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Topic: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything (Read 1735 times)

Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

The protests going on at the border with Israel are head shaking. To date 55 shot dead and over 2,400 wounded in border protests. Children and innocent unarmed shot down The Israeli jackboot mob did not need to use live ammunition but the place is so damn arrogant and gets away with anything it likes. It tends to ignore the UN too but there again it's financial savers the USA is right behind it. Much of that is due to the evangelical tradition in nutjobland hence Israel arrogance.  Did feel sad they did not lose the Six day war decades ago. But we have to remember that Jewish financial position in America give it much.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

Reply #1
You know, RJ, were it only you and your ilk I'd celebrate Islam's subjugation of Scotland… But, at least, you'd be able to keep your hatred of the Jews! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
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 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

Reply #2
You prove two things poor man. Firstly if a person has a simply direct view of something in this case, Israel you get a label stuck on you. Two - America with it's big business influence by Jews along with the fanatical Evangelicals both of whom seem to run nutjobland.

I have no time for Israel and perfectly entitled to my view just as you lot don't like any place that does not succumb to your ultra-US nationalism and corporate controllers. Israel gets away with anything an cocks a snoot at the UN or anyone who does not go along with them. I remember as it is modern history that the Jewish secret police stole British and Australian passport numbers so they could get into a Middle east country to knock off an Arab enemy man. Because of the Jewish influence in your dumb country and the financial control they have Israel gets away with anything. If someone else stole land you lot would be moaning and wanting an excuse to do them in. Even these days the Jewish jackboots are infiltrating Arab communities and taking them over, If calling me with that nutty label you are wasting your time as it will not change my opinion. Israel is an arrogant place. All those people killed and 5 numbers injured. The Isreali ambassador was interviewed on Channel 4 News here and body-swerved direct questions. Children injured and killed and so on was of no consequence.

Because of the Jewish power in America and the equally groaning Evangelicals that makes the dangerous State of Jews a menace to the world. I still stick by my comment that I wish they had lost the 6 Day War. Oh and maybe your pals over there should thank you lot of nutters for the financial and military costs they have.......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

Reply #3
EU, the EU that the UK has leaved away from, and I hope they will never return, refused to be present at the inauguration of the USA embassy in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is an "Abraham" capital, meaning being a sacred city for Christians, Muslims and Jews. Idiotic Trump decided to give it away for Jews. He will not be able to stop the consequences of his idioticy nor the killings that have already begun.

He will be responsible facing History but such a rat has any comprehension about History?
A matter of attitude.


Re: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

Reply #4
Trump did give it away and it symbolises what I have stated Belfrager. By that I mean Evangelicals rather than routine Christians are Israeli fans and the Jewish tradition in America is one of powerful corporatism. Those two sectors namely them have big, big influences in nutjobland. Israel gets away more or less with anything as well as it also happens. The present massacring at the Border protests is disgusting. If other routine nations had don that all Hell would break loose but American makes sure the Jews can do what they damn well like. The same Jews subtly irnore that their wrongful and violent creation of a Jewish State was heavily done by Jewish terrorist organisations who got away with it. We even had soldiers done in by them away back then. Disgusting history and practice by Zionism.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

Reply #5
The same Jews subtly irnore that their wrongful and violent creation of a Jewish State was heavily done by Jewish terrorist organisations who got away with it. We even had soldiers done in by them away back then. Disgusting history and practice by Zionism.

So, that's the crux for your anti-Semitic tirades.....during your lifetime you watched your once almighty empire turn tail & get thrown out of so many places, it sits badly in your craw. The only reason the big boys in the world entertain your pompous English attitude is because you maintain a nuclear arsenal. Once a mere-shell of an empire, you no longer have even a valid shell to hide behind.

So, the Israelis Freedom Fighters off'ed some English whores did they........ a credit to their just cause........ them I raise, we raise, a drink .... job well done!!!

Too bad Israelis didn't off more Union jacketed scum, but hey, they tried & succeeded, in winning themselves a homeland drenched in English blood, & forcing the remaining demoralized English to skedaddle home from the Americans made them do ........ not just once, but twice!! (1783 & 1815)     
     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: Arrogant Israel gets away with anything

Reply #6
May I remind you our resident evil terrorist that I am not English I am Scottish (and proud of being British). We gradually disposed of our Empire as part of history and progress and what do you find - dozens of countries in the British Commonwealth and pleased to be in it. America has an empire and it is corporate controlled especially from your side. The former Colonies were fortunate in that education was brought in along with law and order instead of tribal warfare. America's empire is all about money. We also dispensed with slavery before you lot. Even your founding fathers were slave owners for heaven's sake" You control countries, start wars, find ways to demoralise and make places unsteady, do corruption and either disable them or invade them. You spend half the world's military bill.

In addition, Zionism pervades America and corporate barons are very well represented by Jews. It is interesting to note Presidents who once in office attend a national Jewish convention. I am not a great fan of Zionism any more than Islam but as Judaism controls much of the financial world in the US it is deeply embedded in the subsequent political system - or what passes for one!
"Quit you like men:be strong"