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Topic: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood? (Read 79753 times)

What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

I am referring to the self-proclaimed Caliphate in the war zones of Iraq and Syria, under a variety of names and English translations, like ISIL, ISIS, IS and Da'esh, with a territory from actual to megalomaniac; their ambitions and actions, their people and ideology, and how the people and countries are affected by them, and react to them.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #1
Looks for all the world like a running bear!

I'm betting on the bear.
The newest on ISIS is that Russia is about to jump on board in the battle against ISIS.  
With 16,000,000 Muslims, almost triple the number in the US, Russia ought to be concerned. Obviously, though, not all of them will support ISIS radicals.

There is still a tendency to link all Muslims with the Twin Towers tragedy, something that I find absurd.

This from Newsweek: "Khalid Mahmood, the MP for Perry Barr in Birmingham, estimates that at least 1,500 young British Muslims have been recruited by extremists fighting in Iraq and Syria in the last three years."

How do Brits react to such news? I saw that Cameron announced plans to block re-entry of jihadists who fought in Syria and Iraq. Do you support that?

I'm concerned that all Muslims will be blamed for the acts of the minority who go abroad to fight.

A city, Dearborn, which is close to where I grew up in Detroit, has a large Muslim population. When I was young there were virtually no Muslims there. Now that population is concerned that all will be targeted as terrorists.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #3

[glow=green,2,300]~~  VS  ~~[/glow]

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #4
What I read, and I agree, from all analysts outside governmental circles is that is not possible to finish with IS without an effective occupation of the terrain.

IS already controls entire cities, their operational moves beneath the populations and air attacks will not harm them significantly.
They did everything they could to force the US and allies to enter in war against them and are people naive to think they did no preparations for that?
They prepared exactly for the kind of attacks Obama wants to use.

People are confusing the usage of technology such as drones with what in reality is pure impotence, incapacity and lack of political will to engage in serious war.
A few honest military adverts that this way this is going to last for decades...
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #5
There are a few phenomena that unfortunately have merged, a proxy war between Iran and Arab States in Iraq that has gone on for ages, the attempts to depose the Assad regime in Syria, regional and ethnic aspirations, and Islamic crusaders on a Cause.

It is probably by now nearly impossible to extract ISIL from the ongoing civil wars in Iraq and Syria, but if that isn't done, engaging against ISIL will also mean an insertion in one or two civil wars. Islamic murdering fanatic tend to outstay their welcome with the local population and powers, especially those who import a lot of foreign fighters. Murdering fanatics are not a lot of fun to be around, and while a campaign for hearts and mind will be a part of the strategy, a few block-headed zealots can unravel that, and those movements have plenty of those. However, leaving them alone in their murdering and zealotry is not a viable option either.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #6

What I read, and I agree, from all analysts outside governmental circles is that is not possible to finish with IS without an effective occupation of the terrain.

IS already controls entire cities, their operational moves beneath the populations and air attacks will not harm them significantly.
They did everything they could to force the US and allies to enter in war against them and are people naive to think they did no preparations for that?
They prepared exactly for the kind of attacks Obama wants to use.

True. But the US has occupied that territory for a decade and returning would mean taking part in the civil wars and become de facto allies with Iran and Syria against the rest. "The rest" may be limited to Sunni Arabs in Iraq and Syria, and in the propaganda wars with Arabs having a negative opinion of the US and the West. The Arab powers may consider ISIL the bigger threat, though they wouldn't do anything to further the aims of Iran.

It might be desirable to divide and conquer, to convince the various warlords that too close alliance and dalliance with ISIL would not be in their interest. That wouldn't be too easy, as soon as they have a convincing fighting force on their side, the US and their allies return to clobber them. It wouldn't take much paranoia to believe that the US is not on their side.  The occupiers wouldn't get a warm welcome.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #7
[glow=blue,2,300]Burka Avenger: Female Muslim Pilot ‘Leads Strikes’ On ISIS [/glow]

Quote from:      PAT DOLLARD    

Dubai (AFP) - A female pilot has led United Arab Emirates air strikes that targeted Islamic State jihadists in Syria as part of the US-led campaign against extremists.

