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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 247254 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #226

"Buffoons,"?? ???

For a guy who spends so much of his time trying to teach English to English speakers, you're going to have to get used to looking up words in common usage.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #227
Aren't buffoons those big instruments in the woodwind section?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #228

Notice that your statement is self-contradictory. First, Ukrainians are being paid big money for the military base, and then there are no troops and no tanks? Is the military base empty?

The Russians have paid for their military base in Crimea and you are wondering why the base isn't empty or are you considering the presence of the troops there 'invasion'?
The agreement the Russians have paid for allowed them for troops up to 250,000 in Crimea. So far about the invasion of Crimea...

It's just like the South Ossetia war was. Nobody is doing anything, only Russia is doing something.

Wasn't it Saakashvili who started (2008) the military assault against South Ossetia? Have I missed something?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #229

They look like tanks but they're actually rides at Disney World. And, yes, they are in Ukraine.

Just out of curiosity, may I ask you where in the Ukraine that picture was taken from?
I don't mean the exact coordinates but the region at least :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #230
The situation is of course no joking matter, but Mr. Howie is so terribly jelly (another word for Josh to look up, and this one will be difficult for him to find) that the UK cannot push it's weight around any longer.

I personally blame mass consumption of Diet Irn Bru (having tried the real Irn Bru and Diet).  :right:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #231
Uusal side step from across the pond. Russia has NOT invaded Ukraine and has NO tanks there. It is allowed to move troops in and out of the place. Time after time the West led by the usual lot preach aboutself determination and the right to sovereignty and et all but only if it suits them. I watched a US news programme last night and as usual like here the media is as bias as you can create. Even though the vast majority of the voters in Crimea said what they wanted they searched about for someone who objected! Crimea was part of Russia until the Reds gave it to Ukraine but the people have never been happy about that so why isn't the fount of all freedoms and rights acknowledging where the people want to be. Now the slant is on eastern Ukraine where the Ukrainian Army hadtanks on the road and on trains heading east. Then they were stopped by unarmed and peaceful protesters who asked them to go away and after some hours they did. Somehow Russian Army manoeuvres nearly 900 miles away are on the border.

A pefectly elected and legitimate government was taken over led by the fighters in the Kiev square.They were a vicious and bad lot and as pointed out the snipers were from a rebel group on thefar right as the police didn't have guns. Suitably ignored in the West of course. So dangerous neo-Nazi thungs suitably blindolded went berserk and created mayhem and led the killings then illegally took over the government. Did they consult the rest of the country in the east or south? No they did not and made it plain they couldn't care a damn that Russians made up much of the east and south. Somehow the warped minds in the US and folloed like lapdogs by Europe do a nonsense over Ukraine.  Compared to the violence and evil going on around Kiev compare that with Crimea and what a damn difference. Also ignored is that Crimea has an elected government and it decided on the referendum because the Kiev Reich had notime for them so people here in the West should stop creating a cold war.

It is not Russia that is causing the problem it is the Kiev rump and they are getting away with it not Russia not the Crimea. The Southern loser is following the usual American hypocrisy line.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #232

Notice that your statement is self-contradictory. First, Ukrainians are being paid big money for the military base, and then there are no troops and no tanks? Is the military base empty?

The Russians have paid for their military base in Crimea and you are wondering why the base isn't empty or are you considering the presence of the troops there 'invasion'?

I consider troops all over the place during a referendum as invasion. It's everywhere in the media, unless you are wilfully blind

It's just like the South Ossetia war was. Nobody is doing anything, only Russia is doing something.

Wasn't it Saakashvili who started (2008) the military assault against South Ossetia? Have I missed something?
You missed - again - where the international border runs. It may very well be that Saakashvili started the assault on Aug 8, 2008, but he was within his own borders, whereas Russians were not and are not. Plus Russians reportedly attacked outside South Ossetia into Georgia proper too, just like they are all over Crimea now, not only at the military base. Saakashvili didn't start Russia's military presence in South Ossetia and Ukrainians didn't start Russia's military presence in Sevastopol.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #233

"Buffoons,"?? ???

For a guy who spends so much of his time trying to teach English to English speakers, you're going to have to get used to looking up words in common usage.

"Buffoons,"?? ???

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #234
The results of the referendum are a little fishy. Really 96.8% in favor? If you're gonna rig an election give your side maybe 60-something percent :p I stepped outside and smelled a pile of horseshit, and now I know where it came from.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #235
We were having even higher percent in some local "results" some time earlier --- an area showed a 146% for Putin. No kidding - it was true! Russians are very far ahead of the other world in the field of number sciences;)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #236

The results of the referendum are a little fishy. Really 96.8% in favor? If you're gonna rig an election give your side maybe 60-something percent :p I stepped outside and smelled a pile of horseshit, and now I know where it came from.

The correct percentage was 100%. The stupid reporters don't understand numbers or percentages.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #237

The results of the referendum are a little fishy. Really 96.8% in favor? If you're gonna rig an election give your side maybe 60-something percent :p I stepped outside and smelled a pile of horseshit, and now I know where it came from.

The correct percentage was 100%.
Wrong. As Josh indicates, in Russia you can get voting percentages like 146%. From that they begin rigging downwards, but it's against their conscience to rig it too much :D

My fair guess is that Crimeans were about 120% in favour of joining Russia. The official results are obviously rigged.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #238

The results of the referendum are a little fishy. Really 96.8% in favor? If you're gonna rig an election give your side maybe 60-something percent :p I stepped outside and smelled a pile of horseshit, and now I know where it came from.

