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Topic: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood? (Read 79802 times)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #100
Something in what you say there Belfrager although in the late 17th and early 18th century our great King William 3rd (his picture above!) lead the opposition in Europe to the tyranny of the French monarchy. I celebrate him every month!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #101

You don't mean to the left, do you?

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #102


You don't mean to the left, do you?

Very likely.
To the extreme left of that little picture there is a horse's arse.
Is that what you mean?

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #103
I celebrate him every month!

I know, we let you do that. The better way of keeping you stupefied and harmless. Keep on celebrating your misery.
Daily, if possible. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #104
Oh don't you concern about me as the hall is bright and modern along with well heated. Always good to get the regalia on and wear King William's colours. Biblical degrees and nicely done (!) And you know what? He had troops from Holland including from your corner fighting an ex-King James who was an RC! It gets better as the Pope briefly supported him because our hero was fighting the French and pleased he won the battle of the Boyne. Haha.  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #105
And now you're afraid to be independent of England!

The intelligent people of your country emigrate… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #107
Maybe immigration is what has done in your country Oakdale. Trillions in debt, millions losing homes, tens of millions of poor, trillions on military, control freakery. Thanks for raising immigration and realised that is how your place has got into a mess.

I have no fear of the English cousins and do not get carried away with the emotional tartan freaks or the equally emotional Yanks.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #109
When you think in practical terms about these nut cases we should also remember that the West along with ME dictatorships are pumping weapons into places like Syria it is diabolical as there is no guarantee of them going where they think they will! Much does end up in the fundamental storm troopers and is ridiculous. We are getting young Muslims of an early age wanting to go to be with the headbangers and that in itself tells you there is some deep flaw in Islam.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #110
Waited for a translated version of this episode of Swedish Uppdrag granskning, doesn't seem about to happen, but we at least got this excerpt (not with the most interesting parts of the program though):


As a bonus, some small town jihadis: Norway Town and Its Pipeline to Jihad in Syria

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #111
Waited for a translated version of this episode of Swedish Uppdrag granskning, doesn't seem about to happen, but we at least got this excerpt

Disgusting. Just one more example of the corrosive effects of religion. Christianity had it's day in the it's Islam's turn. A frightening aspect of this tragedy is that it's happening to native Europeans.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #112
And is also happening all over the world.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #113

We need a map.

While the number of wannabe-jihadists supposedly is increasing rather than decreasing, though reliable numbers can be hard to get, there are a few changes. More often now we hear of these being stopped at the (Turkish) border, which earlier was quite porous for non-Kurds.

The radicalising agent, according to this Gothenburg guy and others, is YouTube. I wanted to attach a YouTube video showing how watching YouTube videos will turn you into a homicidal maniac, but decided to leave this as an exercise for the reader-watcher.

As I see it the foreign fighters are an attention-getting side show, having three purposes: Propaganda, atrocity exhibitors, and cannon fodder.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #114
I wanted to attach a YouTube video showing how watching YouTube videos will turn you into a homicidal maniac,

That would had turned you into a meta homicidal maniac... an homicidal maniac of homicidal maniacs. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #115
I've seen a few You-Tube videos. If watching one of these things can turn you into a homicidal maniac, there must have been something off-kilter to begin with. Witness the fact that I don't drive like a drunken goof even though by now I've seen tons of Russian dash-cam videos on You-Tube. (Merciful God, how DO those people not kill each other?)

I'm not saying You-Tube doesn't play some part. I'm just saying it's not the only thing playing a part, and that there's a whole lot more going on behind the scenes.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #116
We live in a very techy world now and will be open to use and misuse just like previous things but even more so I reckon. At present in Gt Britain we are getting these youngsters every so often (latest one a 14 year old bo) being arrested for what they are up to There is something obviously deeply flawed in Islam whatever the moderates may say as the problem is everywhere in the dashed world and in large numbers. I emphasise this as so many of those slipping to the ME are well educated not just at secondary school but university. The so-called civil war in syria is a handy title as the majority of those fighting the government are from elsewhere.The West is not innocent either but more stupid.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #117
In fight for Tikrit, U.S. finds enemies on both sides of the battle lines

Quote from: Washington Post
But that enmity for the United States circulates beyond the militias that once fought U.S. soldiers, surfacing also in parliamentary debates and Iraqi media reports and even at the highest ranks of the national armed forces that the United States is aiding.

