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Topic: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood? (Read 79823 times)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #200
I have to say that I got a wee tad tired of the Paris attacks thing. News programmes going over the same things time after time. Then that ceremonial thing with the military present and now large numbers wanting to flock to join the military and so on.

We all know that Paris was a tragedy but the French in their usual hyped eotional viv la Republquen stuff have went over the top and we all have joined in. Other places had terrible incidents - Madrid and all those train people, London, holiday resorts and the worst of all was in America in New York city where over 3,000 killed in one day but the French thing has went on as if it is paramount to everything else. Even here a 4-figure number of people done in by Irish terrorts and so on. Now after all the emotional French display a week later they were fighting the police in the streets and mayhem.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #201

What -I wonder- does the OP think?
Are any of the "great powers" going to destroy this incipient Caliphate?

Ultimately it will destroy itself, hopefully with a little help from their enemies.  The number one rule is "don't feed the Caliphate", a rule broken many times in the past, and almost certainly many times in the future.

Incidentally I am  now  neighbouring the Caliphate myself, I am in Qatar. Had this been more peaceful times I would have flown over Iraq and Syria in a couple hours,  but now will have to take a longer route around.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #202
Incidentally I am  now  neighbouring the Caliphate myself, I am in Qatar.

They also behead people in Qatar, don't they? Or is just Saudi Arabia?
Well, it doesn't matter.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #203
What does one expect from a religion funded by a child molester thus making such a tradition?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #204
Did one expect it to blossom in southern California — San Ber-doo, to be specific…?

I still wonder why the American Congress (…since that is one of their most solemn charges) hasn't declared War on the Caliphate.
Screw Obama; screw the Republicans… It's the job of Congress to — what? :(
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #205
By declaring war Congress would give extended powers to the President, not something likely to happen with the current Congress and the current President. In any case I don't see much good it would do. There are two full-scale civil wars and several power struggles running simultaneously in the same area. A major invasion would likely lead to a power-shift in American disfavour, and disfavour to the rest of the world. The US failed miserably to govern Iraq when they had the chance, they would have much less goodwill this time around.

ISIL could and should be unseated, but then what? Degrading their offensive capabilities works as long as recruitment and funding is curtailed (I still consider the foreign recruits of political rather than military use, where they mostly are cannon fodder whose military training consists of video games). It's not going so well, the brave claims that Mosul were to be taken "by summer" forgotten now as we're nearing winter, but ISIL has enough trouble of their own. They are hardly "contained" though.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #206
I suppose a State can only declare war against another State, something the ISIS is not despite the name.
This in case, obviously, for States that still bothers with international laws.

It's very strange that no one has ever asked for the real solution, to send the Legion Etrangére with an heavy back up and international support. That's why they exist for, they are the only ones able to deal with the situation.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #207

It's very strange that no one has ever asked for the real solution, to send the Legion Etrangére with an heavy back up and international support. That's why they exist for, they are the only ones able to deal with the situation.
Even if that were a solution, the U.S. would object.

The fixed absolute U.S. policy, no matter who is in office, is to be the dominant lead in critical conflict areas of the world. Hence, out very large military with our numerous aircraft carrier fleets.

The real reasons we object to the Russian "help" in Syria is that we don't want competition.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #208

This in case, obviously, for States that still bothers with international laws.

Forget about international laws. Nobody does care anymore. It's only used as an empty phrase when it fits the interests of the momentum.
All those parties operating on Syrian ground and in Syrian airspace without permission of the still official Syrian government, are blatantly breaking international law. So far about 'international law'.

It's very strange that no one has ever asked for the real solution, to send the Legion Etrangére with an heavy back up and international support. That's why they exist for, they are the only ones able to deal with the situation.

The same way France sent its Legion Etrangére in Africa to secure its uranium sources?
Or the same way France bombed Lybia? Guess who was also among those venerable states who did profit from the oil smuggle via Turkey?
It's not about ISIL in the first place. ISIL is just a fine pretext for all to pursue their own interests.
It's part of a dirty game called: "reshaping the Middle East". It started with Iraq and wonder who will get hit next after Syria.
It's mainly about geostrategic interests and future pipelines...
As for the lunatic jhihadists, they must not be destroyed completely. For the moment they are useful for fighting Assad and in future they might be as useful to destabilize the Caucasus and even southern parts of China...

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #209

The real reasons we object to the Russian "help" in Syria is that we don't want competition.

Nope. The real reasons are diverging interests.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #210
I am afraid Oakdale FTL that the Congress in practice is there to look after their paymasters the corporate string pullers instead of working for the American people and things internally re the country./
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #211
It's part of a dirty game called: "reshaping the Middle East". It started with Iraq and wonder who will get hit next after Syria.

