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Topic: Keeping an eye on Opera (Read 177548 times)

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #400

So in Firefox, how would one do something that's extremely simple in Opera like
Code: [Select]
Button6, "InFx"="Execute program, "firefox", "%u", "InFx", "Firefox""

In other words, I want to execute a program on my computer (like another browser, youtube-dl, etc.) with the URL of the page I'm looking at as an argument.......

Do you have the Custom Buttons Addon, & if you do I have an 'Open-In Browser' button that does just that.

You can use it in conjunction with another button & have all your 'Open-In-Browser'  buttons in a drop down menu (a stacker button which is a drop down menu of other non-menu type buttons)

Code: [Select]


var appName = "Browser Name goes Here";
var regRoot = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
var regKey = "";
var regValue = "";
var appExe = "";
var branch = "Browsers Name goes Here";
var url = gBrowser.currentURI;

this.LaunchApp(appName, regRoot, regKey, regValue, appExe, branch, url);

Code: [Select]

/*Initialization Code*/

function isSupported(aURI) {
  var mSchemes = ["file", "ftp", "http", "https"];
  return mSchemes.indexOf(aURI.scheme) > -1;

this.LaunchApp = function(aName, aReg, aKey, aValue, aExe, aBranch, aURI) {
  if(!isSupported(aURI)) {
    alert("Unsupported URI scheme '" + aURI.scheme + "'!");

  var prefString = "custombuttons.lauchApp." + aBranch;
  var path2exe;
  try {
    path2exe = gPrefService.getCharPref(prefString);
  } catch(ex) {
    try {
      var winReg = Components.classes[";1"]
                    .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsRegKey);, aKey, Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsRegKey.ACCESS_READ);
      path2exe = winReg.readStringValue(aValue) + aExe;
    } catch(ex) {
      const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
      var fp = Components.classes[';1']
      fp.init(window, "Set " + aName + "Directory", nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
      if( == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) path2exe = fp.file.path;
      else return;

  gPrefService.setCharPref(prefString, path2exe);

  var app = Components.classes[";1"]

  var process = Components.classes[";1"]
  process.init(app);, [aURI.spec], 1);

} = '.65';
this.setAttribute("onmouseover", "custombuttons.ButtonBrt(event);" );
this.setAttribute("onmouseout", "custombuttons.ButtonDim(event);" );

this.setAttribute("author",'LouCypher'); // Stores Author.
this.setAttribute("version",'20060814.00');                                                 // Stores Version.
this.setAttribute('homepage', '');
this.setAttribute("dependency",'FF 2.0.*,CB 2.0.*'); // Stores Dependency.
this.setAttribute("status",'Complete'); // Stores Devstatus.
this.setAttribute("public",true); // Stores Public.

Here's the code for the 'Open-In Browser Button', or as the author called it 'The Browser Launch Button'

This button, when clicked the first time, will ask you for the location of your desired browsers executable location. When you complete that it will thereafter open your valid URL from your FireFox address-bar in the browser of your choice. You need an open url in Firefox when you click this button otherwise you'll get an error message.

I have quite a few buttons that still work in the new FireFox (some with modification), so if you need something simple just PM me or post here, & when I can I'll get back to ya when I read it.

JFYI - I'm not a programmer, I just trial & error cut & pastes when I need something simple.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #401
Installed Opera 25 yesterday.
Will install it today.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #402

Installed Opera 25 yesterday.
Will install it today.

Are you installing Opera on a daily basis?
In that case you could open a new thread like: "What's going on in Portugal?"  :D

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #404
I don't know how people get anything done in browsers other than Opera/Presto. I can't even find features as basic as semi-workable bookmarks or the links panel.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #405
What most people need is just a basic content reader.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #406
Looks like Stash is being dumped from Chropera

How does it affect you, those who use Chropera?

I don't know how people get anything done in browsers other than Opera/Presto. I can't even find features as basic as semi-workable bookmarks or the links panel.

What are semi-workable (or workable) bookmarks like?

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #407
Not sure what Frenzie meant, but for me semi-workable is something like Bookmarks/Bookmarks-Manager in Opera Presto (which could be improved - therefore Semi) but for which I also found no other Browser that has the same usability as OPresto had achieved in this context (combined/working together with the sidebar/notes/links/etc. panels) :chef:
Just the basics - Bookmark/Bookmark Here in the Bookmarks Menu (Did I mentioned that there is no way (for me) to work without a menu bar?) - something Firefox comes close to but is somehow not quite in reach of OPresto and then the Bookmarks Manager itself - simple structure (alike to Windows User/desktop, etc.) alike to folder/file style - but just the ability of sorting+that sort "by my order" actually works is/was IMHO unrivaled.
And maybe one can say - that this is just one of the many points where I(/us) old user(s) are simply stucked with my(our) workflow and may well be neglected in more modern times for the benefit of the next generation of users (in Tron context I would merely consider them as Apps), but for me with my roots in an earlier generation there is, at the moment, no browser which comes close to Opera Presto and all of it's minor but important Details in usability and customizability - that combined with M2 and there still is no competitor which can rival it (unless you are a Mobile or Tablet user (and have learned to live with less), but I do hope that we are talking desktop here).

