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Topic: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it (Read 4848 times)

The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

The Pope before that wee gnat, John Paul and who died within about 6 weeks was a crusader for cleaning up the Vatican Bank. On his death and John Paul's takeover the corruption investigations ceased so says much about him.

Now the present Pope has appointed a Cardinal George Pell from Australia to be part of his review of many Vatican problems and this one being the bank. It now seems the investigating Cardinal has discovered corruption! It hadn't ever gone away and he has now said there were several hidden accounts and they weren't piggy bank monies they were  millions of Euros no less! These had never appeared on any balance sheet and also shows there was no deep administration poverty in the system as some thought. So the hidden and laundering had never gone away all those years ago and only makes it obvious how unprincipled  that Church has been for far too long. Years ago I discovered the same bank had shares in the biggest condom factory in Italy so the falseness is deep.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #1
What do you have against

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #2
He thinks they all should be orange, obviously.

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #3

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #4
Totally agree jimbro, orange would be fine. For an organisation so much against them it is laughable at the the profit thing! The other two are good dancers and the long term corruption of the Vatican that wants to be a Church a Sovereign State is overdoing Caesar. Mind you one is a controlled Yank and Cardinal Spellman of New York described their involvement in S. Vietnam as Christ's soldiers on Earth. The other is from down under which was daft enough to be leaned on by Washington to get involved in the mess that was Vietnam. In fairness will admit that the Aussies and South Koreans were far better at local peace  and safety of villagers than you know who!

To be sure I can expect the two miscreants to want to say nothing about the old red socks HQ.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #5
Yep, proved right in that last sentence.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #6
I love to be corrupt. People aren't corrupt enough.
Corruption makes you free. (and rich :) )
A matter of attitude.

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #8
Not a very good dance step there Belfrager and I am afraid a bit contradictory to your principles my boy.Reminds me of I think of the old saying - "Rome the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Well now jimbro on New York City we have to remember the large number of Befrager's tradition in the history of that city and it ain't complimentary in it's history, haha! Uh-ho they are Smiley's pals.  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #9
Not a very good dance step there Belfrager and I am afraid a bit contradictory to your principles my boy.

By the contrary, it was pure tap dance, a tribute to Fred Astaire... You were not expecting to me to take seriously your desperation while the Vatican under the designs of Good Pope Francis and the Holy Spirit triumphs all over the place , were you? :)

Come on, embrace the sweet perfume of's Chanel nº 5
A matter of attitude.


Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #10
You do your would-be intelligence no compliment at all. That guff about the great Pope and the wonderful Vatican with the bank. It is as corrupt as hell It is a Church that went along with dictatorships all over the place, dealt with moving illegal money of criminals and an expert at laundering. Small wonder that Italian got murdered years ago and dumped under Blackfriars Bridge

The Pope that died after only a couple of months (one before that wee nasty John Paul tried to clean up the Vatican Bank. The moring he was found dead a bishop was walking up and down outside at 5am and caught the attention of a Swiss Guard. The Pope's secretary a Cardinal removed the Pope's glasses, paper work, cup, etc. When the nun who did the discovering asked if there would be a post mortem she was told such were not done for Popes. Untrue as a Pope who died in the early 19th century in odd circumstances got one. All over the world legions of fornicating priests and illegitimate kids. The present Pope thinking he is going to radically change things? He has as much chance as me kissing his ring.

They have even admitted the Curia is a problem and not just the Bank and over the centuries constant corruption and worse. You don't even have to go back to the Borgia's! Yep, you can waffle and play with words but the actual cannot be explained as you have well proved!  :down:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #11
Pity we can't bet on here, otherwise I'd put 50 e-cash on Mr. Howie becoming a Catholic before he passes.  :left:

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #12
They have even admitted the Curia is a problem and not just the Bank and over the centuries constant corruption and worse. You don't even have to go back to the Borgia's! Yep, you can waffle and play with words but the actual cannot be explained as you have well proved!   :down:

One would think that you live in a fairytale world where there is no corruption.  The church has been extorting money from people since it's inception.  Before that, we humans engaged in corruption as soon as we were smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong.  We are hard wired for greed and often use purposes that we feel are meaningful and sound good to justify it. 

The church is greedy for money only most of the time.  They give out enough for humanitarian causes to satisfy most suckers, but a majority goes to promote their own cause--and of course, save your accursed soul.  The US catholic church alone, has more money than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country--worldwide it is staggering how wealthy the catholic church alone is today!  And somehow you expect there to be no corruption involved with that much money?  You are a dreamer little man, the mafias and giant corporations of the world even allow for so much corruption off their books--it is simply a cost of doing big business today.  Get over it.   :cheers:  :knight:

James J

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #13
You really are probably the most depressing, long-faced, never light nor funny just arrogance unlimited self belie and a continued caustic mouth. Coming from a land that has been the Mafia playground for so long I suppose you would know more about wide corruption and that includes those on the Hill and their corporate payers. I am not defending the Church of Rome but I would say that a Church IS meant to be different and does not fit into your rather wide eye.

A forum will always have a broad church (!) and will include the intelligent, curious, simple, satirical and mental midget - -aah.....! :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #14
Oh, man--- textbook pot calling the kettle black-- especially that opening sentence. :faint:
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #15
You really are probably the most depressing, long-faced, never light nor funny just arrogance unlimited self belie and a continued caustic mouth.

Ahhh, it's good to know my self-improvement training is paying off.  However, you are wrong to say I was caustic.  I only called you "little man" because your scope of interest does not stretch beyond the USA.  I would dare you to go a week without resorting to America bashing, but you quite simply couldn't do would not be able to post here for that week to accomplish it.  See how teeny-tiny your world and mind is?   :beer:  :knight:

(If you knew me, you would be on the floor rolling because of my sense of humor--truth). 
James J

Re: The corrupt Vatican Bank still at it

Reply #16
Well you know very little about me  dear mouther. A long history in Local Government, Ciic Affairs via the court system, interviewed on the radio twice and once on television,had a chaper included about my long voluntary service in difficult areas with much success. Have also been in yourhypocritical land twice but as it was getting worse in the world passed on a third trip!

As for bashing the US of A it is so dashed easy because your country sticks it's nose into every country's buisness and running and if cannot do that will persecute them. If as a nation you weren't so arrogant, contradicted the guff about democracy and freedoms in the world whilst millions of your own are spied oin by more spy agencies than as i have said the Nazis. Your country also financed a whole list of fascist countries as well. Millions homeless and 40 million poor in the "greatest country in the world." It is not so much patriotic but nationalist and the flaf is everywhere . Even government buildngs cannot have one but a whole stag of them! Shows a weakness I reckon. The UN has visited Detroit where 40% of the population have water supply problems, street after street of empty and burned out buildings and there is now a voluntary and charitable group distributing water to massive numbers in the land of the free and home of the brave. Stuff going on there like a Third World lot. For all the democracy and righs stances people are hassled over those very thing internally.

If on the other hand you stopped one growth industry namely hundreds of milityary bases, looked after the health of your own folk, stopped spying on them giving "security" as the excuse and so many other things you would get more respect in the world A simple mind cannot see how easy it is to bash the country the way it acts for the world to see and shake it's head. You cannot see it because of the insular nature and braining that flies in the face of the would-be principles. Such a gift and too hard to want to miss a bash the way it is run. And you glide along now trying to waffle about what you claim is your sense of humour as an excuse for ignoring the actual.  Do waffle and grunt on but you are giving the sensibles over there a groan. Instead try and stop wanting to rule the world and let the corporates run the place - the decent deserve better and they are getting so fed ip they don't bother to vote.:lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"