“Everybody knows that the Americans are dropping supplies to Daesh,” said Brig. Gen. Abed al-Maliki, a senior Iraqi army commander based in the city of Samarra, about 80 miles north of Baghdad, using another term for the Islamic State.

What’s more, he said, during some of the fiercest fighting around Samarra last year, U.S. Special Operations forces dropped behind enemy lines to assist Islamic State militants.

“They came in with parachutes, and they were helping to bomb the city,” he said.

U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic State, he contended, are probably just a cover for efforts to support the group.

“It’s just a show,” he said, sitting in the city’s army command headquarters. “If the Americans want to finish something, they will finish it. If they wanted to liberate Iraq, they could.”

A wildly popular trailer for an Iraqi TV program launched last year that mocked the Islamic State played off that speculation. It showed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi hatching out of an egg after a marriage between characters representing Israel and America.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #118
The latest US fiasco is Yemen. Time after time we have seen the President and the politicians rabbit on about how well they have done moving Yemen forward.  Kind of fallen on the face with that like Afghanistan, Serbia, Syria, Libya, just for starters.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #119
Gee! It's kinda like watching the dissipation of the British Empire… :)

But, I agree, Obama is creature much like your politicians.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #120
No Obama is not in the style of our politicians. Your President was elected due to racial undertones nationally and you have a restricted political system run by 2 big monied lots of millionaires. Democracy started dyingin the ex-colonies  a long time ago chum. As I well stated you could never have created a Commonwealth from former Empire corners. You only keep your imperialism by big money, corruption and wars so sort our your own morality which leaks like a burst pipe.

Just think too of all the time syou propped up dictatorships with money and guns and didn't care a damn about freedoms, rights or anything else. If a rightist dictatorship that was okay and if left, evil. Small wonder your country is less regarded than once and throw in the terrorism funded too. Oh and let's not forget millions Americans donated to SmileyFace's terrorists over in the 40 shades place. If you had let the Muslims get on with bashing each other we would probably not have had a damn world plagues by their terror minds now.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #121
Uncollaborated: Skyping with the enemy: I went undercover as a jihadi girlfriend

Quote from: The Guardian
I made my voice as tiny, sweet and bright as I could, considering I’d smoked like a chimney for 15 years. And I smiled. “It’s crazy to be talking to a mujahid in Syria,” Mélodie said, impressed. “It’s like you have easier access to the internet than I do in Toulouse! I share the computer with my sister, and my mum takes it away from us a lot. Even your phone is newer than mine.” I was giving Mélodie a plausible excuse for future unavailability. She lived with her family, she couldn’t always honour her engagements.

“Syria is amazing,” Bilel said. “We have everything here. Masha’Allah, you have to believe me: it’s paradise! A lot of women fantasise about us; we’re Allah’s warriors,” he said.

“But every day people die in your paradise…”

“That’s true, and every day I fight to stop the killing. Here the enemy is the devil. You have no idea. The enemy steals from and kills poor Syrians. He rapes women, too. He’s attacking us, and we’re defending peace.”

“Is the enemy the president of Syria?”

“Among others. We have many adversaries.”

In addition to Bashar al-Assad’s regime, he mentioned the al-Nusra Front (an armed branch of al-Qaida), Syrians and all those he considered infidels. “Tell me,” Bilel said, “do you wear your hijab every day?”

Mélodie recited what I’d heard from the girls I’d met during my research who had secretly converted to Islam. “I dress normally in the morning. I say goodbye to my mum, and when I’m outside the house, I put on my djellaba and my veil.”

“Good. I’m proud of you. What you’re doing is really brave. You have a beautiful soul. And you’re very pretty on the outside, too.”

Bilel peered lecherously at Mélodie. She asked him to show her his surroundings. He claimed to be near Aleppo. In reality, he was probably several miles from the Isis stronghold of Raqqa.

He got out of his car and his smartphone showed images of a devastated Syria. Not a person in sight. It was about 9pm there, and it was absolutely silent. Suddenly, men’s thick voices broke the silence.


Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #124
If you had let the Muslims get on with bashing each other we would probably not have had a damn world plagues by their terror minds now.
If Great Britain hadn't set them up in the first place… Nah! You wouldn't understand, Howie.
Go watch some more telly.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)