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #408
What are semi-workable (or workable) bookmarks like?

Opera/Presto has the best but it used to be better prior to 10.50. Firefox and Otter approximate parts of it here and there. Anything else is pretty much a disaster. I'm talking about everything from bookmarks management to panel to nicknames to addressbar presentation. Heck, include Opera Link and Opera Mobile/Presto because Mobile Firefox has horrible bookmarks, which is odd given how its desktop version is second-best.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #409

Opera/Presto has the best but it used to be better prior to 10.50.

You mean prior to speed dial? Or was there something else you hate besides the speed dial?

I'm talking about everything from bookmarks management to panel to nicknames to addressbar presentation. Heck, include Opera Link and Opera Mobile/Presto because Mobile Firefox has horrible bookmarks, which is odd given how its desktop version is second-best.

FF bookmarking is second-best probably as a historical remnant from Mozilla. To be changed at a random date, I guess. I'm still amazed how FF left the setting Browser.tabs.closeButtons there, but took its effects away.

I have formerly written a fair overview of Opera's bookmarking. Anything missing there? Anything you want to add?

By the way, bookmarking is an important separate topic. Maybe lift it apart from this thread.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #410
What most people need is just a basic content reader.

Perhaps, but that's why Microsoft has both Wordpad and Word. You could go on with that list for a while. Yet they only have one Internet Explorer. That in itself isn't necessarily surprising — there is no Microsoft Photoshop — but I'm not sure if anyone besides Opera was even trying. Maybe Mozilla before Firefox became their main browser.

You mean prior to speed dial? Or was there something else you hate besides the speed dial?

I'm fine with speed dial, which I believe was introduced in 9.x (although I had it disabled for years). It fulfills the same purpose as the bookmarks toolbar for my wife and nicknames for myself. It's more the relevance of the search results in autocompleting search engines and history being, well, not all that relevant anymore. Nitpickingly you could say I'm complaining about the addressbar, but it's the bookmark functionality that suffers from it either way.

I have formerly written a fair overview of Opera's bookmarking. Anything missing there? Anything you want to add?

I'd be hard-pressed to call something like "open all in folder" a nice extra. Anyway, that's a nice post. I'd just add some addressbar-related bookmarks interaction.

By the way, bookmarking is an important separate topic. Maybe lift it apart from this thread.

It might be a better idea simply to start a new topic on the Otter forum if desired? I was just lamenting that I was browsing around in Firefox and I saw no other way to quickly copy fifteen URLs than to open the site in Opera. Yes, yes, I'm sure there's probably an extension that does it. Perhaps it even works in the current version of Firefox. But that gets old rather soon.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #411
I was just lamenting that I was browsing around in Firefox and I saw no other way to quickly copy fifteen URLs than to open the site in Opera. Yes, yes, I'm sure there's probably an extension that does it.

Only 15? 

Give Session Manager a go, it's quite easy, & I've used it for years for specific group, multi-url saves.

99% of the time its simply just one click away.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised once you finish stumbling around.

You'll prolly figure it all out way easier than my non-techno mind could ever hope to explain it.

I'm using the latest Pale Moon Portable (   non-Australis  ) v25.1.0, & Session Manager works fine in it.

I haven't bothered with anything newer than FF Portable v30.0 Australis, but it works fine in there too.

[glow=blue,2,300]SESSION MANAGER [/glow]

According to it's latest version   v0.8.1.6    it touts being compatible up to FF v36, it's updated quite regularly, & via its support site(s), it's refreshingly well documented too.

JFYI ..... I've used it to save & successfully reopen way in excess of 15 urls at once ... more like 30+/-, but FF does labor with opening that many tabs especially with all the bloated, over-the-top content websites are using lately.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #412
I cannot agree with those of you here who are saying that modern Opera (based on Chromium) is plain rubbish.

Opera 27 dev (you can try stable/beta/dev chanells from is one of the finest browsers out there. Sure, is much less potent than Opera 12.x (based on Presto), but the speed is singificantly different and new features are coming every build. There are addons/extensions for Opera too.