Major Mariam al-Mansouri, 35, “led the squadron” of UAE fighter jets that participated in raids Tuesday against the extremists, an Emirati source familiar with the matter said.

The UAE did not confirm officially that a woman was among the pilots that conducted the raids.

Mansouri is reportedly the first female UAE pilot of a fighter jet. She graduated from Abu Dhabi’s Khalifa bin Zayed Air College in 2007 and is veteran pilot of F-16 warplanes.

Washington has said the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Jordan, took part in the strikes on the Islamic State, which has seized swaths of Iraq and northern Syria........continued

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #8
Major Mariam al-Mansouri

Al-Mansour means "The Conquerer". :)

There have been many "Al-Mansours" in history but not too many women...
We have a river with that name (Almançor) in honor of one of them. He gave us a lot of trouble.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #9
Many British people are a bit hesitant about a reaction to Muslims. Too often they are butted at being racists which is utterly stupid as you get white Islamic converts who often tend to be more reactionary in a conversion. Jimbro is right in a sense that all Muslims cannot be blamed but and there has to be a but, what is a deep concern is that many of these Jihadist nutjobs are from middle class and comfortable homes. Kind of hints at an indepth problem Islam has. The whole problem was increased when Muslims started arriving in Europe and Gt Britain in droves and bred children like rabbits. Unlike some immigrants they do not fit so easily into our conceptions of freedom, democracy and such. This is essentially due to the global fact that the vast majority of Islam countries are not endowed with democratic and freedom ideals. in other words they are very often unable to have Islam and democracy side by side but in Europe and here are a damnable nuisance and troublesome corner.

Here we live on an essentially overcrowded island and therefor tensions can be higher when they insist on having apartheid attitudes due toy the rest of us not being wonderful Muslims.  We do not in the world have the widespread terror attitude of global terrorist minds blowing up and killing from the Jews (well apart from their secret service on a small scale!), Christians, Buddists, Hindus, etc. So Earth-wide weshould take stock of why Islam is a big damn problem wherever it is. As I have indicated the theory of Islam and our freedom values do not mix so they are a damn threat to all of us but here in GB and europe we know this on a regular scale.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #10
I have my own personal ideas on how to deal with these threats.

If I had lived in the early 1200's I might have been quoted as a  well remembered Cistercian Abbot of the Albigensian Crusade.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #11
Well we can gues that considering you are an irish terrorist supporter. And anyway we are living in a different world from those long centuries ago.Gee - a monk representing a Church than burned people to death, created all sorts of torture items that are horrific and boiled people to death in tubs of hot oil. Heck small wonder your Irish knuckle-draggers did what they did. Same background!

Anyway, in present days just look at the mess up in Iraq and you trained their army (I shake my head)!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #12
Why It's A Mistake To Call ISIL "Medieval"
Likewise, ISIL's desire to carve out a state in the form of a revived Caliphate is a decisively modern one, which has its origins as much in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia as it does in the history of Islam. Such sovereignty is completely absent in medieval culture, with its fragmented world and multiple sources of power.

In fact, within the context of Islamic observance, these militants are not considered traditionalists, but radical reformers, because they reject the authority of the established clergy and religious scholars, and instead demand the right to interpret doctrine themselves. That view was recently condemned in a letter, signed by more than 120 Muslim scholars.

As the Huffington Post reports:

Quote from: Huffington Post
The Muslim leaders who endorsed the letter called it an unprecedented refutation of the Islamic State ideology from a collaboration of religious scholars. It is addressed to the group's self-anointed leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and "the fighters and followers of the self-declared 'Islamic State.'"

But the words "Islamic State" are in quotes, and the Muslim leaders who released the letter asked people to stop using the term, arguing that it plays into the group's unfounded logic that it is protecting Muslim lands from non-Muslims and is resurrecting the caliphate — a state governed by a Muslim leader that once controlled vast swaths of the Middle East.

