websites from content blocking feature (also known as 'adblock').

I also made few other suggestions  :idea: what should be improved the most in Otter. Especially concerning 'download manager' and 'bookmark manager'.

Anyway, people here posted many 'Feature Requests' and TODO list already contains a big targets
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Feature Requests
Quote from: beastie

ersi is most likely referring to the --profile command line option, e.g.:
otter-browser --profile /tmp/otter/config

Thanks. I found that desktop icon Otter in Ubuntu is running from here: /usr/local/bin/otter-browser %u
Otter always creates temporary file here: /tmp/Otter-03ee89c4ab4c49d564ad48a39a945963 . The file dissapears after closing Otter.
Quote from: beastie

There's a .config (hidden) directory in your home directory.

Yep. I found it there: /home/marwyn/.config/otter/
I tried edit subscribed language in folder named adblock (with "!" + "domain name"), but not much success in it. What code should I write to show ads (adblock inactive) on specific websites? (white-listed domains) Is there any manual HOWTOs for Otter's built-in adblock?
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Feature Requests
Quote from: ersi
Have you tried downloading with different profiles?

The link you provided is exactly the same what is happening to me. I encountered this issue with all previous builds I installed, though I did not reported it cause I registered this forum just recently.

Which 'different profile' do you mean? I suppose you don't mean and logins. You probably mean merely browser's user-data profile. If so, I use only default profile.

Quote from: ersi
When you take a look in the profile directory, there's an adblock folder with text files in it. With ! you can comment out the URL that you don't want there.

I don't know where the profile is stored.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Feature Requests
Also, please add custom white-listing for ads from some urls. I would like to allow some websites and domains to opt-out from content blocking feature. It would be more convenient use with it.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: Feature Requests
Field for file name remains empty if user wants download a file. No file name and no file type. Instead of naming file as e.g. "otter-browser_0.9.04-dev45_i386.deb", the browser attempts to download unnamed files. (what is impossible task anyway). Moreover, Otter crashes almost each time when attemting to downlad any file on different websites.

This bug is likely there from the start of Otter project. Many months I am using other browsers for downlading new Otter builds.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: copy/move/delete more than 1 bookmark
Cannot copy/move/delete more than 1 bookmark

It can create a new bookmarks folder, but it can hadle only 1 bookmark at time. Organizing a lot of bookmarks is essentialy needed. Bookmark manager in Otter is without this feauture unusable.
Otter Browser Forum / Re: WebKit for Otter

What annoys me about Midori is that it identifies itself with different AppleWebKit version numbers depending on what browser it tries to mimic, none of which has anything to do with the actual webkit version in use.

How do you know which actual version Midori use? Is it possible that Otter do that false by default too? I believe every browser should be proud of itself instead trying to pretend to be a "generic mess".

In case of Midori I have been able to manually add it via terminal to my repository.  There is stable branch and dev. At least with dev version, there is possibility to "identify as Midori" (instead of "Default" settings, while other options are even more messy).