The correct percentage was 100%.
Wrong. As Josh indicates, in Russia you can get voting percentages like 146%. From that they begin rigging downwards, but it's against their conscience to rig it too much :D

:devil: It's called Putin math.  :devil:


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #239
so, at 5:13 I received an email from the Financial Times indicating that Puti-kins annex Crimea, under pretext that the Russian speakers are being mistreated there.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #240
It was gust[l]y, so I dropped in to the local library to take a warm.
Hear a talk: "Where are they?", "Went to Mitino {a district in Moscow - way too far from the city centre} for a rally [I mean 'mass-meeting]."
Then I interfere: "What rally?" They say: "A rally in defence of Crimea." I ask: "In defence from WHOM?" "I don't know."
Me: "Who invited then?" Answer: "The city administration.meant 'ours'"
I got it...

Guys, see? Can it be a "response" to the "sanctions against Russia" or what?:)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #242

so, at 5:13 I received an email from the Financial Times indicating that Puti-kins annex Crimea, under pretext that the Russian speakers are being mistreated there.

Has your mail client no spam filter?  :o
AFAIK Crimeans voted for annexation. It's the best pretext one can think of. :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #244
I consider troops all over the place during a referendum as invasion. It's everywhere in the media, unless you are wilfully blind

Russiam military all over the place during the referendum? Like in the picuture you are linking to? Is the building we see in the background a polling station? Are the two ladies we see in the picture coming from the polling?

You missed - again - where the international border runs. It may very well be that Saakashvili started the assault on Aug 8, 2008, but he was within his own borders, whereas Russians were not and are not. Plus Russians reportedly attacked outside South Ossetia into Georgia proper too, just like they are all over Crimea now, not only at the military base. Saakashvili didn't start Russia's military presence in South Ossetia and Ukrainians didn't start Russia's military presence in Sevastopol.

International borders? That idiot was within his borders?

I see, those bad Russians. Soviet Union or Russia it doesn't make any difference. Stalin (a Georgian btw), Brezhnev (an Ukrainian btw) or Putin they are all the least for some.

Let's see about those international borders...
Wikipedia is anything but a Russian friendly outlet. Not even Wikipedia's presentation is as shortsighted as yours. :)
- 1991–92 South Ossetia War
- Russo-Georgian war

Take a deep breath, you're right Ersi, Russia is a big threat. We are sooo innocent, peaceful and good whereas the only thing bad and snaky Russia wants from us is war.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #247

so, at 5:13 I received an email from the Financial Times indicating that Puti-kins annex Crimea, under pretext that the Russian speakers are being mistreated there.

Has your mail client no spam filter?  :o
AFAIK Crimeans voted for annexation. It's the best pretext one can think of. :)
Except, as I noted, results like that are always a big, steaming pile of bullshit. The Tatars (12% of the population) don't want to be part of Russia for historical reasons and said so. I'm not sure the Ukrainians (24% of the population) do either. The Ethnic Russians account for 58% (down from 67%.)  There's no way for that referendum to not have been rigged. 

How is Russia possibly not the aggressor? Their troops spread from the base and took over Crimea, Russian troops amassed on the Ukrainian border and the fucking launched an ICBM (albeit unarmed ) at the Ukraine, and sank a Ukrainian ship. Oh yeah, Russia can turn US to radioactive ash - Kremlin-backed journalist .

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #248
Except, as I noted, results like that are always a big, steaming pile of bullshit. The Tatars (12% of the population) don't want to be part of Russia for historical reasons and said so. I'm not sure the Ukrainians (24% of the population) do either. The Ethnic Russians account for 58% (down from 67%.)  There's no way for that referendum to not have been rigged.

:irked: What bothers me is that nobody asked my opinion! :irked:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #249
May I remind you Sanguinemoon you fit neatly into the silly side of the Western propaganda? Kosovo was a province of the Republic of Serbia and held a referendum in which the majority were Albanian ethnics and guess what there was a small minority of Serbs who objected just like you say about the Tatars.  Somehow that was of course fine but the Crimea principle is different? Wake up. Putin has already publicly stated on television  that the minorities will be recognised and there will be 3 offical languages - namely Russia, Tatar and Ukrainian. The murderous coup lot in Kiev canclled Russian at the start as an offical language even though they knew the ethnic leaning in the east and Crimea (where over 90% speak Russian). So it was okay for Kosovo which was led by the KLA funded by drug running but somehow not in Crimea. When you cannotjustify the similarity you result to the rather immatre thing the vote was fixed. Not according to foreign watchers who were present.

The West thinks it has some inherent God-given right to do what it wants and stuff anyone who challenges them. That they cannot control a country in this case Russia gets right up their arrogant  noses. The rebellion take over in Ukraine was led by militant and vicious thugs from the neo-Nazi quarter (some had SS symbols on the back of their helmets) and they took over a legitimate government and therefore illegal. They ignored their own constitution because it souited them and now the bleat that Crimea is acting un-constitutionally. May I remind you and the other lapdogs that Crimea has a legitimate government unlike Kiev. So9 you and others condemn the Crimeans but applaud the dangerous illegal lot in Kiev? Kiev totally ignored any consultation with the east or south of the country as they were hell-bent on their own agenda and stuff anyone else.

It is not Russia that is causing the problem it is the dangerous cabal in Kiev allied with the hypocritical West creating all sorts of propaganda nonsense. All the tripe about invasdions is just that - tripe and the propaganda here in our media is unbelievable! There is no independent news reporting it is all partisan. Try Kiev if there is any further disintegration and when you consider that Putin has said he would rather see Ukraine sorting itself you of course choose to ignore that and absorb the braining of the propagandist machine here in the West.

As for trying to contain a powerful nation,like Russia through sanctions will also be bad for us let us not forget. The West has been too fond of thinking it has the moral high ground for some reason beyond comprehension.
"Quit you like men:be strong"