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Topic: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder (Read 2085 times)

And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

I heard a reference on a passing news item about a gun less man shot by a US police officer but not done for it. Then last night seen the security video and was shocked.

You could hear the officer telling the suspect who was kneeling on the floor to raise both hands up and the man did that.  Then still screaming at him told him to lie on the floor and crawl and the man did that and the policeman shot him to death. At court he got completely off with it as he argues he felt under threat. Now how the hell could that cop be so sick to tell the man to raise his hands while sitting then to crawl on the floor towards the police then gun him down? to lie on the floor in a hectic voice repeatedly.

When I heard a news item about an American policeman gunning down an unarmed man I just sighed then last night seen the security video of the incident (forgot the State - was it Kansas? Not sure). Arriving to arrest the man he was sitting on the floor so the officer kept going ballistic screaming at him to get both hands to be raised so the man did that stretching both right above his head. Then the officer screamed to lie down and crawl towards the police so the man did that followed by being shot to death. The cop ended up in court but got off scot free! The argument was that the officer had pursued the idea he felt threatened. Where do you lot get so many of these mind-benders? How in hell's name could he get away with that?? it is so regular over there makes you wonder about the mentality of so many who get away with such things. The incident was utterly shocking.

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #1
Apologies. Two versions as I got a pc problem confusing things and tried to start again....
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #2
The one I saw, the guy was given opportunity after opportunity to stop, & cease assaulting the officer. He he's takin' it up with the Highest Court!

Good on the cop!

It was a 'good shoot'!

The one you described I hadn't seen.....provide a link so we can all see.....

Was the cop acquitted after a trial?

If so there would be 12 jurors, & any one or more of the 12 can cause a mistrial, a hung jury, & the cop could go free.

The judge can not intervene with his opinion on the matter of guilt or innocence.....he's merely there to make sure the process is fair to the defendant, &  the law is, if there's a mistrial....hung jury.....either they call for a retrial, using additional evidence, or the cop is cleared.

The defendant receives all the benefits of innocence at trial, & the prosecution has all the burden of proof.....The defendant needs not take the stand, or prove innocence, like I said the prosecution has all the burden of proof.

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #3

Yes it was a trial and a jury but that makes no principled excuse whatsoever when the evidence was as glaring as could physically be.  The many was sitting on the floor followed the policeman's instructions and raised both hands stretched above his head then secondly when yelled at to then crawl on the floor towards the police with their guns out he did that as well.  All in front of a camera so there was no moral need to kill the man. It makes a sheer mockery of what is supposed to be lawful. So although you carry out the two instructions and show no arrogance it is okay for a policeman to gun down a man?? That a jury simply accepted a cop saying he was nervous about the man in that situation is not only a travesty but a mockery of your system. So an armed cop who has a culprit doing what ordered is okay to be gunned is principled is disgusting. He is a dangerous creep and the jury says something about the system. A while back i intimated a party of senior police officers who can]me here to Scotland and visited the national police college and were stunned at the training. Also a retired Philadelphia captain interviewed on television who frankly was frustrated at the way many city police act and was head shaking in his views.

A suspect killed after doing as told because the officer felt frightened?? Come on now it was  disgraceful.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #4
The one you described I hadn't seen.....provide a link so we can all see.....

I'd like to see this, & read the story too......I think everyone would.

Provide the link to both the video you dangle.....& the account of what transpired/news story.....especially at do know these kind of trials are open to the public in the USA, & it would have been reported, so your proofs should be forthcoming....because they would be part of the public record...part of the public domain....  

I want to believe you at your word.....I believe you probably didn't make this story up, but failure to provide links that document your account would be an admission, on your part, that you probably just concocted these accounts, & the events probably never, ever took probably made them up.....

That isn't true though, is it RJ?

This event actually happened, & even if your accounts are just your own opinion(s), based on your own unique bias, something did happen didn't it?.....& someone went to trial right, & you didn't like the outcome, did you......?

So, RJ why not share it with us? 

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #5
It was firstly on the BBC text news which only lasts that day it on the list so gone. The it appeared just as a passing news item on the television from another company. It did show the situation I clearly said and it is all very well going on the principled direction Smiley but it was factional and only wish I could be accurate in remembering the State. It DID happen and was filmed and although I can understand your idea of verification I have no idea of any newspaper link only the passing text and the short film of the policeman leading up to shockingly murdering the man who followed the cop's instructions. They did not show the shooting for obvious general reasons but that he got away with it because he was "frightened" - come on now. Do wish I had noted down the State but I and an awful lot of others seen the incident and was a total disgrace. So although can understand as I say wanting to see it  I am afraid it on another way does lean towards a swerving. I did not honestly lie as no point. Sad and disgraceful what the so called man of law did I am afraid......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Police officer, following valid procedures, is forced to fire upon a suspect

Reply #6
I found all the links myself, & I understand the outcomes.....both the initial shooting, & the trial outcome.