I am worried that one day in future, (perhaps in time of about Opera 30 stable) it may happen my default browser again. However, Firefox is still in big margin in every field.

Unfortunatelly (at least for me), there are only Linux 64-bit builds of all Opera chanells currently with low chance to ever see 32-bit coming back from Opera software. (( The same happened with SRWare Iron -- what is fork of Chromium -- last month. They just decided it is no longer worth of their time to even creating 32-bit build for Linux due to lower usage of 32-Bit Versions on Linux. [I doubt this reasoning] ))

Many software projects throwing away 32-bit builds alike. No. I am not going to either install Windows nor buy new laptop just for the sake of being able to test 64-bit builds of Opera browser in Linux.

Luckily, Otter browser's developers keep making 32-bit builds for Linux.

Otter is still in its bleeding-edge phase of developement, but I am confident that Otter project has its firm values based on old Opera 12.x and interesting potential to go.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #413
Only 15? 

Give Session Manager a go, it's quite easy, & I've used it for years for specific group, multi-url saves.

99% of the time its simply just one click away.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised once you finish stumbling around.

You'll prolly figure it all out way easier than my non-techno mind could ever hope to explain it.

I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I was talking about URLs on webpages. The exact number hardly matters. What works conveniently for 2 or 3 URLs doesn't work well for 15. What works conveniently for 15 works equally well for 100 (or at least the Links panel does).

But regarding Session Manager, as far as I can tell it produces a JSON file, not something I can easily transfer into a document or a bibliography. However, there are one or more extensions that can copy the URLs of all currently open tabs.

I cannot agree with those of you here who are saying that modern Opera (based on Chromium) is plain rubbish.

I believe I've been saying that Opera has become the very best Chromium available. Admittedly that is damning it with faint praise, but heck, it' s a lot better than a year ago. It's superior to vanilla Fx, but with as little as Tab Mix Plus Fx does manage to pull ahead of Opera with some Konami code settings. Perhaps it's roughly equal, but the very concept of the Konami code to access basic required functionality works against Opera.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #414
I just noticed that Opera/Blink now has extended lazy setting loading (opera://flags/#extended-lazy-session-loading). This might well be the first thing implemented in Opera/Blink that I want that wasn't in Opera/Presto.

Anyway, I enabled usage info in the hopes that it'll add some statistic to all of the Konami-madness and flags I've enabled.

In other news, I had to remove Opera Mobile/Blink from my phone again on account of it guzzling up too much space.

Edit: trying to use it as a main browser on my laptop for testing purposes was going reasonably well with the features that have slowly accumulated, but I quickly ran into a PDF file (link). It opens in the browser. Annoying. Managing filetypes? I don't think it can be done. You know what browser can still manage filetypes? Firefox. Anyway, so click the download icon and that's it. But no, double-clicking the downloaded file opens in Opera/Blink once more! Only by right-click > show in folder can I actually get the PDF to open in a PDF viewer of my choice. Not good enough for third place as a graphical browser, which I thought it was heading toward before this fiasco.[1] Sorry, bro. But at least it moved up a spot away from fifth place.

[1] Current order:
1. Opera/Presto
2. Firefox and Otter
3. Netsurf
4. Opera/Blink and SeaMonkey
5. Various other Webkit and/or Blink browsers (not Chromium, that's lower)

eLinks would probably go just ahead of Netsurf if I'd said browsers in general.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #415
Opera 26 was officially released for Linux earlier today. It will not automatically replace our beloved Opera/Presto:
Quote from: Ruari
To replace Opera 12.16 with the latest version, search for the opera-stable package in your Software Center. Alternatively, if you prefer the command line, issue the following in a terminal window:
Code: [Select]
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install opera-stable

If this does not work for you, please read “Is Opera available for my Linux distribution”.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #416
Quote from: Frenzie

Current order:
1. Opera/Presto
2. Firefox and Otter
3. Netsurf
4. Opera/Blink and SeaMonkey
5. Various other Webkit and/or Blink browsers (not Chromium, that's lower)

eLinks would probably go just ahead of Netsurf if I'd said browsers in general.

SeaMonkey is a very advanced browser.

Unlike other Gecko-based browsers, which are mostly obsolete trash, SeaMonkey is always properly updated to the latest version of Gecko core. The core has the same frequency of upgrades as Firefox. (SeaMonkey 2.31 stable = Firefox 34.0 stable), (SeaMonkey 2.34a1 nightly = Firefox 37.0a1 nightly)

But SeaMonkey it is not just '2nd Firefox'. It can be the ultimate Firefox or even more than Firefox itself.

SeaMonkey has its own native addons!