What a surprise...
What I say is that Europeans have the perfect tool for that while the US has none. Legion Etrangére.

The perfect tool for dirty wars while respecting International Law. It's important, ultimately important, to respect International Law to Europeans, it makes all the difference from the new world barbarians.

This is not merely an economic war, it's a civilizational war. To behave as barbarians turns us to the same level.
Let the US to play that role, they can't see the difference.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #212
Do we start counting "reshaping the Middle East" from the Ottoman Empire — or before? :)
What I say is that Europeans have the perfect tool for that while the US has none. Legion Etrangére.
Did that work out well, in Indochina? :(
It's important, ultimately important, to respect International Law to Europeans, it makes all the difference from the new world barbarians.
What few rules have been agreed to (…but not by many recent belligerents…) in the last century were based upon the actions of those same Europeans — sort-of saying Oopsie! — that you claim revere International Law!
The "new-world barbarians" will yet retain their predominance, and the vigor to maintain it.

It's odd, Belfrager, that you think America is reprobate… Because, if we don't prevail, Europe is toast.
From a March 28, 1786, letter written by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who were American diplomats at the time, to U.S. Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay reporting on their conversation in London with the ambassador from Tripoli regarding piracy by the Barbary States:

We took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of their Prophet; that it was written in their Koran; that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners; that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; and that every Mussulman [Muslim] who was slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise. (Wall Street Journal)
(cribbed from Pournelle's site.
He continued:
The Caliphate would make the same reply today. You can buy a truce – never peace – by paying tribute; but they are always at war with the infidels, and have no choice in the matter, for it is commanded.

The Caliphate – ISIL as the President seems fond of calling it – accepts the command. It gives as a sign of legitimacy that it rules lands and in those lands applies the Law of the Koran; this demonstrates its legitimacy in the eyes of God. All Muslims must give it allegiance, for it rules by the will of Allah. And so long as it can make this claim of legitimacy, it grows, as more and more Muslims, including middle class citizens of the United States find they have no choice but to render it obedience. This not “radicalizing”; this is obedience to the fundamental marching orders that have prevailed since the Prophet returned to Mecca. To those who have accepted the Caliphate – ISIL – they have seen the sign, and they accept its commands.

The Caliphate grows daily. It must someday be defeated. It grows stronger daily. It is far more difficult and costly to defeat today than it was a year ago when the President of the United States pronounced it contained and called it the junior varsity. And it will never be easier to defeat than now.

But what comes next -what Europe won't recognize- is this:
However, the Caliphate is not our only enemy in the region. Iran has repeatedly declared a “state of hatred” with the United States. That does not have the legal implications of a state of war—indeed we negotiate with them and relieve sanctions so that they will become richer—but it is a declaration of intent, and we would be foolish not to believe the current regime, which is even now testing missiles capable of carrying nuclear war heads, does not mean it. So long as Iraq was held by Sunni or Baathist elements we could count on Iraq to be the enemy of our enemy, but we eliminated the Baathists and turned the Iraqi Sunni over to the tender mercies of the long persecuted Shiite majority. We then proceeded to withdraw. It should hardly have been a surprise when the Shiites turned to Shiite Iran, the ill trained “unity” army ran from the Caliphate, and the Sunni in the region did not fight the invading Sunni forces, even though they would have preferred to be liberated from invading Caliphate forces by Sunni Jordan (with which they were briefly federated in the United Arab Kingdom in the times of Egyptian Nasser). That not being possible, they saw the incoming Caliphate as preferable to the Shiite Iraqi government Obama left in place. For Obama, Clinton, and Both Bushes there is plenty of blame to go around.

If we destroy the Caliphate, we destroy an enemy of Iran. If we are not prepared to exert the power of the Republic in stabilizing the area, is this wise?

Sorry to quote so much from Pournelle's site — sorry, to Dr. Pournelle, that is… Read the rest, you from other climes and other ideologies… You might learn something.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #213

I suppose a State can only declare war against another State, something the ISIS is not despite the name.
This in case, obviously, for States that still bothers with international laws.

Which state bothers with international laws? By the way, it's international law, not laws. When it gets mentioned, nobody refers to a specific regulation of the laws, because they don't exist.

International law is only cited when the state feels it's on its side. Otherwise nobody cares.

It's very strange that no one has ever asked for the real solution, to send the Legion Etrangére with an heavy back up and international support. That's why they exist for, they are the only ones able to deal with the situation.