"Please stop calling them the 'Islamic State,'"said Ahmed Bedier, a Muslim and the president of United Voices of America, a nonprofit that encourages minority groups to engage in civic life. "They are not a state and they are not a religion."
Nor are they medieval peoples, trapped in a future world. They're the product of the same modern ideologies and tactics that we experienced in the west, and that made the 20th century the bloodiest in history. And that's what makes them the ultimate embodiment of 21st century warfare.

(The letter in question is here)

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #13
BBC Our World: Down to Earth — Return to Mosul
ISIS,'the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant', stunned the world last month by capturing Mosul, Iraq's second city.

For Our World, Yalda Hakim has returned to Northern Iraq, a region she reported from last year, to find 4 people she met on her last visit - all members of a local paragliding club. She discovers how the arrival of ISIS has changed their country - and their lives, and asks if the ISIS declaration of an Islamic State, or Caliphate, marks the beginning of the end of Iraq as a country.


Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #14
......considering you are an irish terrorist supporter.

Go raibh maith agat,    I'll wear that with pride. [glow=green,2,300]♫♫♫♫[/glow]    

My many many thousands of contributions over the years, & know full well there were hundreds of thousands of proud Irish-Americans & others who contributed just like me to our beloved  [glow=green,2,300]Sinn Féin & the IRA Freedom Fighters,[/glow] & surely know every bit went to good use,

[glow=green,2,300]Ooh, ah up the RA![/glow]

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #15
Proud Irish Americans? Not only a great example of hypocrisy but the same lot were deeply involved in crime and corruption right across American history. Even during the Civil War thousands refused to fight in it and went on a destruction sweep through New York burning, looting and hanging blacks. The army had to be called in so their weakness is a long term thing.. However i will say this. Your lot of murdering scumbags would have been ideal recruits for IS. One major difference though in that IS fights in the face whereas your pals don't as they haven't got the balls. Same mentality and cruelty so your corner fits in quite neatly with this thread so thanks for the reminder.

It is informative to anyone new that we have a resident terrorist on the threads and for a faction that killed innocent families and buried the bodies so they couldn't be found except the odd one or two. To call this type of stuff a cause shows that education can have it's flaws. Unfortunately it is the Smiley mindset that gives America and Ireland North and South a bad name. The majority of the people in the Irish Republic are as far distant from him as i am from old red socks in Rome.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #16
Proud Irish Americans? Not only a great example of hypocrisy but the same lot were deeply involved in crime and corruption right across American history.
Bullshit, Howie. Yes, there were corrupt Irish politicians, but it's hard to find one of any descent that isn't corrupt. My mother's first husband was the volunteer firechief for Oceanport, NJ and a retired postal carrier like his father before him. Blue collar folks that worked their ass off just to reach middle class status, while literally risking their lives for their small town in New Jersey and selfless saving that of others. I have big fucking news for you, Howie. It isn't goddamn 1860 anymore. But since you are dragging the civil war into this read about the Battle of Antietam Four thousand Irish lost their lives for the Union. The article notes a famous quote from the Confederate surrender at Appomattox. "“You only won as you had more Irish than we did.”  Stick that in your Irn Bru and drink deep.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #17
Yabadabadoo, Lost the head sonny! Language is the first sign. I am well aware that Irish Yanks fought in your civil war but there were tens of thousands who wouldn't and you of course selectively ignore the "NY riots, destruction, violence and lynching. Anyway, I stick by the corruption thought. All the big police forces during a big chunk of the 20th century had Irish names and well into corruption. As for Ireland itself it was espeically under the thumb of the priesthood and as obvious as the nose on the proverbial face and I am especially glad to say that in Ireland today the mainstream population is not in your corner and have moved on to a more progressive and acceptable face. In the previous days the Garda kept the lid on abuse stuff because it was the Church that covertly ran the country but that does not happen now.

It is informative to note that when you like to be dismissive of anyone daring to contradict your world you yak out kindergarten attitudes but when anything is bounced back you lose the plot. At least this thread has been helpful in finding the real you. Mind you there are Americans here who would love you to be somewhere else!  For heaven's sake don't make it Ireland even allowing for your murderous scumbag and nasty gits of pals in the Shinners are a corner and the Republic would not want to inherit their fellow nutbags over the Border. And where was the similar knickle dragger lot the Fenians at home? Disturbing America.!  :down: :(

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #18
Boys, boys! History is an uncompromising bitch.

