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Topic: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up (Read 5808 times)

This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Of the remaining Windows 7 users, (and there a lot them) how many are going to continue using Win 7 after January 1st 2020? Amazingly about 35% of Windows devices are still Win 7. I plan on staying with Win 7 Pro and rely on 3rd. party software to keep me safe from the bad guys. When I do give up on Windows, I'm switching to Linux Mint. Win 10 will never be on anything I own. Just wondering! :sherlock:

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #1
I have been on Linux ever since Vista happened. I never got to see 7.

What are particular problems with 10? I know it has a thing called subsystem for Linux, but I don't know how well it is possible to run Linux apps with it. As an idea it sounds good but the implementation might be as bad as Wine (to run Windows apps on Linux) which is barely usable.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #2
I think my wife wants to stay with Windows 7 too.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #3
the win10 i got and that i'm using is probably my last windows tool... i will pas on linux because, microsoft turns its customer OS to a simple MS client, and not as a personna computer... it tooks me one month fo configurate my win10 correctly with a lot of external apps...

win7 is more closed that XP was but still is made in the idea of a personnal computer... win10 is make for the web... and to be a personnal data sniffer...

the next MS OS will certainly be AIreaddy to prevent everything to be done by customers against MS service... then nomore MS

linux may will be the next génération OS because of no AI into... AI is really evilic for small coders as i

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #4
What are particular problems with 10?
I don't like a number of things. (1.) The fact, your force feed updates from Micro$oft. If you don't take all the updates, they turn you off for any future updates. With Win 7 you can hide them, never to be seen again. If a bad update breaks your computer, oh well we're really sorry about that,,, we're working on a patch to fix that update. I've read some horror stories about after updating Win 10, many have gotten the blue screen of death and spent hours trying to back up again. IMO: the best resource for finding out about all Windows nonsense is He has a forum also. It's all clear and very understandable information, from people much smarter than me. Giving you a heads up on when not to update and when to do it. No one is making a pile of money from website, kind of like this site! I don't see anyone getting rich off of Otter. (2.) Those dam tiles on Win 10, I don't like them. Yes I know I can get rid of them, but why should I have to in the frist place? Since it's no longer free for 10, I have to pay for it and still get advertising? NO No No! I forget, did I say No? :happy: (3.) The last thing, other wise  I'll spend all day bitching. Micro$oft spying on everything I do in Windows and on the web. If they want to look at the porn on my hard drive? Okay,,, just ask frist. As a matter of fact, some of it is pretty good. (3.5.) Make me pay around 200 dollars for Win 10, force me take updates, be them bad or not, show me advertising and then spying by looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing? I don't think so boys and girls. I'm done ranting. Oh,,, before I forget. Have a nice day! :cheers:

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #5
I switched to Linux as my main OS for two reasons:

  • I think it's more user-friendly than Windows 7 (which as far as UI disasters goes is no different than Vista). I especially appreciate the ease of playing around with software in Linux.
  • Windows Vista/7 broke pretty much all that tied me to XP anyway. Most software I use is cross-platform, so it hardly matters if I use it on Windows, Mac or Linux.

    The only Windows software I felt short-changed on was Notepad++, µTorrent & foobar2000. Notepad++ is arguably unequaled, but Geany and KDevelop are excellent alternatives. µTorrent is complete junk these days and qBittorrent is immeasurably superior. foobar2000 remains the cream of the crop, but DeaDBeeF is also outstanding.

Also the fact that I didn't have to use Cygwin to use a superior command prompt was a major attraction. I think Microsoft pulled a really smart one there with their Linux subsystem. Of course I switched when PowerShell was a lot worse than it is now.

PS I maintain a Windows 10 install of course, occasionally for Microsoft Office (better in VM), but primarily for games.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #6
Make me pay around 200 dollars for Win 10, force me take updates
I'm not super happy with Windows 10 (updates are a major component of life being so much better on Linux) but I paid something like € 12,50 for my key.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #7
Isn't it so that you can join some Windows Insider (?) program or some such and get your Windows for free? Or just buy a computer with Windows on it, find the key label, and install Windowses on other computer with the same key?