No, that would not be the real solution. The real solution, this century, was to NOT invade Iraq and Afghanistan. We failed with this solution, despite rather clear international law on this point - no invasions.

And how is Légion Etrangère different from other Western colonial military tools of intervention?

It's part of a dirty game called: "reshaping the Middle East". It started with Iraq and wonder who will get hit next after Syria.

This century, it started with Afghanistan, actually. Otherwise, from Western persective, it started with Lawrence of Arabia. Brits paved the way for Saudi Arabia etc. And more historically, Middle East has always been reshaping itself with or without Western intervention.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #214
The real solution, this century, was to NOT invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
And -I suppose- the USSR shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan, either… (BTW: Why did they do that? :) ) Your "view" of "this century" seems limited to 20 or 30 years — which is to say, you remain math challenged.

But I will grant you: It's always been a bad idea to invade Afghanistan… (Even the ancients learned this. Although the British were somewhat slow to catch on…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #215

The real solution, this century, was to NOT invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
And -I suppose- the USSR shouldn't have invaded Afghanistan, either… (BTW: Why did they do that? :)

Of course they shouldn't have. What did you think?

And why did they do it? The same reason why U.S. keeps invading places - no good reason whatsoever.

Your "view" of "this century" seems limited to 20 or 30 years — which is to say, you remain math challenged.

According to the Western calendar (that which clocks our computers and dates our posts on this forum), we are 15 years into this century. You are the math-challenged one here, because your intellect keeps surpassing stuff.

But in terms of global politics, "this century" can be conveniently counted from 9/11.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #216
European countries cannot reasonably claim moral superiority to North America in the way wars have been waged. The US hasn't even approached the cruelty of the French army for example. On the other hand the US is pretty high up there in hypocrisy, in the gap between what they say and believe, and what they do.

That notwithstanding, good intentions doesn't mean good policy, there are miserable examples of the opposite. Good results are harder to come by.

The cold, and sometimes not so cold, war between Iran and Saudi-Arabia affects the whole region (again I'd sum up the Troubles of West Asia as "Israel, Kurdistan, Iran"). The US only plays a rather erratic supporting role in stoking them.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #217
And how is Légion Etrangère different from other Western colonial military tools of intervention?

Colonial? Colonial?? If the west doesn't colonize it will be colonized. As we can see today.
The legion etrangére it's the only tool able to do the dirty war the western idiotic media and public refuses, being effective, without compromising diplomacy freedom and making it possible to respect international law (and laws).

By west I obviously exclude the USA. Such place is not part of the European culture.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #218
You''re babbling, Belfrager:(
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #219
There is an interpretation where he is not, at least as far as "the West" is concerned. This divide between east and west is older than the  European  annexation  of the Americas. The watershed is typically East/West of Afghanistan , but other divisions have been used like East = Asia, West = Europe,  South = Africa, or East/West divides within Europe.

On the other hand Americans have been fond of using the Western Hemisphere, with the US neatly in the middle and the Old World almost completely assigned to the East.  The local irony of that is that among the few parts of Europe  belonging to the Western Hemisphere you'd find Portugal and Glasgow. You are on the same team.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #220

Colonial? Colonial?? If the west doesn't colonize it will be colonized. As we can see today.

Keep in mind Bel - what goes around, comes around.

By west I obviously exclude the USA. Such place is not part of the European culture.

Didn't Europeans colonize the Americas?
Look what they have done. :devil:
Potatoes are fine. :)
But we've also got the leading power of the Western world, the architect of the New World Order.
Fact is - Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and the rest of Europe get directives from Washington - whether you consider the White House part of European culture or not .
So please be very careful whom you want to colonize next. :)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #221
Fact is - Merkel, Hollande, Cameron and the rest of Europe get directives from Washington - whether you consider the White House part of European culture or not .

Very well, absolutely true.
That's why I defend the European Nationalist movement, unlike you. Only menaced by their own people the traitors you've mentioned will stop serving foreigner interests. That's the first thing to do, then we can deal with the other enemies, not before.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #222
A 15 year old young boy was beheaded for listening to western music. It corrupts the soul so they say.
How right things can justify wrong actions...
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #223
How right things can justify wrong actions...
Insanity seems to be contagious.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #224
And what about the American Caliphate and the prison system??

The other day a man was released from jail in was it Louisiana where he had been kepot in solitary confinement for 43 years! He had been charged with murdering a prison officer and had always argued his innocence but after changing the description he was released. How in goodness name can a man be in solitary for 43 years? Uh? But there again a wonderful modern and progressive place where you have a variety of executions. Burned to death with electricity, get an injection to die, be hanged or even shot!
"Quit you like men:be strong"