Every country has its share of asswipes. Why, even today there are uncompromising Republicans and Democrats here and Salmonds in Scotland.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #19

Proud Irish Americans? Not only a great example of hypocrisy but the same lot were deeply involved in crime and corruption right across American history. Even during the Civil War thousands refused to fight in it and went on a destruction sweep through New York burning, looting and hanging blacks. The army had to be called in so their weakness is a long term thing.. However i will say this. Your lot of murdering scumbags would have been ideal recruits for IS. One major difference though in that IS fights in the face whereas your pals don't as they haven't got the balls. Same mentality and cruelty so your corner fits in quite neatly with this thread so thanks for the reminder.

It was murdering Irish scum, as you refer to the Irish, that helped saved your bacon during WW 1. The Irish fighting 69th Regiment fought to preserve your degenerate British empire for another 20 years.

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #20
Even the newbs recognize you as a miserable and disgruntled prick who pretty much hates the whole world--good, bad or indifferent.  Did life deal you such a lousy hand that you feel it owes you something back?  I can only imagine how fucked up it must be to be you, but stop spreading the hate for the sake of the next generation of tots.  Your hatred of the world doesn't just come out on this forum, I'm sure that it travels everywhere you go and anywhere they will allow you to stand up your perverted soapbox and vomit.  At least some people try to make this a better place to live instead of just bitching and crying all the time about ancient history.  You are nothing but a bigotted fool in this world Howie--and that's all you ever can be.   :knight:  :(
James J


Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #21
........You are nothing but a bigotted fool in this world Howie--and that's all you ever can be.

Such is true, but as long as I have breath I will defend his right to spew his bigoted, & vile puke.

Just because I almost never agree with him* doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to speak his mind --- warped as it may be.

* It's extremely rare, but somewhere I remember something I could agree to that tumbled past his parched lips to his finger tips --- just at this particular moment, I can't quite remember exactly what that was.

So, RJH, know if I have anything to say about it, you're free to carry on carrying on.

And no, you feeble Protestant prick, I didn't spit in your mug!!      

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #22
What mindsets you and jseaton2311 have. You fall back on cursing to bash a point. Of course the terrorists were scumbags as they killed inncoent people INCLUDING in their own areas. The English, Welsh, Irish, Scots all fought in the wear but it is Irish terrorism that was unique and lasted. Even when the offical IRA gave up shooting and formed non-violent clubs the PIRA came out and continued and the same is still happening. This is on the island of Ireland so an Irish thing. That you two are so thick is hardly my fault. Three years ago on a discussion the Irish Minister of Justice when De Valera's name came up he was very nippy and described that long dead President as a man who was politically, morally bankrupt! The modern Ireland is a progressive and forwarjseaton2311d thinking State and I said this in the Opera Forum before this took it's place. You should know that Smiley and seaton wouldn't of course. I have also visited it and my country has given Dublin a 7 billion loan at low interest when it went financially belly up.

So I have nothing to answer for having complimented the present day Ireland for having moved on and in that I must also say was thanks to us as we help subside smaller nations in the EEC. Now the Irish Governemnt is going to mark places where Irish soldiers won top awards like the VC wherever they came from and that is good news. When Ireland got it's independence what did it do? It fought and killed each other ina Civil War that seen more dead than in the fight for separation.

That you two rednecks are incapable of assessing anything along with that thrown in on WW1 is hardly progressive. I fully acknowledge all those on these islands who served but I most certainly do not put them in the same league as the completely fanatical and knuckle-dragging and uggh mentality of the Irish extremists. You did a try at manipulating my endeavour but doesn't mean i should crawl into a corner.

Nae chance mental midget minds!  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the Caliphate, and the affected neighbourhood?

Reply #24
It looks to me like the Caliphate just might be a safer place to be than the area around RJH, Smiley and JSeaton at the moment. They're only having a war over there where they cut people's heads off--- much safer than the sea between Scotland and Ireland, eh?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!