Last, first.......At trial, when all the evidence has been laid out by the prosecution, the jury is given the charge to determine guilt or innocence based on the prosecution's presentation of the facts/evidence. To find guilt they must....all 12 jurors.....must all believe that the defendant is guilty of the charge(s) beyond a reasonable doubt. To find the defendant not guilty they must....all 12 jurors.....must all believe that the prosecution did not make its case, & all 12 jurors believe the defendant is not guilty of the charge(s) laid out by the prosecution based on the law provided to the jury by the Judge prior to their deliberations.

In this case, there was no "Hung Jury", where one or more jurors were not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, causing a deadlock....a mistrial. In this case all the jurors agreed 100% that the prosecution did not make its case to convict on the charges it presented........2nd degree murder & 1st degree manslaughter.

Based on the defendant's testimony, he was the one who was responsible for not only his life, but the lives of his entire group.

Even though the victim seemed to follow all the officers commands, the victim made a fatal mistake.....he was warned not to make any other moves other  than those instructed, & if he chose to do so there would be a high likely hood he would be shot. The victim seemed to understand, & seemed to follow all orders, that is until he made his fatal mistake. He motioned to behind his back, in the exact same fashion as a person going for a gun would....he raised his shirt, exactly like how a person would going for a gun, & whether he had a gun or not, the officer is trained to make a split second decision, to fire or not. Being this officer was responsible for the teams safety.....all the people in that hallway.....he felt this move presented a threat to himself & the team's safety, & as he warned earlier, he fired.....not because he wanted to, but because that is how he is trained to respond.

That's why the jury found him not guilty.....100% agreement by the jury.....they found him not guilty of the murder charge, & also the manslaughter charge.

I am familiar with the police procedures, & protocols regarding armed confrontation......I used to train law enforcement in these  defensive procedures, & as long as the officer felt threatened....visible gun or no....this victim got himself shot dead because he made a stupid mistake.

It was a good shoot, the trial outcome was 100% correct based on the evidence, & I agree with the jury that this officer was 100% not guilty of any & all charges.

As long as people make stupid mistakes, & do stupid things, & don't follow ALL police instructions to a tee, they run the risk of getting themselves shot, & possibly killed.....this will be repeated (which it is, you only hear about a handful) over & over.

This victim, which I will no longer call a victim perpetrator, this Perpetrator caused the sequence of events that eventually led to his own death by ignorantly waiving a firearm out the window of the hotel, & then by not following the officers complete & explicit instructions, causing the officer to follow explicit procedures, & shoot this man....ending his life.

This death was the perpetrator's fault, not the officers, & you don't get a free pass in situations like this for stupidity.


 Source:      CNN     
(CNN) New body camera footage captures the tense moments before an Arizona police officer shot an unarmed man dead last year, as the man begged officers not to fire.
Police in Mesa, Arizona released the footage last week, after a jury acquitted former Mesa officer Philip "Mitch" Brailsford of second-degree murder and reckless manslaughter charges related to the January 2016 shooting of Daniel Shaver, of Texas.

Brailsford shot Shaver after police responded to a call saying a man was pointing a rifle out of the window of a La Quinta Inn. The former officer testified he believed Shaver was reaching for a gun in his waistband as he moved toward officers, CNN affiliate KTRK/KPHO reported. No weapon was found.........


     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #7
It was firstly on the BBC text news which only lasts that day it on the list so gone. The it appeared just as a passing news item on the television from another company. ... It DID happen and was filmed and although I can understand your idea of verification I have no idea of any newspaper link only the passing text ...
Very interesting how your telly works for you. And very interesting how you think news works (namely, news are only available on BBC text on TV). Next it would be interesting to know how computer and internet works for you. Let me guess: Computer is only for text input and thou shalt not click any links because there could be a virus. And googling is for typical brainwashed Yanks with lack of knowledge.


Re: And another regular US police officer getting away with murder

Reply #8
Before I depart from this thread I do have to say the system well kind of stinks. That the culprit if he did not follow the officer to the full stops and so on he could be shot is a damnable description of the system that exists over in America I am afraid. The man stretches his hands up as ordered he starts to crawl when ordered and if he is the slightest way out of that (none of which threatens the officer) he can be shot?? The system stinks and too many city police think they are the embodied law and can have freedom to gun  folk. It has happened time after time and all we get are these warped excuses as if the police are the law and end of story. that such events are so regular shows the inherent flaws and there is absolutely no reason that the man should have been killed nor the system justifying the policeman because he felt "threatened." By a man sitting with hands in the air then crawling to wards him as told to? Time after time there have been city police over there who gun down unarmed people and do get away with it and this is the latest example. Small wonder that retired police captain I mentioned said that the background of many city police and attitudes leave a lot to be desired.
"Quit you like men:be strong"