There is also SeaMonkey Sync! (alike similar feature in other browsers, such as Chrome Sync, Firefox Sync)

Some addons are Firefox-only, Thunderbird-only. But now is here new tool to convert them for SeaMonkey!!!

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #417
But SeaMonkey it is not just '2nd Firefox'. It can be the ultimate Firefox or even more than Firefox itself.

I preferred what wasn't called SeaMonkey then up to at least Firefox version 2. It was the Mozilla Suite with an extension to improve tab management, which was later integrated into the core for the first SeaMonkey release. Nevertheless I thought SeaMonkey was left behind by e.g. Firefox' superior cookies management. The very same superior features they've been trying to hide and/or strip out in Firefox 4+. It's true, SeaMonkey is a decent alternative. But in spite of all its flaws, these days I still seem to prefer Firefox with Tab Mix Plus as a secondary/tertiary browser. The thing is, I thought Mozilla was left in the dust by Opera 7.x and for me the distance only increased over the years (although it might've decreased slightly in 10.50+). :)

I should perhaps add that I've been slowly migrating away from Opera/Presto. I now keep all of my notes in Zim, whereas previously I used a combination of Opera Notes and plain text files (NB Zim == plain text files). I've been looking around for a new aggregator, although Liferea doesn't completely hold my fancy and I'm still using Opera for that. For mail I've long since switched to Thunderbird in the form of Icedove. I'm starting to approach the point where if it weren't for bookmarks, I could probably live with switching browsers. I just don't understand why other browsers don't get bookmarks.


Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #418

but I quickly ran into a PDF file (link). It opens in the browser. Annoying. Managing filetypes? I don't think it can be done. You know what browser can still manage filetypes? Firefox.

Firefox gives you a second option to prevent PDFs opening in your browser.
about:config -> pdfjs.disabled;true

Current order:
1. Opera/Presto
2. Firefox and Otter
3. Netsurf

Mine is:
1. Opera[Presto]
2. Firefox[ESR]
3. K-Meleon

Edit: Is Olli out or is he still working for Opera AS?

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #419

I cannot agree with those of you here who are saying that modern Opera (based on Chromium) is plain rubbish.

Plain rubbish or not -  each to their own.

Whatever, in case you are not short of memory you'll probably remember statements like: just a change under the hood, average users won't even notice.  :jester:

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #420
Firefox gives you a second option to prevent PDFs opening in your browser.
about:config -> pdfjs.disabled;true

All things considered opening in the browser by default is better for me than opening it with a plugin. What really annoyed me is that somehow downloading the file still opens it in Opera. Although I also quite dislike the download lack of dialog and such.

Edit: Is Olli out or is he still working for Opera AS?

I believe he's working for Vivaldi, why?

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #421

All things considered opening in the browser by default is better for me than opening it with a plugin.

Even better to open in dedicated applications, you can configure.

What really annoyed me is that somehow downloading the file still opens it in Opera.

Chropera seems to be a stubborn fellow. :D

Although I also quite dislike the download lack of dialog and such.

You could set Firefox to ask where to save files and then it would prompt even for PDFs.

I believe he's working for Vivaldi, why?

Just asking.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #422
Even better to open in dedicated applications, you can configure.

That's what I was complaining about in the first place, so I think it's obvious that I agree. :P

You could set Firefox to ask where to save files and then it would prompt even for PDFs.

I know… ;) I mean, I've been using Firefox since it was called Phoenix in version 0.3 or 0.4 so I'm reasonably familiar with how to manipulate it. I wasn't very impressed back then, but in a way I guess you could say they've gone back to the core. I never saw the point over Mozilla, except maybe in the sense of splitting up the applications that didn't seem to have much integration besides sharing some libraries anyway.

Opera has a few default things that feel like Opera, such as flip back/forward and F8. Of course, so does Otter. Anyway, that just means it gains some points as a tertiary browser. I want to spend as little time configuring my peripheral browsers as possible. Well, same for my main browser, but there it kind of builds up over time.

Re: Keeping an eye on Opera

Reply #424
It's a pity the bookmarks are inherently touch-oriented and are still missing nicknames.

I do actually think Stash or something like it makes conceptual sense. I often leave pages open that I still want to read sometime later, but I don't want to bookmark them either. Bookmarking them and then deleting the bookmark would be workable, but it'd also be annoying. That doesn't mean I thought Stash was missing functionality. As I said above, "[Lazy Session Loading] might well be the first thing implemented in Opera/Blink that I want that wasn't in Opera/Presto." It just means I can see its conceptual niche.

The problem was that Opera seemed to think Stash's niche could somehow cover all of bookmarks, when in truth it's bookmarks, at least as implemented in Opera/Presto, that could always cover the niches of speed dial and stash.