Anyway, of course I am aware of restrictions installing Windows on multiple computers and of increased policing on the part of MS to enforce the restrictions and to make people pay. These restrictions became unsustainable already by the era of XP. If these restrictions bother you, you should have moved over to Linux a very long time ago. Like I did. You will of course lose gaming, but that's the price. With my move, I lost access to MS Office, i.e. I lost my source of income that depended on making use of MS Office. It was a price I had to pay to save my nerves.

These days I encounter Windows only at my job. When updates ruin something, I report downtime and relax.

And don't worry about ranting too much. This forum has turned into a funeral, but the funeral luckily has some attendants. Make merry as long as it lasts.


Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #8
I guess, I won't be using w10 either. But neither will I be using Linux!

If I'll switch OS, I guess, I'll be switching to BSD.

Watched a comparison between the two approches to unix derivatives a few years back. The BSD approach resonates with me more. Also, the tone on (at least some) linux forums is quite arrogant and aggressive.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #9
This forum has turned into a funeral, but the funeral luckily has some attendants. Make merry as long as it lasts.

I started this conversation for one reason, to get people talking. Guess what? It worked! I like this forum and don't it to waste away. As far as ranting goes, Micro$oft is a love hate thing with me, mostly hate. It started back in the early 2000's, when Micro$oft went into European courts and lied that Internet Explore couldn't be removed from Windows, because it part of Windows. The next day a tech came into court, showing Explore removed and Windows still worked. Ranting and trolling isn't my thing. If you read my other posts they're filled with tongue in cheek humor. It's a lot easier to be funny and not take yourself to serious. Like I've said many times, "In a hundred years, it just won't matter." Now if you really want me to go off the rails ranting,,, ask me about Trump!!! :oRepeating what was written at the beginning, I was hoping to engage people on the forum to talk with each other while waiting for the next Otter update. 

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #10
Watched a comparison between the two approches to unix derivatives a few years back. The BSD approach resonates with me more. Also, the tone on (at least some) linux forums is quite arrogant and aggressive.
There is a funny thing I have found over the years about approach (or philosophy or theory or "tone") versus practice (implementation, the actual end product) - they have no necessary connection whatsoever. For example, I most definitely do not like the snobby noob-hating attitude at Arch forums and, but I still use an Arch-based Linux and some suckless products because they happen to do the job best.

Edit: And there are some BSD products on my Linux. I think bsdtar is one, calcurse another. Probably almost everything between BSD and GNU/Linux is convertible.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #11
i'll stay on it till ... either windows becomes again normal OS
or till I find Linux distro that looks normal as they currently all look fugly and act as freaking mobile platform

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #12
Windows 10 is still largely a downgrade compared to 7 but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. It's got nightmare information density (read: none) but at least things are mostly configurable again.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #13
LTS version (1.0.2 series) will continue to be supported until 31st December 2019 (security fixes only during the last year of support)😓.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #14
Windows 10 is still largely a downgrade compared to 7 but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. It's got nightmare information density (read: none) but at least things are mostly configurable again.
What is "information density" wrt an operating system?

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #15
i'll stay on it till ... either windows becomes again normal OS
or till I find Linux distro that looks normal as they currently all look fugly and act as freaking mobile platform
Only Gnome looks ugly and only Ubuntu Unity (and other less-known corporate offerings) act as freaking mobile platform. But Ubuntu has discontinued Unity.

Anybody can improve their computer after some distro-hopping. The first choice may not work at all, but soon you will find what works much better than whatever Windows you may have there.

Re: This forum is feeling like a funeral. Off topic discussion to livened up

Reply #17
What is "information density" wrt an operating system?
Like so:
That's just a design of an app. Admittedly the design of this app has become worse, but it would be easily fixed by reverting to the old design. This, in my opinion, would not change the "information density" of the operating system - it would only change what is visible on the screen at one go.

What is visible on the screen at one go should be configurable. During Win 8 era, MS put thought into displaying its opsys items on handheld touchscreens. Their production of handhelds ended, but Win 10 bears this legacy. For a handheld, the touchy tile-y oversized look would be just fine. What MS should be doing is to *also* carry the legacy of Win XP and 2000 and to permit the users to revert the desktop to what it used to be back in 2000-XP era, because back then Win used to be a desktop opsys, displayed on desktop screens, and the apps had the appropriate look for that.

I thought big words like "information density" would mean something more fundamental, such as the totality of the data accessible on the operating system by means of all of its apps and display modes. In this sense nothing has changed in MS during this century.